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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Read here and here for complete info on Invisibility vs Chameleon.
  2. Download the OMOD and extract it to a folder using Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM).
  3. Have you looked at Seamless - Khats and Args?
  4. The first mod is designed for installation using Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) and the second is set up for either OBMM or Wrye Bash's BAIN installation method. The OBMM install script is giving you the NMM installation error message.
  5. Look up the ZKEC female body ... it includes smaller hands. Be aware that clothing & armor not specifically designed for ZKEC will have issues with the hands (e.g. rings won't align properly with the fingers).
  6. My own tried and true method of dealing with stuff like that is simple ... I just choose to not use all of the loot I find, no matter how powerful and tempting. Works every time, right out of the box, with or without any mods.
  7. LOL ... take a look back in the Roberts Male mod comments (around Christmas of 2016 if I recall correctly) where I gave a step by step on how to give the player character a unique body mesh using Blockhead. The same method can be used for body textures (read the Blockhead readme or ask here if you need more info).
  8. Roberts Male version 5.2 includes some body hair variations. Look at the level 50 folders in the BAIN download.
  9. Have you tried downloading the mod to a folder and extracting to that same folder? I've used the vanilla version of that mod in the past and it worked fine (it is technically in my current load order too, but my guy is using an alternate start and still hasn't initiated the Main quest). Manually installing for the vanilla version from an extracted download is literally copying SigilStoneSelector.esp from the extracted download and pasting that in your game's Oblivion\Data folder and activating with your mod manager of choice. If I remember correctly when I first started using the mod it was in a game where I'd part way finished the Main quest. Maybe give it a go in a save where you aren't standing right at the sigil stone.
  10. The web installer for DirectX 9 won't work for newer versions of Windows (it will always claim that you have the latest DirectX because it will see your DirectX 10/11 currently installed). You need to install this version of Direct X 9.0c (that is a direct download link ... save to a folder you create and install from there).
  11. EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion - has options for either underwear or nude in different body sizes and includes a complete HGEC compatible armor/clothing replacer RobertMaleBodyReplacerV52 - also has options for either underwear or nude in different body sizes, including complete armor/clothing replacer Roberts Female Body v13 - no options regarding body size but has underwear or nude and complete armor/clothing replacer
  12. Yup ... that's the way that Bethesda made them (both using Imperial body textures). I personally use Blockhead's PerRace body overrides to use the High Elf body textures from Female Body Retextured (includes textures for both Roberts male and HGEC, as well as for vanilla if needed).
  13. For NPCs (i.e. not the player) the rings must be one left hand and one right hand for two rings to be worn (meaning which body slot the ring occupies). The player ignores the slot assignment, but the two rings must not be the same (as you've found). What I do is create a new ring (so unique Form ID), in my case so that a right hand ring can be worn on the left, which is less commonly used (though the Mundane Ring is one of those left hand slot rings). I'm doing it for NPCs to wear the rings I'd like, so I also make the "new" ring zero weight to simplify getting them to the NPC.
  14. Something I recall from Emma's site ... try plugging a microphone into your sound card/on board sound.
  15. Have you looked at No Smiling Companions? I haven't ever tried it myself, but it might be worth a look.
  16. Check in Oblivion.ini and confirm you have bUseWaterHiRes=1 not bUseWaterHiRes=0 (from a post in the Bevi mod comments from back on Apr 16 2018 by Obl1vion97 ... symptoms of the problem are a bit different though).
  17. Not sure how it works without Realistic Fatigue, but often when I don't want to deal with a hostile NPC right at that moment I just select them in the console and "modav fatigue -800" them (without the quote marks naturally). They just collapse on the ground and I can continue on with what I was doing at the time. When/if I decide to deal with them later they'll be where I left them. If their fatigue hasn't regenerated enough yet I just give them a console fatigue boost (though at -800 most NPCs will be back on their feet once I return).
  18. If you have a save where her body is still there you could try using the console to see if it helps identify the culprit mod. Just open the console using the tilde (~) key and click on her corpse (or while she's still alive even). Take note of the first two digits of the refID that displays at the top of the screen after you click her. If a mod has replaced the vanilla Saveri then she will have a refID that is different than vanilla and those first two digits will align with one of the mods in your list. If one of your mods only affects her vanilla instance you'll need TES4Edit to find it. A couple in your list that jump out at me as possible candidates are Proper Male and Female Sitting.esp and Feminized_Animation_OCO.esp (though that is only a guess).
  19. Both of the vanilla Spies quest NPCs are female (Saveri Faram and Jearl) and don't exist in the game until the Spies quest is triggered. You must be dealing with a "mod added" problem. Quest stages cannot be undone. If you have a save from prior to triggering the problem you have using that save as an option, but I would suggest figuring out where the root of the problem is coming from so you can avoid any additional problems that may stem from the same mod.
  20. That is one of the features of Enhanced Economy, though not all city flora is illegal to pick.
  21. Hit the report button and request that a moderator take care of it.
  22. That load order shows Hammerfell Borders.esp as a missing master for your bashed patch ... create a User Rule and put it above the bashed patch.
  23. Moving Knights.esp likely caused more problems too (BOSS has it loading where it does for a reason). Best advice I can give you when modding the game is to add ONE mod at a time, and test thoroughly in between (and yes, there are some mods that need to be installed in a group, such as when mod B comes with patches that make it compatible with mod A ... then you would install mod A and test, then install mod B and it's patches for mod A and test the bunch working together). The key benefit from using the one-at-a-time rule is that when you add a single mod to a working game and it stops working it is a trivial matter to know where to start troubleshooting ... add a whole bunch of mods at once and you are left grasping at straws and scratching your head, hoping to stumble on the culprit. - Edit - When installing mods (or making any changes to your load order, or after you edit a mod in the Construction Set) the routine is: 1) Make your changes 2) Run BOSS to sort your load order (if you edit a mod in the CS it changes the file date, and the game and thus BOSS uses file date plus timestamp to determine load order, so step two is always needed) 3) Rebuild your bashed patch
  24. I recall reading somewhere recently about a conundrum concerning a recently updated mod that restores/adds missing content to the game (i.e. could have been Oblivion Uncut and the discussion may have been in the BOSS Masterlist mod comments thread). Apparently the changes in required load order proposed by the mod author weren't practical from a BOSS perspective. I'll see if I can dig up where I got that tidbit. In my opinion BOSS is the best tool for sorting Oblivion load orders (i.e. that's what I use). I suggest looking into how to set up User Rules ... comes in handy for finding a good spot for unrecognised mods. To access the interface for setting them up you need to start the full BOSS GUI using the desktop shortcut (i.e. not from within Wrye Bash). - Edit - Yup, was in the BOSS Masterlist for Oblivion comments ... look a little ways down in a comment thread started on Jan 13 2018 by marob307 for details.
  25. First, what are you using to sort your load order? Notice the Delinquent Master warning after Oblivion Uncut.esp ... a missing master will cause the crash you describe, and having an ESP above it's master in your load order is as bad as not having the mod's master in your load order at all. Second (and after you get a properly sorted load order), rebuild your bashed patch ... looks like you've uninstalled a mod (RescueMenien.esp is reported as a missing master for Bashed Patch, 0.esp) and not bothered to rebuild your bashed patch afterwards.
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