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Posts posted by Lehcar

  1. I've noticed more than a few people have made their own altered .tri files for the human head mesh, for example vampire morphs. How do they do it? How do you make your own .tri morph for a head mesh?
  2. ...Cavity virginity. :sad:


    I have 3 (very) small cavities between a couple of my teeth in the upper right part of my mouth. (right in between so they could only see them on X-ray)... I cannot feel them, but you can see the slight gray spots on the sides on the x-ray, and I do not want them to progress.


    Going in on Monday, to get drilled and filled, i guess.


    I'm scared to death. They said they're going to freeze which means a needle in my gum. How much will it hurt? How long will it take for my teeth to go back to normal? Am I going to have to go through the difficulty of getting them replaced every 10 years?


    I feel so down and sad right now. My problem is I haven't been flossing right. I swear in school I was told to not go that deep because you can injure your gums. Damn them. :(


    Now the whole thing has led to a fight between my mom and dad over who will pay for it. Dad said some really nastly things about me to my mom through text message and now I feel even worse. I'm sad, I'm hurt, and I also really hate myself right now.


    I don't know how this could happen, curse me for actually swallowing the rubbish they spouted at me in elementary school. I just hope the shape of my teeth doesn't get messed up so my retainer will still fit properly.


    I want to die right now. I'm sitting here having a glass of milk. I wish I could feel happier.

  3. Woaah... is this... a modern city in Oblivion?! Whatever it is, it looks pretty cool, does anyone know what it is and what mod it's from?


    also can anyone identify the eyes on the character in the second pic? :)





  4. This is so frustrating and totally ruining the game for me. I keep getting whacked by that horrendous vampire load bug.


    I've tried so many mods. UOP's supposed fix. The VFBF mod. The vampire race disabler mod only works if you disable the skin shading and aging, which I do not want (it's option to fix the load bug does not work). Absolutely nothing is working and I'm at my wit's end. please please help, I so badly want to play as a vampire :(

  5. I swear that a while ago I saw a mod that makes stolen items in homes and shopes eventually get replaced, so places can be burglarized more than just once and to make things seem a little more realistic. For the life of me I cannot remember what it is called, does the description ring a bell?
  6. I haven Nequam's elaborate eyes, and I want to use the glowing red eye texture as a replacement for vampire eyes. I set the texture path to point to the glow red eye texture in CS, but in game, it does not at all look like it is glowing. I've had this problem for a long time, the glow effect will show up the same eye textures in the character generation menu, but if I try to use the textures myself the glow does not work. What am I doing wrong? :(
  7. The only vampire race effect I want to disable is the aging, but I still keep getting that awful load bug, the only mod that seems to fix is scanti's race disabler plugin, but unfortunately it only works if both aging and skin shading are disabled. Is there any work around this?
  8. I made some changes to my vamp eyes in CS, and I want to examine them close up ingame. So, my character is a vampire, but vanity camera does not let me get a good enough look at his face and the lighting in the journal menu is totally unlike the actual lighting in the game. I try to use the "createfullactorcopy" console command to make a clone of myself, so I can talk to it and get a good look at the his vamp eyes.


    But then as soon as I exit the console window, my clone immediately falls backwards as if dead.


    But see this picture - he isn't really dead, he fell to the ground but his body doesn't go limp like a truly dead actor would. He'll still talk to me in ambient dialogue, as you can see. But if I try to interact with him, instead his inventory pops up, to loot him as if he were dead. I can't engage him in conversation, and I can't get him to stand up, I tried using resurrect but as soon as I do, he just keels over the same way again.


    Please help? :(



  9. Well, good news, it suddenly works perfectly with BC totally uninstalled. Guess I was wrong.


    Sigh, now I'm sad. The only real reason I wanted BC's waterfront was because of those awesome little non-owned cellar spaces it adds that I can sleep in. :(



  10. I am continuing to experience constant and consistent crashes in the Waterfront, and I have reason to believe BC is not causing it because it still occurs even with BC deactivated. It's so bad that I cannot do ANYTHING in the Waterfront, I cannot access a number of quests I want to play (including the Thieves Guild). I've been messing around with this for day and wasting so much time, please can someone help? I've used Wrye Bash, I've tried deleting the distantLOD files, etc etc I just don't understand it, it's wasted so much of my time trying to get this working only to be disappointed EVERY time. I swear there was a time it never used to do this but I cannot remember when that was. :(


    I have a number of other mods, including UL and roads and bridges, but I'm positive I have all the necessary patches for both. :(


    I just can't seem to fix it. Nothing is working.

  11. Okaay so, as I understand it, Ungolim was the Listener. Arquen, Lucien Lachance, J'Ghasta, and Alval Uvani were the Speakers. I believe I read somewhere that Shaleez was Arquen's Silencer. And of course, the PC was Lucien's (since his old one, Blanchard, was murdered by that jerkwad Bellamont).


    So that must mean Halvestein Hoar-Blood, Belisarius Arius, Banus Alor, and Mathieu Bellamont were Silencers... but to which Speaker did each of them belong? Or was Hoar-Blood actually Ungolim's intended successor that Arquen mentioned? Could the Listener have had two Silencers? :ermm:


    I'm particularly interested in knowing who was dumb enough to make that colossal donkey Bellamont their Silencer.

  12. Yes, I always use OBSE loader to load, as I have been using it for a long time now. :(


    I am also positive I set it up right, as I did indeed use OBMM to do so..


    I just don't understand why my level is not going up ingame despite it stating that it's at 100. :(

  13. But for the life of me I cannot figure out why Realistic Leveling seems to have stopped working. I'm so upset.


    I tried using Progress and OOO's Level-Stock plugin, both appear to jump my level 1 progress up to 100% when I load a new game, but my level still is not increasing even when I try going to sleep.


    I'm so frustrated I just cannot figure out what is wrong or why RL won't work anymore. :(

  14. Could there be some reason why I can barely get past level 1 with a character? I swear the level progress meter is increasing at a snail's pace. I downloaded Realistic Leveling, which for a time seemed to remedy this but not it has stopped working. Does OOO/MMM/FCOM affect leveling progression at all? Could another mod possibly be causing it? This sucks. I want to level up already. :(
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