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Posts posted by Lehcar

  1. I've tried reinstalling it several times, I'm positive I have it installed correctly, and the armor fix, but with Breezes body I'm still seeing a lot of gaps with the armor meshes, especially around the neck and wrists... I really don't understand what's going on, cause I did run archive invalidation. Any idea what I could be doing wrong? :(


    Also, I'm having problems with the skin of the body not matching the face, especially with hispanic males:



  2. I'm very confused considering this game is 2 years newer than Oblivion, and Oblvion didn't just flat out stop after the main quest.


    What the hell is going on here? Why do I just get a crappy video clip after the final mission and no new save afterwards? The game just comes screeching to a halt, right there? Even if you sacrificed Lyons? What the RAAAAH .........................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Oh my God I can't believe I got up early on a school day just to finish the stupid main quest. I'm so disappointed and upset it's unreal. Is there no way to continue after beating the game? If there isn't, I'm uninstalling this accursed game and never ever playing it or any other Fallout again. I am furious. Now I wish I'd spoilered myself and read about this beforehand, what a colossal, horrendous waste of my time.


    I guess newer really isn't always better. Back to Oblivion.

  3. I tried to use FOSE. But, it failed, because it disables Windows LIVE - which, for some reason, caused all of my recent saves that I created after installing LIVE several months ago disappeared. When launching the game with the regular launcher, they came back, but... what is wrong here? :(


    I hate LIVE with a passion right now. I only installed it to play Fable III... (which I've given up on, but was too lazy to remove LIVE afterward...)

  4. Well i don't know, it just sat there for over a half hour, just flashing red and blue (though you can't really see the colours on the video)...


    And I'm not saying I totally believe it was extraterrestrial; I suspect but I cannot know for sure. All I know is that it was... very bizarre. It showed up in almost the exact same place for a couple of nights afterward, too...

  5. Not that foolish, I didn't take pictures - I took a video.


    a) I don't have the money for PhotoShop. Seriously, over three hundred dollars? Holy smokes. Not gonna happen.


    b) I'm almost totally useless and clueless when it comes to utilizing image editing programs.


    Here is some of the video as captured by my digital camera, completely unedited (I could never find a decent video editing program ever). It's hard to see, but keep watching; if you look close you can see the blinking light in the top part of the frame, just a bit over the window (it's easier to see towards the end of the video, please try looking at it in full screen). And like I said, no airplane engines or anything can be heard...



  6. I doubt even you will...


    But I swear, I saw it. I saw a UFO in the night sky. Meaning an "unidentified flying object", nothing more, because I honestly can't say what it was.


    But I know it was not an airplane. Airplanes absolutely cannot stop in midair like that. And if it were an airplane, I would have heard its engines for sure - but I heard absolutely nothing. And a helicopter? No. Believe me, I know helicopters are extremely extremely loud, and if it were close enough for me to see it, I would have been able to hear it (th). But I could not hear anything unusual. Besides, why would a helicopter just be sitting there for that long?


    It was a cloudy night. It looked almost exactly like a star - but it was quite bright, and it was flashing red and blue. I saw it move twice - I was watching it over the rooftops of the houses in the other co-op, when suddenly it zoomed a short distance to the left (in a way that no helicopter could possibly move), and then back again a few minutes later. I sat there watching it for over half an hour - most of the time it just sat there doing nothing but flashing red and blue in the sky.


    I don't know what it was. But just sitting there, watching this weird thing that looked kind of like a star, even though no stars were visible because it was cloudy, was one of the most incredible experiences of my whole life. I got over 20 minutes of video of it with my digital camera.


    If it was some kind of alien spacecraft, though... I hope they saw me. Heck, I wish they would come down and meet me. One thing I will always desperately hope to do in my life is meet someone from another planet.


    Look, I know what I saw, and though I cannot say precisely what it was, I know it was... something else. Forget about the size of the universe - just look at the size of our very own galaxy. It's huge, huger than words can properly describe - so much that we could never get our minds wrapped around the very concept. Even if life is some freaky, rare occurence... there has to be life out there somewhere. Is it actually advanced, or "intelligent" by our standards? Well, intelligence is a difficult thing to define, so none of us can know, especially me. But I just know it's out there somewhere; I always have. I just hope in my lifetime I can know more about it (if it is advanced and it knows about our existence, then clearly it isn't malevolent - if it did have any bad intentions, I'm sure we would know about it by know. I don't think people should be so frightened by the idea of intelligent aliens being real.)


    There's no way we could be alone...

  7. I honestly don't believe in all of that "I'm half this, half that, a quarter this, quarter that, a third this, third that, part this, part that blah blah blah" stuff.


    I'm just a Canadian. :)

  8. Never! The Mages' Guild didn't deserve to die at all! Some were corrupt yes, but no worse than the Dark Brotherhood or the FG... many of them were incredibly wonderful and intelligent people! Mages are awesome! They didn't deserve to be dissolved!! :(


    The Empire didn't need to necessarily die either, since the Septims aren't necessary to keep Oblivion away because of Martin's sacrifice, any capable person could rule Tamriel!

  9. I swear I saw a mod once that makes Cyrodiil a jungle like it was supposed to be, as described in the previous ES games, but now I can't find it anywhere, does something like that sound familiar to anyone?


    Mod armor?






    Here you go :)


    That armor actually comes shipped with Oblivion, it's in the core game files, but for some reason Bethesda never used it, you need to download a seperate mod that actually adds it into the game world.

  10. Well, Molag Bal is a total rapist, so he's out. We all know Mehrunes Dagon is extremely ugly and is also a massive jerk (his appearance perfectly matches his personality), so I don't like him either. Jyggalag sucks, he's a stick in the mud.


    Azura, she's pretty darn cool, and she seemed like a genuinely good person to me. She seemed like a peaceful sort. I like her a lot.


    Vaermina's pretty cool as well, even though she gives people nightmares. I'm not sure exactly what it is about her - there's something that's just really likeable about her. She's a dark lady, and I like dark ladies. Same with Namira. She's another lovely dark lady, and she's one of the few who cares for people and creatures who are considered ugly and repulsive by mortals. I like that. Nocturnal, too - who couldn't love the mistress of darkness?


    Sheogorath is so silly and funny. Gotta love that guy.


    But Sanguine is my absolute favourite. He's such a fun guy, and he is absolutely hilarious. Doing his quest always makes me double over with laughter - running out of Leyawiin castle butt naked with guards chasing after me... it never gets dull http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif

  11. I've heard it's an excellent mod, but the issue is that I had already made my own all-in-one race mod before I found out that one existed, I would love to try and do some clipping with TESedit so I could safely merge my own changes and things into it, but the problem is I'm not sure how to do that without breaking either mod. Also, from what I've seen and heard, the new faces for various NPC's aren't entirely so good.
  12. I've been spending so much time trying to figure out what height for each race is the most lore correct, because I'm rather a lore purist. I've been able to find almost no information about this to go by. Anyone have any thoughts?


    I left Imperials at average height, made men just a wee bit taller than women. Redguards are only slightly taller than Imperials, because lore says that they are of average human height. I didn't think it made sense that Bretons were so short; I made them somewhat taller than Redguards and Imperials, which makes much more sense because many of their ancestors were Aldmeri/Altmeri (who are very tall). Nords of course are still the tallest humans, cause that makes sense.


    I thought it was very weird that Bosmer males were so tiny while the females were as tall as Imperials; I couldn't find any information whatsoever to explain this, so I made the men a bit taller than they were originally and made females the same height. At the other end of the spectrum, Altmer are still of course the absolute tallest, which is 100% lore correct. As for Dark Elves... good grief, I was absolutely clueless as to how tall they should be. I took a wild guess and made them a bit taller than humans (but not nearly as tall as Nords of course), which likely makes sense because they are supposedly descended from the Chimer, who were really just a splinter faction of Altmer.


    The beast races were tricky, too. Orcs of course I made a heck of a lot bulkier, because Orcs are supposed to be ridiculously muscular and strong, but I mostly left their height the same because I don't know if Orcs should be just a little tall, or very tall. Both Argonians and Khajiit were a wild guess as well; I made both races (both sexes) bulkier and quite a bit taller than humans (but shorter than Nords and Orcs).


    The Daedra don't matter very much, but I decided to make the Dremora much larger, they're not as bulky as Orcs, but they are far taller than any mortal. Golden Saints and Dark Seducers I left mostly the same; their society is very matriarchal, so I guess it makes sense for the ladies to be large and in charge (though I did make their attributes far more balanced, just because the men are physically and socially subordinate doesn't mean they have to be cursed with bad luck). http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/tongue.gif


    tldr: How large or small do you think each race should be?

  13. Mysterious room... I've never seen the inside of it because for some reason it always crashes the game whenever I attempt to enter it. I can't even enter it in the toolset, because it always crashes the toolset too (even with only the Oblivion.esm loaded). Has anyone ever been able to get in there?
  14. Does anyone know where the "Improve [City]" texture mods can be found? There's only four on here Bravil, Chorrol, Bruma and Skingrad, but I know there was more - I most definitely know there used to be a Cheydinhal one, but for some reason it, along with a few others, has vanished from Nexus; the old link just leads to a "No file exists for this ID" error. :(
  15. Yeah but I hate unavoidable bittersweet endings. Like what happened with the Dark Brotherhood... WHY?!!? We're the player, why can't we have the option to fix anything if we do it right? For example, why wasn't it an option to blow Bellamont's cover before he did it himself?!


    Ok, I don't really care about the Empire cause well, the Empire is stupid and boring humans. But Morrowind!! And the Dunmer!! That was just totally not necessary!!! (I really don't want the setting of one of the best games ever to permanently go to pot.) :(


    And the Mages Guild too. My absolute favourite guild besides the DB, since the Fighter Guild sucks (gave up on that before even finishing the first quest). The Mages Guild was just full of awesome, I want it back...

  16. The Empire is collapsing. Civil wars everywhere. Elsweyr and Black Marsh have broken off from the Empire. Skyrim is torn up by civil war. Daedric cultists have sparked a civil war in the Summerset Isles. Skyrim has declared war on Morrowind. Morrowind has been almost completely destroyed by the eruption of Red Mountain, reduced to a barren wasteland, which occurred through a series of equally unfortunate events. The poor Dunmer have been driven off what little was left of their land by the Argonians, and Solstheim is now their very last holdout. Black Marsh pretty much goes all out with war and is intent on killing everyone. Elseweyr cuts off all ties to every other nation and goes into isolation. The Blades have dispersed and almost totally died off. The Mages Guild has totally and completely fallen apart, and has been disbanded.


    I am feeling very depressed right now, especially over Morrowind and... the DUNMER!! NOOOO!!!! :sad:


    Why did everything and everyone have to end up completely miserable? Why did Tamriel have to turn into another crap sack world? This sucks.


  17. What in your opinion is the best vampire overhaul mod out there? (cause there are quite a number of them.)


    Tried Terran Vampires once, I think, found it too buggy to use myself. Currently I'm using LTD vampire overhaul, which is VERY good despite some bugs. I've heard Unholy Darkness is also quite an excellent one that stands out. I haven't tried it but to be honest I don't like the sounds of its feature introducing garlic weakness to all vampires, because that totally and completely goes against game lore. Vicente Valtieri explicitly says that garlic has no effect on vampires, he's been a vampire for over 300 years, so he's been around quite a lot and has met many others, and yet he is the only vampire he has ever known to be adversely affected by garlic. (I'm rather a lore freak, lol).

  18. To be serious, its a better idea for you to shoot to disable, not shoot to kill.


    Take note that you might get in legal trouble if you shoot to kill. Better off to shoot someone simply to make them fall down and stop being a threat, then call 911 and explain the situation.


    You might of been joking though, and I just woke up so sorry if you were.

    In theory it sounds nice but the caveat I would add is, that the best place to aim is the center mass of the torso which is the upper body. If that disables them then further action is not required but the rule of thumb still is, if they continue moving towards you then you fire until they stop moving closer or moving at all. I would still rather be judged by twelve than carried by six.


    But the thing is, that's a lot harder to do than it sounds. There is absolutely no "safe" place to shoot a person, ever, not even in seemingly non-vital extremities like a leg or an arm. There are large arteries and veins all through our bodies, and if damaged by a bullet, a person will very quickly die from massive blood loss. There's no way for anyone to shoot someone and know for certain that they will survive the wound. As they say, if you are shooting, you are shooting to kill.

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