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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. @mhouse777 Glad the reformat fixed it, instead of something more serious going on! I guess reading the forums when bored can sometimes be useful...
  2. Light=.espfe. You could also search the Vortex Support forum for 'plugins disabled', or something similar. AFAIK, only the Vortex-listed 'Active' plugins are the ones constrained by the .esp limit. I forgot to add earlier - if you somehow 'bounce' back and forth between Vortex and the Beth mod management in the menu, this can cause plugin deactivations. Use/access only one.
  3. With a 4k monitor (144 Hz, I think), and a lot of 4k textures, my vid card ram ranges from 8-19 gb (has 24 gb on the board), and another 6-8 gb of system ram (64 gb on the mb). Might be that you just need to tone stuff down to the 2k range instead...
  4. I thought that it was scorrp10 that posted a file, but am not comfortable calling out such information WRT a user, hence the search suggestion. Thanks again (was my source also), scorrp10!
  5. Search this forum for High Poly Head, and you can find that a couple of users keep a copy on their Google drive, or similar.
  6. I forgot to mention that I zip up all the moved saves into an archive, so they won't take up as much space.
  7. Did you check to make sure that you are not using a skeleton for Skyrim LE? XPMSE is on v. 5.06 ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1988 ). Also, make sure that you have the "HKX File Compatibility Check Skyrim/SSE" enabled, along with the File Redirection for Vortex/MO.
  8. Any mod that installs meshes and textures into the game without an .esp (sometimes with a .bsa as companion) will not show up in the plugins list, since it does not have a plugin (.esp, .esm, .espfe, .esl). Skyrim 202x (both standard and downscaled) are such mods. To the OP - you may well have some other cosmetic mods that block (or overwrite) their use/display in Skyrim. Vortex should alert you to such conflicts in most cases. Your script extender may not be installed/configured properly (including the Tools configuration on the dashboard), and you should not have to start it through Vortex, just through a shortcut directly to the SKSE launcher. If the launcher is not properly configured, then the behavior you cited is quite possible.
  9. I have placed a folder in my Skyrim save game folder, and name it to match my character. I periodically move all but the first 5 and last 3 saves (include the SKSE cosaves, but NOT quicksaves or autosaves) into that folder. That way, I have plenty of backups to revert to in case of a game-ending problem or corruption.
  10. FYI - this can happen if you are using more than the 254-esp (not flagged esl) limit. Might also be some sort of version mismatch between your Skyrim version and a compatible mod version. I am sure that there are other causes, as well.
  11. No insight on your problem, but you might also post this on the Skyrim SE forum, found in 'Game Communities' under the 'Browse' menu item at the top of the page. Search/scroll down for Skyrim (it is usually near the top), and join whichever specific forums that you wish. More sets of experienced eyes will see it there.
  12. I am pretty sure that external drives must be in NTFS format when using Vortex. Has something to do with Windows file security, as you have found out. There have been several threads in the past few months on this very issue. I believe that it starts once the drive is disconnected for any reason, then is reconnected. Try searching for 'external drive' on this forum, and the Fallout 4 forum, found in 'Game Communities' at the top of the page (scroll down/search for the FO4 forums). You will have to join it to post there, however.
  13. You might have better responses if you join the Skyrim SE game community, and post this there. More people that play the game will see this. Go to the 'Game Communities' selection under 'Browse' at the top of the page, scroll/search for Skyrim (it is usually near the top). Are you running any widescreen fixes for your game? I spotted these w/a simple 'widescreen' search in the mods section: Ultra Widescreen fixes ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/59885 ) Complete Widescreen Fix for Vanilla and SkyUI ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1778 ). I am running a 3840x2160 monitor w/an ENB (on SE v. 1.6.640), and have not seen this bug. I strongly suspect you have an outdated mod or two somewhere in your LO. Get to the SE forum, and ppl w/much more knowledge will be there. Good Luck!
  14. SSE Engine Fixes ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17230 ) has some fixes for the Riften area in particular. Check out its mod page. If you decide to use it, be very careful to read (and follow) the install instructions, and to get the proper version for your Skyrim version, along with matching prerequisites.
  15. @Gtavytp603 You might get more exposure by also posting this on the Skyrim LE forum, found by clicking on 'Game Communities' under the Browse menu item at the top of the page, then scrolling down/searching for Skyrim (it is usually near the top), then selecting the LE forum and any others you might want to post in. Join each forum you wish to post in.
  16. Running (commonly known as Skyrim SE), your game should not have any of those Creation Club Anniversary Edition mods listed to the right on the 'Check Failed' image. There are a basic four CC mods that were added for free with Skyrim AE (v. 1.6.xxxx) - Fishing, Survival Mode, Curios, and Saints and Seducers. Most of the rest of those in your image are only found in the bonus AE content, which must be purchased and d/l. I don't know if they will work when a user has v. 1.6.11xx and then downgrades to 1.5.97. You might need to post this on the Skyrim SE forum (use Game Communities at the top of the page, scroll down/search for Skyrim, join any individual forum to post there). More knowledgeable people would see this faster there.
  17. @DirebearCoat Why are you launching Skyrim through Vortex? You should be using an SKSE launcher shortcut. Doing it your way only means that system resources are being used unnecessarily. MO has to be running to access its mod install information, Vortex does not.
  18. Have you looked on the 'Mods' page for the lightning bolt conflict indicator to the far right of the SkyUI mod line? I don't think that it works w/script overrides, but you can check... You could also try an internet search for ski_playerloadgamealias.pex to see if there is information out there.
  19. @Hydraxill You could search for normal maps for beast races, some of them might be for more muscular looks.
  20. Thanks, I just wanted to make sure that another problem wasn't popping up amongst the others you were having to take care of, like the ads and other stuff.
  21. @Vo1andos I think that there is a setting to protect followers upon teleport, I don't remember which MCM field in NFF has it, maybe that is part of your problem. There is also a mod that helps prevent NPCs stacking up at doors upon fast travel/entering cities, where their schedules get advanced automatically, I can't spot it in my almost 2000 installed mods, the name and author escapes me. That mod can help prevent crashes from script updates. If I find it, I will post it here, and maybe message you. Got it! NPC AI Process Position Fix NG ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/69326 )
  22. This mod is not marked as downloaded on the mod page ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/130009 ), or the file list. I d/l it twice, deleting the first one, refreshing/reloading the screen in between.
  23. Upon boot, the game will show which version you have, v. 1.5xx - SE, v. 1.6xx, AE, don't know how to check for the bonus paid content w/o looking at the LO for the extra CC mods, the .esp/.esm all start with ccxxxxxxx (and there are a LOT more than the four included in the base AE). You can also right-click the .exe and get its properties in Explorer to see which version number the .exe is.
  24. If 'The program' is Vortex, then use the Settings tab in the sidebar and locate the Download menu:
  25. If you are running SE v. 1.11xx and the latest Engine Fixes (6.2), you should NOT have to change the .toml file settings.
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