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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. You can use the console to find out if you've started the quest ... getstage TrainingDestruction will return stage 10 if you have talked to either Delphine Jend or Marc Gulitte (if you are seeing it in your current quests at all I think you must have talked to one or the other).
  2. Afraid you'll need to wait for the scripting types to answer ... I'm just more of a general troubleshooter/ideas type myself.
  3. What happens if you change the name of a copy of ShowRaceMenu.xml to ShowRaceMenu2.xml and then edit the orig ShowraceMenu.xml? Your script could then call for ShowRaceMenu2.xml.
  4. Just rename a copy of one of the other eyebosmer_xxxxx.dds files to eyebosmer_black.dds ... they are all in the Data\textures\characters\eyes folder.
  5. Nilawen's eyes are supposed to be like that (along with any other Bosmer that OCOv2 assigns the eyebosmer_black.dds eye texture to). As you don't seem to have read through the OCOv2 mod comments in your troubleshooting, I'll also point out that version 2.03 of OCOv2 was uploaded with the eye texture eyebosmer_violet.dds missing. An example of an NPC that uses that eye texture is Ganredhel in Cheydinhal. Without the missing eye texture her eyes will be flat black (i.e. the will not show any highlights from light sources like Nilawen's eyes do). The missing texture can be found in the version 2 download.
  6. Another option that came to mind is Packdonkeys ver 2 1. Sure they don't chatter away, but they are ignored by enemies (for the most part ... the donkeys will turn hostile and attack if they are accidentally hit by an arrow or spell). I always have two in tow once my guy can afford them.
  7. To hotkey items (weapons, spells or misc items) open your journal to the page showing the item you want to hotkey, push and hold down the number key you want to use (which will show any things already hotkeyed) and then mouse click on the item you want to assign to that key in your journal. Close your journal and then test your hotkey. There are a number of smaller quests you can get you feet wet with. Glarthir in Skingrad will seek you out the first time you visit that city, and there a number of different ways you can complete that quest. There are a couple of small quests in Leyawiin (Mazoga's quest you get from the count, or the one that you get from the guard waiting outside the city gate by the stables). If you want a dungeon crawl, there is a small quest in Bravil to find a missing husband (you can get it by talking to Ursanne Loche). One small quest to avoid if you want extra help later in the main quest is in Cheydinhal ... don't click on the Fines topic until after you've done the main quest. A resource I use is found on the UESP Wiki ... Oblivion:Quests. Don't go there if you're the type who doesn't want help, though the linked page will just give you an idea of where the various quests are, and you can safely click through to the individual city pages without fearing any spoilers.
  8. I was speaking of larger differences than that ... like 90 for handtohand and 10 for all other skills that the NPC has equipment for. The game engine will be looking for what the NPC has and how much damage that can deliver. NPC strength will factor into any of the handtohand/blade/blunt calculations, so I don't think it will make a difference in what will ultimately get selected. Using fists alone doesn't benefit from any extra damage added by the weapon itself, so for fists to be the weapon of choice it needs to be the overpowering option. Easy to test ... give the NPC 5 for both blade and blunt skill and 100 for handtohand. Let him carry a sword and an axe and see which weapon he uses then.
  9. Only thing that comes to mind for me is to give the NPC very low skill in all means of fighting except handtohand. I have seen some of the travelling NPCs in my game (whom I've used the console to buff their their skill levels ... generally giving them high handtohand) who will use fists even if they have a weapon on their hip (leaving them duking it out with a bandit who is using a sword ... ya my guy needs to Johnny-on-the-Spot with some healing spells before it gets too far downhill for them). I think the game will always try to select the most effective way to fight for an NPC, which is a combination of their skill and what they have available to use.
  10. What little I know about bash tags comes from their descriptions in Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html (found in your Data\Mopy\Docs folder). When more than one mod uses the same bash tag then load order wins (i.e. lowest mod with the same tag gets used in the bashed patch). Bash tags allow a mod to be higher than a conflicting mod in the load order and yet still have records it needs included in the bashed patch (providing of course the conflicting lower mod doesn't use that same bash tag). So in your example, if you didn't use the bash tag Actors.AIPackages for your ESP then the AI packages from Better Cities would be used in the bashed patch, even if your ESP affected some BC NPC's AI packages. If you include the bash tag Actors.AIPackages in your ESP (which will by it's dependence on the Better Cities ESP as a master need to be lower than the BC ESP) then any changes (intended or otherwise) that your ESP makes to Better Cities NPCs will be used in the bashed patch.
  11. Let me know if you want me to post my own tweaked RealisticFatigue.ini for a reference point for your own tweaks (I'm back home and have access to my gaming machine again). I checked my BasicPhysicalActivities.ini but see I didn't make any tweaks there that will be relevant to the issue (just made tweaks to min and max walk speeds).
  12. Later versions of skeleton.nif that are based on Growlfs skeleton will do that. I'm not at home until tomorrow to give you info and links to the solution I found (involves Realistic Fatigue & Basic Physical Activities and how I've tweaked their settings).
  13. I don't have any hands on with Better Cities, but any of my own personal "extra NPCs" type mods I just load Oblivion.esm Oblivion Character Overhaul.esp and then my own MyExtraNPCs.esp as the active ESP. In my case I'm not making a patch so my own ESP doesn't require any master except Oblivion.esm, but by having the ESP from OCO loaded when I create my extra NPCs their features are completely compatible with OCO. In your case you will need to have both Oblivion.esm and the Better Cities ESP as masters (so that your patch will change the BC weird faces) and by having the OCO ESP loaded your edits will be saved in your patch ESP and will be compatible with OCO. Depending on how extreme the slider positions are with the weird BC NPCs you may need to go through multiple edit/test cycle to "de-weirdify" them (face geometry sliders are "linked" by default, so you change one and others move at the same time even though you don't neccessarily know it). Something else to keep in mind is that it's not possible to edit an NPC without those edits affecting all of the NPC's different records. Because load order wise your patch ESP will need to loaded below both the BC ESP and OCO ESP you will need to use bash tags to make certain that your patch only affects those things you intend (not certain if the BC ESP is already bash tagged, but I would guess that it has whichever bash tags it requires). - Edit - If the BC NPCs are vanilla races then OCO will affect them in regards to textures etc. If the BC NPCs are custom races then the only affect OCO will have is the difference in head mesh shape, and how that interacts with their head shape slider positions.
  14. If you are wanting to make a releasable patch then you will need to learn how to change an ESP file into an ESM master to create your patch using Wrye Bash (the ESMify/ESPify thing). If you are simply doing this for personal use you could simply edit the Better Cities ESP while also having the Oblivion Character Overhaul ESP loaded but not active. The problem with this method is every time an update for BC is released you'd need to completely redo your edits on the new version (or you could simply make do with the older outdated version of BC). It is possible to use Construction Set Extender, which will take care of the ESP masters problem, but I'm not certain if it has a way to make the OCO ESP loaded but not active (though I suppose it wouldn't matter, as the whole point of your patch would be to make the weird faces look OK with OCO).
  15. Back when it was released Oblivion was the benchmark for bringing the latest and greatest hardware of the day to it's knees. In fact Oblivion enjoyed a long tenure as a benchmark, and only fell out of favour because of it's age, not because later generations of hardware could run it with ease. Doesn't surprise me that it didn't come with a FPS throttle.
  16. Bring up the page for any other Oblivion mod. Change that mod's MOD number to 37836 and hit enter. Edit - Ninjaed by Contra ... big wave buddy. ð
  17. Thanks Drake. I always defer to you as you're the only one I know who is still active that knows this stuff. Fore has retired from modding last I heard. Don't know of any others on the subject.
  18. You need to use the skeleton.nif bones ... the head mesh needs to be rigged to the correct bone. I don't know much about this myself ... maybe Drake will see the thread and help.
  19. Did you look through Avoiding Blender Pitfalls on the Nexus Wiki?
  20. The patch just changes a setting in an executable to allow it to use more RAM. OBSE uses obse_loader.exe to inject the additional scripting functions it offers into Oblivion.exe at run time.
  21. If you are running the disk version of the game you can also run the 4GB patch on obse_loader.exe ... I found that doing so helped (Win7 64 bit 8GB RAM).
  22. This is just an opinion, but if you have plenty of RAM and are using the 4GB patch and the save is loading fine I wouldn't go looking for trouble. I'm not at home so I can't check my own save game size but I'm pretty sure it's over 5MB. Yes I sometimes get a little 'crashy'for a while, but I also use options in one particular MOD that isn't recommended by the MOD author (not to mention some of my other quirks that will increase save size). Sounds to me like you have good saving habits, which goes a long way to keeping your save usable.
  23. The only part I can help with is the safe storage part. There are quite a few non-respawning chests that can be used in the game, some found outside forts and ruins, and others found elsewhere. There are also some non-respawning barrels. An example of a barrel is at Fort Empire exterior 2nd floor, behind and to the right of the statue. A chest example is at Talwinque to the right of the entrance behind a rock. My method for determining if a container is safe for using is to leave a few iron arrows (or some other low value item not commonly found in loot) and then avoid that area for more than three days (so that the cell resets). If your items are still there the container should be safe to use.
  24. The console command 'resurrect 1' allows the NPC to retain their inventory (it plays the vanilla animation of them standing back up). Not sure how that would translate to scripting.
  25. Changes implemented via the console are not persistent between anything that triggers a game loading screen (for example going from Cyrodiil to any city). You will require an ESP with a script for the change to persist between game loads.
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