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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. The two tools are load order (as you know) and bash tags (used by the bashed patch to allow some edits in a mod higher in the load order to carry through). You can find a description of the available bash tags by looking through Wrye Bash General Readme.html (found in the Mopy\Docs folder) ... Bash Configuration - Importing from Plugins section. There is also info in Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html ... look in the Advanced Bash Patch - Bash Tags section.
  2. That would be my guess. If I think of it when I'm in the game next I'll give it a whirl and see what happens. Sometime when you try a script only function in the console it will report an error, sometimes just does nothing and every now and then you get a result. I just make it a habit to experiment using an old save (and of course don't make a new save that I'll commit to my guy's game until I'm certain about what the results are of any particular command). - Edit- Well curiousity got the better of me and I did a test. When I issued the console command MenuMode 1012 it returns zero as a result any time I did not have the sleep menu displayed in game (then it returned one). I use See You Sleep DLL but I don't think it changed the test results in any way. MenuMode 1012 won't do what you're after ... it just reports whether or not you are currently in the sleep or wait menu.
  3. Out of my pay grade here, but the CS Wiki has this page: MenuMode (Function) and it seems that SleepWait is 1012 On the UESP page Oblivion Mod:Script Functions MenuMode is listed and some (though certainly not all) of the functions on that page can be issued via the console.
  4. I have the distance before combat music starts dialed way down in Trifle (from the default 1000.00 to 250.00). Sometime a wilderness creature comes up from behind and startles the daylights out of me (a wolf or lion that doesn't have the distinctive foot sounds like a bear). A good source for silent tracks that I use is Silent Tracks Expanded. Something to note is the game doesn't care about the file names, only the folders. For instance, it will play any file in Data\Music\Battle when it is triggered to play a battle track providing the file is in the correct format.
  5. I understand ... I use some of those animations assigned via Blockhead myself (and wouldn't willingly go without them).
  6. If your goal is to remove BBB from all armor in your game that has a BBBed mesh then all you need to do is uninstall all of your BBBed animations (e.g. NoMaaM etc). You will then not see any BBB in the game at all but will not run into the infamous boobs to infinity problem. If however you are wanting to keep BBB on all meshes except this one particular armor you will need to do what you have been currently doing ... find a way to remove BBB from this one mesh. Drake knows far more than I do about this, but I believe you may be working in Blender to rerig the armor mesh to a non-BBBed skeleton.nif (i.e. vanilla game skeleton.nif).
  7. I use SM DLC Plugin Refurbish. It was updated since the version that I use, but from what I can tell from looking at the version 2.1.1 extracted download it appears the older version I use is still available in the XX Individual Legacy Plugins folder (I don't use the SM mod for my Shivering Isles start ... for that I use VCI Shivering Start). Another option for the Shivering Isles start is A Strange Door.
  8. Map Marker Overhaul ... see the Immersive Map Options section.
  9. Take a look at Fluffy Follower Frill (by no means perfect but it works ... look through the comments for an idea of some of it's limitations). Using the console (addscriptpackage 9828a) is less reliable than Fluffy and has even more limitations.
  10. Don't forget that if you face the right direction and squint your eyes just so and avoid getting so much sun and lean back and to the left it'll look totally like a different day (or at least the same day from a different slant).
  11. April 1st is not mentioned on my profile. Please read it again. Yes, I did say I wanted a cake. I also stated things I was willing to accept. They are different things.... Happy 15 years Malachi. - Edit - 31-Mar 07 is also the date shown on your Nexus profile and Nexus Mods interface profile. I wonder whether or not the discrepency may be linked to time zones. I know that both Hey and I are Eastern time zone ... can't say for certain what time zone Rampage is in.
  12. Just asking out of curiosity Bearer of Scythes ... does this work like a seniority list? Just wondering about possible increased benefits that may be forthcoming for me in a bit more than a year when I too 'up-bracket' (or maybe that's 'down-bracket' if Hey is onto something). My point was nothing so esoteric. I was trying to point out the overlap between 61-70 and 70-80 with a touch of humor. Every other age group except the first two and 70-80 covers a decade. The first to are fragments, while the 70 - 80 age group covers the last year of the previous decade as well as the eighth decade. If your query is about the "benefits" of being 70+ years old, there are none. In fact, as you age, you get marginalized, ignored, shuffled off to "care facilities", discounted, and treated like you have already died. Your values are no longer respected because honesty, and truthfulness aren't important, while appearances are all. If there is a problem in the world, it is your fault, because half a century ago, in your 20s (the same age as some of these dumb f^cks), you bought a gas burning automobile and caused global warming, or went to Vietnam and killed babies or owned a gun or had "relations" with a couple different girlfriends. Then there are the younger people who seem to think we are a waste of space because we got old and can't run as fast or work as long. In fact, once old people get past being grandies to small grandchildren, they are basically expected to crawl into a corner and die because they have nothing more to contribute to the world. And it doesn't stop there, as one political party thinks that us old farts are a drain on the government because we expect to get some of the money we paid in Social Security Taxes back after we retire. Does that answer your question? Yes it does Scythe, and I do understand all of the points you raise (though I do admit to needing a prod to notice the age bracket discrepency ... now the 'half-full' Striker has spotted an opportunity to milk one more year of membership in 60 to 70's, but don't worry, the half-empty Striker still has a room here at the Striker Manor down in the basement, rooming with Mr Murphy). I too was making light of a situation (getting older) that happens whether or not I like the idea. I'm very fortunate in so far as I think I have a fair bit of duck DNA (stuff just rolls off me). Probably ticks off those around me when that same strange DNA mix sets me to quacking though. Nothing is free I guess.
  13. Just asking out of curiosity Bearer of Scythes ... does this work like a seniority list? Just wondering about possible increased benefits that may be forthcoming for me in a bit more than a year when I too 'up-bracket' (or maybe that's 'down-bracket' if Hey is onto something).
  14. Howdy ... good to see you around again ... err I mean me being around again to see you :cool: I've been keeping an eye on you since you've resurfaced Mk (the ones that I have that don't have any of that 'evil' stuff in them ... nothing to fear here). OIC ... and you're from up north ... so that might explain the cold breeze over my shoulder :huh: Hehe lol ... but I guess I better disclaimer the tumbler comment. I have never been on tumbler so I have no Idea ... and am just a victim of rumors :ermm: Peeps with ~Evil~ in them eh ? You mean like that wordsmith formerly known as Pagafyr ? And his evil plan to turn pizza into a breakfast cereal ? Only appropriate when accompanied by warm beer ... and I've had to leave those fun times behind. Only tumblr I can recall was coming out of the shower at work decades ago. That hip does seem to act up now and then ... maybe a supplementary source of retirement income?? May need to consult a lawyer on that. I wonder if the lawyer would make more out of it that me ... every path is fraught with doubt!!
  15. Do you have very many hours on this character's save? I'm wondering if you may be running into the A-Bomb stuck animation problem. Wrye Bash has a utility to fix it, but the most effective modern way to deal with it is by using EngineBugFixes ( see fix #28).
  16. Howdy ... good to see you around again ... err I mean me being around again to see you :cool: I've been keeping an eye on you since you've resurfaced Mk (the ones that I have that don't have any of that 'evil' stuff in them ... nothing to fear here).
  17. Iteresting post count " 0 " are you going to keep it there ? Posts in a few forums don't increment your post count. :D Also, I see I need to change my vote here.... I seem to have moved up a category. (well, ok, down really.....) Thanks Hey ... now I'm wondering about what the order shown in the list means. Does closer to the bottom hold any implications? Should I be worried when I need to take that one more step down to a lower rung? Hhmmm.... Closer to the bottom? Means we are getting old. :smile: I hear that's hereditary. We can blame it on our parents. :D Well at least it's not as I feared then ... that last rung on the ladder that goes down 6 feet is the one I'm not eager to find (though I'm resigned to finding it 'someday' ... that ill defined day that tends to just pop up unannounced from time to time).
  18. Iteresting post count " 0 " are you going to keep it there ? Posts in a few forums don't increment your post count. :D Also, I see I need to change my vote here.... I seem to have moved up a category. (well, ok, down really.....) Thanks Hey ... now I'm wondering about what the order shown in the list means. Does closer to the bottom hold any implications? Should I be worried when I need to take that one more step down to a lower rung?
  19. Had a quick look at those two and I can see a number of problems. Your biggest annoyance (the following the player) can be somewhat alleviated by setting the Radius field to 256 (or even 512 or 1024 if you want more space). They'll still follow you for the time duration set but they at least won't be glued to your character's face. The two obvious problems with the mod that jump at me right from the first glance are ... a) no ID whatsoever assigned to any of the AI Packages and b) Editor IDs starting with a number. I haven't looked to see what other problems could be found. I also haven't looked at what possible use the mod may make of either of those two NPCs (the Use Info in the CS reports only their editor location so possibly all they offer is their AI Packages ... i.e. no quest involvement).
  20. I've never used or looked at Cyrodiil Extended before this, but I see two details that I'd need before I could offer anything beyond basic generic advice on AI packages ... first, which of the ESPs included with the Cyrodiil Extended download contains the three NPCs in question, and second what are the exact Form IDs of those NPCs? Some basics of how AI packages work in the game. The game evaluates the AI packages of any NPCs that are located within the cells it has loaded from the top of that particular NPC's package list to the bottom, and will execute the first package it finds that satisfies all of the conditions that it finds (e.g. date and time, any conditions set etc). That means that the order that packages are listed from top to bottom is important. Example ... two packages for an NPC are shown as Any Day and both have a time of 14:00, one is supposed to happen if the NPC is in the cell named Joe's House (we'll call this package A) and the other is supposed to happen if the player has completed stage 20 of quest FindMaidForJoesHouse (call this package B). Let's say that package A has the NPC do the sweeping animation in the Joe's House cell for 6 hours duration and package B is a wander package in cell Joe's House for 2 hours. So the design intent is once the player has found/hired this NPC then every day at 2 pm the NPC walks to Joe's house (which could take from between a few minutes to an hour and a half depending on where their previous package for any given day has them ... maybe doing some shopping on a Monday or visiting another NPC on Saturday) and once the NPC gets to Joe's house the idea is they start sweeping and continue until 8 pm. If the order of these two packages is package B higher in the list than package A what will happen is the NPC will head towards Joe's house at 2 pm every day. When the NPC gets to Joe's house they will wander around in the house until 4 pm and then will start sweeping (not the intended behavior). If instead package A is above package B they will head to Joe's house at 2 pm and will start sweeping shortly after they arrive in the house (the intended behavior). What happens that is different is when the game evaluates that NPC's packages at 2 pm in the second package order it first comes to package A, but finds that the NPC is not in the cell Joe's House so the game moves to the next lower package in the list (package B). The time varable is correct so the game assigns package B to the NPC and they head towards Joe's house. The next time the game cycles through to evaluate packages if it finds that the NPC is now in the cell Joe's House it will assign package A ... if the NPC has not yet reached Joe's house it will reassign package B as long as the time has not yet reach 4 pm. The NPC eventually reaches Joe's house and they start sweeping as intended. This example allows for a single sweeping package for the NPC with the flexibilty for that NPC to be anywhere within a two hour's walking distance from Joe's house beforehand. This allows a variety of daily tasks in the hours before 2 pm, even some from before the player has started the quest.
  21. Striker879

    Hey Hello!

    To reply on mod comment topics you must be in the Nexus Mods interface. You can't use the Nexus Forums interface for mod comments as it messes up the nested comments found in the Nexus Mods interface for mod comments.
  22. Magicka Based Enchantments Limits uses the vanilla game enchanting menu, so you are limited to whatever increments are available there (either soul gems or sigil stones). You can use multiple enchantments, either many different effects on the same armor/clothing piece or multiples of the same enchantment on the same armor/clothing piece (i.e. fortify health 30 + fortify health 30 + fortify health 30 all on the same item). The biggest downfall I've found is using restraint ... it's not hard to take all of the challenge out of the game.
  23. I've been using Magicka-based enchantment limits without issue for a long time. Another mod that you may want to look at is Enchantment Mastery (I haven't tried that one myself, but I plan to give it a try next time I create a new character).
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