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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. That'll do it ... thanks for reporting back.
  2. Manual installing is as simple as downloading to a folder and extracting to that same folder and then copying and pasting those two files into your game's Oblivion\Data folder (so the final result will be Oblivion\Data\1em_Vilja.esp and Oblivion\Data\1em_Vilja.bsa). Then just activate 1em_Vilja.esp in any mod manager or the vanilla game Data Files. When you start the game what version is shown in the lower left corner of the main menu screen?
  3. Are you putting both 1em_Vilja.esp and 1em_Vilja.bsa in your Oblivion\Data folder and then activating 1em_Vilja.esp?
  4. Ah Contra ... you'll get my BOSS when you can pry it from ... Merry Christmas buddy, we're having a white one here!
  5. Nope, BOSS is being maintained by mhahn123 ... you can manually update the masterlist from BOSS Masterlist for Oblivion (or allow it to update automatically when run). LOOT is for newer games like SkyRim.
  6. Then it won't be the A-Bomb bug (stuck animation) ... that only happens on saves with more than 200 hours (permanently fixed by EngineBugFixes). I can't see it being a load order related problem, but the recommended tool for sorting Oblivion load orders is BOSS. Better Cities has a reputation for being a framerate killer (don't use it myself, so I can't speak from anything except what I've heard). That's where I'd start my troubleshooting. Best advice I can give is a bit late for you on this current build ... install one mod at a time and test thoroughly in between mods (and always confirm proper game operation with no mods before starting). When you add one mod to a game that is working and then it starts acting up it's a trivial matter to figure out where to start troubleshooting.
  7. Is it a save that has a lot of hours on it (as in more than 200 hours)?? - Edit - Also, what are you using to sort your load order?
  8. Mono or stereo? Pretty sure they need to be mono for the game to use them.
  9. My own copy of Local Guards is customised quite a bit, so I can't say for certain if Caelia Draconis is wearing a cuirass from Local Guards or something I've swapped in from elsewhere.
  10. I don't use Mod Organiser myself, but I understand that OBSE and all OBSE plugins must be manually installed in the actual game folders not installed via MO into it's virtual folder system. Mods will work with any legitimate version of the game, providing the mod's requirements are met.
  11. The type of crash you describe is often a symptom of a missing master ... such as the master for Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp is DLCShiveringIsles.esp. Is there a reason you have DLCSiveringIsles.esp deactivated?
  12. There is one other thing that crops up with characters after 200+ hours ... commonly called the A-Bomb bug (stuck animation ... most commonly noticed with animated doors and gates and flames like those from torches). For years we have to rely on utilities to fix the root cause of the bug, which would eventually reappear and need fixing again. The previously mentioned EngineBugFixes includes a permanent fix for the A-Bomb.
  13. Oblivion isn't well known for efficient memory handling. When you reload you are loading that save into a mess left from the previous load, not a clean slate. There are plenty of things that 'can' be done in the game that aren't a good idea (do you use quicksave for example ... known to be a source of save file corruption). I personally have all auto-saves turned off in Oblivion.ini, never use quicksave or reload, always save using the Esc menu save in a new slot (the overwriting of saves also messes things up) and have a remarkably stable game without using any of the utilities that are recommended to help prevent crashes (the only thing I use is EngineBugFixes, which includes one fix that helps cut down on crashes). I also periodically save , exit and restart the game from the desktop. No need for my guy to die ... just good habits.
  14. Does it also happen if you die, exit to desktop and then restart the game and load your save?
  15. If I was going to install Sinderion I would install 01 Core and one of the 03 Option ESPs. I already have COBL installed and working, and wouldn't replace COBL Glue.esp from my version 1.73 COBL with some untested version from some other modder (no offence meant Gamingsrc).
  16. Another 'moral dilemma' for me ... Probably half of my own unique downloads have been made simply to help figure out someone's installation problem ... i.e. the download was a mod I'll never use myself. True, in the big scheme of things we're not talking about thousands of downloads, but still I would feel I'm skewing the system just to answer a question.
  17. The default installation of COBL ver 1.73 includes an ESP named COBL Glue.esp (and it appears to be a part of the core version 1.74 COBL ... don't know for certain as I use version 1.73). Looking at the extracted Sinderion download I'd say that the mod author has included a copy of COBL Glue.esp (perhaps edited, though file size is exactly the same ... can't say for certain) in both the 01 Cobl Glue replacer and 02 Cobl Glue replacer + Grinder folders. Can't for for certain why, but they would overwrite your currently installed COBL Glue.esp (assuming you have already installed COBL). I would say that the ESPs included in the 03 Option Cobl Glue patches folder is for if you don't want to overwrite the original COBL Glue.esp ... then you would use either the Default version (for no grinder) or the Grinder version, sorted lower than Sinderion.esp in your load order.
  18. I believe the version translated to Italian on the OCO v2 Files tab is based on an older version of OCO v2 but I can't say what that may affect if you installed it after installing version 2.03 (other thought would be to completely uninstall all of version 2.03 and then install the Italian version alone). The only other help I can offer is How to fix broken voices after installing some kind of mods (which is simply a text file that gives instructions on how to fix things using the Construction Set).
  19. Are you using an English language version of the game?
  20. Yes if the merge involves ESPs you'll need to use tools like those (I believe the Construction Set can also be used, though I've no experience with that so I'm not sure of what it's limitations may be vs the others). My own experience has been along the lines of simple replacement of meshes or textures while still using the original ESP (like in your New Eyes example).
  21. I'm sure that Wrye Bash wouldn't care if you created a new archive with the combined mods all in one new archive (and I doubt that OBMM would either if you are using the 'create omod' from an archive method) ... don't know anything about the new TESMM. What you are proposing is basically what my own manual install style allows me to do with mods that will always remain on my future install's load lists.
  22. Early problems with Blockhead resulted in problems saving while on horseback. If you look at the save thumbnails from before I started using Blockhead you'll see my horse's head in most (I play in first person exclusively). The since resolved Blockhead problem got me into saving before hopping onto my horse, a habit that has persisted even since the Blockhead/horseback saving problem was resolved (so now most of my save thumbnails show the back end of my horse and two packdonkeys). I know all of the places where I need to hop off my horse before a bandit/marauder/wolf etc attacks it, so the routine is stop, hop off the horse, tell the packdonkeys to wait, run ahead and check for bad guys, run back behind my horse and 'compose' the save thumbnail and save, then continue on my way. Where I am forever running into problems is when off exploring the wilderness (the horse never goes off-roading, packdonkeys only rarely but for the most part the bad guys ignore the donkeys). Remembering to save is a hard thing to do when I'm not looking at my horse's a$$.
  23. I think your save size will also be greatly dependant on the type of mods you use (e.g. the Better/Open cities could add a lot to a save game once you have visited them). The earliest saves from my second character were 1069 KB and 2 KB for the co-save but my first character's first save was only 669 KB (that first character had hardly any mods installed at game start and no OBSE). My current guy (third character) started out 1260 KB and 56 KB co-save (a bit bigger load list plus a lot more right from the start usage of things like Blockhead and other OBSE dependant stuff). I wouldn't worry about your save size as long as you aren't seeing it balloon for no apparent reason. There is a tool in Wrye Bash to 'Remove Bloat' (Save tab right click menu) but in my version 305 WB it is marked as experimental ... haven't tried it myself.
  24. Looking at the saves and co-saves for my two previous characters (which had somewhat different load orders than my current guy) I'd say that your save size isn't too big of a concern providing this is a character that has some hours on it (i.e. not fresh out of the tutorial dungeon). Load orders have some impact on the size of the saves ... looks like most of my current guy's collection is saved in the co-save (which is reasonable since Blockhead uses OBSE). Something to note, which you may or may not find interesting ... the game playing time reported as part of the save name wraps back to zero after 1193 hours (my characters accumulate big hours, current guy is a bit over 2970 hours).
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