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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. OK ... Let's see which takes longer, brushing my teeth or installing OCO v2.
  2. Wise decision ... even in light of some recent discussion on the subject. You've quickly progressed to stuff way above my pay grade Lup. You can also start a new thread on other subjects ... often if an original post goes off in different direction like this people who may have the answer to your latest question don't even see what you're currently asking. They only see the mannequins title and have no interest/nothing to add on that subject so they don't even look. Time for me to follow Ike's example. I'll see what mischief you and Ike can get into in the morning.
  3. Don't need the Khajiit fix ... there's a more recent one available, so just the other three. You can disable the MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp before or after installing OCO v2 ... having it enabled won't affect the installing of OCO v2, just having it activated after installing OCO v2 will cause problems in-game. I suggest either deleting it using Windows Explorer or at the very least moving it out of your Data folder (that prevents an "accidental" activation somewhere down the road).
  4. Ike might be able to steer you onto some resources ... I'm not much of a textures guy myself (beyond body textures anyway).
  5. Ya ... I know, but I am a conservative old codger, and who knows where those cracks have been sleeping before they landed on you? One of my Starforced games even officially suggested to use a crack to bypass Starforce. I have it downloaded and for years still haven't used it. At my core I am just a crusty old grump, who doesn't take well to being screwed around and holds grudges for all eternity. Don't like solutions from "unofficial" sources (if that crack screwed me who could I hold my grudge against ... some nefarious "them" out there somewhere in cyberspace). I wanted the Morrowind disk primarily for some voice files for a mod I'd like to try (Ordinator mod). When I get around to it I'll see if installing but not activating will give me access to the BSAs I need for the voice files.
  6. OK ... EVE should be a similar situation for the OMOD install. OCO v2 doesn't have a script or anything, but I believe it installs fine with OBMM when you use the "Add archive" install method to create the OMOD. I'm about a half hour away from hitting the hay here. Ike is up well before me due to time zones (he has a far greater capacity for staying up than I ... though back in my working days I was a shift worker, doesn't take long to grow soft I guess).
  7. Some of the Morrowind screenshots I see today make it look pretty sweet. I was finally able to track down the GotY Morrowind on disk recently, but then was crestfallen when I discovered it requires Steam activation (I will be the last non-Steam guy on the planet if I have my way). Added to my "oh well" pile of games (Starforce back in the day was a bad one ... you needed a microscope to see the Starforce logo on the packages before you bought the games that used it ... early on I forgot to bring my microscope to EB Games when shopping).
  8. Yup ... there's a lot of files in the Roberts male full meal deal. So where does that put us ... EVE completely installed yet or not?
  9. And to that you said yes ... right? - Edit - Without a compatible replacer for clothes and armor you will get weird texture problems on any exposed skin. The vanilla bodies use a completely different texture mapping than Roberts male, so the armor/clothing replacer corrects that problem.
  10. By default the game will use assets (meshes, textures etc) from the compressed archives ... BSA files like Oblivion - Meshes.bsa and the others. If a mod doesn't use an ESP to direct the game to use replacement assets the vanilla game will just ignore any replacements, even if they are in the correct folder structure and continue to use it's BSA assets. Various methods of overcoming this limitation have been tried over the years ... archive invalidation is the one that works, and BSA Redirection is the latest and most problem free method of archive invalidation. The bashed patch is a merged patch that resolves conflicts between mods, allowing the use of two or more mods together that couldn't be used together without either manually merging them using the CS/TES4Edit or via the bashed patch.
  11. I just looked through the manual install package and the only head related meshes I see are Dark Elf ears. In any case you will be using OCO v2 head resources after getting it installed, so anything that you chose from Roberts will be overwritten by OCO v2. My own manually installed Roberts male includes those Dark Elf ears, so I guess the answer is "yes" (and don't worry, if need be it's a simple file swap later to straighten out any tangles).
  12. Wrye Bash really isn't as bad as it maybe was back in the bad old days. I picked up a bit about it over the years before I started using it from various sources (primarily one of the go to guys when I was starting out ... Hickory). Most of what I know about it now is from reading through the two readme.html files (I use them like a reference library whenever I'm trying something new). I still install most of my mods manually ... I just find it so much easier because I'll always go over any mod I'm thinking of installing with a fine tooth comb, looking for conflicts and overwrites long before it ever gets close to my game drive. Even those mods I installed with BAIN were painstakingly examined before they were installed with BAIN. Why?? ... because I'm a cautious old guy who prefers to help solve other people's problems rather than sort through any of his own making. OBMM has too many limitations for me to consider it for myself. I've used it in the past, before I learned how to manually install, but since then I only use it for archive invalidation (well now I use WB for that actually) and extracting BSAs and OMODs for source files for my own mods. Many still stand by OBMM, and for most it is perhaps the best choice. Whether or not you go Wrye will somewhat be dictated by what mods you choose to pursue down the road (Weather All Natural for example requires you use WB's bashed patch). There is nothing stopping you from starting out with OBMM, learning a bit of manual install and seeing where that leads you (maybe Wrye, maybe not).
  13. OK good ... OBMM is how I cut my teeth in this game and it still serves well today for getting Oblivion modding off the ground floor. For BBB to work as intended it needs the extra "bones" added to the skeleton.nif and BBBed animations to move those "bones" (ya ... breast bones, that's what we've got here). Meshes like bodies, clothes and armor are rigged to those bones when they are created (or converted to BBB in many cases for older mods). What happens if you try to wear (or an NPC tries to wear) BBBed clothes\armor\bodies without the proper BBBed skeleton.nif you get the infamous "boobs to infinity" problem. With the skeleton plus BBBed clothes/armor/bodies but no BBBed animations you just get everything looking normal except no bouncy parts. The system needs all three pieces to work as intended. As it comes out of the box, the EVE body I linked isn't BBBed, but BBBed versions of the HGEC body come with the Seamless Equipment HGEC Edition mod, as well as BBBed versions of most of the clothes/armor. At this point it really doesn't matter which size EVE you choose as all that will be left from EVE after installing all the Seamless stuff is the few things that aren't included in the Seamless package but are included with EVE's equipment replacer (not much I think ... maybe some SI stuff, will need to look at it to be sure). I tend to do a lot of size mix and match as I play male characters. If you play female characters then all females will be the same size as far as clothes/armor/bodies is concerned (that can be changed through Blockhead and mods, but we're venturing into more advanced stuff than is required at this point). So to recap ... BBBed skeleton.nif and HGEC body/clothing/armor replacer are the minimum required, and if you want to have BBBs then add NoMaaM.
  14. LOL ... we have hidden cameras everywhere Lup (the main one being at the bottom bar of this thread, but there are others ... Ike and I will be watching). Sleep well my friend but sleep fast. The Dawn is Breaking for you long before mine.
  15. Nope BBB animations are separate, in fact if you don't want to see BBB then just install the skeleton.nif but not the BBB animation replacer and you'll be good to go for any HGEC armor out there. I recommend NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer. If you use Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) download and install the OMOD version (second from the top in the downloads). It has a script that walks you through the various options. If you don't use OBMM then download the Manual Install version and extract it to a folder and I'll walk you through the install (looks very complex but if you follow a few simple rules it's not so bad). Even if you use the OMOD version for your initial install I recommend downloading and extracting the manual install version. You can use the files from it to customize with different breathing and bounce for different animations (with the OMOD script you get one flavour for all the animations ... I'm all about variety). - Edit - To look at him, you'd never guess Ike has such a mean streak, would you. :laugh: Sleep well my friend.
  16. On the subject of EVE's ESPs it's OK to leave them activated. The HGEC portion of EVE is like all other versions of HGEC and doesn't require an ESP to work (just archive invalidation). The equipment replacer portion of EVE needs the ESPs to enable female versions of male only armor (for example in the vanilla game females and males both wear the same steel cuirass ... EVE uses it's EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer.esp to enable female versions of those male only vanilla armors, same with the Shivering Isles and Knights of the Nine ESPs). One caveat ... if you use either SI or KotN EVE ESP they must go below the SI and KotN ESPs in your load order. Much to get your head around, but given time it will be second nature.
  17. I recommend Universal Skeleton NIF ... it's a much improved later edition of the one included with that mod (which was my first successful mod install by the way). Use the ControlableSkeleton version unless you use a mod that requires the TotalControlableSkeleton version, in which case understand the limitations and workarounds required for that version. Another option is the one I use ... BBB Ragdoll Breast Physics - Growlfs Skeleton which is the same skeleton.nif only with some extra "spice" added to the sauce (same deal ... ControlableSkeleton version).
  18. Has been an eventful day, hasn't it ... I even noticed Zella glancing at WWWEEE's thread, but she retreated without comment (perhaps some survival instinct kicked in??). You didn't pick up on my SotL inference with the "special treat" though ... thought it went well with the Patchouli segue you introduced, but perhaps I'm reading between too many lines or thinking too deeply.
  19. I'd go base game (Steam automatically updates you to the latest patch, 1.2.0416) then UOP and the unofficials for any of the DLCs you have, then OBSE and then Blockhead. Then follow Ike's order from his previous post. - Edit - I recommend EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion ... it comes with a complete armor and clothes replacer (important so you don't get the weird skin on arms etc from the combo of HGEC + vanilla clothes/armor). - Edit 2 - hehe ... +1 :ninja: for me!!
  20. LOL ... and another CSEer is released into the wilds, to wreak havoc on an unsuspecting world.
  21. Well "was" because I haven't run across his six in years ... though I did see him once after the Janes site shutdown on a server for another old game ... some Microsoft Mech Warrior thing I think that didn't grab my attention for long. We had a nice remember when session though before parting ways once again. - Edit - Err, once again, sorry for turning this into an Ike and Striker chat line Blades. - Edit 2 - But heck, I do link some relevant stuff once in a while, right??
  22. Ya that's the case WWEE. You can use the other HGEC texture floating around out there but the neckseam won't be fixed like it is using the seam mended HGEC texture from Junkacc11. I personally use my patented "Selective Vision" due to my prior addiction to variety in my ladies (my BanditMelee03 will not go without her More Hairy for Exnem Female EyeCandy, no matter how hard Ike tries to pry it out of my clutches ... all courtesy of one of OCO v2's prerequisites, Blockhead).
  23. Yup ... had a whole long quote he'd paste into the chat before every post (made a rather poor first impression, but he really was an alright guy and better dogfighter than I).
  24. On XP there is no "Run As" for batch files, but in the Properties dialogue you can go to the Security tab and set permissions ... not sure how that translates to Win 7 though. - Edit - Gee Lup, success and your heart rate barely budged off idle ... LOL - Edit 2 - And with that picture I pass you into Ike's capable hands, as in this pairing he is the master and I am but a sniveling padawan.
  25. Hmm ... reading down that thread a bit further and Alejandro85 says you need to install both the x86 and x64 packages (and further down you see that fixed the OP's problem).
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