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Posts posted by Lehcar

  1. It seems they're radically changing the appearance of the different darkspawn in DA2? Looks like they're making them look less monstrous and more like the race of the broodmomma they were birthed from. :confused:


    Also looks like they have some awfully nice pecs and biceps there...






  2. So why is it that a lot of people seem to see a dwarven female as a dwarf rather than as a woman. If that makes any sense.


    Like when you first meet Alistair, to a human or elven woman he says "There never have been many women in the Grey Wardens" but to a dwarven woman he says the same thing he says to a dwarven man, "There haven't been any dwarven wardens in quite some time"


    And when you first meet Morrigan. To a human or elven woman she says, "You there, women do not frighten like little boys." but to a dwarf lady she says "You there, dwarf. You have nothing to fear from any witch." Again, the exact same thing she says to a male dwarf.


    So what is this all about? Do all dwarves look the same to everyone else in Thedas regardless of sex? Or does everyone see dwarven women as too ugly to be called women? Or what? :wacko:


    The latter wouldn't make sense though, since DA dwarven women are extremely humanlike (at least in their facial features) compared to more classical dwarves.

  3. Ooh also I just remembered, you know how Duncan has some other Wardens accompanying him in the Dwarf Noble origin? Well in the palace he only has two with him, but then when you meet him in the Deep Roads outskirts he has a third warden with him that wasn't at the palace for some reason. Well I turned that Warden into a woman since he/she doesn't speak (was originally a rather ugly looking man) cause well, I'm not sure why but just found the change appealing for some reason :thumbsup:


    Oh and made Morrigan look kinda vampiric (but not too over the top) because I wanted her to look darker and edgier, but also more attractive looking (but not like a supermodel or something). I kind of tried to make her look like Rayne from BloodRayne.

  4. Has anyone else noticed that darkspawn look and behave very very similarly to orcs? Methinks that was no coincidence.


























  5. Darn I really hope we get to actually see and explore some more of Thedas, Ferelden is getting too boring...


    What parts of Thedas are you most interested in seeing, or knowing more about? Personally, I wish I could play a wild jungle dude from the Donarks. And I want to see the Anderfels, and Kal-Sharok, and Rivain, and Antiva, and Orlais, and Nevarra, and Tevinter, and Par Vollen... :thumbsup:

  6. I always used Warriors when I first started playing because I wanted my characters to be really tough and ferocious. But then I tried out playing as a mage and a rogue, and I realized that the Warrior class is really rather junky, and the talents and specializations are really not very good at all. Two-handed weapons talents aren't too bad, but the shield talents are not very useful at all, and neither are the talents for any of the Warrior specializations. Rogue's specializations and talents are a lot better, and even though they can only learn archery and using dual weapons, I find is the latter is the strongest best way of defeating enemies (as opposed to the sword+shield and two handed weapon methods), and its got the coolest looking moves. And archery lets you take a sizeable chunk of health out of things from after which is really wicked. So, most of my characters be rogues now. :)


    I also really love mages, but then there's so many different spells they can learn its tough to choose between them, because it's impossible to master more than a couple of talent trees over the course of the game... and that's WITHOUT specializations! All four of the mage specializations are so epic awesome and amazingly useful, it's hard to choose between them too! :wacko:

  7. I kind of wish this game had an open world design. That would have made it that much better IMO... I like having a wide open world to explore. Like in Grand Theft Auto sorta.


    Rideable mounts mighta been neat too.

  8. I am very excited to find out what becomes of that kid... :wacko:


    So... what?? It's... going to be the end of the Warden's story?!?! No... no more DLC!!!?!?!?!


    But I thought there were so many more adventures in store for my Warden! He still has 30 years left in him, after all!



  9. So, share some of the things you've done to change the game around to be the way you want it, to suit your own tastes. :thumbsup:


    Well lets see... for starters, I placed three more Broodmothers around the Dead Trenches. Even though broodmothers are really vile and disgusting beasties, for some reason I really enjoy fighting them and I thought just one in the entire game wasn't enough, especially since Kardol refers to the place as the darkspawn's "breeding grounds" , so I also put in a lot more darkspawn critters.


    I also made some changes to Burkel's chantry in Orzammar. Livened it up a bit, and I placed Teli in there, making up the story that she became extremely depressed and hopeless after she failed to conceive a child with any noblemen, but then found peace and renewed happiness with the Maker... and all that. Haha. :happy:


    Also, dragons are cool. The coolest enemies in the game IMO. So I made that completely random dragon that you fight in the werewolf ruins into a high dragon, and made her less out of place (so her presence there made more sense!) by placing a harem of drakes and a brood of dragonlings around the place. Besides, having only one real high dragon in the game just wasn't enough for me, so I needed more! I likey now... :biggrin:


    And I placed some more drakes around the caverns where you meet all those drakes and dragonlings, and I put some outside where you meet the high dragon herself. "Andraste" would need more than just six drakes to make all them babies with ;)


    Yup, I think I'm officially an expert on how to make a fun game! ;D


    and more ill tell ya about later... too sleepy now...

  10. So... it's always been a huge debate as to whether or not there is such thing as aliens. So many claim to have had so-called "supernatural encounters", but many would argue that they could all be making it up for attention or whatever. And of course, for all we know, they could be lying. But there's also every possibility that some of these claims could be true. None of us can know for sure.


    But, what do you think about this? Do you think there could be life out there, somewhere beyond our own little blue and brown planet? Well, although I am reluctant to believe some of these colourful stories people tell about "alien encounters", I do believe there is intelligent life out there somewhere. Maybe not in our own solar system, or even in our own galaxy, but most of us can't get our minds wrapped around just how darned big this universe of ours is, so I think there has to be something out there. Even if the rare Earth theory is true, I think there must be some other intelligent beings in the universe, someplace.


    Though, if any of these stories about alien encounters are to be believed, and extraterrestrials have the technology to visit our planet and travel around the universe when we've barely made it past Neptune... then obviously they're a heck of a lot smarter than we are.

  11. i feel so sad and worthless life just isnt worth this sh*t anymore i want to die and get away from this inescapable place im crying right now it hurts and i just want to leave... it seems like every attempt i make to associate with other people just always fails spectacularly, every good thing i try to do fails and things always just end up worse than before, somehow i screw up every good thing i try to do in life and i just dont know how or what the hell it is i do wrong. im just so damn empty inside and i want to kill myself because i just hate myself and i hate the world and almost everyone in it. but even the people i dont hate, i know they too will screw me over eventually and hurt me. everyone always does that to me sooner or later. i don't know why. is it really that much fun to hurt me and make me as miserable as possible despite my valiant effort to be a good person? i guess i was just born worthless.


    of course, i'm a coward and am afraid to do it, because i don't want to get in trouble with the cops. they'll just physically beat the living crap out of me like they always have... i don't want to get my face busted up again because of another failure...


    but then again everything about me and my life is a pathetic failure and i am worthless and stupid and pathetic and dont deserve to live. i try and do very hard but nothing i do is ever good enough for anyone or anything somehow. i just cant please a damn soul, everyone hates me and is determined to throw all my attempts at kindness right back in my goddamn face. but i guess i deserve it, i dont know why or what i did wrong to deserve it, but everyone says i deserve every bit of sh*t i get in life and say, why don't you just go kill yourself you worthless cow b*tch.


    i dont know, i just dont know how i always fail or what i always do wrong for everyone and the world to hate me so much. i guess this is why everyone says i am never going to even get a kiss from anyone who isnt my mother.


    i dont even know why i was born. maybe things would have been better if i did not exist or if i were dead. i am so sad... i am crying now and i feel so alone

  12. Okay, got several WTH questions about this DLC!


    Firstly, why are Cauthrien and Howe there? Aren't they both supposed to be dead?


    Second, what the HELL is with Herren turning into a Desire Demon and disappearing if I try to kill him and Wade? Wade clearly isn't being possessed, so why the heck would a Desire Demon be posing as an assistant to some grumpy old blacksmith? Um wut seriously.


    And why are there mages AND templars there? There's no way to get them both in the core game. You can only get the templars on your side by killing all of the mages, and if you get the mages on your side the templars refuse to help you. It's SAID that if you recruit the mages, that the templars later decide to join forces with them against the blight, but there is absolutely no evidence to support this claim. Come the final battle, and the templars are nowhere to be seen, and can't be called upon or anything.


    Also, how in the heck did Alistair get elves AND werewolves on his side? That is completely impossible in the core game.


    And the biggest question of all. Why the hell is Morrigan there?!?! The only way that would be possible was if Alistair agreed to screw her and knock her up with some bast*rd child from the intestines of hell. Which seems highly implausble to me that she'd be able to persuade him herself, with no other Warden there to do it. And if he's the only one there I don't see why Alistair would willingly sleep with her even if it was to save his life. Seriously, WTF?!?!

  13. Where are the meshes for the base headmorphs located?


    Wanted to see if I could do something about the disproportioned elf male face, since other 3d model editing programs do not have the same restrictions and limitations as the toolset.

  14. If male his name will be Corbin. :thumbsup:


    If female her name will be... Brielle.


    P.S, I used to really like Nutella but I got grossed out and stopped buying it when I started to have a problem with it drying out along the inside surface of the container and getting all weird and yucky tasting... :sleep:


    P.S.S, I'm still majorly disappointed and pissed that we can only play as a boring old human in DA2. :wallbash:

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