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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. Ultimate Dragons does NOT work with versions > 1.5xx (I know, b/c I delayed updating my SE version for months). Check the modding wiki ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ) for the game versions SKSE-based mods can accept.
  2. Look at the Technical Support and Mod Troubleshooting forums. At the top of the page is a 'Search' window. Search the Technical Support forum for this topic. If you do not find what you need, then search in the Mod Troubleshooting forums. The most recent hits are probably the best. In addition to missing bodies, try invisible bodies...
  3. Bug Fixes SSE ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/33261 ) has this fix - Speech Experience: Item Stacks.
  4. SSE Engine Fixes ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/17230 ) and Bug Fixes SSE ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/33261 ) work well together, but I don't think that they will help you unless you start over, and only add a few mods at a time, making sure that you have a working game with each addition. Did you ever 'verify game files' through Steam when you started crashing? That would do pretty much the same thing as a complete deletion and reinstall of Skyrim. The settings I refer to mostly concern your graphics settings, but there are some other game settings in .ini files (Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini) that might help, but you would need to research them for yourself, as many of them can be quite system specific. Things like limits on how long the game will wait for stuff to load and/or run. The newer Papyrus mods (Papyrus Tweaks, and powerofthree'sTweaks) may also help, if your system is being overloaded. Be sure to check that wiki link, and compare what you have to the requirements listed there. I really think that DAR might be a lot of your problem, with so many animation mods in your LO. Also, do you have One Drive or Google Cloud stuff active on your system? There might be some settings in those that could keep replacing good files with backups that are not so good.
  5. I think that it was More Gifts for Children, but it has been deleted. His user profile states that his mods are now on Bethesda.net this one is here ( https://mods.bethesda.net/en/skyrim/mod-detail/4113833 ). Looking at the description, no armor is included in the list.
  6. Looks to me like basic game functions are failing, and you have very little system ram. You may have to look at your settings, and install one or more of the engine fixes style mods. FYI - I am most definitely not an expert, maybe someone (much) better will reply. Just didn't want you to feel that you were hanging in limbo. Also, are you aware that DAR is not updated for 1.6.640? You might need to reexamine your animation mods. Check the SKSE Plugin Status wiki ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ).
  7. Since you have SKSE installed, do you have one of the Crash Logger mods active? ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/59596 ) -or- ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/59818 ) I think that the second one is the one easiest to keep updated for differing versions of the game. It may be as simple as one of the NPCs in Candlehearth Hall being corrupted, or improperly installed from a mod. I know that it is frustrating, as I have several spots near the giant camp south of Windhelm where I routinely crash, and each time something (often different stuff) hasn't loaded properly. Next install, I will tone down the textures and maybe cut several mods.
  8. OP - there are the older versions of the games, available through the Downgrade Patcher. If you already had SE installed, then a version of AE with only 4 CC mods included was a 'free' update. Only for those users was the 'full' AE w/all the bundled CC mods available as a purchased d/l. To complicate matters, both versions of AE have the same version numbers, and have undergone several game updates. To help resolve the requirements and mods available for each, use the SKSE Plugin Status wiki ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ), and check to see what is currently compatible with your version. I agree that it is confusing when a mod author makes a mod for AE, but does not specify whether or not it also requires the 'full' CC content. I know for sure that USSEP, and all of Arthmoor's other mods (AFKmods) are only supporting the latest version of both forms of AE. I hope this helps.
  9. AGN - could it have been Disenchant Everything ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/20098 )?
  10. I had a problem with uninstalling some mods under Vortex some time back, not sure when. A few .esp and/or .bsa files were left in the Game Mods folder, don't know why - I had to remove them manually. In addition, there are the backup files that Vortex holds when you make changes to mods. Could either of these be the source of your problems? It might even be OneDrive or Google Drive related retention somehow being restored.
  11. Do you have the Steam cloud save backup stuff running - found in the 'Properties' of your SSE Steam listing? You could try to turn it off. That never worked well for me. You might also check on the 'Cloud' settings in the Steam settings, you may be syncing with something you didn't intend to. What about temporarily disabling anti-virus for the SSE game folder? I have not had problems, but others have. Are you running any mods that have outfits? One or more of them may also be corrupted. If you have the full paid AE, with all of its varied added CC content, check for the unofficial patch for the CC stuff. I don't use it b/c you need the complete set of AE CC mods that the paid version installs.
  12. Maybe a complete reinstall? You could try to copy your current game folder, name it as a backup, and move all of its contents completely out of Bethesda's installation path, delete the original folders, then a completely fresh d/l and install from Steam (or GOG, should come from the identical source you first used). Wait a bit for more input before trying this.
  13. I do not use VR, but there should be a log for SKSE in the documents/My Games/Skyrim (SE or maybe VR for you?). It is labeled SKSE64 (again, may be different for VR). That, or one of the other logs, might tell you what is not starting.
  14. Be aware - Papyrus logs usually have very little utility in crash diagnosis.
  15. Do you have one of the crash logger mods running? It can help you chase down the cause of the CTDs. I had one caused by an improperly installed follower mod, where I didn't install the base follower before installing the default body version.
  16. Hey, Q - how about a perk adjustment mod - Perks Beyond Reasonable? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22015
  17. Ok, so you are running 1.5.97 version of Skyrim SE, correct? Take a look at the 'downgrade patcher' (I do not use it), and see if it might work better for you. You might still have some mods that are looking for the newer stuff... Any mod that comes from Arthmoor, and USSEP, will only support the latest version of SSE. The downgrade patcher may have some older versions included (I don't know how the permissions for including them might work), so ask around on that page, or here in the forums.
  18. If you have used the downgrade patcher, maybe the version of USSEP is ok. That version was built before the AE updates (with the associated CC mods, free and unpaid), so it might well be causing a problem. The newest version of ASLAL is 4.1.7, and only works with the latest version of Skyrim SE/AE and USSEP (4.1.8). ASLAL is available on AFKmods, USSEP is both there and on the Nexus.
  19. Each file that you download, there is a 'requirements' entry on the mod's starting page. It lists the other mods it needs to run. Usually, that also includes the exact version needed, if it is important. Which patch did you have to torrent? That doesn't sound good.
  20. For DynDOLOD 2.98, you are supposed to install all of your other mods first, then run TexGen and the other stuff, so DynDOLOD knows what meshes and textures are overriding others. It gets that from the load order. If your load order is as posted above, it looks like you have Majestic Mountains installed after DynDOLOD, and I don't see the occlusion.esp that it generates. If it works, ok, but I think that you should check with someone with more expertise in DynDOLOD to make sure. You may find that you really didn't have DynDOLOD working at all...
  21. Make sure that your unofficial patch matches the version of Skyrim that you run. If you are running the latest version of Skyrim, you should also 'verify game files' in Steam, to check for (and replace) corrupted game files. Any other mods that depend on the Unofficial Patch need to match the Skyrim version that you have installed.
  22. Check with the Dyndolod support. When I use 2.98, all of the required meshes and textures are installed before running TexGen, etc. As a result, the Dyndolod stuff is placed almost at the end of the LO, after any and all landscape and texture mods, including Majestic Mountains - I THINK that it should be installed before generating the textures, LOD, and occlusion. While Dyndolod still seems a lot like magic to me, I think that you are setting yourself up for some conflicts. Just check with the experts first.
  23. I was sure that I responded to this, but I must not have posted it. I use Vortex, but Dawnguard, HearthFires, and Dragonborn are the first three plugins, in that order, immediately after the Skyrim.esm and Update.esm files. What did you use to set your load order like you have?
  24. Faster HDT-SMP can be configured in tandem with CBPC to work with specific parts of the CBBE 3BA body. This can reduce stress on your CPU/GPU. The floor-board indicates the SMP is not properly installed, or is a complete mismatch with the wigs physics for some reason. I gave up on HDT-SMP wigs, because they got too twitchy, so I am afraid that I can't be of more help. From CBPC page - This mod overwrites CBP because it has the same dll name. You don't need CBP, this mod replaces it. Again from the CBPC page - It's not compatible with Realistic Ragdolls and Force because Realistic Ragdolls and Force is not compatible with XP32 skeleton(changes it). XP32 skeleton already includes that mod(not all but some features) so you don't need it. You'll get problems like bad skeleton issues(stretching body parts etc) when you ran it together with this mod. Because this mod needs XP32 skeleton period, and RRF overwrites XP32.
  25. Just a guess, take a look at the .ini file, maybe it shows where the plugin writes to, and can give you a clue as to how to correct the changes. There is also Fallrim Tools (have never used it, so I don't know if it will work for this).
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