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Everything posted by Halendia

  1. Actually, it's the other way around. The index displays the # of mods you have, while the load order is... umm, I actually can't explain. You'll find, though, that when you have a certain amount of mods, the LO will include not only numbers but also alphabetical characters and so on. In my case, my last mod is LO B2 Indexed 179
  2. Check this thread out. I can't verify if it works or not, though.
  3. If the Oblivion version is made from scratch by that author, you'll need his/her permission to port it, if it's ripped content (he/she may have uploaded it to a personal blog rather than a community (in which there are rules and moderators) for a reason) it'll still be prohibited to port it. From the description it seems as if the author just ported the armour, no matter if he/she gives you permission, it's still illegal content in that case. As much as I'd love to see this armour ingame (it's beautiful, and I think Sebastian is a very good character (although slightly underdeveloped)), it's heading towards a full custom model.
  4. Ask original author to release save?
  5. I get what you mean, but since your inventory value is not equal to vendor value, it sort of doesn't make any difference to me. Using Trade & Barter to make trading more varied and fun, brilliant mod really.
  6. I'm aware of Caliente's armor packs, if you're going to modify them, then you'll need her permission.
  7. Is it like that constantly or does it happen along the way?
  8. All CTD on launch I've ever experienced has to do with masters. Run BOSS, post result, ???, profit.
  9. Does it crash on start up or on load game? Instantly or after a while? Try loading your game with a brand new save,
  10. Face looks like envision or univision (either way, something from the japanese author community, try building your char off of ECE presets, it'll likely provide similar result). Body looks like CBBE. Hair most likely from Apachii. I've no indexed skimpy mods, can't help you on that one.
  11. I have a vague memory of THIS MOD doing exactly this.
  12. unfortunately, from what I know, it's slightly impossible to do this in a smooth way. you'll have to edit the default body texture in photoshop/gimp and add what you want. in that case, unfortunately, all NPCs will receive the same flaws. I haven't tried this, but if you want it, this is a mod that accomplishes something that could be helpful for you.
  13. I'd actually be very interested in this. Might even make it. I'll do some research. I am, however, imagining a mash-up dragonbone/ebony/stalhrim, in that case, from the looks of it, the original Stalhrim armour still consists of other materials to keep it together. "Stalhrim Infused Dragonplate" would be fancy, I think. having the blue for details, I imagine cracks in the dragonbone (gotta be hard to work ancient bones) patched with glowing stalhrim and oh. Yes, now I'm excited!
  14. Most likely caused by an uninstalled mod. If the game works with a new save, this is a hint to your main save being corrupted, most likely by bad mod. I can't even count all the times I've had to trash saves with dozens of hours of playtime because of this reason, but it is what it is. Best way to avoid this is not uninstalling any mods (lol), and or test mods with a scrap save before you load your main save with them. Also pay attention to mod author's "Uninstallation" section, if they have any, to make it as painless as possible in the future.
  15. Is the way your character is facing affecting the sound quality at all? (e.g. in dialogue, do you hear them better looking either right or left?)
  16. *cough* alienware != crappy over-the-counter Anyway. Newermind43's Deadly Trio looks very similar to what you're searching of. Genderbound though. OR my personal favourite: Avatar of Grenth, same author.
  17. See this post I made a couple of weeks ago
  18. I completely agree with you, period. I think adding such merchants to the world is a great way to make it more realistic, but allowing the player to trade with them, too, is key. Immersion is to be sucked in, feel like you're there, and having merchants around that you can't interact with seems half heartedly pointless. When I meet NPCs like that I go like "Well what the heck are you doing here then %ยค!", but I can still understand that as a mod author, configuring these NPCs etc. is an awful lot of work, weighed to how much it'll be appreciated by the user in the long run. Sure, we can look at their stuff and talk to 'em, but they wouldn't really have any further use than that. It's all about how much you as an author is willing to put into your mod. I appreciate every little detail, and I adore your mods, and whatever you decide to do, I'm pretty sure most people will still be happy with it.
  19. Are those compatible with the "RaceMenu" mod? Should be. I've used some of them together (RaceMenu and ECE) but I find that ECE and vanilla racemenu works better for me (interface-wise, RaceMenu becomes too cluttery)
  20. I think the OP is stumbling over his own words a little bit here. From what i gathered, this is about armours, correct? OP is interested in CBBE-ifying armours that haven't been modified, be it vanilla armours or mods. When it comes to modifying armours to fit/reveal the CBBE body, there's no permission needed from the author (Caliente), since you're not modifying her files, but rather other files to fit hers. What you have to think about, mainly (with everything that has to do with mods), is WHAT EXACTLY AM I USING? It's not prohibited to base your work around someone else's as long as you make it yourself (e.g. Caliente built a castle, and you built a wall around it, enhancing her work but not touching or modifying the original structure, this still makes the wall yours and yours only). NOW; IF we're talking armours here, if you're editing vanilla armours to fit/reveal the CBBE body, you're free to use Bethesda's original files as long as you've purchased the game. IF however you're looking into editing ANY other author's files (e.g. Immersive Armors), you need to have the author's consent before releasing/modifying anything (permissions vary among authors, best bet is to check "Credits and Permissions" tab on the file's Nexus page, alternatively PM the author if requested). When it comes to tools, I'm no expert, but there's a heap of tutorials everywhere around the Nexus and other forums alike on how to go about it. I'll point you in a direction though: roughly what you'll need: .bsa extracting program (FOMM, BSAopt)NifSkopeA 3D Model editing program (Blender is a free software)I hope this helps, but as a friendly nudge, I promise you if you don't know anything about 3D you're probably going to have a pretty rough time.
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