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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. There are also some differences in how the game displays encumbrance if you aren't overencumbered before you equip a feather enchanted item or drink a feaather potion (if I'm not mistaken ... having no luck finding my sources for that info). Also, according to my calculations, at strength 63 your encumbrance limit should be 315 (5 x 63).
  2. Do you use anything like Realistic Fatigue or Basic Primary Needs?
  3. The percentages are the % chance of you either resisting or reflecting a spell cast at you. There is an order which the game uses to apply resist, reflect and absorb, but I'm not at my home computer to browse through my notes. - Edit - Correction ... resist always works and the percentage is the percent of the incoming spell you resist. Have a look at the bottom of this UESP Wiki page for the complete explanation.
  4. Don't know much about it, but perhaps Lazy Voice Finder will be of some help.
  5. I think either a mod or using the console is your only option. According to the UESP Wiki it's not available until level 17 and is never available for purchase from a vendor. Another option that occurs to me is to use one of Emma's house mods like Aleswell Cottage (most, if not all of her house mods work the same way). The alchemy station automagically equips alchemy equipment according to your character's alchemy skill, so once you are master in alchemy you will get master equipment while using the alchemy station in the house.
  6. I've always found that to get the full +5 bonus I needed to accumulate 11 (not 10) in that school (so using your Blade example you'd need to advance it from 40 to 51). Doesn't agree with what the UESP Wiki says, but that's been what I've found. That you are only showing +3 for Strength as opposed to +4 makes me think you have something interfering with the vanilla levelling system.
  7. LOL ... see, we're alike ... don't stop until it groans in protest.
  8. Can you confirm that the GOG version of obse_loader.exe from the Silverlock site works olnorton?
  9. I'm pretty sure that obse_steam_loader.dll would just be ignored by the GOG version of the game (the Steam specific version of Oblivion_Loader.exe looks for it, as I understand it ... but I am a non-Steam type myself, so could be wrong). That is the reason I suggested to remove ALL traces of any previous install attempts before installing just the files and folders I specified.
  10. It's kind of derailing this GOG discussion a bit, but when I recently had to switch my machine from WinXP (Oh how I miss you) to Win 7, I joined the group of Oblivion + OBSE users who weren't able to get OBSE and Oblivion working. My game is not installed in a protected folder (G:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion ... separate hard drive just for games). I was using Koroush Ghazi's guide for getting Win 7 setup (found on this page on TweakGuides). It's a long guide to read and I was working under the gun time wise with the upgrade (would you believe it was tax software that brought the mighty WinXP dinosaur to his knees, but somehow getting the game to work took priority over installing the TurboTax that refused to install on WinXP ... go figure eh?). I've used Koroush's guides before, so I know to scour the table of contents for the parts I need. On page 157 you'll find instructions on how to access the hidden administrators account (ya, turns out that "administrator" account you think you have isn't a true administrator account, more like the old power users account from WinXP). As soon as I used the true administrators account my OBSE woes vanished. So I went back into my regular "false administrators" account and even when I completely turned off UAC it still wouldn't run OBSE (so I would probably have to both turn off UAC and change a bunch of file permissions). I just use the true administrators account for playing Oblivion and put the fake administrators account back to it's defaults (and use that account for all other stuff that is non-Oblivion related). Now I can't say whether or not Win 10 is the same or not ... Koroush won't do a separate guide for Win 10 because it is apparently very close to Win 8/8.1 which already has a guide.
  11. Something that just occurred to me after reading your reply ... you know how the game is 32 bit, and so will only ever access 4GB of RAM (or 3.5GB, as I've read elsewhere)? I wonder if the game engine would be able to utilise more than 4GB VRAM (thinking along those same 32 bit limit guidelines)?
  12. OK, now keep in mind I don't have the GOG version so I can't confirm that this works, but this is how I would do the GOG version install. At the Official OBSE web page click on the download link for the Current Stable version and save that to a folder you have named OBSE_ver_21 (or whatever name you prefer). Next click on the download link for GOG build a bit further down the page and save to a folder named GOG_Loader. Extract the download in your OBSE_ver_21 folder to that same folder. You will now find seven files and two folders, one folder named Data and one named src. Copy the files obse_1_2_416.dll and obse_editor_1_2.dll to your game's Oblivion folder (the same one that contains Oblivion_Loader.exe and Oblivion.exe). Next copy the extracted download's Data folder and paste that in the game's Oblivion folder (so the final path for the operation will result in you having Oblivion\Data\OBSE\obse.ini). Then extract the download in the GOG_Loader folder and you will now find a single folder named obse_loader and in that folder a file named obse_loader.exe ... copy that obse_loader.exe file and paste it into your game's Oblivion folder (same place as you pasted the other two OBSE files). Finish by either creating a new desktop shortcut that points to obse_loader.exe or edit your current desktop shortcut to start with obse_loader.exe instead of Oblivion_Loader.exe (you could also test by just double left clicking on the obse_loader.exe once it is copied to your game's Oblivion folder). I would suggest that you delete all previous OBSE files from your first attempt before you start.
  13. If I remember correctly, when Direct2Drive users have tried starting their game using obse-loader.exe the error reported was a CRC not matching type error (i.e. not matching the CRC of the disk version Oblivion.exe I would guess). Could be that if the GOG version Oblivion.exe doesn't match the disk version CRC we can get the OBSE team to add the GOG version to the approved CRC list (I believe I read somewhere that some work on OBSE was happening).
  14. Another question is will the GOG version work with OBSE? - Edit - Something else I've thought of ... many mods require Shivering Isles. I'm under the impression that the GOG version is just the base game, no SI or DLCs. - Edit 2 - Looking at the GOG site page for Oblivion it's called the Game of the Year Deluxe ... all of the small DLCs are listed with individual descriptions but the only mention of Shivering Isles is down in the general description of the game, where there is the mention of Shivering Isles in a couple of sections: "New Lands to Explore In the Shivering Isles expansion, see a world created in Sheogorath's own image, one divided between Mania and Dementia and unlike anything you've experienced in Oblivion." and "Challenging new foesBattle the denizens of Shivering Isles, a land filled with hideous insects, Flesh Atronachs, skeletal Shambles, amphibious Grummites, and many more." Still haven't had any confirmation from anybody on whether or not they've been successful at getting OBSE working using the GOG version of obse_loader.exe found on the Silverlock site.
  15. My first character was the only one who has done any Mages guild quests, so we're talking about ancient history (and how well my old head remembers accurately). That character also did not use the UOP (was seriously addicted to the "zero weight permanent bound armor" glitch ... something the UOP "fixed"). If memory serves I found myself in exactly the same situation you are facing ... none of the recommendation topics showing in Kud-Ei's list because I had first clicked on the Henantier topic and agreed to help. That character also wanted to finish the recommendation quests so he could gain access to the Arcane University and get that permanent bound armor enchanted. I think I wound up completing the Henantier quest just so I could move on to the recommendation ... and yes the situation you are in is documented in the UESP Wiki for the Bravil recommendation quest. I think my first guy might have been the only one to do that Daedric quest as well ... I'll need to load up one of my current guy's saves from Cheydinhal and wander over that way to refresh my memory. - Edit - OK keep in mind this was done with my level 37 character who has Agility maxed. Starting from Sercen Camp follow the ridge NNW to just NE of Fort Nasco, and then follow the ridge that leads uphill NE from Fort Nasco as far as you can. A trick I use when I can't go uphill any further and think I should be able to, is to zig zag back and forth while still mostly pointed uphill and you'll get a little bit every now and then. Once you can't make any more progress up that ridge work your way along the mountainside east while still keeping yourself headed mostly uphill so you don't lose too much height. When you are about due east of the shrine you'll see a ridge leading down to the east side of the shrine. If you aren't higher than the shrine when you work your way east along the mountainside you either didn't make it far enough up the ridge from Fort Nasco or lost too much height while working your way around.
  16. Another common problem is just not noticing that there are more topics farther down the list ... i.e. maybe you just need to scroll down.
  17. The Unofficial Oblivion Patch is supposed to fix the problem, but adding the UOP after the problem has started may not help (don't know for certain).
  18. A bit less than 2 hours drive to Windsor, unless I cross the border. Generally speaking, anything you're likely to get from me will not lead to less strain on your machine ... I'm the same as most people and always want more. Yes there were video card options that were considerably more expensive. They came with all kinds of bells and whistles but were lacking in one department ... bang for the buck.
  19. The main reason I went with the 1050Ti was because any alternatives that were available at the closest Canada Computers store to me (still an hour's drive away) were all 2GB VRAM and not all that much cheaper. I was sort of under the gun time wise for the upgrade (would you believe that tax software forced the WinXP dinosaur to his knees ... after all those years). From what I have seen in my keyboard display I'm not even scratching the surface of the 4GB (highest I've seen is just shy of 1.4GB used) but I haven't done anything to my load order that would use more (my load order is still designed for that 896MB card). Blockheading is one of my Strikerisms used to describe how I've used Blockhead to give diversity to all those NPCs who wind up losing their gear to my guy after the battle is over (so primarily bandits, marauders, conjurers and necromancers). I rarely kill anymore ... have a well developed strategy of disabling, then destroying their armor, "befriending" them and "collecting" them in Ayleid ruins or player owned houses. For example Trumbe is a necro "safe house" and probably has in excess of 50 necro NPCs "stored" there (I have also learned a trick to give them a new "editor location" of sorts). That strategy evolved as I learned to exploit the tools I'd included in my current guy's load order, and as it evolved the number of NPCs present in any particular cell I was using kind of got well out of hand and pushed the old hardware to it's knees. Even though I'm not currently utilising the full potential of the 4GB card I'm confident in the autumn, when I get back from my summer's break from Oblivion, I'll find ways to push hard at the new limits. When I say that it performs about the same as before I mean that I don't notice anything like smoother play etc ... that's because it played smoothly before, as long as I monitored my VRAM usage and didn't allow it to hit the max. The only thing I've noticed with the new video card is that sometimes I'll get a sort of hitching, that I can only describe as a fraction of a second jump ahead (so not a freezing and then jump ahead, it's like my guy jumped ahead by a half a stride). When I get back into things in the fall I'll delve into it and see if I can figure out what's going on.
  20. If picking the right components to put together a kickass machine was simple everybody would do it. In my opinion deciding what upgrades will lead to money well spent is even more complicated because you really need to know what your current hardware's bottlenecks are and whether or not they will affect you getting the most out of those hardware upgrade dollars. I was recently forced to upgrade from my much loved WinXP (32bit). I already owned a copy of Win 7 (64bit) intended for my next new machine build, so I decided to upgrade the old box for Win 7. The WinXP version of my old computer was running on an Intel Core2 Duo 3.0GHz and 2GB RAM with a GeForce GTX275 with 896MB VRAM ... the Win 7 version upgraded to 8GB RAM and a GeForce GTX1050Ti with 4GB VRAM still using the same CPU. The game still runs from the same WD Velociraptor HD and Win 7 is on a single Velociraptor HD whereas WinXP was on a pair of older WD Raptors in a RAID 0. So the total upgrade was RAM, video card plus boot drive and OS (actually all I needed to buy was RAM and video card as I had the hard drive in stock too). Before the upgrade I was down to mostly about 15 to 30 minutes playing time before I needed to save exit and restart the game. I've know the reason for this for quite a while ... over 250 Blockheaded NPCs (some just PerNPC mesh replacement, some PerNPC mesh and texture replacement). I'd monitor my video card memory usage in my Logitech keyboard display and go through a restart cycle when I got close to or over 800MB VRAM usage ... if I didn't I knew I'd shortly get a crash or lockup. After the upgrade I can regularly get over an hour gametime, sometimes pushing closer to two hours. Nothing has changed in my load order, maybe a handful more NPCs Blockheaded but that's it. Nothing done to make the game more stable or to increase playtime (though I did run the 4GB patcher to take advantage of the increased RAM). The game runs about the same as it did before performance wise (I've never been a slave to watching my FPS ... it still "feels" the same to me though). That is about what I expected going in ... the upgrade was driven by something not game related but the components were selected with the game in mind. You would perhaps think that the video card upgrade should have got me more than the ability to handle my Blockheading but remember I'm plugging it into that same old version 2.0 PCI-E slot so it still is communicating with the rest of the system no faster than the old card. There will always be a bottleneck. - Edit - Jumping from 3GHz to 4.4 GHz will "cover up" a lot ... that is a major speed increase (which will shift the bottleneck to somewhere else).
  21. Perhaps I misinterpreted ...thought you had been trying to use the in-game console to change iFPSClamp. I have a vague recollection of something similar to your situation, but it was a long time ago. Could be it was in the earlier posts made in the Oblivion Reloaded mod comments (but I could be working off a faulty memory chip too). - Edit - Ya it was in the OR mod comments. Go to this page and put "high fps" (without the quote marks) in the Search at the top right of the page and then click the magnifying glass. In the results go down to Alenets post on May 27 2015 and click on the Spoiler to see the whole conversation. There may be other pertinent info in the other pages from that search.
  22. In Oblivion.ini (found in the Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder ... NOT Oblivion_Default.ini found in your game install's Oblivion folder) locate iFPSClamp (should be in the [General] section near the beginning) and make your change there.
  23. You have posted this in Oblivion Technical Support ... is the game you are having trouble with Oblivion or Morrowind?
  24. In the [Main] section of OblivionReloaded.ini ... if you are going to use OR you really need to read the manual.
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