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Posts posted by Lehcar

  1. The Character Creator says that men and women in Thedas are pretty much equals. But I think it becomes quite clear after not even a few minutes of playing that this is not true at all. Not in the least.


    Let's see... where to begin? If your character is a human woman, you get a ton of snide, put down remarks from people throughout the game about the fact that... you're a woman. Like Murdock in Redcliffe Village (what an arse).


    And in the Dwarf Noble origin. If your character is male, and you decide to fight in the Provings, there's a lot of extremely sexist things that are said towards Adal Helmi because she is a woman. When the Proving Master tells you that you're up against her next, he seems to stutter. And before you fight her you can even say to her face "There is no honor in fighting a woman." And then after you defeat her, the Proving Master is like "Well done! Many were eager to see that woman put in her place!" Uhh... that's just awful, people.


    And in Human Noble origin where Oriana says to a female PC that the notion of a woman in Antiva fighting is "unthinkable".


    And what happens to the elven women (and a female PC) in the City Elf origin just says it all. Plus what is said when a female PC meets the guard captain and some of his goonies: "Should we keep the knife-eared bi*ch alive?" "Stupid wench. We'll show you how men fight!"


    And does anyone else find it strange how when Rica takes a Dwarf Commoner PC to meet Vartag Gavorn in the Assembly Chamber, the first thing he says is "This is no place for a woman"... despite the fact that several members of the Assembly are women. And even if the Dwarf Commoner themself is a woman.


    And in Awakening, if you start as a new Warden, and are female, when you meet Oghren he snidely says "So you're the new commander? Hmph. They said it was a woman..."


    Yeah. On quite the contrary to what CC says, Thedas is very discriminative towards women. :mad:

  2. How do I add new codex entries and how do I script them to appear when you kill a certain character or interact with a certain placeable?


    I really wanted to make a codex entry about a letter from Father Eirik to the fake Weylon...

  3. Okay so which files need to be edited and placed in override in order for a new item variation (i.e a new mage stave shape) to show up properly in the toolset? I know you need the basic mesh (.msh) file, but I know there's others you need but what are they? :wacko:
  4. No, I think the City Elf PC is only about 19 or 20 and that his/her mother has only been dead for a few years. Quit trying to make me look like a moron because it IS the same Adaia.
  5. Hehe I agree :thumbsup: Since my elf characters always have long ears it also makes it so they dont stick out through their hair all weird :laugh:


    btw, here is the full picture. Apparently it was the concept art for Mage origin :) personally I think it's the best of all the origin concept art, alongside the one for the City Elf



  6. Okay I'm trying to make it so the Aeducan tomb can be re-entered later in the game, (I thought it was really strange that it door was un-openable when you come back to that same area.)


    But thing is how do I edit the door placeable so it transports to the correct area when you interact with it? :wacko:


    And how do you make it so a container or door has to be opened with a key?

  7. Ummm WHAT the hell is this.


    So I complete the Urn of Sacred Ashes quest, right? Ok. Then I go back to Redcliffe Castle to heal the indisposed Arl.


    Then cue the cutscene where Eamon talks to you about his plans for the landsmeet... and then suddenly Alistair is standing right there beside me and taking part in the conversation, even though I didn't bring him with me. As in he was NOT in my party when I spoke to Teagan, and I already have 3 other companions with me! Where the HELL did he come from?! Then after the conversation he just continues to stand there and won't follow me with my other companions. Umm what the heck is this? Has anyone else experienced this bug?


    Begone Alistair. I didn't want you with me and I meant it. :verymad:

  8. Him and a couple of other characters... just the clothes they're wearing and stuff. Like that possessed girl you meet in the fade during the Blacksmarsh quest? I really don't understand why she's wearing mage robes so I want to change that... :wacko:



  9. Well the toolset doesn't have Awakening's creature files in it, so I find the designercreatures.erf file, extract the UTC I want to edit to my projects folder, but then when I try to open up the extracted UTC all I see is this jumbled mess, nothing that seems to be properly editable... :pinch:



  10. So we finally get to see the City Elf PC's mom in this DLC... and wow, I hate to say this, but they made her ridiculously ugly. And I think it's weird how they also made her black, since we never see a single other non-white elf in the entire series aside from Zevran from what I remember, especially seeing as the rest of the City Elf's family is totally white...


    Also, out curiosity, why does BioWare like to slap white or really light coloured makeup on characters with dark skin? They obviously don't know anything when it comes to cosmetics... :wacko:

  11. Did anyone actually understand the ending of Project Origin? Biggest mindf*** ever, with that insane creepy ghost chick screaming and moaning and riding your boner hardcore while you're trying to fight some hallucination (which she's forcing into your head; your physically secure strapped into a chair so she wants to keep you mentally/psychically entrapped too so she can violently rape you). And then with her suddenly 9 months pregnant with your bast*rd child not even 10 seconds after the rape and the baby talking to you when she makes you touch her stomach? Umm wtf??


    Methinks it was all a dream sequence and that none if it actually happened physically... or at least, I sure as heck hope it didn't. Or at least not as perceived by the player. Dear god I feel so sorry for Becket, why did the writers have to do that to him...

  12. i think i came off wrong with the original post. I'm sorry, I did not mean it that way. Oh well, I guess I epically fail then and am now to be considered a horrible disgusting person... :unsure:



  13. Umm... exactly WHY do all of the love scenes happen inside of Morrigan's tent? (which, mind you, is completely lacking any cover or privacy and is totally visible to the rest of the camp.) Just something I noticed in toolset, cause I find it really weird that she'd let other people do their business in her space. :laugh:


    Très bizarre.

  14. It really bugs me how there are some cutscenes where modified headmorphs do not show up for some strange reason - the character in question still has their vanilla head (for example, the intro cutscene to the Dwarf Noble origin, where Gorim's modded morph don't show up). I prodded around the toolset and couldn't figure out how to fix this. Does anyone know how? :wacko:
  15. Why can't I properly open creature UTC files? If I try all I get is a jumbled mess of random strings and no 3d visual or simple inventory editing or ANYthing :verymad:
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