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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. The order for troubleshooting OCOv2 problems is: 1) Confirm that OBSE is working ... seems you've done that now. 2) Confirm that Blockhead is working ... same as above. 3) Confirm that archive invalidation is working ... 4) Confirm that any installed body replacers (e.g. HGEC or Roberts Male) is working and the appropriate compatibility patches from OCOv2 were installed after the body replacers ...
  2. When you were looking at the wine and beer bottles in NifSkope did you notice if they started out as absolute texture paths (e.g. starting with C:\Program Files\... or similar)?
  3. Lineage Dark Elf and Lineage Elf are not available in the 4096x4096 package ... only the 2048x2048 package. If you look in the extracted download SS folder you'll see screenshots showing Lineage II Dark Elf and Lineage II Elf. Pick the one that most closely matches the head texture you have already installed. I'm not familiar with the folder structure used for those races, and haven't ever downloaded them myself. If the original download which included the head textures also came with body textures then it will just be a matter of replacing the appropriate files with those from the 2048x2048 package. You will propably need to rename the files to match the original names. In all likelyhood the Install tool from the 2048x2048 package will do all the work for you.
  4. Which of the two Lineage Elf body textures from High Rez did you install ... Lineage Dark Elf or Lineage Elf (the later is pink skin tone while the former is gray)?
  5. If I'm not mistaken that is an Oblivion Reloaded issue. Check through the mod comments for Bevilex' modlist for Oblivion - Graphics as that is where I've seen it discussed (could be maybe a month or two ago).
  6. Have you looked at GBEC BBB body mod? Doesn't come with a stock clothing/armor replacer, but there is GBEC BBB replacer of DMRA Skimpy clothes and armor if you don't mind skimpy. Only other GBEC clothes I can recall is GBEC Fk Dress.
  7. I find the same situation (my most frequent trouble spot is coming down to the flat north of Bravil, just before the the last couple of jogs in the road at the bottom of the hill). If I instead cut across to just north of the wayshrine and then over to where Tooth-in-the-Sea has his bedroll I can go to the Bravil gate. Needless to say, when I get to the bottom of that hill I always try to remember to save. I think the game just gets it's shorts knotted up sometimes, possibly related to the spawning crash bug I've seen mentioned in the Bevilex mod comments recently.
  8. I don't use it myself, but Maskar's Basic Personal Hygiene adds quite a bit of that sort of stuff.
  9. Yes ... outdoors will also work if no NPCs or creatures like horses can see you (plus you must not be in combat). All my houses are occupied by bandits, marauders etc I've "befriended" so I mostly clear the stolen flag on those items coming from an owned container outside myself.
  10. You need to be unseen for the drop on the ground trick to work (I use another mod that makes that easier to determine ... Improved No Crosshair).
  11. I checked using a link updated to the new site format for URLs ( https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/40482 ) and it appears that it has been removed from the site ... no idea whether that was for some infraction of the site rules or by the mod author. I believe that the skeleton.nif included with that mod was to fix the camera height issue, not the issue you seem to be having. Something you could try as a test to confirm that your problem is that the game isn't re-enabling player control after playing a cinematic scene is to open the console using the tilde (~) key and type in "enableplayercontrols" (without the quote marks) and hit Enter.
  12. Another possible cause for you finding them on the roads is this ... The game has a "safe cell" which it uses as a place to put things it doesn't know what to do with. By default that safe cell is the Tiber Septim Hotel in the IC. The way that I understand it, when the game needs to place something but gets it's shorts knotted up and becomes confused where to place the object it uses the lobby of the Tiber Septim so that it can move on and figure out the next thing. When the misplaced object does not have a low processing flag set the game will use that object's AI packages to figure out what it should be doing next, which will normally involve the object needing to walk to the location set for that package. If the object does have a low processing flag set then it won't begin to process it's next package until the player enters the same cell (thus you won't find that object just walking along the road).
  13. I use Stolen Item Ownership myself. Not perfect (items taken from owned containers requires an extra step) and if you use Enhanced Economy you'll need to disable some of it's features (unless you don't mind being a bounty magnet I suppose).
  14. Some vanilla game NPCs are just like that (heads not matching their bodies). In certain races (e.g. Orc and Dunmer) Bethesda must have been trying for a greater variety between NPCs and really stomped hard on the skin tone and colour sliders. The face skin tone/colour is supposed to transfer to the body but in some cases it doesn't. Only solution I've ever found for those NPCs is to edit their face colour/tone in the Construction Set.
  15. What about something like alt3rn1ty's Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide ... the downloads are annotated screenshots. In your case they could be text PDFs with screenshots as required.
  16. If I recall correctly, I think that Wrye Bash creates the Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers folders when you first open the Installers tab in the Wrye Bash interface (in other words it doesn't exist until after you open the Installers tab).
  17. MOO must load below the bashed patch to work correctly (per Maskar's instructions).
  18. You have too many textures in a quad. Each cell is divided into 4 quads, and each quad can only use a certain number of textures (can't recall exact number). You will need to delete an unused texture from that quad before you can add yours.
  19. Blockhead is probably the simplest way, but it will require PerNPC Overrides for all head assets. Body meshes will scale according to the race record (Altmer are the tallest race). You could also create a custom race using your preferred race as a base and give that race the Altmer stats and abilities.
  20. Load order is the primary tool determining which records the game uses when it runs. Bash tags allow a method to let A.esp to load higher in the load order than B.esp and still have records that are changed by both A.esp and B.esp win at game run ... providing both A.esp and B.esp don't use the same bash tags. When two or more mods use the exact same bash tag then load order determines the winner.
  21. Only mod I can recall that is similar to your request is Custom Bound Equipment by Contrathetix. It isn't exactly what you are asking for, but perhaps you can get some ideas from how Contra has done his mod.
  22. You will likely need to add the bash tag for AI Packages as well as load order to your ESP to get it to 'win' in the bashed patch if you have another mod in your load order that uses the bash tag for AI Packages. Of course, after the bashed patch trumps all.
  23. In the vanilla game Manheim from the Inn of Ill Omen will buy stolen goods and those sales will not count towards your Independent Thievery total. Perhaps you can find some answers by checking out him.
  24. Have a look at Alleviation Spell by Contrathetix. Beyond some testing I did for Contra quite a while back I haven't used it, but I think it will do what you're asking for.
  25. My tried and true method for installing mods is quite simple ... install one mod at a time to a working game and then test thoroughly. When you add a single mod to a working game and it stops working it's a trivial matter to figure out where to start troubleshooting.
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