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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. I think that the single most important change in the last 1000 years is the advent of social media on the internet. It fuels many of the worst behaviors of mankind, like mob behavior, bullying, and mass hysteria. BTW, global warming is firmly in the mass hysteria fold. You do realize that almost all of the disastrous predictions come from computer models that are largely based on parameterizations (reasonable to WA guesses)? That the models are similarly selected from the ones with the warmest trends and worst possible outcomes, and that this is justified by the claim that these outcomes are "possible". Furthermore, claims about record temperatures, ice sheet/glacier melt, sea level rise, etc. are suspect because we simply do not have the length of measurements on more or less daily or instantaneous observations. I just LOVE how some claim that now is the hottest ever, when it is provable by proxy records that temperatures were higher in the past, but those proxy records 'smooth' the temperatures with respect to time, i.e. averaging over hundreds/thousands of years. Remember, by the very nature of averaging, there HAD to be periods of higher and lower temperatures during those time periods (most recently, the Minoan and Roman eras).
  2. Take a look at Im Talking to You ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/68442 ). See if it helps. I think it does for me.
  3. FWIW, I use Vortex. Some of those mod authors do not trust Vortex to handle the file transfers/hardlink writes effectively, especially on very complex mods. I have had to reinstall several mods that 'lost' files when I got too lazy/greedy and tried to install more than just a couple at a time, or tried to install/uninstall a mod before another mod was completely finished. From observing other authors and their comments, they just do not like the systems that Vortex has for conflict resolution and load order establishment, and do not want to try to support their mods under Vortex.
  4. Two ideas - when your PC floats, go to the magic menu and look at the 'Active Effects' section. It may tell you what the name of the effect is, so you can search for it. If you have the mod More Informative Console, you can go to a 3rd person view, hit the console key, and click on your character. There are several options, including spells and active effects, that might not show up in the menu display.
  5. Well, in my experience, the family mores and expectations have an almost equal effect on the educational outcomes, at least. I had students who could not, for the life of them, work through a problem or situation that required analysis and a series of evaluative steps. I had students assigned to algebra and chemistry classes who did not have basic math skills, such as knowing their times tables, the first few squares and cubes, or an ability to manipulate fractions. That will destroy any real advance in STEM (Science, Technical, Engineering, and *MATH*) fields. This by the way, also destroyed any chance to train said students in the pattern recognition portion of these studies. One of the things that wealth brings is the opportunity for the family to pressure the educational system to 'award' their offspring the grades, degrees, job positions, etc., without really having achieved them (IMO, very evident in the very public case of the current US president's surviving son). Such advantages of wealth will NEVER go away. I think that this and the current sociological trends of extreme tribalism is very much amplified by (anti-)social media. Unfortunately, the only way I see to begin dealing with such issues is more of an application of the boarding-school concept, where the students are forced to work with and rely on each other, BUT with many checks and balances on the conduct of classes and curriculum, and completely open and transparent systems for said curricula and student management. No keeping things 'secret' from the parents, unless there is some proof of abuse. This, of course, would open things up to rampant abuses, as in the (not very distant) past, and would take constant vigilance and supervision from the public. You cannot have a 'genuine' meritocracy when so many things are concealed in the process and culture, and only a certain subset of the populace are setting the expectations and qualifications of merit. People are involved, and they will move to protect/enrich themselves and their own.
  6. Meritocracy? Like the meritocracy involved in military and other fedgov equipment design and procurement? The sort of 'critical mindedness' that both decries climate change skeptics while stating that storms, floods, heat waves, sea level rise, etc. are increasing to the point of disaster, while both NOAA and the IPCCC both have statements out saying there is no evidence of a connection? The fact that one of the major drivers of Covid vaccine 'misinformation' was the inability/unwillingness of the gov. and vax manufacturers to publicly post ALL information in a near real-time mode, b/c some of the information might be unfavorable? Nope, no one can define 'merit' in a political sense, any more than any government can define 'misinformation' or conduct a complete cost/benefit analysis.
  7. Have you tried using the console command "resurrect 1" on them after you drain them?
  8. Yep, the followers that got kidnapped were stay-behinds assigned a home through Nether's Follower Framework, not current followers, and w/o custom voices.
  9. I have had a follower or two get kidnapped and in need of rescue, once for Dawnguard in my last playthrough. Don't remember the circumstances of the other, may not be remembering correctly. She was in the closest non-married relationship faction, however. Maybe just being a follower isn't enough to place them in jeopardy...
  10. If you haven't checked the Solutions Megathread at the top of this forum, you should ( https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/12891273-common-solutions-megathread/ ).
  11. Maybe try a save cleaner. I haven't used one, but there is one named FallrimTools ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/5031 ). It may save your game, maybe not.
  12. albinus333 - that log result seems to tell me that you do not have any skse mods installed, or they are not installed properly.
  13. Have you taken a look at the Common Solutions Megathread ( https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/12891273-common-solutions-megathread/ ), pinned at the top of the support page?
  14. First, are you starting the game from the SKSE loader? If you are, then you can check the SKSE logs in your ...\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE folder. You will have to look through them one at a time, though. Check to make sure all of your mods are Enabled - go to the mods tab, check the 'Status' column. Also check in the 'Plugins' tab, that all of the plugins are enabled under that tab's 'Status' column. Just for chuckles and grins, you can also hit the 'Deploy Mods' button on the bar across the top of the 'Mods' tab to make sure. It will simply re-deploy everything you have installed.
  15. Just in case you don't know, the SKSE logs are in your ...\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE folder. There is a modding.wiki that shows SKSE-based mod compatibility with all the versions of SSE ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ).
  16. Starting from downloading the game? Steam will send you the 1.6.640 version, the newest one, with the 4 free CC mods in addition to the 3 DLC, as scorrp10 said. Probably easier just to go with that, and use the modding wiki ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ) to help you find the proper versions of many SKSE-based mods, and some replacements for those which were not updated. If you downgrade, you will just be giving yourself problems with SKSE mods farther on down the line, at some point. Stability seems to be better for the newest stuff, which was largely rewritten/compiled with 64-bit computing in mind. I was pushing the limit under 1.5.353 at about 400 mods, give or take, now am running closer to 2000, with fewer crashes (but a few interesting glitches, especially after I got a new GPU and had to change to the AMD driver from NVIDIA). USSEP is only offered for the latest version of SSE, though there are sources for older versions, there are patches also for CC content ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/18975 ), and Faster HDT-SMP ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/57339 ) is a must for physics-enhanced outfits and other stuff. Make sure that you grab the proper version of SKSE64 from silverlock.org, and Racemenu from here on Nexus.
  17. I think that it has something to do with the ground/architectural meshes in the area, in much the same way that an NPC's feet can sink into the ground in some places, or the hit box is distorted for some reason or other.
  18. Many newer versions of SKSE-based mods rely on the address library ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/32444 ) to allow them to run on the different versions of Skyrim SE, both old and new. You probably need the All In One (version 2) d/l, the second from the top under 'Main Files' - the first (v. 8 ) is for the v. 1.6+ SSE games.
  19. Check the Vortex documentation and the Vortex forum on Nexus Forums. My understanding - Vortex occupies its own footprint on your HD or SSD, and a d/l folder where it holds your mods. Those mods, once installed, are unpacked and linked via the magic of hardlinks to your game. Some of the drive capacity "loss" comes from the hardlinks being interpreted by windows as just more files on the drive, and those files do not really exist. This behavior, of course, makes it seem as you are using drive space much faster than you are. Check the documentation to be sure. Your other concerns - graphics/landscape/outfit mods can be the worst at eating up drive space, pay attention to the d/l sizes of all mods, and the patches/fixes that go with them. Most, if not all, of the Vortex caches are critical, and cannot be 'cleared' w/o removing the mods.
  20. The current Skyrim Special Edition (1.6.640) is a version 'updated' to include 4 free mods on top of the three DLC mods, and was a free Anniversary Edition upgrade. There is an Anniversary Edition upgrade available, with more added mods, that you have to pay a bit (US$ 15?) to obtain.
  21. Since moving to SSE 1.6.640, some combat sequences (mob of bg, dragon flyover, initial Companions v. giant scene) start off with some sort of shockwave effect that blurs the screen and slows the action. Even occurs when I am in the vicinity of combat, w/o being involved/targeted. Three questions: Is this a 'feature' of SSE? Anyone know the mod that does this? How to stop the effect? I was hoping that someone could save me a LOT of detective work. I think that I will try to blindly click on parts of the scene affected by this effect the next time it happens, if there is no response. Thanks to all who read this!
  22. Found the problem - CK made a new esp-fe out of my efforts when I pushed the plugin to PC, and the original .esl was still active, so had two of the same mod running. Just disabled the one, for now. Thanks for the help!
  23. You have to check all of your SKSE-based mods, as well, to make sure that they match. ( https://modding.wiki/en/skyrim/users/skse-plugins ) is a modding wiki that lists matching mod versions for various SKSE iterations. Take a look. FYI - the update to 1.6.640 changes a lot of stuff that SKSE depends on. Look for Address Library ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/32444 ), as it allows the mods to read just the info they need to start. Also, there are logs in your \Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE folder that may help you find problems. Yes, SSE could be the problem, and could verify the files again, trying to launch it directly from Steam immediately after the check. But it crashes because of one or more vital changes you have not made to allow SKSE to run. Check the logs. Also, check the size of your windows page file. Just got off of a thread that found that one that is too small can make SSE CTD.
  24. There is also a mod - Stay at the System Page ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/76927 ) that lets you go straight to the system page upon hitting ESC. It requires SKSE ( https://skse.silverlock.org/ ) and Address Library ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/32444 )
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