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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. You might try posting this on the Skyrim SE game community, to get more views from experienced players and mod makers. Go to the 'Game Communities' menu item under 'Browse', then search/scroll down to Skyrim, it is usually near the top. Select the forum you need/want to post in, and join it. Since this is a general troubleshooting forum here, you should put the name of your game in the title, or tag your post with it, so viewers can more easily determine which posts to peruse. Good luck!
  2. There is a nexus.wiki that has a spreadsheet-style compatibility display here ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ). As to reverting your Skyrim installation, search for 'downgrade', or 'downgrader' on the Skyrim SE mods section. For SKSE, the compatibility for each Skyrim version is displayed at silverlock.org. WRT the Unofficial patch, you can only get the latest version from official channels, but there are more than a few who could help you find older versions (sadly, I am not one of them).
  3. If you have not completed the orphanage quest, and get a notice that the children there are available for adoption, then the number of adoptions is set to just 2. An internet search can give you proposed fixes via the console, but I haven't gotten them to work yet. You have to complete the orphanage unlocking before adopting any kids at all...
  4. Is the first 'All in one' also the Address Library? I do not believe that you should have it (v. 11) and the 'All in one 1.5x - v. 2' installed together.
  5. The only thing that concerned me after the latest WU was a notification (after the reboot) that my system settings had changed, and I needed to reboot again. I did so, and checked for new/updated apps, and Steps Recorder was installed and enabled. I disabled/removed it, I believe that it was under 'Settings - System Components'.
  6. I am not seeing problems after this week's WU, running W10 and SE v. 1.6.640.
  7. Have you tried using 'resetai' in the console, after selecting your character? Another alternative might be if you have a mod like Flower Girls, and you force a scene to start. That often resets animations that are bugged. Make a save before trying either.
  8. It is my understanding that the latest Engine Fixes no longer has this problem, at least under SE v. 1.6.1170. I am currently running 1.6.640, so I don't know for sure. From the 18 September 2024 comment by Zanderat - 18 September 2024, 8:21AM EnableAchievementsWithMods = false SaveAddedSoundCategories = false SaveScreenshots = false Correct. These settings are not need if using Engine Fixes v6.2.
  9. I have a problem with 'updates' that take a disabled feature and re-enable it, whether or not it is running. Not sure how to avoid it, I just don't like this kind of stuff happening. I also confused this with the latest controversy over MS introduction of a similarly named feature that would randomly take screenshots of the screen during operation.
  10. Win 10, after rebooting, got a notification that my system settings had been changed, and to reboot. Found that the Steps Recorder app (where the OS makes desktop snapshots sporadically) was added and enabled. Had to go deeper (into Optional features, I believe) to see the Steps Recorder app and disable it.
  11. @DirebearCoat I haven't seen one, but I haven't been looking. I assume that they are the Skyrim equivalent of the people who hold their signs at busy intersections and parking lots... j/k
  12. @Blinkybubs There is Perks Beyond Reasonable ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22015 ). You just have to get enough perks and be of sufficient caster level. I think that one or two of the perks apply to all spells, check it out.
  13. You should probably tag your post with the name of the game, even post on the game-specific site here on the Nexus. Select 'Game Communities' from the Browse menu at the top of the page, then scroll down/search for your game. Character files tend to be very specific as to the game's engine, at the very least.
  14. Have you tried using the help "survival_exhaustionneedrate" command, it may show the current value. I don't use survival, so I couldn't check it for you.
  15. Is this the size you are seeing, or is it better? I run a 30" monitor at the same resolution. If it isn't better, sorry. If it is, I run at least one fullscreen menu mod ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22825 ) that may be helping. It needs SkyUI, which means that you will also need SKSE to match your SE version.
  16. If either of your mods need MS Visual C++, you might have to update the redistributable (again?). I just had an SKSE-based mod throw off an incompatibility warning, turns out that it needed a newer version than I had installed. It was VC_redist.x64.exe v. 14.40.33810.0. I don't have the link to the redistributables, that came from the forum post that alerted me to this problem.
  17. I don't see the problem - the mismatch notation states that the mod collection was not built with the game version that you have installed on your machine. Is your installed game version NOT 1.6.1170, or is your copy of I&A updated for 1.6.1170, and not the collection for SE v. 1.6.640?
  18. @AlShaitan Those requirement lists upon d/l are almost always referring to any mod that might be required to allow each patch available to function. So, FOMOD installations are especially guilty of containing stuff that you will never need to d/l ALL of the requirements listed, they are on an as-needed, or contingency basis. I have seen some discussion in the recent past that the requirements listings might be made more specific, but for now, it is what it is. What I really hated were the one or two authors that managed to NOT list files that were required as primary, not even hinted at in the mod info. I want to thank the authors who take the time to place a note beside each requirement on their mod page that explains why and (especially) when that requirement is needed.
  19. Which is why I suggested the 'Popular (All Time)' filter. Those first 10 pages or so tend to be the oldest, and easiest to find additional mods for. MAYBE one or two ppl could be convinced to help set up a 20-30 mod collection w/the OP's restrictions. I did really like the OP's suggestion for certain categories for collections, however.
  20. You should probably tag your post with the name of the game you are referring to. Alternately, you could look up the game forum under 'Game Communities' in the Browse menu item at the top of the page, join it/them, and post there also.
  21. WRT Serana stuff, there is this - Queen of the Damned - Reimplemented ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/126845 ). Have not used it, still running the original Queen of the Damned mod that has a patch for each Serana remake...
  22. Do you run SSE Engine Fixes ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17230 )? It has a fix for false save corruption - but you MUST d/l the proper version to match your Skyrim SE executable, and follow the installation instructions exactly.
  23. Have you verified your game files (if you are running on the latest v.1.6.1170), uninstalled/reinstalled the mod? If that fails, then you should remove the mod completely, re-d/l and reinstall.
  24. Suggestion - use the 'Popular (All Time)' tab on the Nexus, and focus on the body mods, skeleton mods, clothing mods, USSEP, and maybe a visual upgrade like the Bijin stuff. Stay away from (for now) the physics, ENB/lighting stuff, and SKSE-based mods. Arkadiets27 is an author of many full-figured NPC/follower mods, and there are many others. The modding is tough, because you are looking at a game (SE version) that has at least 3-4 different commonly used versions that each affect which mods (SKSE stuff) you can use, and each is a different collection of revisions upon patches of previous game engines, adapted to run with Win 95, 98, 7, 8.1, etc.
  25. Do you use Skyrim Performance Monitor 64 ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/3826 ). You can use it to see many things about how your game is running, including total RAM usage for just the game, separate traces for the video card and motherboard RAM.
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