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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Is this a possible way to inhibit the spread of COVID variants ... https://www.gocomics.com/shoe/2021/04/25
  2. For any packages where you don't want them outside in bad weather you set the condition IsRaining with the == comparison and 0.00 as the value compared. That means if the weather is raining the comparison will be == 1.00 and the package will not run (0.00 is no and 1.00 is yes). For vanilla the only place you will get snow is Bruma, but if you use a weather mod that can change. There is also a IsSnowing condition, so you could OR between the IsRaining and another condition using IsSnowing. In theory that should mean that if it's either raining or snowing the package won't execute, but in practice I have found it to be somewhat unreliable (so sometimes the ORed condition will work and sometimes not). I keep the one that I consider more important at the top of the Condition list and the OR one in the second spot. - Edit - Something else to keep in mind is how the game processes the AI package list. It works from top to bottom when deciding which package to run. That means that if two package share the same time slot the one that is listed higher will get evaluated before the one that is lower. The first one that the game comes to that satisfies all criteria will be run. This means you need to really think through what you want to happen when ordering your packages.
  3. I have no idea ... the only thing I know is that the problem first appeared a few versions back in the Growlf based skeletons (which is going back quite a long while these days). The only version I have is the latest version (1.81) ... which is also the only version available for download currently. I can't say for certain what the last version was that doesn't have the problem.
  4. What I don't have an answer for is why the problem isn't more widely reported. That skeleton.nif (or it's variants) are probably the most widely used, or at least close to it. That leads me to think there needs to be some other factors at play that determine whether or not the problem is seen. Which problem do you mean exactly? From my point of view I'm not seeing a relation between the actor skeleton in use and a mod the first few comments of which are talking about the weapon's physics being broken and it not dropping to the ground. The two problems I have found to be related to the Growlf skeleton.nif are the floating weapon for dead NPCs and the problem of NPCs flying through the air upon death by either timed poison or spell effect over time. When I was troubleshooting the problems they disappeared whenever I switched to the Coronerra skeleton and returned when I switched back to any Growlf based skeleton. The two mods I linked that are focused on the floating weapon problem both work as advertised. My solution to the flying through the air on death problem is a home grown solution I came up up with (which is also 100% effective).
  5. What I don't have an answer for is why the problem isn't more widely reported. That skeleton.nif (or it's variants) are probably the most widely used, or at least close to it. That leads me to think there needs to be some other factors at play that determine whether or not the problem is seen.
  6. Two possible solutions ... EngineBugFixes has a fix since version 1.0 or Elz - No Floating Weapon. I was already using the Elz solution before the EBF solution came out, but I did test the EBF version and it seemed to me to work as well as the Elz method. Ultimately for my current character I continued with the Elz solution (I don't tend to switch horses in mid-stream). - Edit - For some background on the problem ... I saw a post in the comments somewhere a long time back that alerted me to the cause being later versions of the Growlf skeleton, but I have since never been able to relocate where I found the info. There is also a problem with those later skeleton.nifs causing enemies to go flying (sometimes great distances) when they are killed in certain ways (magic over time or poisons are the most common for me). To "solve" that problem I use a combination of Basic Physical Activities and Realistic Fatigue with INIs tweaked so that NPCs (and thus also the player) collapse to the ground from low fatigue before dying (the low fatigue is the result of low health). Works a treat but it does have implications on how you play the game, so I'd class it as "an acquired taste".
  7. Are you using either Universal Skeleton Nif or a derivative of that skeleton (e.g. BBB Ragdoll Breast Physics - Growlfs Skeleton)?
  8. Here's a link to a post by Chambcra that solved the "couldn't inject DLL" error for me (see the links in the second post).
  9. Get used to it ... merging folders is what installing mods is all about.
  10. Just goes to show you that being right still doesn't mean you're right ... https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2021/04/14
  11. Everywhere you look, every turn you take, every stage of life is fraught with danger ... https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2021/04/12 https://www.gocomics.com/shoe/2021/04/12
  12. Striker879


    Oh oh Hey ... I see Z is having a look. Hope I haven't gotten us into water deeper than we can stand in!! - Edit - Or (perish the thought) HOTTER!! For the most part, you and I RUN right up to 'that line'...... but, rarely cross it. :D Unless momentum carries us....... Damn that Issac Newton anyway!
  13. Everywhere you look, every turn you take, every stage of life is fraught with danger ... https://www.gocomics.com/shoe/2021/04/12
  14. Striker879


    Oh oh Hey ... I see Z is having a look. Hope I haven't gotten us into water deeper than we can stand in!! - Edit - Or (perish the thought) HOTTER!!
  15. Striker879


    Whether or not your edits show as "Edited by SoAndSo etc ..." is an option you can enable/disable. Mine is off, but what I can't say for certain is when I edit a post do all of you see no notice that I did, or is it all just for me (so I can remain blithely unaware, as usual). - Edit - I can add a notice that I edited a post, but I don't see anything except my edits. - Edit 2 - Hey and I have sort of a "Hijacking Club" ... you're welcome to join in any time Perraine (subject to time zone constraints, of course).
  16. Striker879


    Any time I feel that the tiny spark of hope for humanity may take hold I just visit this thread. There isn't even a wisp of smoke to show where the spark once was by the time I leave. Sad to say, this comment had me laughing rather hard. Mainly because of how true it is. :D LOL ... and now I see a tendril of smoke rising. Is there yet HOPE??
  17. @Striker879 I just felt obliged to apologize for my intrusion. Glad @Elwood288's issue is fixed. But since I now got the opportunity to "speak" to you, I wanted to let you know that I've learned so much about the many potential additional use-cases for blockhead (besides needed as a perquisite for OCO2) by reading your in-depth tutorials here on the forums. On the discussion-page linked to the mod "Melee Combat Additions", we were discussing the possible usage of blockhead for certain custom attack animations. I've suggested some things on blockhead (that I knew of) that might could be of assistance. But since most if not all I know about blockhead is from reading things you've been so kind to share here across the forums, may I perhaps invite you to have a look at that discussion? Because possibly you just may have additional insights to share on the matter that we're not aware of yet? The discussion we are having can be found here: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/49939?tab=posts&BH=0 Thank you in advance! Thanks for the heads up Wiepman ... I stopped by the Melee Combat Additions discussion and added my two cents (probably not worth the full two cents when adjusted for inflation). I'll try to remember to peek in there from time to time.
  18. Striker879


    Any time I feel that the tiny spark of hope for humanity may take hold I just visit this thread. There isn't even a wisp of smoke to show where the spark once was by the time I leave.
  19. So are you saying that the version that Sharlikran linked to on Oct 7 2018 no longer works, or are you saying that what was fixed back in that version (which subsequent posts by ElminsterAU give me the impression that it is fixed) is no longer fixed in the latest version?
  20. Mod authors are people, and as such they differ greatly and respond to "inputs" in their own unique ways. The site allows each mod author to administer their own mod page. That said mod users are also people, and as such they vary in as many ways as there are people on the planet. They also give "input" in many and varied ways (and for many and varied reasons). As you may have learned in chemistry class, not everything mixes peacefully, and what applies to chemistry also applies to people. That is neither right or wrong ... it's just how it is. Even if your intentions were benign the site moderators won't intercede on your behalf. The only advice I have seen offered is to try contacting the mod author via private message. Keep in mind, the more you try to convince that you are right the less likely you will be well received. Step one is always establish rapport.
  21. Are you using any female body replacer (e.g. HGEC or Roberts Female)?
  22. Were you using Mass Outfit Redesign.esp (from Vanilla Gear Redux or it's predecessor Mass Outfit Redesign) before? I'm not seeing any ESP included with any of the Seamless equipment variants I have downloaded. @ Wiepman ... no need to appologize, I always maintain that more cooks make better meals. Yes at times it may lead to a chaotic kitchen, but if everyone works together what is tabled is really the bottom line. Personally I like getting new spins on things.
  23. That is how it is in the vanilla game. One option to fix this vanilla limitation is to use EVE HGEC Eyecandy Variants Expansion (it's included EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer.esp is the one that does the fixing). Another option for the steel armor is Female Steel Cuirass. I'm not aware of any option outside of EVE for the female dwarven armor problem.
  24. Up close and personal may be more than many could stomach ... which may not be such a bad thing.
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