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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Then do a Blockhead PerNPC override on the guards you're complaining about ... PerNPC override take precedence over PerRace overrides in Blockhead.
  2. That mod does all of it's "work" via Blockhead's PerRace overrides. If you don't want a particular idle then use another to replace the one used by Blockhead Animations Compilation. NoMaaM has non-BBBed breathing idles that can be used (files renamed to replace the idles from BAC). All that is required is download both BAC and NoMaaM to a folder for each, extract to that same folder and then find the idles in each. The folder names in NoMaaM are self explanatory ... the file names in BAC are just as plain to figure out.
  3. If the mod you are talking about is Blockhead Animations Compilation then you can just change the file used for the Blockhead override (and if it's not that mod you can speed this troubleshoooting up considerably by giving complete details on what mods you are using ... links to mods works wonders in seeing what you are troubleshooting).
  4. BBB requires three things ... a skeleton.nif that has bones dedictaed to BBB, animation replacers that use those skeleton.nif bone to display BBB in game and finally a mesh that is designed to use those BBB bones from the skeleton.nif (i.e. "rigged" to the breast bones). Remove any one of the three and BBB will no longer work, but if you remove the skeleton.nif you will get the world famous "boobs to infinity". If you don't want BBB then delete all BBBed animations.
  5. Something I find ironic in my case is when I first acquired Oblivion it was in a two game set of Bioshock and Oblivion. I knew of Oblivion of course ... it was the defacto toughest benchmark through most of the later years of the GHz war between Intel and AMD. I had seen some gameplay from Oblivion but really wasn't much impressed by the clips I had seen so it was Bioshock that got me to buy the two game set. Even when I finally got around to installing more than a year later it was Bioshock that I had in mind to install, but I thought I'd install Oblivion first to try it out before diving into Bioshock. To this date that Bioshock disk has never been out of it's case. Of course I've since bought two copies of the GotY disk set (I do like having backups).
  6. Perhaps that's because when you play you "disappear into Oblivion". If you're wondering where I might be when I'm not on here there's a good chance that's where you'll find me.
  7. Â Ha, ya, I'd like to know that secret! Â Â I'll look into it right after I work out the bugs in my Time Travel Machine (I've been picking up some pointers from researching Calvin's efforts). Lol, nice! When it comes to research I am relentless in the pursuit ... knowledge is power. Bwaa haa haa!!
  8. You no doubt have access to the site's traffic data ... what percentage (or perhaps percentage of a single percent) of the forums and Nexus mod's traffic goes to the Wiki? I don't have that specific information, but if nothing else, having it on the wiki would make it easy to find with Google In my opinion (and experience) those that need their hand held will need their hand held regardless of what is freely available to them. Perhaps they are incapable of independent thought, or perhaps they are lazy (or even lack an innate sense of curiousity). In any case I take solace in the knowledge that I will always have somewhere to ply my trade.
  9. You no doubt have access to the site's traffic data ... what percentage (or perhaps percentage of a single percent) of the forums and Nexus mod's traffic goes to the Wiki?
  10. Could it be that there is a little Odie in all of us ... https://www.gocomics.com/garfield/2021/03/21
  11. Ha, ya, I'd like to know that secret! I'll look into it right after I work out the bugs in my Time Travel Machine (I've been picking up some pointers from researching Calvin's efforts).
  12. Tempus fugit ... even more so when you're having fun. My only regret is I waited 4 years before first trying the game (and there's 4 year's I'll never get back, unless I can figure out a way to play for 4 extra years after my own "expiry date" arrives).
  13. So to be clear. You're talking about the following scenario. You're on a mod page that isn't yours and you do not have edit access to it. You're not creating your own comment chain, you are replying to a comment chain posted by another user. In the above scenario you would like to be notified of further replies to the post chain you didn't start? If I understood that correctly, it's something we're aware of but it is more complicated than it sounds. If we can enabled it you probably won't have a way of opting out of that conversation thread (at least not initially). really, really, really bad idea. do not implement this, for god's sake. +1 to 1ae0bfb8's reply. The power and utility of notifications stems from the granularity of the system, and the fact that it can be individualized to suit. Remove that granularity and/or the ability to customize and notifications devolve into white noise ... just one more thing in the world to be ignored.
  14. Something I use to minimize dust in the machine (virtually impossible to eliminate it) is those filter media you can buy for your forced air heating system vents. I cut them to fit into all of those spots that have no way of installing a proper fan filter. For my CoolerMaster 690 that means the air coming into the bottom of the case (all other fans are either filtered or exhaust). The space between the case feet at the front and back are thinner so a single layer cut to fit between the feet is good ... the space between on the sides gets a piece wider than required folded in half lengthwise so it slides into place folded. You would be amazed at how much dust they collect between cleanings. I have no clue how old my case is..... "ancient" comes to mind. I think it is on its third of fourth iteration of parts at this point. Problem is, my cpu cooler is huge, so, I can't even put the side cover on. :D I may score a better case at some point, but, this one still works for me, so, save the money. :D My Thermalright cooler has the same height problem, which is the main reason I have the Coolermaster 690. The top side panel fan is mounted and filtered outside the case instead of inside like the lower fan because I was about 10mm shy for clearance with it inside. Gives the case a bit of homegrown cobbled together vibe, but I'm the only one who knows (well except now).
  15. Something I use to minimize dust in the machine (virtually impossible to eliminate it) is those filter media you can buy for your forced air heating system vents. I cut them to fit into all of those spots that have no way of installing a proper fan filter. For my CoolerMaster 690 that means the air coming into the bottom of the case (all other fans are either filtered or exhaust). The space between the case feet at the front and back are thinner so a single layer cut to fit between the feet is good ... the space between on the sides gets a piece wider than required folded in half lengthwise so it slides into place folded. You would be amazed at how much dust they collect between cleanings.
  16. I can confirm that both the official patch with SI and the non-SI official patch show version when you check them via the Windows Properties menu Details tab. To expand a bit on what Drake is saying ... if I were at your house to troubleshoot this I would first install just the game (no patches, no mods) and start the game, run through the tutorial and have a look around outside the tutorial dungeon. That would confirm that the vanilla game is working correctly and give an opportunity to check things like the reported version number (lower left of the main menu screen). Until you know the game works and what version number you are starting from you will have no clear idea of the path forward.
  17. That situation is noted on the UESP Wiki Spell Tomes page (see note E).
  18. Where did you get this SI 9.2 patch ... from Bethesda's site?
  19. I didn't miss my one hour of sleep, but it seems the world didn't wait for me ... https://www.gocomics.com/nonsequitur/2021/03/14
  20. Look in the lower left corner of the main menu. If you see 1.2.0416 then your game is at the latest patch. The GotY versions that I have (which include Shivering Isles and all of the other DLC are fully patched at install. I believe there were some Steam GotY releases that didn't include all of the DLCs (but did include SI) but I'm a disk guy so I can't say for certain. All Steam versions should be fully patched when downloaded from Steam.
  21. If you happen to notice that I'm pointing a finger beware ... https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2021/03/12
  22. Do you remember what the version number of the game was? I have an old disk version (came bundled with Bioshock) and it needs to be updated using the Official Bethesda patches to work with mods. Here is a link to the Official Oblivion 12416 Patch ... note that there are different patches for the Shivering Isles version or the non-SI version (my old disk version was non-SI). Also note that there is a different patch for the UK English version (the UK English Shivering Isles version uses the same English patch as the rest of the world English though, just to keep things confusing).
  23. Choices, choices ... life is just so full of them ... https://www.gocomics.com/nonsequitur/2021/03/06 ... but then they go and up the game ... https://www.gocomics.com/nonsequitur/2021/03/09
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