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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. One of the biggest downside to installing a huge number of mods and then testing is you have little or no idea where to start troubleshooting. It's like looking for one particular strand of spaghetti on a plateful of spaghetti smothered in sauce ... you pick one, pull it out of the pile and see if it's the right one. When you find it's not the right one you rinse and repeat until you get lucky or give up. To the uninitiated my tried and true method of mod install may seem like "the slow way" but in the end I find the benefits far and away outweigh any downsides. I begin with a vanilla install, start the game and test that all runs as expected. If needed I make any fine tuning adjustments with either Oblivion.ini or the game's menus and finish with a final test to get a feel for game stability and performance. Only then do I install one mod, and follow that with a thorough enough test to determine both whether or not the mod works but also how it affect both stability and performance. If all is as expected I install one more mod (followed by the thorough test phase). When I run into a mod that causes either stability or performance issues I know precisely which mod to start looking at closely to find either issues or tweaks to resolve the situation. Yes it took me a while to get my load order installed to my liking , but that was in part because of how some of the mods in my load order interact with one another (plus they both offered adjustments via their respective INIs, so there were a lot of variables to test). The upside (beyond everything working together) is that I have a very good feel for how each mod in my load order affects stability and performance. Any time I've run into issues while playing I've known where to start looking when troubleshooting. That character and load order is now over six years and 5790 hours of playing and still going strong.
  2. Two things ... are you using the Steam version of the game (I'm guessing yes) and what form of archive invalidation are you using (I'm guessing none). OBMM offers a simple way for both instances. It click on Utilities -> Archive Invalidation -> select BSA Redirection -> click on Reset BSA Timestamps -> click on Update Now -> close OBMM - done.
  3. If "revalidate" or "re-invalidate" is referring to archive invalidation (and you chose BSA Redirection when doing it the first time) it's a do once and forget about it solution. Did you sort your new load order after uninstalling the mod and before rebuilding your bashed patch, and is there a specific reason you are using OBMM to install/uninstall mods when you are obviously also using Wrye Bash? WB is a far superior tool to use for mod installation ... with it you could have uninstalled the mod and then Annealed and avoided the mess.
  4. Maybe I should hire Biz as my publicist ... https://www.gocomics.com/shoe/2021/05/10
  5. Me and Biz, getting primed for a little double dating bliss ... https://www.gocomics.com/shoe/2021/05/10
  6. Yes you need to activate your ESP in either the vanilla game Data Files or using your mod manager of choice.
  7. Were you making the changes to something from Oblivion.esm or from the ESP from another mod?
  8. I replayed Privateer a while back. While there certainly were some nice nostalgic moments (the "Oh ... I remember this part" type stuff) I was struck by how much it was limited by the gaming hardware of the day. It's hard to go back in time. - Edit - Strike Commander ... now we're getting close to where my user name first originated.
  9. Could be just a consequence of better graphics. The earlier editions of the Privateer series used NPC avatars that were not much different than what you'd see in games like Doom, Quake etc. (and animations of the same quality). At the time it wasn't seen as crude or anything because that was the cutting edge of the times. The later games in the series that you've mentioned were using the cutting edge for their time. As graphics quality improved (taking advantage and pushing hardware to new limits) game producers would naturally want to leverage and showcase the new capabilities of their game engines. The era you are talking about did have one downside in my eyes ... the glaring difference between cutscene quality and in-game quality. I prefer the current era.
  10. On the subject of notifications on untrack ... I currently get a line in my mod's Logs -> Mod Page Activity report when somebody untracks my mod page, and because no reason is asked for from the user I don't see any value in knowing that they untracked the mod page. At first I'd have the reaction of "Huh, what's up with that" but now it's just another part of the white noise in the background. My point is that getting a notification of what could be perceived as a negative event has little or no value and could be merely a contributor to harm.
  11. Not sure if that was aimed at me Left ... but here it is anyways. Base install is RobertMaleBodyReplacerV52 and EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion (which gives the appropriate equipment replacer for each) and then Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2. I use a somewhat semi-complete Seamless installation on top of that ... somewhat complete because my base body installs were customised before I got around to trying out Seamless so I was selective about what parts of it I wanted and didn't want (link Seamless - OCOv2). The base install is further modified by my Blockheading project (both meshes and textures). My primary resources for that are SetBody Reloaded Blockhead Edition (seamless quality meshes) and Female Body Retextured (close to seamless quality) but I also use selections from a wide variety of meshes and textures which are not seamless quality (variety has a higher priority for me that seams I have no trouble ignoring).
  12. Keeping and maintaining backups of save files is a very useful troubleshooting resource when the time comes for troubleshooting. My current character's playing time is 5772 hours (character started back in 2014) and the latest save is save number 41256. I have certain saves that I regularly use for testing and troubleshooting (it's nice to have saves from all cities, both inside the city and just outside). When troubleshooting I prefer to start with tests that will quickly confirm or eliminate things that are easy to test before I start tearing things apart.
  13. You already guessed what would have been my first guess ... a Windows update. To sort through other possibilities work through troubleshooting using a previous save, start a new game using your current load order and things like that which don't require the extreme troubleshooting step of re-installing and testing a vanilla game.
  14. Well, it's good to know the comments still EXIST, even if they can't be viewed, I guess. Just curious ... if the mod author can be convinced to restore the comments and then lock them instead, will it work?
  15. True, but, if you ask a question you don't think you are going to like the answer to, try not to act surprised when you get an answer you don't like. :D Ah ... and once again you smoothly segue into the next thing for me Hey. In the case those questions whose answers I don't like ... the next (and most important to me personally) question I need to ask is "Why does this answer upset me?" The answer to that question will only be found through honest introspection.
  16. I have long asserted that questions are far more important than answers. It is the questions that open our minds to possible answers ... without those questions the answers have no meaning.
  17. Another type of item that has recently surfaced as "not exactly normal" is soul gems. Pellape has gone through a lot of head scratching over them (and one other user but memory fails me for their user name at the moment ... in any case Pellape responded on their threads too so a search of Pellape's posts will turn up the other). I look at "features" like that as just Bethesda's way of showing us that Todd was 100% correct ... "It just works" (nobody notices the under the breath part of that statement ... "sometimes").
  18. The only extended playtime bug I know of is the stuck animation A-Bomb bug. If you are using Wrye Bash it has an A-Bomb fix you can run, but the most modern solution is via EngineBugFixes (it has a fix that you enable once and never need to think about it ever again). - Edit - Something you could try to help zero in on whether the problem A-Bomb related or not is to do some tests using old saves (if you keep old saves). Keep jumping back by steps in your save-line until you can't reproduce the problem. If you go all the way back to close to the beginning of your character's save-line and the problem can still be recreated then the A-Bomb is not likely the cause.
  19. I'm no scripter, though I do recall going through the scripts looking for a way to do what I had been trying to do (resurrect the priests but stop them from reactivating the Obelisks). The key thing in that case was either make sure they had (or maybe it was didn't have) that widget, which was an item that didn't show in their inventory anywhere (if memory serves).
  20. All I can suggest is testing using a new game after uninstalling Decorator Assistant (so not using any of your current saves for that character to do the testing). If you are still seeing the problem then that will point you to some other mod in your load order being the problem rather than Decorator Assistant. At that point OblivionAddicted's method of disabling a bunch of mods and test will be a possible method to find the culprit. A quick look through Decorator Assistant's mod comments revealed plenty of people with problems, but I didn't stumble across anything that sounded like yours in my cursory search.
  21. Is this when placing items using Decorator Assistant or just using the vanilla game grab mechanics?
  22. Check your settings in Enhanced Economy.ini (specifically the Settings to control value of enchanted items section).
  23. Something that I discovered in my own gameplay regarding the Obelisk's is that the Obelisk priests have an item that must be in their inventory to reactivate the Obelisk (SEOrderPriestWidget). It could be that they need the widget to reactivate the Obelisk or having it in their inventory stops them from reactivating the Obelisk, it was some time ago I looked into this and I was trying something different from what are doing. Look at their resurrect script.
  24. So what you are really saying is, you don't have a solution. Which is pretty much what I expected. I would point out, the supreme court agrees with the NRA interpretation of the 2nd Amendment. And like the typical liberal, you come out with the 'common sense' argument. Trouble is, not ONE of the 'common sense' gun laws the left is pushing, will make any difference whatsoever. None. Zero. Nada. Zilch. The guns AREN'T the problem. It's the people using them that are the problem. It's a mental health issue. Take a look at some of the recent mass-shootings. By and large, the shooters SHOULDN'T have been able to get their hands on a weapon. But they did. I have no idea what country you are in. :smile: Just as a side note, less than 500 people are killed each year in mass shootings. On average, 1500 children are killed BY THEIR PARENTS every year. Shall we ban parents? Well this would have a significant impact on a problem I don't see very many willing to discuss ... population growth.
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