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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. I'm not seeing CM Partners.esm ... plus you do know that you're supposed to use either CM Partners NPC NE.esp or CM Partners NPC.esp but not both (unless you wanted double of all those NPCs, one not essential and one essential). You should also confirm whether or not you are supposed to use both personality_idles4_nnpc.esp and personality_idles4_nopc.esp at the same time (I'm not familiar with that mod). Is Oblivion Character Overhaul Hair Edition.esp meant to be a replacement for Oblivion Character Overhaul.esp or used as a patch for Oblivion Character Overhaul.esp? Is your Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY.esp required by one of your mods ... I'm not seeing any other Cobl ESPs in your list (ditto with All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp ... no sign of All Natural Base.esm or All Natural.esp). I'm surprised you managed to get the game to start at all.
  2. Doesn't OR have a framerate manager that makes things visible or not visible depending on your framerate?
  3. Wrye Bash is the best tool for installing mods in Oblivion (well except manual install ... I am a dinosaur at heart). WB is also the only way to get a bashed patch, which is required by some mods and is the simplest way to get large load orders playing nicely. Have a look through Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html (both found in the Oblivion\Mopy\Docs folder after you've installed WB) ... everything I know about WB comes from there.
  4. Download Roberts male BAIN to a folder and extract to that same folder. You will find a bunch of folders that start with 010 (e.g. 010 Belly Body Nude or 010 Belly Body Nude - Circumsized). If you want all males in the game to have that body then all you need to do is right click the Meshes folder that is inside the 010 level folder and select Copy from the right click menu. Navigate to your game's Oblivion\Data folder, right click on Data and select Paste from the right clcik menu. You should get a warning about there is already a folder named Meshes ... select Yes to All (more recent versions of Windows may change what's said in the dialogue, the key point is you want to overwrite all of the files that are contained in the Meshes folder and it's subfolders). Since you already have OCO v2 installed (which means you must have Blockhead installed and working) so you may find my step by step instructions on how to give the player character a unique body interesting. Look back in the Roberts male mod comments to Dec 25 2016 to my replies to a post made by LordNoryam (currently 4 pages back in those comments). You may also want to look at my reply to Markie21157 made on Jan 30 2017.
  5. Celestia212 would be the one with the info ... I'm just a Blockheading blockhead, though next time I think of it when I have the CS open I may poke around and see if I can make heads or tails of it. My guess would be one of those little noticed menu items in the CS, but I haven't looked yet. - Edit - A quick look in the CS shows Export NPC Face Textures near the bottom of the Character menu. Didn't try it to see what it does, but my guess would be something like the Data\Textures\Faces\Oblivion.esm\... that comes with Oblivion Character Overhaul (in which case, if you were looking to experiment and have OCO v2 installed I'd backup that folder beforehand).
  6. I haven't tested it myself, but Celestia212 discovered something while working out a Blockheading problem that you may find interesting ... look at the post Celestia212 made in the Blockhead mod comments on Mar 4 (down near the end of the post, in a PS).
  7. The "install OBSE with Steam completely closed" came from something I saw in an old post of a similar problem.
  8. Have you tried starting the game from Steam? Another thing ... exit right out of Steam completely before installing OBSE.
  9. If you read back through the mod comments on Bevilex' modlist you'll see some discussion about the OOO problem (look back to Feb 10th to a post by EvilMV).
  10. As you are discovering, you can treat the different parts of the male and female body as though they were Lego pieces, as long as you know what you are doing. Two key points ... the vanilla game will only allow a single body for all males and the same for females, and those body parts need to be named and located in the folder path the game expects them. Second point is that some body parts are designed to be used with their corresponding counterpart. Bulky for upper body is not going to work with Scrawny for lower body. I have a suggestion for you ... I use body meshes from SetBody Reloaded Blockhead Edition in my Blockheading project (Blockhead allows you to assign different bodies to individual NPCs and/or different races). Two advantages that the meshes from SetBody give you. One they are seamless, same as the meshes from Seamless for OCO v2 and two, you can pick and choose from a wide range of tackle shapes and sizes for any of the same body types you get in Roberts male. All it requires is a bit of renaming files and putting them in the correct folder. If you look back in the Robert male mod comments to Dec 25 2016 you'll find a step by step I did for a post by LordNoryam on how to Blockhead the player character. It will get you started down a whole new rabbit hole (if you're up to an adventure).
  11. Seamless for OCO v2 is the one you should use but if you are not going to install HGEC you will need to do a custom install of only the Roberts male parts. The Seamless for Roberts male version is for the vanilla head mesh, so it won't make things better when you have OCO v2 installed, it will make things worse. Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2 has it own unique head mesh, and Seamless for OCO v2 has it's own tweaked version of that OCO v2 head mesh. Simplest way is to install OBSE then Blockhead (which you have already done) then Roberts male and HGEC (I suggest EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion). Both Roberts male and EVE have underwear[/b]or[/b] nude options ... pick whichever you prefer (same with body type/bust size). The For_Idiots package from Seamless for OCO v2 is the simplest to install but it will install the underwear versions of both Roberts male and HGEC. The BAIN version of either/both can be installed either manually (copy/paste) or using Wrye Bash and gives you the opportunity to select exactly the body type you want.
  12. I'm not sure why Junkacc insists that you need to uninstall Roberts male before installing Seamless for OCO v2 ... it will just overwrite files from Roberts when you install Seamless for OCO v2 (at least if you use good old reliable copy/paste manual install). I don't use everything from Seamless for OCO v2 myself (I tend to pick and chose a lot of things, but I did use most of it). I recommend OBSE then Blockhead, then Roberts male and whichever supported female body you decide to use (if any), then OCO v2 base, then the compatibility addons for Roberets male and any female body to installed and finish up with Seamless for OCO v2. After you get past OBSE and Blockhead, at each step allow all folders and files to merge/overwrite (i.e. at each step you want the next step to overwrite what was installed at the previous step).
  13. - Edit - Hmm ... forums seems to a bit wonky ... not showing that my post actually posted (so I naturally double posted). - Edit 2 - May as well use this one for something ... Now I see Contra's post, so that removes the stuff in that link I posted as a solution (symbolic links is what it was setting up). Probably will just have to bite the bullet and take the hit on C drive ... SSD or HD, neither is going to last forever anyway.
  14. Yes I know that there are things to lessen the impact ... I'm just way too old school in my thinking (I remember being ticked off when I found out that the PCI-E standard only had a limited number of insert/uninstall cycles ... can't recall what it was, 10 or 20 or something like that ... just ticked me off that you spend all that money on a high quality motherboard only to discover you're limited by an engineering standard). After posting I did a little Googling/reading ... How to Move Windows 7 Personal Folders Like My Documents to Another Drive. Sounds like the right way to make the change, just not sure how well Oblivion would like it. There is a setting in Oblivion.ini (bUseMyGamesDirectory) that I tried turning off to see if the game would prompt for a new location to make saves but it didn't seem to do anything (the game just continued to make saves in the same old location).
  15. I'm curious ... when you say "a relocated My Documents folder" did you perchance move My Documents to a different drive? I'm still using an old style HD for my C drive, but now that I was finally forced to give up my beloved WinXP and move somewhat closer to the 21st century with Win 7, I of course have the option of changing over to SSDs. What I'm not crazy about with that scenario is that my good old HD has almost no limit to how many write/erase/rewrite cycles it can withstand. SSDs on the other hand have a limited number of write/erase/rewrite cycles before their individual memory cells become unusable. It would be nice to get all those Oblivion saves made somewhere other than C drive.
  16. 'NAME' should be your player name (so if my character's name was Striker the skeleton should be called 'Striker's skeleton').
  17. Not sure what your summon issue may be, but you do know you are supposed to only use one of the CM Partner extra ESPs at at time, not both at the same time (e.g. CM Partners More NPCs.esp or CM Partners More NPCs NE.esp not both ... unless your intention is to have two of each of the CM Partners that those ESPs add, one essential and one not essential). Same deal with some other stuff (like the Natural weather ... don't use it myself but I'm pretty sure you'd need to pick either the HDR version or the regular version, not both ... and English and German versions of babehair at the same time).
  18. Check your mod install directions ... you have multiple mods where you've installed all of the ESPs where you should only be using one or the other (e.g. RealisticForceLow.esp and RealisticForceMedium.esp and RealisticForceHigh.esp ... not going to work using all three when you should be using only one of the three). Don't use Better Cities myself, but I'll bet dollars to donuts that you've done the same thing there (used all of the ESPs instead of just the ones you need).
  19. I'd try without the keychain mod ... have never used it myself but I know it has a bad reputation.
  20. I prefer using the Construction Set to edit faces ... the digital readout of slider positions and ability to directly enter slider positions using the digital readout gives me the precision and repeatability I want. All I did was create an NPC and put him just outside the sewer exit (my source ESP for the face). I'd adjust on him, exit and check him in the proper game lighting, using the console to adjust weather conditions or the wait menu to get to the time of day I wanted to test. In my opinion you can't do a proper job using the CharGen interface and that lousy lighting in the prison cell. After getting the face set I just disabled my ESP and used WB for the transfer. As an added bonus I can use that same character's face for my next guy, or tweak it in the CS if I'm looking for something different.
  21. Yes ... what you will be doing in WB is transfer your character's face from a save to your ESP. It was a couple of years back that I used WB to create my current character (obviously I don't jump from one character to the next very often) but from what I can recall the process was fairly easy to understand. I think you'd want to have the target NPC already created in your ESP so that you can select them from the list when your get to the second step of the transfer process. There were options on whether or not to import things like stats along with the face (if I'm remembering correctly). - Edit - For other users, the NPC would look like your character, not their character. If what you are trying to achieve is for anybody to use your mod to create an NPC that looks like their own character then the Wrye Bash method isn't going to do it.
  22. Should be possible using the same method I used to create my character's face, only sort of reversed. Wrye Bash has a utility to transfer faces, either from save to save, save to plugin or what I used, plugin to save. The only description of doing this is found in Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html (found in the Data\Mopy\Docs folder after WB is installed). Look in section 6 Saves Tab (6c Face Import).
  23. In a nutshell ... OCO v2 requires Blockhead to work, and Blockhead requires Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) to work. That gives us the order of operation for troubleshooting. First confirm that OBSE is in fact working. Simplest way is to start the game with OBSE and make a save. Next look in your Saves folder and confirm that you now get two saves each time you save, both with the same base name and different file extensions (e.g. MySave09.ess and MySave09.obse). If you are seeing two saves then OBSE is working ... if not then no need to continue onto Blockhead until OBSE is working. Blockhead will create it's INI file (Blockhead.ini) the first time you start the game after it successfully loads. No Blockhead.ini in the folder Data\OBSE\Plugins (same place as Blockhead.dll is supposed to be) means Blockhead isn't loading. Once you have OBSE and Blockhead working install OCO v2. A note about installing things ... OBSE and Blockhead need to be installed manually (i.e. download to a folder, extract and then copy & paste).
  24. OCO v2 has an ESP ... it's name is Oblivion Character Overhaul.esp and it needs to be activated. If it's not showing up in the left pane of the OBMM window I'd say that OCO v2 hasn't been properly/completely installed. First thing I'd check is whether or not you can find Oblivion Character Overhaul.esp in your game's Oblivion\Data folder using Windows Explorer.
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