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Everything posted by Striker879
how to retexture armor
Striker879 replied to evelin2233's topic in Oblivion's Oblivion Construction Set and Modders
The World Model is the nif you will use when the item is dropped from inventory onto the ground. The BiPed Model is the item when worn. I'm no expert, but my understanding is that normal maps just need to follow the correct file naming protocol and be located in the same folder structure as the diffuse map (so Textures\Armor\MyArmor\cuirass.dds would have Textures\Armor\MyArmor\cuirass_n.dds ... with the _n part denoting that it's a normal map and folder structure indicating which diffuse map it is associated with). The textures assignments are all done via NifSkope (the flower icon you have already found). In NifSkope the folder paths need to be relative not absolute (so not starting with anything higher up that Textures ... no C:\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion). -
Best place for game specific support is the forum for that game. Games that have been on the Nexus for a while or are very popular will often have subforums ... if so try to post in a subforum that sounds applicable to your question (but any subforum will be fine, though some subforums may not be frequented by some people who offer support).
I just use the Esc menu. That's the same as me then (I was a quicksave/quickload junkie in my old guy's bad bad days ... because I walked miles into the wilderness I can tend to get preachy about good save habits). That does bring me back to something that GamerRick brought up on page 1 ... like him I never get two hours at a stretch. I can't speak for Rick, but in my case I have a pretty good handle on where my modded game's weak points are. When I was building my load order I did extensive testing, especially in cases where I was pushing beyond a mod authors recommended settings. By pushing to find the limits I've been able to find my sweetspots when dialing things back, or in cases where it's been an 'on or off' type situation I at least have a good understanding of how my choices have affected game stability. The caveat that comes with doing things my way is that it took well over two weeks of 12 hour plus days working through the mod install/test process ... but that was back in April 2014, a full 6661 game play hours ago on my current character. You give away some oranges to get a bushel of apples.
What form of saving do you use (i.e. quick saves or saves from the Esc menu ... or some other method)?
My current guy's saves are running 8.8MB (I have some gameplay 'habits' that result in large save sizes). Back when I first ran into the A-Bomb on my original character saves were at less than 3MB. The A-Bomb is a result of an incremental shift in a bit value in the save file header that happens over time (and number of saves if I recall correctly). Back then I used Animation Fixer and was able to recover that character's save line. My next character used the same solution proactively and never experienced the problem. My latest guy uses Wrye Bash, so that was the solution he started out using, but once EngineBugFixes came out with a permanent fix that was the solution I adopted on his saves. I'm not convinced the problem is A-Bomb in this case, but it is one of the possibilities that should be considered.
Controls stop working after a few minutes
Striker879 replied to DiegoReyes1995's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
In Win 10 can you not see the update history via the Control Panel (I'm at Win 7 dinosaur, so I have no idea how much Microsoft's 'improvements' took away from what you can or can't do in Win 10). -
Do you see anything that may indicate the A-Bomb ( jerky or slow opening/closing animated doors and gates or lazy weird flames on torches held by NPCs etc)?
You're talking about hand-placed activators. That's the exact thing that wouldn't work. OP wants any random "FireLogPile01" to be able to "start a fire." Problem is, that's a static object, and it doesn't seem like you can get any useable information from a static object in the base game. I setup a script to search through all the statics in the area and return true if one of them was "GetIsID FireLogPile01". The script can find the object if it is placed by a mod, but it doesn't find any of them that are inside Oblivion.ESM. Guess it wasn't clear, but all I was pointing out is that the fires are a separate entity, at least in any cases I've ever looked at (both indoors in fireplaces and outdoors in campfires). I was thinking your script could position and then enable one of the campfire light sources.
There is a cooking fireplace outside of Dzonot Cave (cell name DzonotCaveExterior in the Tamriel worldspace) which uses a torch as a fire source that comes on from 6pm until 7am (controlled by script ExteriorLightScript). The torch formID is DExteriorTorchFire256wFlame and you will notice that DExteriorCampFire300 uses that same script (and it is used a list of locations around the map). Perhaps you can get a headstart looking at the Bethesda script.
Horses are in the Prey faction (you can confirm this by checkling any horse with the console command getfactionrank 5d556). You can remove any horse from the Prey faction with setfactionrank 5d556 -1 (after you've selected the horse in the console of course).
Is this when you try to edit Nexus Forum posts or when you try to edit Mod Comments posts using the Nexus Forums interface?
Are you starting the CS with OBSE support (GetEquippedItems is an OBSE function)).
Why isn't my randomised start mod randomising my start?
Striker879 replied to a topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Haven't done any work with the door teleport system myself but are you setting up both sides of the teleport (i.e. are you adding doors in the destination cells that are then linked to the sewer exit). I'm not sure how you'd link to cells that aren't vanilla without having those other mods as master as well (doable, just another detail). -
Why isn't my randomised start mod randomising my start?
Striker879 replied to a topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Have you tried from a new game start or are you working from a save from before exiting the sewers (I'm thinking maybe the cell the game will use is baked into a before the sewer exit save). -
On a Nexus Mods mod page Posts tab you will see a Reply button at the top right corner of the post you want to add your reply to. All of the replies on any particular post will nest under that original post. On Nexus Forums you use the Quote button on the lower right of the post you want to make you reply to, and it will show the post you're replying to above your post (as I have done with this post). Make sure to click in the black area below the quoted post so that your reply is shown outside the grey box around the quoted text.
When posting from the forums on mod comments was allowed with the new (back then) Nexus Mods the forum posts broke the formatting , especially for the nested replies to posts. You must use the mod's Nexus Mods Posts tab to either post or reply to topics in the mod's comments. - Edit - Major :ninja: there Hey and Showler. Now I know why things went sideways when I hit post. :laugh:
I don't think I've ever run across a utility to edit saves, beyond those that fix the A-Bomb bug (but that is simply flipping a known bit). I just had a look at one of my saves in Notepad++ but I didn't see much that was readable (a couple of items I have created and then distributed using the console showed readable names but nothing else that made any sense). - Edit - Had a look in Wrye Bash but didn't see anything in the Saves tab right click context menu that looked like it would help.
I've only done what I can do, as have you. At least the next time I have a 'senior moment' and can't recall how to get illustrative scrrenshots into a post I'll have my step by step (if you look closely at the most recent screenshots you'll see I'll only need to look as far as my hard drive to find it too).
Here's the method I've used to post the pictures in the previous post (which I couldn't properly recall until JimboUK got my brain pointed in the correct direction). Upload the picture to Nexus (I used Oblivion Nexus but the same method will work for any game) and set the category to Hidden. After the upload has finished your picture will be displayed and you'll see the orange banner indicating that the image is hidden Pic_1. Right click on your image and select Open image in new tab from the right click context menu. Switch to the new tab displaying your image and single left click in the URL bar up top to highlight the address (Pic_2).Copy the url by hitting Ctrl + c while the url address is highlighted. Finish by pasting the address into your post either inside the [ url=xxx ]label[ /url ] BBCodes like shown in the pictures (the only option on the Oblivion Nexus or other game's Nexus sites I believe) or on the Nexus Forums you can click on the little pictire icon and then paste the image url into the URL field on the Image Properties box that pops up (be aware that using that option the picture will display full size in the post ... like what you see in the Post Your Best Looking Character thread). In any case the purpose of using the Hidden category is that your pictures won't be cluttering up the Image Share with images that don't 'fit' the usual use for that part of the sites. - Edit - Just had a look at a post I made in the OBSE mod comments and it looks like you can also use the Image icon there to add a picture to your post on the Oblivion Nexus or other game's Nexus sites. Not certain if the same caveat applies regarding does it then display all the time in your post (but I would guess so ... I just didn't do that experiment myself).
It will only work for users who have the game installed in exactly the same folder structure as you do (the d:\steamlibrary\steamapps\common\oblivion\data\... that is currently assigned). To change the path open the armor piece in NifSkope and in the right hand panel single left click on the part you want to change. In the left panel tree view you will see this. Next to the 10 NiTriShape click the little arrow to expand the tree view and then do the same with the arrow beside 3 NiTexturingProperty to expand that as well. NifSkope will now look like this (I have single left clicked on 4 NiSourceTexture to highlight that line). Double left click in the part to the right of the purple flower icon to select and highlight the entire currently assigned path as shown here. Next single left click immediately to the right of oblivion\data\ to remove the highlight and position the cursor just to the left of the first t in the word textures as shown here. Using the backspace key remove everything to the left of textures\armor\animal print\... as shown here. To finish hit Enter and the assigned path will now look like this. Just for reference I have included what the fur armor in EVE looks like in NifSkopehere. - Edit - Hopefully the scrrenshots will show. It's been a long time since my last step by step and I'm a bit fuzzy on how to get the scrrenshots uploaded to Nexus in a manner that doesn't raise the ire of the screenshotter crowd who live in the regular Image Share section. If I remember correctly you just set the category to Hidden but I don't recall if you use the BBCode for the url to get them to show or if it's some other way. If they don't I'll try to sort it out later when I back home. - Edit 2 - The pictures should show OK now. Huge thanks to JimboUK for once again getting me up to speed on posting pics from hidden links.
That's because that dialogue topic (MS92FIN "I'm going to get me some black bows ...") as well as MS92FIN "I'm going to spend some time at the Lodge" and MS92FIN "Push off, scroat" all have the Goodbye flag ticked in the vanilla game, which ends the conversation. You'll need to make your own patch which turns off the Goodbye flag in the Construction Set as the console isn't capable of turning off the flag.
If there is a 25% chance that no pearl of any kind will be found (the Chance None field) then you get a 75% chance of finding something. At level 9 that means using the vanilla list you have a 25% chance of finding an empty clam, and a 37.5% chance of finding a flawed pearl and a 37.5% chance of finding a pearl. If I'm interpreting your change to the list correctly I get a 50% chance of finding an empty clam, a 16.67% chance of finding a flawed pearl, a 16.67% chance for a pearl and a 16.67% chance of finding a flawless pearl. Populating a list will change depending on what you are trying to achieve ... no such thing as right or wrong, just different. Some different will lead where you hoped to go, another different will lead elsewhere.
The three flawed pearl entries are so that once the player hits level 9 there is a 50/50 chance of the clam holding a flawed pearl (unless of course it is going to hold no pearl). If there was only a single entry for flawed pearl once the player hits level nine then the chance for a flawed pearl goes down to 25% as the game could use any of the entries in the list (i.e. any one of the three pearl entries opened up by level 9 or the flawed pearl entry that has been available since level one). I'm not saying the Bethesda way is right or wrong ... my guess is they wanted the pearls to be less common than the flawed pearls to make them more 'special'. The same concept can be used to make anything distributed by leveled list less likely to be spawned. It's not much of a problem if the list has a fairly large number of possibilities, but a list that only has a small set to select from will spawn any of the list with equal chance. If there were three entries each would have a 33.3% chance of spawning. If you wanted one of those to be an uncommon find you just increase the entries for the other two until your 'uncommon' one actually becomes uncommon.