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Posts posted by Lehcar

  1. So let's say I want to change the clothing or equipment a certain character is wearing, or I want to make certain items in an enemy's inventory lootable. How do I export the modified UTC as single, independent package so it the changes I made will actually show up in the game??
  2. I'm leaning more and more toward Fiona. Age is right, by now she's probably fed up with the wardens and it would certainly be a surprise. I think the all caps on their part on the word surprising is a bit of an over-dramatization for the sake of hype though.

    This woman definitely a human - round faced and have human ears- look here is a close up- dragon-lady. How she could be Fiona?


    Dragon lady... and human? Hmm... how very intriguing... I wonder which character would be likely to have a dragon motif like that?

  3. I don't see how that can be, if you work out the time line it would at most be just under 10 years old.


    Maybe the Old God essence will cause him/her grow up abnormally fast? Just a guess, but who knows. I just want to see it again, whatever it's going to look like... :wacko:

  4. So what wait... exactly WHEN is DA2 going to take place, compared to Origins? How far into the future?


    Will I be able to import my beloved old Warden from Origins into DA2 to continue his/her adventures? :sad:


    And I hope that woman is the DR product kid... if not someone else.... I really want to see how that kid is going to turn out...


    And yeah, he may have been being sarcastic, maybe it won't be "shocking" at all...

  5. The Character Creator doesn't have too many limitations... you can design your characters to the way you want them to look, at your pleasure.


    Every one has different visions and interpretations as to how each different player character "should" look like. What are yours? Please share, I really want to know! Pics are very welcome if you wish!


    Let's see... I always make elves with extremely pale skin, blonde hair (red for males, but I pretty much never play a male elf) and blue or grey eyes. I don't know why, but it just seems most appropriate and fitting for elven characters to look this way, based on real-world mythology and centuries-old artwork and such. :P


    My Dwarf Noble characters; Lord Aeducan always has brown eyes... not sure why, I just like him that way. Lady Aeducan's are always green or brown, sometimes very dark blue. I've made a crapload of Lord and Lady Aeducan's since I started playing this game, but one thing that never, ever changes is they always have red hair. I can't tell you why but, red hair just seems the most appropriate colour for a dwarven prince/princess (although I did try out making a black haired Lord Aeducan once.) They always have pale to slightly tanned skin. :smile:


    Dwarf Commoner males for me always have black hair and brown eyes, females the same but I like to give them medium brown hair. Both always darker skin, not black or very brown, more like sort of a darker tanned colour, because it just makes em seem more badass to me.


    Human Noble male characters always have darker eyes, and black hair because I want them to look like their big brother Fergus, and because I imagine Bryce Cousland (father) must have had black hair when he was younger. Females... I don't know why, I know it's horribly cliche but if I try giving them anything besides blonde or red hair, it just doesn't look right to me. Maybe because I imagine the HN's mother with blonde or red hair when she was younger? Lol. :wacko:


    Mages I don't have a real habit of making them look any certain way... but I like female mages with shorter hairstyle for some reason... and with brown hair. Men are usually black hair or redheads. Sometimes I think it's cool to give them "exotic" (read: un-realistic) eye colours, and occasionally hair colours just cause it makes them seem more... magical. :laugh:


    But I almost never give any of my females black hair because I don't want them to look like Morrigan or Cauthrien... :pinch:

  6. What do you mean? Like... apply-able animations or something? Me confused.


    I'd give it a shot myself but I'm still trying to grasp the very basics. I haven't even figured out how to insert a character-specific, or a player char model yet :wacko:

  7. Ugh well that makes me upset cause dwarves are pretty much all I play as! :mad:


    The dwarf models cant be that horribly unusable, if the BioWare designers could make them work than they MUST be usable.. i wonder if they did it on purpose cause they secretly hate us small folk. :sad:

  8. Where can I find complete sex scene mods for the different companions? And by complete I mean for all races...


    For some reason all the vanilla scenes are... i dunno, just not very romantic and i feel there's something missing from all of them and they dont inspire the feeling of real passionate, loving moment... but nobody deserves to be left out cause they're not human! :sad:

  9. You have all still failed to justify her insistence on running off with the bast*rd forever.

    She obviously wants to raise the child to adulthood and then possess it to extend her lifespan like Flemeth was going to do to her or already has done to her (since I didn't kill the old bat.)


    Is there a possinility she'll become the next villain?


    It has been said that she would be back in DA2. Whether or not she will be "the villain" is anybody's guess. They could throw us all a curve and have the joy of motherhood turn her into a loving nurturing person :blink:


    Ick. I have a difficult time picturing that :wacko:



  10. In a word: yes - good luck with that :whistling:


    Hmm... well I actually did kill him without cheating, it wasn't very hard at all for me. I just couldn't tell if it had netted me more XP or not :sweat:

  11. I really hope so too...


    Specially since I am currently writing a fanfic about the Circle mage who was forced to become a Grey Warden because of what happened with Jowan and Lily. Except, he becomes extremely twisted and evil, and despises Wardens, because he's very bitter about the fact that he was essentially forced into a death sentence, because the taint kills you after 30 something years, and he, like everyone else, didn't find out about that little detail until it was already too late. He feels his life and hopes for a happy existence was taken away from him for no good reason. So he ditches the Wardens and essentially becomes an apostate-maleficar... but I find myself needing more details about backstory and how the whole templar and phylactery thing works, etc.

  12. You have all still failed to justify her insistence on running off with the bast*rd forever.

    She obviously wants to raise the child to adulthood and then possess it to extend her lifespan like Flemeth was going to do to her or already has done to her (since I didn't kill the old bat.)


    Is there a possinility she'll become the next villain?

  13. What are you favourite quotes from the game? These are some of my faves I can think of off the top of my head. I like these cause they're funny, always make me smile :biggrin:


    Dwarf Warden: "Aren't you a little short for a guard?"


    Anora: "Is that supposed to be ironic?"




    (Dalish Elf origin) Paivel: "Children, hear of the fall of the Dales! Hear the tale of what makes you Dalish. Would you care to begin, da'len?"


    Warden: "Well, children, it starts with a mommy and daddy elf..." :laugh:




    (Dwarf Commoner origin) Leske: "You're just jealous because you want the majesty of Leske for yourself, you shameless hussy."


    Warden: "Last time I saw your "majesty," the scepter was a little... soft."




    Morrigan: "'Tis cold in my tent, all alone..."


    Warden: "Then get a thicker blanket."




    (Mage origin) Warden: "That's a big door."


    Templar Bran: "Yes, it is. Do you need something, or are you just here to state the obvious?"




    "There is no glory in bloodshed!"




    Female Prostitute: "This is my first time... What? Really!"




    Female Dwarf Prostitute: Mmm, I see you've braved the deep roads before...




    Warden: "Fight my faithful Mabari hound."


    Eamon: "Ah, Warden... No. I'm afraid we can't leave the fate of all Ferelden up to your dog. Anyone with a leftover ham bone could buy his allegiance. Choose someone else.




    (When about to have a three-way with Isabella and Leliana, if your char is female) Oghren: "T-Too much to handle...! Stone...!" *thud*




    (When having sex with a female prostitute if your char is female) Prostitute: "Oh... ahh... mm... that's just..." (shriek)


    Oghren: "Oops, heh heh, wrong room."




    I'll think of more later...


    Not actual quotes but I always crack up laughing watching Morrigan seducing Loghain during her ritual thing, and how excited he looks to be gettin some nook... hahaha thats just awesome, that's why I always spare him if I'm not romancing Alistair. <3 :woot:



    Aaaand I love it when I ask Sanga to "Surprise me" and I wake up in a room full of nugs... gross, but too funny.

  14. Then why did she insist on being a single mother when she doesn't have a slightest clue as to how to care for another person, and actually raising a kid in such an environment as a freezing disease filled bog? Why does she insist on never letting the dad see is own kid and breaking the poor mans heart? Even if that man is her lover. wtf. That callous b*ch.




    Well, I guess it's like they say... the apple never falls very far from the tree. :down:

  15. You still fail to make her seem a suitable mother, which by the way, she is not.


    Warden would be safer leaving the kid with a caregiver or something. Ever think of that? Lord Aeducan could leave it with Harrowmont or Bhelen in Orzammar, Dwarf Commoner could leave it with his mom or sister Rica, Human Noble could leave it at Castle Cousland with nannies, City Elf could leave it with his family in the alienage, Dalish Elf could leave it with the trustworthy people of his clan.... much better than the kid growing up to hate everyone and the whole world and a swamp hermit teaching him/her how to pick up local ho's for a quick nooky and then kill them. Good grief.


    And then when the whole darkspawn issue is truly finished and over with, he could return and be a good papa. Easy.


    Or he could just give it to the Chantry. :thumbsup:

  16. And she's going to turn the kid into an unloving, uncompassionate, evil, distant, cold, impatient little pr*ck like her, to hate society and hate people and have zero social skills. And she's a skank. Not mother material in the least, kid would be safer with Warden cause he knows how to wield a sword. And he's a nice boy.


    Kids need nuturing. She is not the least in nurturing and therfore she's about the least deserving of motherhood of every person in the world.

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