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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. I believe that Immersive World Encounters has an MCM setting that defaults to potential followers (and other NPCs, esp. jarl's housecarls) being involved in situations out in the world, like patrolling/escorting prisoners, etc. I usually turn this off, as this can be a real pain if the NPC has some kind of scripted intro quest, or your potential followers are not set to 'essential' or 'protected'.
  2. Removing the engine fixes .dll might well cause problems, since there are several bug fixes and mods dependent upon it. Take a look at the compatibility .wiki here on the Nexus ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ) to see if you have the proper versions of SKSE and the SKSE plugins for your game version. One of those other mods may need updating for SKSE. If all looks ok, then just remove engine fixes, then d/l and install fresh, to make sure something didn't get corrupted. You could also check the SKSE folder in ...\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE for any mods that didn't start correctly. Just arrange by Date modified, and look at the latest/newest logs one at a time. Tedious, but sometimes necessary.
  3. You could try to disable the Qw_PANNPCs_AIOverhaul Patch.esp, and reload, or both AI Overhaul and the first patch, then reload, ignore any warnings, and see if it continues. I believe that AI Overhaul sets idle markers in addition to the base game, and something may be getting overwritten improperly. This is a complete guess, based on the NPCs listed in the crash report.
  4. If you just install the HP compatible brows, beards, etc., you can just scroll through the choices on character creation or racemenu, and select one that doesn't clip. This drove me crazy for quite awhile, until I went through more choices.
  5. Near the top of each dialog box: Save all changes|Revert all changes|. Double-click on the one that you want, or use the dropdown on individual files to pick-and-choose.
  6. @TalosStormcr0wnI wasn't trying to give a hostile response of some sort, just trying to make sure that you knew of the game specific forums, so you could get better/faster help. No need to hide this (it may help others with game-specific issues), as there are many who do the same sort of thing that you did, due to the forum organization. Aaron and I both do a lot of informing others about the game communities.
  7. This is a general forum, so you need to state which game you are inquiring about. FYI - game specific forums are found in the 'Game Communities' selection at the top of the page, or inside the hamburger menu on mobile. Search there for your game, and join any game communities you in which you wish to post.
  8. @Spookydude94 Check the 'Downloads' portion of Vortex settings, and make sure that the number of threads is set as low as possible w/o affecting your d/l speed. It seems to me that multiple threads might be a problem for some connections.
  9. If you run Vortex, do NOT run a standalone version of LOOT, it can mess things up. Simply use the 'Sort Now' feature on the 'Plugins' page of Vortex, or the 'Deploy Mods' feature on the Mods page. MO2 and NMMCE are different, and I don't know if the advice is the same. Did you try to 'Verify Game Files', and re-run your game?
  10. If you are using Vortex, simply go to the 'Plugins' tab on the left side of the interface. Click on it, wait a bit for any operations to clear, then look for 7E under the 'Mod Index' column. If you don't see that column, you have to enable it using the gear icon in the top right of the plugins page. While you are there, make sure that the 'Mod' column is enabled as well, so you can see the name of the mod that contains that .dll. To see what updates/alternates that exist for the mod, go to ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ), which is here on the Nexus.wiki, to see what compatibility information there is for the problematic mod. If you got the mod from the LL site (or some other), you should probably search or ask there. Good luck!
  11. FYI - removing mods often causes problems in games. If you have a save from before you added any of those latest mods, you could go back to that save, and add each mod one at a time, then test the lockpicking, then reload and repeat with the next mod, until the lockpicking breaks. If you haven't done the equivalent of checking/verifying your game files, you should probably do that first, to see if the problem is a corrupted file. If you do not have a previous save, your current game is probably toast (I do not play BG3), even if you find the problem. This is a general forum, and you might get faster, more knowledgeable help by posting on the BG3 forum, found in the 'Game Communities' selection at the top of the page. You have to join that community to post.
  12. @imprimis432Have you looked closely at your Skyrim installation, and the Vortex installation? Even with running over 1500 mods, and having over 5000 files in the Vortex d/l folder, my total installation is well below 1 TB, not even 900 gigs. If you used only ~500-650 GB of your available room on your external drive to set up an NTFS partition, you could install/move both Skyrim and Vortex on that partition and run it the way it was intended to be run with hardlinks. Then, you could free up the space on your original partition by completely deleting the Skyrim and Vortex stuff. I bet that you don't even have 250 GB of data involved in both Skyrim and Vortex, which would make it even easier... WRT the NTFS requirement, that was due to using the VFS that was needed to allow Skyrim to be run w/o having to run Vortex in the background. Or, you could just go with MO2 and have it running in the background when you run a modded Skyrim. Either of these choices seem less involved than creating your own tools and shaking your fist at several groups of developers.
  13. For Steam, AFAIK 1.6.1170 is the latest Skyrim SE. No downgrade necessary. A source of mod compatibility for various versions of SE can be found at ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ) here on the Nexus. Compare it to your mod list to see if you need to change anything.
  14. Yesterday, it was pointed out to me that the Engine Fixes for SE v. 1.6.1170 reports as 6.1.1, so it would probably be best to remove it completely from your mod manager, re-download the part 1 for Engine Fixes that is marked 6.2 on the mod's d/l page, and reinstall, just to make sure.
  15. Probably look in the 'Documentation' sub forum at the top of this page. Otherwise, go to the FO4 Game Community (look in 'Game Communities' at the top of the page), and search/ask there. Join each community you wish to post in.
  16. Those look like AI-generated pictures (look at the hands!), and are probably not mod specific. One of the many talented modders might be able/willing to help.
  17. @ryryggggGo to the Skyrim SE mod section, search for downgrade.
  18. @ryryggggPinned at the top of this forum
  19. Isn't the MO discussion on Github as well? I don't use it, so I am not sure. There is a FO4 forum here ( https://forums.nexusmods.com/forum/8900-discussion/ ), along with other game forums accessible through 'Game Communities' at the top of the page. Join to post. You will probably get many more experienced eyes on your problem there, as this is a general forum.
  20. You could try to search/post on the Skyrim or Skyrim SE forum, found by clicking on 'Game Communities' at the top of the page, and scrolling to the Skyrim forum. Join whichever forum you need, so you can post, you could search for 'no eyes' or 'missing eyes'. I suspect that there are non-playable eyes in your setup somewhere, but those most often cause some sort of crash on character generation.
  21. There is a downgrade guide ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/106299 ). If there are newer mods in your LO, you probably also need BEES ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/106441 ), and find a copy of the appropriate USSEP. There are a few posts that have archive locations for some.
  22. Sorry, I didn't realize that about Engine Fixes, as I am still playing on 1.6.640. I have the newest version d/l for future use.
  23. You could also try to navigate to your Skyrim Data folder, open the SKSE folder, and look for that .dll there, right-click on it to get the file information (Properties->Details) that could show its source file.
  24. @Karna5 Things you can do - leave your follower(s) in a previous/different cell, there is an option in NFF for them to wait forever when you instruct them to wait individually. If I need them, I use either the summon menu or the Follow/Wait menu. Check on the NFF comments page to see if there is something you are missing wrt the combat options. I have never tried to keep my followers out of combat completely. There is a mod, Dwemer Storage Cube ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/475 ) that I really like, I often make my followers wait there so I can summon them when they are less likely to cause problems. or interfere in scripted events such as cutscenes (they do tend to get in the way of other NPCs trying to get to their trigger points quite often).
  25. Your Trainwreck log shows that Engine Fixes is v. 6.1.1, not the version needed (6.2) for SE v. 1.6.1170. While you are at it, you should check the nexus wiki ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ) for any updates or replacements for your SKSE based mods, as several others might need a change, as well.
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