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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Does the prompt for the disk containing Data3.cab come in the form of "put in the disk" or would it let you navigate to it in the dialogue? If the former I doubt copying Data3.cab to a no-disk location would work (perhaps if you burned it onto a disk, but there may be hidden copywrite stuff will stop that from working). If it allows you to navigate to the location of Data3.cab I don't see why it wouldn't ... won't know until you try.
  2. AndalayBay is good supporting Oblivion XP Updated ... you should be asking your question on that page or using the mod comments on the NexusMods Oblivion site. Often the first advice is to read the readme.
  3. So are you saying this is a resolved issue or a Steam issue?
  4. Oblivion:Horses - UESPWiki (see the Complete List of Horses section near the bottom). You will need the first two digits, which depends on your own load order. Drop the Horse Armor note on the ground and click on it to get the first two digits.
  5. Also when they take their weapon out, even if they don't yet detect you, it's a good indication they aren't the "good guys" (but you do need to get close enough to make them suspicious).
  6. And I take it Data3.cab isn't on disk # 2 ... with the Anthology version do you have an option for Steam install or just Steam to activate?
  7. If you'd instead done player.additem 85083 1 it would have worked Blades, but Ike is right ... the console is a very sharp double edged sword. You can do irreparable damage with it (irreparable to your save game at least). The first thing popped into my mind was player.additem f 1000000 (and after you try that one to see what it does player.removeitem f 1000000 will put things back to right). Ike didn't mention, but tcl is a toggle. Use it the first time it turns collision off, do it again and it turns it back on. If you are pretending to be the subject of Aldos' song make sure you can survive the aftermath of your second tcl. Crruunnch!!
  8. On my Game of the Year edition (three disk set that includes KotN and SI) Data3.cab is the only thing on disk # 2. How many Oblivion disks are included with the Anthology edition?
  9. Well it's easy for Ike to claim to be the younger, but we all know proto-plasm came long before dinosaurs (bringing this back full circle I believe). So Blade, next time I see my BanditMelee03 is she going to tell me tales about you? - Edit - Sorry, I guess that should be Captain Blade ... do you sound more like Kirk or Picard?
  10. No sign of Blade since I posted that. Bet next time I'm in-game the bandit females will all be giving me the evil eye, saying "Thanks a lot buddy, just what we needed ... two of you!!". If you were quick enough it could be tanned just on one side and you could say you fell asleep at the beach (well until the wind shifted you could say that). - Edit - Blade, have we thoroughly hijacked your thread enough yet??
  11. Ya ... you don't want new "freckles". BanditMelee03 does get a little skittish when my guy is around ... maybe you're on to something.
  12. OK ... so you've bonked that cute little bandit on the head one too many times, and now she's just laying there in a crumpled heap (I have a soft spot for Redguard BanditMellee03 myself). Click on her to get her refID at the top of the screen and then: resurrect 1 moddisposition 14 125 addscriptpackage 9828a Now she's totally in love with you and will follow you to the ends of the Earth (or at least until something interrupts the 9828a follow player package ... addscriptpackage doesn't stick reliably to the leveled list NPCs but when it's working it's working). Take her along with you to your favourite conjurer dungeon and she'll fight by your side (actually the conjurers will mostly go after her, giving you a chance to stab some backs). Another little trick is to have her follow you inside a vacant house you maybe have "acquired" (could be totally honestly ... no killage required). Once she's inside open the console, click on her and: kill Now leave her body there and leave the cell (just outside the door is fine). Save your game and then exit to the desktop. Restart the game and load your save. Go back in and "resurrect 1" her. She'll now consider that cell her editor location and will stay there. If you "addscriptpackage 9828a" again she'll follow. So say you take her outside while you're pilfering the garden. If you "removescriptpackage 9828a" her she'll just go back inside your "home". Some (not all) leveled list NPCs like bandits etc will also use the bed if you "addscriptpackage a3a5a" her (after that BanditMelee03 will go to bed at 4 am on her own and get up at 8 am). A few like the Black Bow bandits come with a sleep package already in their schedule. Lot's of Striker "mini-games" start with that little console prompt. - Edit - Obviously Ike has the "softer, gentler Machine Gun hands" ... so does that earn me a worm or what??
  13. LOL ... have you discovered "console necromancy" yet??
  14. But I can't help it ... it's genetic. I'm Sir Links-a-Lot, come from a long line of Links-a-Loters. For generations we've linking a lot (we'll OK ... I'm 1G but it has to start somewhere). So now the world's a less safe place. We'll just grow eyes in the backs of our heads ... it'll be OK. Right Blade ... err, Blade what are you doing with that createfullactorcopy?? Don't look at me in that tone of voice young man!! I warn you, I have a kill in my hand ... don't make me use it. I wouldn't want to need to resurrect 1 you!!
  15. And with that Striker hands Blade a very very sharp knife and quickly scurries for cover before the bloodbath ensues.
  16. Ahhh Ike ... I'll never tire of your good old song and dance routine. Blade the console is a powerful tool, but beware it can also wreak havoc if used unwisely.
  17. Give me the call ... not by night though, Blades may be hungry. I'm allergic to vampirism. When faced with the message that started poor Blades down this journey I kept going back in my saves until a cure disease potion worked. Maybe some day I'll talk to Vicente, but not today.
  18. Ahhh ... I'll use that juicy worm to snag a wonderful fish for my PRECIOUS. Ike is opening your eyes to the Wonderful World of Console. Many interesting Striker "mini-games" begin with that little console prompt. I see now how I managed to ninja Ike on the vampirism links ... he was merely waiting for me to display that I am but a padawan. I bow to the Master.
  19. ROTFLMAO ... Oh, so I'm the bad guy now!! I see how it's going to be. Heck how would you even know you had wings but for my toe helping you along the road to discovery??? OK, now that I have off my chest I can get back to business ... Striker re-dons his Sir Links-a-Lot hat: All you need to know about Vampirism Oblivion:Vampirism - UESP Wiki (take a look at the console codes part near the bottom of this page)
  20. You could try posting a request in this thread in the Oblivion Mod Requests forum. Include a link back to this thread or post your own pictures to illustrate the problem. You may even get some advice on an existing fix, if one is still available.
  21. LOL ... nothing worse than being "slurrped", sleeping or not. The only difference between wayshrines and chapel altars is your infamy/bounty at the time. Wayshrines are indiscriminate while chapel altars will mock you if you have any infamy or bounty (you can find that in the far right tab of your Stats tab). - Edit - And a word of advice ... I've seen what Ike has for lunch sometimes, can't even come close to pronouncing it never mind spelling it. Just a heads up, might be best to stick to the worms, at least we know where they've been.
  22. I've seen plenty of reports that Mod Organizer and OBSE aren't exactly easy to get working together. I think I recall seeing someone post instructions on how to get MO and OBSE playing nice, but it would have been on one of the myriad of threads I've read/posted on, and wasn't recently. May your luck with Search would be better than mine.
  23. You are a bad one Blade ... LOL If you need to go back to an earlier save there is another way to cure any disease ... just use one of the many wilderness wayshrines. If you're in the Maple Cottage area just use the one down the hill from the Talos Plaza gate (the Wayshrine of Julianos on this map). If you do that before you sleep it should cure you (well if it hasn't been three days since you were infected anyway). You can check by using the far right tab on your Spells menu in game. That tab shows all of the active effects affecting your character, and in the case of disease effects will tell the particular disease that is applying the effect. Check it before and then a handful of seconds after using the wayshrine and see if it fixes you up. You can buy bloodgrass from certain vendors ... check The Main Ingredient in the Imperial City Market District, All Things Alchemical in Skingrad (best bets) and possibly The Sleeping Mare in Pell's Gate. You can also have a chance at finding some to buy from any other alchemical supplies dealer (e.g. Mage's Guild). Another alternative is just go into an Oblivion gate far enough to collect what bloodgrass you need and then leave again. The whole of Tamriel will just wait while you do whatever you feel like doing for however long ... rather easier bunch to get along with than Ike and I, eh?
  24. Here is a general guide to sorting your load order on the Nexus Wiki, but it's just real broad strokes for recommendations.
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