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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. Until someone comes along with more specific knowledge, I think that 'external applications' are most frequently anti-virus apps, check your permissions/exclusions.
  2. Once the d/l begins, I can see it on the d/l listing. But, I came to rely on seeing the d/l started msg in the notifications, since I usually have a bit of a lag before the d/l starts, and I have really had some difficulties with my mouse clicking on the button press, but not registering on my system. I have come to reflexively look at the notifications bell every time I click on a d/l button.
  3. After the latest update, the Vortex notification bell does not display a 'download started' message like it did before the update. Feature, or bug? I got used to it helping me to make sure my mouse clicks actually registered when d/l.
  4. Before you use the downgrader, check out the modding wiki for updates/alternatives to SKSE-based mods ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ). Depending upon your mod list, you may not have to downgrade.
  5. As far as I know, nudes only occur if the clothing is removed somehow. There is a mod that forces NPCs to unequip clothing. Dibella's Compulsion ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1553 ). There may be others, as well. There are also the adult-themed interaction (sex) mods that will remove some/all clothing in the process of the events.
  6. If you are just starting (or starting over) in Skyrim, I don't think that you have any reason to consider a downgrade. If you see a mod that only works on 1.5 versions, or earlier 1.6 versions, you can check this modding wiki ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ) for updated versions or alternates.
  7. I think that when you go indoors, the game caches the data of the area that you left, and adds the information from the area you entered, so it will not have to re-load and process all of that outdoor data again. I also think that the game automatically keeps all of the data it can loaded into vram for the same reason, but the oldest data is dumped when new data must be loaded.
  8. Almost all of the mods affected by the AE changes are SKSE-dependent. See the modding wiki ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ) for affected mods. I am not sure that it is as current as it could be, now that the uproar has mostly passed.
  9. Well, it's just that in two months, you could have instead asked for help in figuring out how to make it on your own... This probably would have gotten a lot more responses. There are several mod creators that are happy to help others.
  10. The OP has left the discussion, so why are you bumping this topic?
  11. Try this: Go to your Skyrim installation, then find the Skyrim executable file, and right-click on it. Select the 'Properties', then go to the 'Details' tab, and it should show you what version of the executable is used for your installed game. Report back here with that version number. If it says 1.6.640, that is the latest Skyrim SE/AE.
  12. It seems that you have a mod installed that increases dragon spawns, or you are on the highest difficulty level. Did you install a mod collection? If you did, check the descriptions of the mods that it contains. Alternately, you could install More Informative Console, load a save with the spawning dragons, and click on one of the dragons while in the console. If you are lucky, the mod that spawned it will show up in the information listed after you click on it.
  13. Another guess - does/did AutoBody have some kind of .ini or .json file in it? If so, that file may also be in your \Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition folder, and keeping old data active to disrupt your install.
  14. If you didn't start a new game after changing things back, a lot of information is locked, or 'baked' into the save file. AutoBody might well have placed information that you no longer have installed. Good luck!
  15. If you plan on changing to Vortex, or MO2, check out their respective FAQs for help/tips on moving an install/OS upgrade. I am pretty sure that the newest NMM has help available, also.
  16. Be safe - back up your Vortex d/l folder. That way, you shouldn't have to redownload much, if at all. (If you are still on 1.5.97 - SSE, this applies doubly.)
  17. Then maybe this logger will help - ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/59818 ). A slightly different (newer?) version. I haven't installed it yet.
  18. Glad you found it! Re: Crash Logger - do you have the very latest Address Library for SKSE Plugins (v 8 )? I am currently using 1.6.353 with v.8, and have not had that particular notice from Vortex.
  19. I think that you will need some sort of crash logger that can help point you to the offending file(s). Crash Logger ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/59596 )
  20. Did you ever find anything to suit you? I would like to see if I want to use it on any of my followers...
  21. Almost every mod that does not have a .dll dependent upon SKSE should work ok. For the SKSE-based mods, (and there are quite a few older ones you might want to keep) there is a wiki for which mods have been updated, and for which versions of SE/AE ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ). I think that the wiki is not updated much recently, so add a few mods at a time, save your game, and add a few more, then start a new game.
  22. There are two wade in water mods: Loki's Wade in Water ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/42854 ) and Wade in Water Redone ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/71418 ). If you only have the first one installed, it may have a conflict with newer versions of Skyrim SE. If you only have the second installed, it needs the first to also be installed, and to overwrite it. Not having the first one installed should show an error for not having the original files installed. The second mod is an updated version of Wade in Water for later versions of Skyrim SE.
  23. Here are several options, but only the first would seem to include most of your requirements. I have d/l all of these, they seem to be active mods at the moment. Triss Armor Retextured ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/23745 ) - this looks the closest for your needs, to me. Wilderness Witch Outfit Recolor ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/49556 ) - needs base file, looks like clothing. Snow White Armor ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/41635 ) - only has one texture that looks a little greenish. Peacekeeper Armor ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/23661 ) - has a metal breastplate, but can select a non-boob plate. These next three have no green options, but you might ask the authors for permission to recolor, or for a recolor from them. Inquisitor HDT-SMP, Kellan HDT-SMP - (both by fuse00), Nibenean Armor - Xtudo does a lot of alterations on his files, Lady Deathstroke Armor. I hope that you can find something good for yourself.
  24. There's a modding.wiki site that has information on which skse-based mods are compatible with the different versions of SE/AE. I don't think that it is completely up to date on some of the very latest, though ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ).
  25. If you have used SSEEdit (xEdit), you could check that mod you mentioned to see if it set Ulfric to 'Essential'. If it did, you could change it back yourself, then re-load your save and kill him. I had to do this once (or twice), when mods for Alva did the same thing in Morthal.
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