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Everything posted by 7531Leonidas

  1. Will give it a try, scorrp, thanks! I have a time picking through the CK stuff to find the actors, however. Too many choices once I get the file set as the active file. Well, I found the 5 actor records, selected them, hit Ctrl+F4, and pushed the plugin to PC after seeing 'Done'. I did something wrong, because now there are two of each actor in the game, one with the black face bug, and one without. Oops! I assume I can 'disable' the bad ones, and keep playing this game, but I am not sure, and also not sure if the twinned chars will show up in a new game. Just started a new game, using ASLAL, starting from the Bannered Mare - there are still five pairs of NPCs from this mod, one-half of each pair bugged.
  2. SKSE site: ( https://skse.silverlock.org/ ) - the version I am currently running on 1.6.640 is 2.2.3, same for the GOG version (different d/l link).
  3. AFAIK, that ratio is a very old one, so probably doesn't apply to more expansive amounts of RAM. I just matched my 64 gig for grins and chuckles, b/c I had plenty of room to do so.
  4. I keep my C: drive as clean as I can - using less than 200 GB of about 900. Installed all that I can on secondary drive(s).
  5. The mod New Companions ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/70372 ) has added NPCs that ALL have dark faces. When I checked in xEdit, the mod is in ESL format, and I think that it forces the mod to load early, and get overridden by everything else. The poster of the mod has deleted their account, but left the mod page active, so I cannot ask them. Can I change the mod header to remove the esl status, save it, and re-set the esl flag to make it esp-fe? Will this cause problems on an active game save? Thanks!
  6. I just did, as well. I have 64 GB of ram on board, so I don't think that I have had a problem, but set my pagefile at 64 GB on my C: drive as well (got lots of room), to make sure.
  7. Congratulations! Glad it wasn't any of your mods - I was about to suggest deleting and re-d/l the JK mods at least, in case there were incomplete/corrupted files.
  8. What hack are you using to make NSF work with 1.6.640? From NSF page -
  9. Which version of Skyrim SE are you using? I thought that NetScriptFraamework was not for the latest set of v. 1.6+? Also, do not forget to check the logs in your Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE folder to see if there might be a hint somewhere in there.
  10. Glad you are getting it sorted (knock on wood!). Sorry I missed this, I probably could have helped you with the NG being a no-go (pun intended) for 1.5.97. One of my mods kicked up its heels last year when I tried to update one of the SKSE-based mods. That was one of several reasons I finally bit the bullet and made the move to 1.6.353 last fall (just before the Beth upgrade shenanigans), and 1.6.640 more recently.
  11. I believe there was a mod recently that would let you create both crafting and tempering recipes for weapons and armor, using the keywords in each. Just need someone(s) to do all of the graphic/design work, or adapt existing models (with permission). Maybe PM the author of the above mod (search for crafting recipe or tempering recipe, maybe) and the author of the Mithril Armor Uses Mithril Ingots ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/35424 ) to see if they have any insights.
  12. Did you check the SKSE logs in your Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\\SKSE folder? There might be an applicable log or two in the game's Data\SKSE folder as well. Since you are in Whiterun, go to the JK's Whiterun pages, and look/ask there if anything similar has occurred to anyone there. May be a wandering NPC introduced by a mod that was corrupted upon install, or not installed correctly, as in missing prerequisite mods or resources. You could also use SSEEdit (xEdit) and check your entire load order for conflicts, just looking for major stuff, not water height or object bounds differences.
  13. Did you go and grab the x64 version, and not the ARM64 or x86 version? These last two are for 1) some tablet style or 2) older 32-bit CPUs. D/L it to your desktop, and run it. You do not need Vortex running at all to update your C++ redistributable.
  14. There is also the 'downward shooting bug' that forces the arrow to hit an occlusion plane or something similar when shooting across a cliff or from the top of a rock, or something similar...
  15. To find the logs, which are really just text files, the SKSE logs are in your Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE folder. Notepad to open them. You did go to the SKSE website ( https://skse.silverlock.org/ ), and d/l the 2.2.3 SKSE64 and install it before starting again? From the above site
  16. Thanks, Picky - its been awhile since I installed Vortex, but I made sure to install Skyrim SE outside of the (x86) folder long ago, also to keep Vortex close by, to ease navigation.
  17. One other point, if you want to make adjustments to the sliders for a body, you should give it a unique name in the 'preset' field, and SAVE it. I have gotten so involved trying to make adjustments that I forget to save, so I finally decided to save the preset once I either get a section done (like the torso, or muscle definition), or even just a few closely related sliders (like the calf sliders) done.
  18. Did you get the proper C++ redistributable, usually the x64 version? I mistakenly grabbed the ARM64 version the first time I tried to fix this error. x64 - modern 64-bit CPUs x86 - older 32-bit CPUs ARM64 - I 'think' some tablets, handhelds, etc. Alternately, installing Vortex in the Program Files (x86) folder causes problems - search for solutions in the forum.
  19. To say it a different way, Vortex is already looking for that .exe, you are just telling it which folder to look in...
  20. If I am right, it just means that you need to install Vortex in a new location, on the same drive you have the game installed on. For example, I have my Skyrim SE installed on a separate drive, in a self-designated X:\Programs\Bethesda\steamapps\..., and likewise installed Vortex on the root of the same drive, X:\Vortex Mods\... The 'downloads' and 'skyrimse' folders were placed inside that folder by Vortex, as per the suggested locations on the Settings side tab (the 'Mods' and 'Downloads' tabs on that page) if I remember correctly, as it has been a few years.
  21. If I recall correctly, this can be caused by installing Vortex in the Program Files (x86) folder, or in the Documents folder. Search the support forum to make sure.
  22. The vcruntime140.dll may point to a bad or earlier version of the C++ runtime. Make sure that you have it updated. Look for the x64 version, unless you are playing on a tablet, or a console that runs on an ARM chip. The third version is for older 32-bit CPUs, and most of them probably won't meet W11 requirements. The ghosts are part of the starting area for the prison you would clear on your way out, if you choose to 'escape this cell', so I think that I would uninstall ASLAL, then reinstall it AFTER a fresh d/l. The mod itself may be corrupted. Also, make sure that none of your mods need XPMSSE to run. A missing skeleton will break things fast. And you should look at the various 'engine fixes' style mods, they may help, too.
  23. Did you 'Enable' and 'Deploy' the mods after you installed them?
  24. There's this home mod, on Solstheim, Hermit's Hideaway ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10173 ). As long as you do not violate the permissions by trying to distribute/post for anyone else to use w/o the author's permission.
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