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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. To borrow a line from Paul Harvey ... "Now we know the rest of the story". Whether or not my private mods have any import to anyone else has no significance for me. All that matters to me is whether or not I'm following a course of action that aligns with my own standards and beliefs. My standards and beliefs do not align with yours in the slightest way.
  2. GoodEnjoy your life! Hope you can find activity or hobby that you enjoy doing since it isn't making modifications to commercial games free for others. Actually now that my mods have been removed the only thing that will change for me is that now there are three less mod pages for me to check for comments/problems. All of the mods that I have worked on for years and that I care about will still get the updates and improvements that I have planned, and the same as before all this stuff occurred they will never be available to anyone but me. People like you are the ones that originally convinced me that sharing was not something I'd do with mods I cared about, and you have just shown me that I'm on the proper course. Â Okay?So ...? What were you trying to tell me that you have private mods like me and others do? Yes, and that there is and always has been zero percent chance of me sharing those thanks to the entitled people of the world.
  3. GoodEnjoy your life! Hope you can find activity or hobby that you enjoy doing since it isn't making modifications to commercial games free for others. Actually now that my mods have been removed the only thing that will change for me is that now there are three less mod pages for me to check for comments/problems. All of the mods that I have worked on for years and that I care about will still get the updates and improvements that I have planned, and the same as before all this stuff occurred they will never be available to anyone but me. People like you are the ones that originally convinced me that sharing was not something I'd do with mods I cared about, and you have just shown me that I'm on the proper course.
  4. A quote from Todd Howard has always stuck in my mind (paraphrased) ... "Ideas have little value, only the ability to execute ideas has value". Look through any Mod Suggestions forum here and you'll find no shortage of ideas. Losing those able to execute those ideas will have an impact.
  5. I thought I read something from either Picky, Biz or Dark0ne that they'll get around to it ... someday. In the mean time they just show archived or something like that.
  6. I don't get what that image is supposed to show. Fewer total number of games on the site as games that had a page with perhaps only a single or very few mods now have zero mods and are purged.
  7. Go to this link here ... https://help.nexusmods.com/article/116-how-do-i-request-all-my-files-to-be-deleted-july-august-2021 Scroll to the bottom of that page and copy the template part of the text and paste it into an email to [email protected] Before you send the email you will need to replace the ... Link to my user profile: https://www.nexusmods.com/users/123456 part with your user ID numbers. The instructions for finding those numbers are found at the very bottom section of that page. Here's a link to the page for that ... https://www.nexusmods.com/ I appreciate the effort but that's already been done. I emailed them. Waited around for a response. They said they'd delete my mods. They deleted a handful. Probably going to give me the run around about how the creator and the uploader were different people. The creator chose not to have a profile on Nexus and gave me full control of uploading, maintaining and updating the mods. I did just that. I've been dealing with this for days and I've got better things I could be doing than devoting any energy to this. Not to mention, out of curiosity I checked my file history to see what's been getting deleted. If I click on endorse for one of my mods that's been "DELETED - DELETED" it says this mod is hidden. So is Nexus even deleting anything? Is that just a canned response? Could be. Who knows? They're liars and they're pricks. Whatever answer they have in response is worthless. I'm so done with it. I've seen other's asking about similar after sending the delete request. Something I haven't seen is any answer from Admins of the site. Seems a rather poor way to run a business.
  8. Go to this link here ... https://help.nexusmods.com/article/116-how-do-i-request-all-my-files-to-be-deleted-july-august-2021 Scroll to the bottom of that page and copy the template part of the text and paste it into an email to [email protected] Before you send the email you will need to replace the ... Link to my user profile: https://www.nexusmods.com/users/123456 part with your user ID numbers. The instructions for finding those numbers are found at the very bottom section of that page. Here's a link to the page for that ... https://www.nexusmods.com/
  9. Oh... so you're that tiny fly that has been landing on it, lately... :tongue: No idea what you mean... :whistling: Not where Hey was coming from, but my spin on it ... https://www.quotes.net/mquote/78437
  10. ~ snip ~ ~ snip ~ ~ snip ~ ~ snip ~ ~ snip ~ ~ snip ~ Apparently, we are "The Expendables"...... :D LOL ... +1 for Hey ... knew we keep you around for something!! Keeping things simple ... one snip at a time. - Edit - Just to show I'm a man of my word, never to make a difference (that's somebody else's job ... way above my pay grade anyway). - Edit 2 - In keeping with a long standing goal I set for myself of keeping my post count down (and because I have already worn out my ~ snip ~ button) ... Euph, it's true that Hey should come with some sort of warning label. The problem that arises is that there's only so much room on Hey and warning labels need to be legible.
  11. Sure no trouble ... glad to make your life as simple as possible. Cue the evil laugh track as the army grows (now completely out of any context). - Edit - Sorry Hey ... one step ahead. Do I get a :ninja: for that?
  12. And that has been an issue since mods first became a thing. Those complaints have also been coming from users. I haven't seen a single list curator complaining that every time a mod updates, they need to update their list. (which is what should be happening anyway. the updates, not the complaining.) Why do you keep talking about the curators when Nexus has repeatedly stated that this is meant to benefit the mod users more than anyone else? The planned system allows people to keep the build they have or update when the curator does at their choice. Otherwise they might be forced to update and break their save games. Removing the "you must be this skilled/experienced" to enjoy a well-modded game barrier has been the goal of modding for decades. It's why things like BAIN and LOOT and NMM and Vortex were developed in the first place. Sorry but I'm not seeing how the jump from downloading manually to a folder that you can then keep for your own purpose and the 'skilled/experienced' stuff but I do have one question ... Why is bigger always equated with better?
  13. Am I the only one on the planet who has actual on-my-hard drive copies of mods I use? The last person who clicks on the Download Manually button? We humans are in danger of losing the ability to use our left click finger if that one extra click is the deal breaker. You are not the only one. :D I think I still have almost every mod that I have downloaded, since oblivion. Both on a drive in my machine, and also backed up on my NAS. :D An army of two ... we shall take over the world eh Hey?
  14. Am I the only one on the planet who has actual on-my-hard drive copies of mods I use? The last person who clicks on the Download Manually button? We humans are in danger of losing the ability to use our left click finger if that one extra click is the deal breaker.
  15. That's the way it works with every other collection system...... Fail to understand why it needs to be different here. Nexus developed the API, Nexus developed the tool to implement the plan (Vortex). If their plan was to be just as good as the already existing tools implementing mod packs/collections they play on a level playing field. Nexus does not want to go head to head with those who are already ahead of them in the race to world domination ... they want to be head and shoulders above their competition. That means that we are left with two choices, become a cog in their wheel to what they see as a new bright future for Nexus or be gone. - Edit - +1 :ninja: to Showler
  16. Can't access that page due to a secure access problem (Error code: SSL_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED_ALERT) Hmm ... I'm not sure whats up as I made certain to update my old link with a https one (even did a copy/pasta from the url bar for that page). Use Google and search for The Elder Scrolls Construction Set Wiki and the top Google search result I got will bring you to the CS Wiki front page. On the left find the Search box and put in Category:Path Grids and the second result down on that search results page should bring you to the correct page.
  17. I'm back home briefly, so I have access to my gaming computer ... this is the page I used to learn what I have concerning Path Grids.
  18. My experience with Low Processing checked is that then the NPC will not evaluate and execute any of their assigned packages until the player enters the cell they are in. An example ... I have 'rescued' Pumpkin the dog from Rockmilk and given her packages that let her wander around in White Stallion. In one set of packages she'll follow Mazoga outside on the days that Mazoga isn't busy with her black bow stuff (Mazoga has been tweaked with more packages too). If I'm not in White Stallion Lodge she won't go outside until after I've entered White Stallion, if I'm in White Stallion at the time (and conditions) that have Mazoga go for her stroll Pumpkin follows her out no problem. I have discovered with some other low processing NPCs that I've tweaked that simply unticking the box solves the 'you've got to be there' problem, just havent got around to unticking Pumpkin yet. My take on it is that Bethesda was looking for ways to limit the CPU hit of the game ... you need to recall the computer hardware landscape of the time the game was released (still plenty of Pentiums in use back in the days of the Pentium 4s at the height of the GHz Wars).
  19. How is that going to compete with Nexus if the focus is naughty stuff? lolTrue ... there certainly isn't any of that stuff here [roll eyes]. Yes there are lewd stuff here, but there are many more that aren't or is the other way around lol I dunno things are changing, anyway the focus here is not that, unless I missed something :geek: Ya I hear you. I haven't spent much time at LL but while I was there I had on my 'special' glasses (very heavily filtered).
  20. How is that going to compete with Nexus if the focus is naughty stuff? lolTrue ... there certainly isn't any of that stuff here [roll eyes].
  21. Accepting membership gifts or other donations is an option each member can make on the settings for their account.
  22. Another thing to consider is how the game parses the package list ... from top to bottom. Only use flags (Must Complete etc) as your tests prove are required. Conditions can also be another avenue for the AI getting confused.
  23. Check for the yellow connecting line between nav nodes in the CS. Can't exactly recall if it's Ctrl left click or Alt left click to join unconnected nodes (not at my gaming computer for a couple more days).
  24. Nexus reached a crossroad where they had to choose between pursuing their next big business vision or hold onto to core values that had allowed them to grow to the point of reaching that crossroad. They have made it abundantly clear that they have turned down the new road and we have the choice of remaining onboard or bailing out. I would have been fine with the new collections on the proviso that files/mods could be deleted at the mod author's discretion (the collections are just a glorified mod list like Bevilex's for Oblivion). In the example of the Bevilex list if a mod author deleted one of the included mods Bevi found a replacement and updated the list. Nexus wants their product to stand out from the crowd and is willing to step on whoever gets in the way of their vision.
  25. I'm not so sure ... a topic was closed recently and the reason given was that they wanted to kept all of the discussion on the subject in one particular thread (which was linked). That topic had already been locked. Looks more to me that discussion is being discouraged.
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