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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. A great job of summarising the year Dark0ne, as usual for you. I'm not often vocal in my support for your various initiatives, but I'd like to let you know how much I appreciate your Donation Points system. Since my first tentative steps here I've gained a lot from the knowledge base you've assembled in this community. It has allowed me to make my own first steps into mod authorship. I have always endeavoured to give back what I can, but my own bias against online money transactions has not allowed me to support you in a financial way ... something that has continued to stick in my craw. The Donation Points system has given me a mission. My goal is to garner enough donation points to purchase a premium membership ... give back what you have freely given yourself. Well done!
  2. Is this with only the vanilla game (i.e. with no mods at all)?
  3. There shouldn't be a significant performance impact from OCOv2 ... it's just a replacement head mesh, replacement face textures and with the HGEC addon replacement body textures. Doesn't bump up texture resolution much beyond what the base HGEC has. Something to note now that you're going to install EVE ... it will overwrite the OCOv2 body textures. OCOv2 makes enough of a change in it's body textures that you will now see some difference as a result of OCOv2 head textures paired with EVE body textures. What I would suggest is to only install the equipment replacer portion of EVE. Unfortunately that is no longer offered as a standalone donwload. I suggest you download the OMOD version (top listed download ... use the manual download button and save to a folder). It will download as an already prepared OMOD (the compressed file format that OBMM uses to install from). You have OBMM installed ... just double left click on the downloaded OMOD file (EVE_HGEC_BodyStock and Clothing OMOD-24078.omod) and OBMM will start and the installation script will run. Only install the equipment (clothes and armor) part and that will leave the OCOv2 body textures intact. - Edit - Another option, if my OMOD instructions above give no joy is to go full fledged Striker on it and we'll do a step by step on installing just the equipment portion from the BAIN download (second listed download from the top). It will still be the good old familiar copy/paste, just will be a bit more like the HGEC step by step from last night (vs the copy Data paste in Oblivion of tonight's episode). Still won't be rocket science ... just a matter of finding the folders and doing a copypasta.
  4. Not trying to discourage you from OBMM, but Nuska's warning is just an overreaction. Installing both OCOv2 and the compatibility addons really is even simpler than what you did with HGEC. Once you download it to a folder and extract you'll find a folder named Data. Copy that Data folder and paste it in your game's Oblivion folder and say Yes to merge the Data folder. The correct order is OCOv2 base (top download) and then the appropriate compatibility addons (in your case HGEC). I think that naming stuff you are referring to is just what you think ... name it what you want, just don't make the name the same as something you already have. - Edit - The rule of thumb for copy/paste is ... for folders always paste into one level higher than you copied, for individual files paste into the folder you want the file to be in.
  5. So you were going with an OBMM install for OCOv2? If I remember correctly in OBMM you select Add Archive to create an OMOD ... but can't recall for certain where you get that option. Most anything I know about OBMM I got from the stuff on the Help menu.
  6. Sorry should have said why I sort of ignored that detail after you indicated that seams weren't a big issue for you. Part of the OCOv2 installation is adding the appropriate compatibility addons. In your case that will mean the HGEC compatibility addon, which will overwrite any currently installed HGEC body textures. I figured we'd see what effect that had on the issue and go from there (otherwise we'd spend a bunch of time "fixing" something that would be "unfixed" as soon as OCOv2 installation was complete). - Edit - And as an FYI ... I believe that HGEC is still working. If you ever saw vanilla textures on a HGEC body you'd know what I mean.
  7. OK ... I'm somewhat the same regarding seams. I serve the Godz of Variety, so in my game you will sometime find seams (and often you won't need to look very closely to notice those seams). The OCOv2 heads/faces are something I couldn't play without however, same as I could never go back to the vanilla game body meshes. Now that you have OBSE installed and working we can confirm that Blockhead is working by looking for it's INI file (Blockhead.ini) which will be in Data\OBSE\Plugins. If you have Blockhead working you can kiss the potato-heads goodbye and get OCOv2 installed. It can be installed just as simply as what we worked on last night with HGEC ... download/extract/copy Data/paste in Oblivion/yes to Merge. - Edit - The only addition after installing the base OCOv2 install is the compatibility patches ... I believe you only need the HGEC patch as I don't think you've installed Roberts male.
  8. OK ... could be that your BSA timestamps got switched back to a modern date. Look at the file date on Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa and if it anything newer than year 2006 then just go through the OBMM archive invalidation steps again (remembering to click on Reset BSA Timestamps). My own personal experience with the skin textures from Hi Res (used them on my first two characters) is that even when using the optional seam reducing it offered you still were going to have neck and body seams. The current state of the art is OCOv2 plus Seamless - OCOv2 Edition. The downside to that combo is that you need to use nothing but assets from Seamless to achieve as good as it gets seamless. Any HGEC compatible custom armor/clothes etc will reintroduce seams for any NPCs (or your character) wearing the custom stuff. Another thing that will affect the visibility of seams is lighting. Do a test of your current situation ... in one open the console and "fw 38eec" (without the quote marks) and then "fw 38eee" to see the difference that lighting can make.
  9. Before you jump onto the EVE version of HGEC ... there is one other option to consider. Roberts Female Body v13 doesn't have as much support as far as custom armors/clothing but it does come with nicer feet (and maybe hands ... not 100% sure on that) compared to HGEC. It also has a complete armor/clothing replacer and has one other advantage over HGEC. HGEC uses the foot texture file to cover the entire body (feet, lowerbody and upperbody) but it uses a separate texture file to cover the hands (which often results in the seam between arm and hand being visible). Roberts female uses a single texture file to cover all body parts (so feet, hands, lowerbody and upperbody) making it far less likely you'll see a seam between body parts (it is still possible because of those parts being separate meshes as opposed to all one mesh). A lot will depend on your intentions ... use primarily vanilla style clothes and armor or make use of a variety of custom clothes and armor. HGEC has a lot to choose from ... Robert female much fewer choices. - Edit - And yes ... if you have the co-save OBSE is working. - Edit 2 - By DLCs are you talking about all except Shivering Isles (i.e. was Shivering Isles active in both the last night and today shot)?
  10. You get some sort of formatting codes or something when you copy/paste between pages or external pages. I usually copy and then paste into a blank Notepad page, and then recopy from there and paste into the Forum page (and yes ... I do have a bent for complicated). Thank you for moving the conversation from the HGEC body mod comments. Having the discussion here allows me to make suggestions I'm not comfortable making in a mod's comments (like suggest a different mod instead of the one you're looking at). The simplest way to confirm that OBSE is working is to make a save and then exit. Look in your Saves folder and see if you now see two saves each time you save or still just see one. When OBSE is working it will create a co-save each time you save (e.g. you will get MySave09.ess plus MySave09.obse when OBSE is working). What I wanted to suggest last night in the mod comments was that there is a better choice for HGEC available by using EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion. It includes a complete equipment replacer as well as many of the same body mesh options. Having a HGEC compatible clothes and armor replacer is important so that you don't get weird skin problems in exposed skin areas while wearing clothing/armor. HGEC and the vanilla game use completely different and incompatible arrangements for what body textures cover what part of the body mesh. Was the only change between the last night shot and the today shot OBSE plus Blockhead?
  11. What happens if you replace one of it's idles with a renamed to match copy of SeductiveIdleB.kf? - Edit - I wouldn't try the Blockhead thing in that case.
  12. So I just did a test with my character ... renaming SingDrink.kf to Idle_BLKD_PERNPC_Oblivion.esm_00000007.kf and stood for quite a while in one spot while in third person. Yup nothing happened, but what I don't know (as I've indicated all along) is what criteria does the game use to decide when/if to play an idle for the player character? I never play in third person, so I ask you ... does the game ever play an idle animation for the player character? If the game isn't set to play an idle for the player character then Blockhead's animation overrides won't do anything because there is nothing to make the game try to use an idle for the player character. To do that you will need to create/use a mod that assigns and forces the player character to play idles under whatever circumstances that mod uses.
  13. The 00000007 part of the formID is the player. If you wanted to apply it to another NPC you'd need to get their formID first (either from the UESP Wiki or Construction Set for vanilla NPCs or from the CS for mod added NPCs).
  14. You renamed a copy of SeductiveIdleB.kf to Idle_BLKD_PERNPC_Oblivion.esm_00000007.kf and that renamed file is located in Data\Meshes\Characters\_male\SpecialAnims\ ... correct. As I indicated back in the beginning, I don`t know what the criteria are that the game uses to decide when to play an idle, and which idle to play. I know that using Blockhead`s animation overrides works reliably to change an individual NPCs walk or combat animations, but I think the game treats idles as a whole `nother thing altogether.
  15. Yes ... the file name in my edit above is now correct. I only mentioned the long file name situation as information in case you were installed in Program Files. No matter where you have the game installed you will need to use that file name for Blockhead animation overrides to work (which is also why it didn't work when I made that mistake with the file name before).
  16. As soon as you mentioned that I went ... duh!! Been a while since I've run into that as a root cause and didn't think of it (though I had that feeling I was missing something ... just couldn't put my finger on it). Thank you for reporting back. It brings that type problem back to the current memory bank instead of the "archived backup".
  17. So Blockhead didn't work? - Edit - My bad ... I just read back through the thread and saw your edit that says it didn't work. When I posted the original directions I made an error with the file name. It should be ... Data\Meshes\Characters\_male\SpecialAnims\Idle_BLKD_PERNPC_Oblivion.esm_00000007.kf ... and I screwed up and put a backslash where there was supposed to be an underscore ( _ ). The file names used for Blockhead animation overrides are very long and it is possible (especially if you installed the game in Program Files) for the entire path for some animations that have long vanilla file names to be over the character limit for Windows (255 characters long). That won't be an issue for Idle.kf as it has a short file name. Files like HandToHandFastForward.kf or OneHandFastForward.kf is where you can run into the length of the file name issue.
  18. Blockhead ... the latest version even opens a way to include clothing/armor but requires scripting I believe. Read the Blockhead comments, I've covered the basics many times. If you have any questions I check in there fairly often.
  19. No idea on the Steam aspect ... I'm a tried and true disk guy. You can still use the OBSE_Loader.exe and OBSE_Editor_1_2.dll to start the CS from a desktop shortcut. Instructions on starting the CS with OBSE support is found in OBSE_Readme.txt and those instructions can be used as a guide for creating the shortcut (it's just a matter of replacing the CS EXE with the OBSE_Loader.exe and adding -editor to the end, outside the " " quote marks).
  20. No ... I didn't agree with that as a solution. Wasn't getting at the true root of the problem. Not sure what to suggest ... C:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion is the best path. I think C:\ (C drive root) is UAC protected as well.
  21. You will probably need to reinstall the BarrelShop mod ... UAC never allowed the missing files to be installed into the folders that they were supposed to go to (that's what the "VirtualStore" stuff is all about). Once UAC digs into something like that you can't even believe what is shown in Windows Explorer (as you have found out). Every way you can check will show that files are in their correct folders while all along they won't ... UAC has put them into the VirtualStore and the game can't find them.
  22. The "VirtualStore" gives us the root cause of your problem ... UAC. Get the game installed outside of Program Files (x86).
  23. In the first picture are those crashes happening before or after the Mythic Dawn agents come out? In the second picture in the first spot (lowest circle, closest to the door A Z1) do you see the zombies and then crash or crash before the zombies come around the corner? In the second picture at the spot you have the second circle (your room with the pillars I believe) there are three rats who will attack, but you should already have run across enough rats that makes me think the rats themselves can't be the problem. Nothing much else happening there until you go through the doorway to the left and enter the room with the food and iron helmet (you probably haven't seen that part yet ... it's at the green G in the picture).
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