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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Without a complete list of all of the mods you had installed the best any of us can do is speculate on the cause of the problem, so here's my next speculation ... one of the mods not falling under the category of 'most of the mods I have are retexture mods and unofficial patch mods for the base game and Shivering Islses' is the one causing the problem. DLC quest delayer mods only require a single ESP to work.
  2. My guess is one of your 'bunch of mods' is a DLC quest delayer (a mod that stops the DLC message spam when exiting the sewers until after you have attained whatever conditions it has set for any particular DLC).
  3. Did you wind up getting HGEC sorted from your other topic?
  4. You are still limited to the six maximum followers when using CM Partners. If you install the optional ESPs then you choose six from the seventy that are available in various locations. Note ... do not install both the Non-Essential and regular ESPs for each (one ESP has NE in the file name and one doesn't) unless you want more than 70 available followers (except they are simply duplicates of the 70, with one being flagged as essential and the other not ... makes for some crowded Inns etc).
  5. Finally a way to gauge if it's safe to reenter the market ... https://dilbert.com/strip/2021-11-14
  6. Use TES4Edit (linked in my previous post) to open Immersive Interiors - Landscape Addon.esp and turn off the offending flags that make the area private.
  7. Lanceor great to see you here once again!! Netramz ... have a look at Fluffy Follower Frill. I know that Contra was using invisible markers for the setting up an ambush stuff but I'm not sure if that method was used for the following part but the FFF scripts may give you some ideas.
  8. If the NPC is moving then they're executing another AI package than their one that allows trading. Generally the vanilla game trading packages are at a certain location, usually distance is set to zero so they just stand there.
  9. Things that moderators have said in the past leave me to believe that once you hit the Post button the first time whatever you have posted is viewable by the site staff even if you afterwards go back and edit your post (so they can see the original post and the edited post). Hhhhmmm..... I am admin on another site that uses the same software, and I don't think we have that capability........ If I'm not mistaken I think it was mentioned in some rare cases in ban notices.
  10. Things that moderators have said in the past leave me to believe that once you hit the Post button the first time whatever you have posted is viewable by the site staff even if you afterwards go back and edit your post (so they can see the original post and the edited post).
  11. A quick look raises some questions for me that may or may not be a commonly experienced situation (may or may not because the mod does not have comments enabled, so no way to tell if it's you alone with this or everybody). My question is whether or not this chin problem is related to the bash tags assigned to Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp vs those assigned to OCOv2 Beast Races Enhanced.esp (in each case meaning those assigned by the respective mod authors). Both use the R.Mouth tag so in the suggested load order the one from Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp will win (lower in the load order and using the same bash tag). OCOv2 Enhanced Beast Races includes a bunch of Argonian mouth assets but to my eye the Oblivion Character Overhaul v2 assets will be used if you use a bashed pach (although I do see that OCO v2 doesn't actually include any mouth assets for Argonians so maybe the Enhanced Beast Race assets get used). The other bash tag that may be at play here is NpcFaces ... OCO v2 includes that bash tag but the OCOv2 Beast Races Enhanced.esp does not. As a test I'd try adding that bash tag to OCOv2 Beast Races Enhanced using Wrye Bash to see if it makes things better or worse (if the Enhanced beast Races mod adds assets that OCO v2 does not then maybe you'll get a best of both worlds thing happening). It is a bit confusing that the Enhanced Beast Races mod author suggests that the patch should load before OCO v2 ... but what do I know? - Edit - You should also confirm that BAF - Beast Argonians Froever.esp and/or OCO uses merged teeth.esp are not to blame by testing without either or both.
  12. OOooo, ouch. That does not bode well....... As ephemeral as smoke, driven before the gale of time.
  13. Very true, and that is something you won't know, until the time comes, that the decision presents itself. I was a cop in the US Air Force though, so, I already know what the answer is for me. :D Time spent considering what you could or couldn't do in a hypothetical situation is all well and good, but I don't believe it will give you an accurate idea of what would happen if push came to shove. A decision made based on those ruminations could limit your possiblilities, and thus direct events to a certain outcome. I'm a Canadian living in Canada so my situation doesn't have much in common with my brothers and sisters to the south but one thing I'm always mindful of ... I can't do those things I tell myself I can't do. Simple fact. That doesn't mean I can do those things I've told myself I can do right out of the can, but if I'm determined enough to put in the effort required to master the skills needed I'll be able to do the best I can.
  14. The closest I can come to info direct from the source is the post from Bben46 at the top of this page (made less than a week from his last activity on the site). We are all but candles in the wind.
  15. Khajiit is one of the races that Nuska didn't use Blockhead's ability to assign male and female head meshes, whereas with Seamless Khajiit the sexes do get their own head mesh via Blockhead. Different head meshes require different things like teeth etc. I trhink you have some leftovers that aren't compatible when you did your switch. If you look at each mod's extracted download you'll see that the file dates for khajiitteethupper.nif and khajiitteethlower.nif are different which should help track down the problem.
  16. The first step I always use when troubleshooting OBSE plugins is to confirm that OBSE is working. The simplest way I know to do that is start the game and make a save. Exit and then look in your Users\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves folder and see if you see two files each time you save (e.g. MySave09.ess and MySave09.obse). If you only see a single save file each time you save then OBSE is not working and thus no OBSE pluggins will work. If you're getting two save files then the next step is to look in your obse.log for clues (mine is found in my Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion folder ... no idea where MO2 may hide it). Note that you will find an error mentioned for MenuQue (specifically OBSE_Kyoma_MenuQue.dll). That is as intended. OBSE_Kyoma_MenuQue.dll is used to prevent the old versions of MenuQue from loading and screwing up the new versions of MenuQue and the error about not loading correctly can be ignored.
  17. Have a look at Fluffy Follower Frill in the CS for some ideas. I can't remember if Contra added all NPCs to the FFF faction or if the default has no faction requirement (been a very long time since I looked at how Contra worked his magic on FF, but I still use it in my game).
  18. I create folders for my backups on my Data drive (I have multiple hard drives in my machines). You can do the same on a single drive machine. Just create a folder C:\Backups and then a subfolder C:\Backups\OblivionBackups and put your backed up copies of things in there.
  19. Oblivion_Default.ini is copied to the game install's folder path when you first install the game. That is the file that the game loads if it can't find Oblivion.ini where it expects to find it (not your case in my opinion) and is the stub file that is used to create your first Oblivion.ini after the game detects your hardware (something it doesn't do a very good job with considering none of us are using hardware that was around back in 2006 when the game was released). That's why you ususally need to set the game resolution etc after that first game start. The only way I know to get Oblivion_Default.ini back if it's missing is to re-install the game (unless you made a backup of it ... yes I have backups of even my backups, old guys tend to be very conservative). - Edit - I'm not entirely clear why OBMM would need Oblivion_Default.ini unless it's looking for it as a simple check to confirm proper game install path. A temporary workaround in that case could be to make a copy of your current Oblivion.ini, rename the copy to Oblivion_Default.ini and then put the renamed copy in your C:\Oblivion folder (so the full path would then be C:\Oblivion\Oblivion_Default.ini). When you install OBMM it will then find a file named Oblivion_Default.ini in the folder path it expects (based on the Windows registry for the game) and OBMM should install correctly. Once you have OBMM installed I'd move your renamed Oblivion_Default.ini out of the C:\Oblivion folder just so the game doesn't try to use it if there is ever a problem with your Oblivion.ini (it would be better to go the proper route at that time and do a game re-install to recover the proper Oblivion_Default.ini ... this is just a possible workaround).
  20. OK I don't have any hands on Win 10 experience (I'm still Win 7) but from what I've seen reported by others your path to Oblivion.ini isn't what I expected. I'm guessing you have some feature in Win 10 enabled to share files across different machines or logins (the OneDrive part). Just to confirm ... that is the folder path where the game saved Oblivion.ini after it created it on first start? Do you have a folder path C:\Users\matth\OneDrive\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves (which should contain your save files)? In your C:\Oblivion folder do you have Oblivion_Default.ini (full path C:\Oblivion\Oblivion_Default.ini)?
  21. OK ... I don't see anything in your folder path that should cause any trouble. Confirm that you have Users\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Oblivion.ini (this is assuming you are using a version of Windows newer than WinXP like Vista, Win 7 or Win 10).
  22. It would help me if you gave the complete path to your Oblivion.exe and OblivionModManager.exe (as I did in my example ... gives me the chance to see if there is some detail missing/wrong). After you installed the game did you start it at least once?
  23. See my reply in your other topic (looks like a moderator moved it here from the PC Gaming forum).
  24. The full path to OBMM's executable will be Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\OblivionModManager.exe and you will also find the folder Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\obmm which contains subfolders (obmm\backup obmm\corrupt obmm\mods and obmm\UI). Is your custom path to the game's installation folder something you created when installing the game or have you 'moved' the game from it's original installation location? An exact full path to OblivionModManager.exe and Oblivion.exe would be helpful (example mine is G:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Oblivion.exe and G:\Games\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\OblivionModManager.exe). Edit - Another possibility is have you tried to edit Oblivion.ini? A common mistake people make is to try to edit Oblivion_default.ini (which is located in the Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion folder) when they should have been editing Users\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Oblivion.ini (which by the way does not exist until you start the game after installing it ... another possible cause for your error message).
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