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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Check the details of his AI package (in particular the Conditions and Location). - Edit - Curiosity got the best of me so I had a peek. Which are you trying to move, his outside spot (LairVileOutdoorHangout) or his indoors spot (LairVileTarisStool and LairVileHangoutMarker)?
  2. I share your concern over the Win 10 telemetry. I have one more virgin copy of Win 7 64 bit OEM for the day (when/if that ever comes) I build my next machine. Actually I have most of the major parts for it ... and have had them for years (approaching a decade). If it turns out my next build will not run Win 7 I'll go with a Linus build (if I need to scrap the parts I have in favour of modern parts because I can't source the remaining parts I need for my new obsolete before it's built build). Physical disk is the only way to go. I have two Oblivion GotY disk sets and my original Oblivion which I got in a discount bundle with Bioshock. When I need to take the DVD out of the drive for some reason you would think I was handling a priceless antique (because that's exactly what I am doing).
  3. I haven't looked at any details on where Rowley sits, but one thing that comes to mind is whether or not the crate/seat is marked as persistent. If it is you may need to test using a new game (or at least an old save from before you ever came near to Weye) ... I believe that persistent references can get baked into a save once the player has seen it.
  4. Have you seen Avoiding Blender animation pitfalls?
  5. No you don't need to edit DLCVileLair.esp ... I asked because your problem would have different causes depending on what you had already tried. The problem you are having is because an ESP (like DLCVileLair.esp) can't be the master for another ESP when using the vanilla Construction Set (for more info research Mod De-isolation). Two ways around the problem. The most modern is to use Construction Set Extender (an OBSE DLL that improves the CS). The alternative is to use Wrye Bash to 'flip' a bit in the file header for DLCVileLair.esp making the CS believe it is an ESM, make your changes in your ESP and then use WB to flip the bit back to ESP (in WB it's ESMify and ESPify). I have heard reports that the latest version of WB (as found on the Nexus Mods page I linked) may no longer have the ability to ESMify/ESPify. I can't say for certain as I use an older version of WB (version 305) ... additionally I can't say for certain what the last version to have ESMify/ESPify may be (WB is currently at version 308).
  6. Are you editing DLCVileLair.esp or are you creating your own ESP?
  7. Review the in-game settings (Main Menu -> Options -> Controls -> Controls) and make sure they are appropriate for your controller.
  8. The learning curve dilemma of our modern world ... https://www.gocomics.com/garfield/2021/05/29
  9. I've been happy with Win 7 and Oblivion since I made the switch from WinXP. It's not really a fair comparison for me to make though, as WinXP was 32bit and Win 7 is 64bit so things like stability etc. aren't apples to apples when evaluating. My mod list is relatively tame by some standards, but I have a few on there that I know don't make the game more stable (the added value I get from my long and drawn out/tried and true installing methodology). I'm at 5822 hours playing time on my current character (been playing him since 2014) so I certainly wouldn't classify my Win 7/Oblivion setup as unstable or unplayable. The out of support issue that 1ae brings up isn't something that I personally put much weight on, but keep in mind that XP was well past end of support before I switched to Win 7 (making that ground familiar territory for me). My online and computer habits don't run to a lot of risk ... this site here, a bit of YouTube, some weather sites are my main stops on the web (with very few others), I try to keep my anti-virus mostly up to date and playing Oblivion. If I had to do a clean wipe and start over is no biggie for me ... I built this machine and installed everything on it, so if push comes to shove I'm just back at square one (and I have been there before).
  10. Could it be that Tina has had this wrong all along ... https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2021/05/23
  11. You have an English language mod that touches some races (either intentionally or unintentionally). Once you have identified the offending mod you can use How to fix broken voices after installing some kind of mods to learn how to fix the problem.
  12. Wrye Bash already deletes the old bashed patch when it is rebuilding your bashed patch ... it does not try to incorporate changes/additions to the old bashed patch (that would just lead to a total mess over time).
  13. Did you resort your load order after uninstalling the mod? - Edit - Also did you rebuild your bashed patch (if you use one)?
  14. From long long ago when I still had the dream of learning how to program in C++ I remember there are ways to improve the computer's chance of rendering a random number that is random, so I guess in theory it would be possible to implement something using OBSE that replaces the vanilla game random number generation with something more robust. That said, I also know one other thing ... doing something like that is light years beyond my capability. I spent a couple of years and mucho dollars learning that I'm not really smart enough to do much more than "Hello world" level stuff. I've used similar save/exit/reload strategies for other randomly generated events (sigil stones is where I first started using the tactic to get ones that I found useful but there are many applications). For the sigil stones situation I now use a mod that takes random chance right out of the equation.
  15. My own experience with that is the game's 'random' chance doesn't appear to be a very good approximation of random. I like the Intruders at the Gates of Madness option. What I have found is that unless I exit the game and restart and then load my save from just before entering the palace 'random' isn't random. I believe the issue stems from how computers generate random numbers ... if all of the memory contents remain the same between generating random numbers the same random number will be generated each time. I think there are ways to force an actual new random number generation from same memory content states, but my guess is those methods aren't 'efficient' in terms of number of compute cycles used to generate each random number (and also guess that Bethesda wasn't so much concerned about generating an actual random number as conserving computing power for other stuff). Even using my method it is surprising how long/many tries it takes to get the Intruders topic. I even go so far as to exit let's say the House of Dementia to the palace grounds before then entering the palace (as opposed to just going directly from House of Dementia to the palace) after I've been frustated by a bunch of unsuccessful attempts. And then you'll have times when the only option that comes up is Intruders ... Mr Murphy does rule after all.
  16. It has been a very long time since I last used the mod (so I could be using one of my faulty memory chips here) but I think that Jovs Mages Gloves showed rings while wearing gloves (either that or I tinkered in the CS to achieve that by flipping the Hide Rings ... though a quick and cursory peek in the CS leads me to think it shows rings while wearing the gloves). My point is that there is a vanilla game toggle for showing/hiding rings so in my mind if your brass knuckles NIF is such that it will be properly seen while used at the same time as let's say the leather gauntlets if your brass knuckles occupied the ring slot and the leather gauntlets were changed to toggle off Hide Rings you'd have your cake and could eat it too. Unequip the brass knuckles and you have a pair of leather gaunlets showing. The downside is that if you then equipped a regular ring it may show through the leather gauntlets.
  17. I don't use any texture overhauls (I have plenty of individual texture replacers for various items). I know of the UOP Qarls patch ... just have no experience using it. You seem to have a good grasp of troubleshooting/testing methodology ... finding an effective and definitive test to prove/disprove something is more than half the battle. You'll do well.
  18. If you got those messages then your UOPs are working. Many of the UOP fixes are not obvious (a lot of the fixes made in the later versions are changes/fixes to broken AI or quest tweaking etc). The earliest versions of the UOPs fixed things like floating rock/trees/plants and if you managed to find any of those that may have not already been reported and fixed I think you'd be wise to buy a lottery ticket (i.e. you are experiencing an usual lucky streak ... cash in while you can). The only example of that I can recall from before using the UOPs is some rocks just NW of Greenmead Cave (look on the opposite side of the road from the cave ... the smaller rocks float about waist high without the UOP).
  19. Mods that use extreme slider positions to create "unique" looking characters will have problems with Oblivion Character Overhaul v2 head meshes. To amplify on the advice that OblivionAddited gives, find an NPC of that race that looks acceptable when using OCOv2 and use that NPC's face data (with an NPC selected in the left section of TES4Edit you'll scroll down the the very bottom in the right section ... FaceGen Data has three parts, two for mesh settings and one for textures). You will need to go thru each individual NPC that needs adjusting though.
  20. Oblivion.ini is located in your Users\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder. The game uses the Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Oblivion_Default.ini to create Oblivion.ini when you install the game the first time (or recreate it if it can't find Oblivion.ini in the Users\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder). I can't say whether or not Steam will restore Oblivion_Default.ini when you re-install as I've never had the Steam version of the game (a disk guy here). If you don't see the file extension (the .ini part) it is because you have the option turned on to hide file extensions for known file types (if you right click on the file and select Properties from the right click menu you will see the file extension displayed in the Properties dialogue). That error is what I suspected was at the root of the problem (leftovers from the UI mod install in Oblivion.ini that prevent menus from being displayed once the UI mod is uninstalled). Get your Oblivion_Default.ini restored in the game's Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion folder and only then try renaming Users\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Oblivion.ini to Users\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Old_Oblivion.ini and then start the game. Exit the game and then confirm that it has created a new Users\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Oblivion.ini (and you can use Notepad to open it and the renamed Old_Oblivion.ini to compare and if you wish transfer settings from the Old_Oblivion.ini to the new Oblivion.ini ... just don't transfer any of the Font stuff).
  21. Did you rename/delete Oblivion.ini or Oblivion_Default.ini (the first one is correct, the second is not correct)?
  22. Either rename or delete Oblivion.ini and then start the game so that it creates a new one. Uninstalling UI mods doesn't undo the changes they make to Oblivion.ini and those changes can cause crashes after re-installing the game (uninstalling the game doesn't remove Oblivion.ini).
  23. Some unrelated investigations have lead me to a theory for you to test. I believe that enemy NPCs/creatures will target whichever possible target within their field of view that has the highest health. You can test this by doing the following test. Open the console and enter 'player.getav health' (no quote marks). Next click on your horse and 'getav health'. Let's say that your player health showed 250 and the horse returned 300. Next with the horse refID still displayed enter 'modav health -100' (no quotes) and follow that with 'getav health' to confirm that the horse health now shows 200 (the key here is to lower your horse health to less than the player). Find a bad guy and see who is targeted first now. A caveat ... once an NPC has engaged with a target (be it player or otherwise) they are unlikely to switch targets (not impossible in my experience, but they do tend to stay latched to the first target they hit). When you hop off your horse for the post health adjustment test make sure to be far enough away from the enemy that you can get some separation from your horse (so that they need to pick one or the other of you or your horse).
  24. Better Cities (especially BC plus Unique Landscapes) have a reputation of not being an easy install, as well as taking a heavy toll on stability and performance. I haven't ever used either myself but I did help somebody through a BC install a while back. Many details to get exactly right ... I didn't find anything about the process that convinced me to add it to my future load orders (but I have different priorities that most people). I'm a vanilla UI type myself but that screenshot has an improperly installed or uninstalled UI mod vibe about it to my eye. Note that uninstalling a UI mod does not undo the changes it made/required you to make to Oblivion.ini (which will then carry over from one install to the next unless you delete your old Oblivion.ini or move it to backup).
  25. Fair enough. I tend to use OBMM to extract the OMODs into loose files and folders (which can then be archived using 7-Zip for installation via Wrye Bash or in my case installed manually ... copypasta is my favourite flavour). One thing that doesn't get fixed by Steam validation (as far as I know) is fixing any issues with Oblivion.ini that are left following an uninstall adventure. Mods like UI mods and things like Oblivion Reloaded are the more common culprits leading up to this situation, but it is another avenue to explore. - Edit - I believe that HadTo just grabbed two :ninja: 's ... well done!!
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