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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. What format is the replacement sound file? If I recall correctly only 16 bit mono is supported.
  2. I forgot to mention one other thing ... never load a save without exiting to the desktop and restarting the game. Again, this gives the game a fresh memory to load the save data into.
  3. When I use OAF to fix my save I always make a copy of the corresponding OBSE co-save and then rename that copy to match the OAF fixed file. If I run OAF on a save named MySave01.ess the fixed file will be called OAF_MySave01.ess, so I copy the co-save MySave01.obse and then rename that copy OAF_MySave01.obse. In your case you'll also create a copy of MySave01.pluggy and rename that OAF_MySave01.pluggy. The reason I rename a copy rather than the co-save itself is so I'll always have the original. I don't wait for the animation to get badly stuck ... as soon as I notice torches getting a bit wonky I run OAF. On my original character I was a quicksaver like you. When researching similar problems to yours (the stuck animation as well as needing to quicksave constantly) I read that quicksave is a known corrupter of save files (a separate issue from the A-Bomb stuck animation problem). I changed my ways and after running OAF to fix the A-Bomb I started only using the save from the Esc menu (which I call manual saves) or the console command 'save <YourSaveName>' (without the quotes or brackets). It took a while but gradually that character's saves became stable. My new guy has never suffered the 'quicksave abuse' and has never needed anything beyond an OAF fixing every now and then. I try to remember to save every hour or hour and a half (he uses named saves) and every few hours I save and exit to the desktop. If I want to continue playing I restart the game. Exiting to the desktop gives the game a chance to start out with a fresh memory with only assets required for that save loaded. Both characters are well over 1000 hours (if I recall correctly the old guy is over 1500 hours ... been a while since I had him out for a run) and the only time I run into crashing problems are when I forget to exit and restart for more than a few hours (especially if I've been doing a lot of console commands resurrecting bandits etc).
  4. One possible source for the NIF files is BBB Designer Body Spell. To use the Light GUTS as a replacer from it you'll need to copy the files femalefoot.nif, femalehand.nif, femalelowerbody.nif and femaleupperbody.nif from the folder Data\Meshes\Characters\Bombshell\Other Variants\Light GUTS to your game install's Oblivion\Data\meshes\characters\_male folder. If you already have an HGEC body replacer installed that's all you'll need to do. If not you'll need to snag the HGEC compatible textures, either from a HGEC replacer mod like the one linked by jefe323 or you could install High Rez Skin Textures for HGEC (the simplest method if you're not already using HGEC ... I suggest the 2048x2048 version). Something to note is the Light GUTS version used in BBB Designer Body Spell is the one using manga style nipples.
  5. Have you brought this to Maskar's attention on the Basic Primary Needs mod comments thread? I don't mean to discourage you from learning scripting by tinkering yourself, but Maskar would be an excellent source of advice plus if there's a problem with the mod Maskar will want to know about it.
  6. Bandits will often attack the Legion horse after they've killed it's rider. The horses will generally stand and fight until their health starts to run out. Then the horse runs and the bandit follows, sometimes for quite a distance (but generally, in my experience at least, only while your character is in nearby cells). Sounds like once cornered the horse stood it's ground and successfully defended itself.
  7. What I'm saying is you don't need a mod. When I load my game my character is always running unless I turn on Capslock or hold Shift. The only time this gets changed is if I hit Capslock or hold Shift while going through a load door or exiting a menu. When that happens it's a simple fix ... just open a menu and toggle it back ... takes less than two seconds.
  8. Make sure you have BSA Redirection selected as your method of archive invalidation. When it come to replacers (either textures or meshes) install order is very important (unless you are using BAIN, in which case WB will give you the chance to select which conflicting resource 'wins' the conflict).
  9. Quabla's NPCs yield - refined is a nice advancement of kuertee's NPCs yield.
  10. Set your character to always run (by default capslock on) and then open a menu or go through a door that has a load screen. While the menu is open or load screen displayed toggle off the capslock. Your character will now be running when capslock is off and walking when capslock is on and will also walk when shift is held. If you forget and toggle capslock while in a menu or load screen just set it back how you want the same way.
  11. Have a look in the mod comments at entries made by Screech (20th July 2010) and Godel (27th Oct 2010) and see if their findings apply in your case.
  12. Mazoga's gear is leveled, so even if you do give her new gear it may get replaced whenever you level up. From my experience with her she'll just enter the appropriate cave and stand near the door until you enter the cave yourself, unless you happen to arrive when her AI packages have her eating or sleeping back at the lodge. If you're worried about keeping her alive use the console to make her essential. Open the console and type 'setessential 85969 1' without the quote marks and hit Enter.
  13. Ok ... sometimes trouble starts with leaving SI by other means than the door (usually corrected by returning to SI and then leaving again via the door).
  14. When you leave the Shivering Isles do you re-enter Tamriel via the strange door or use some other method (fast travel or console coc)?
  15. I had a look at my guy's level 1 save in the tutorial sewers (strength 40, max encumbrance 200 without any buffs) and I see your point Inafog. If it's ounces the max he can carry is 12.5 pounds. From a realism point of view he could surely pick up and carry far more than that, but for how long? Perhaps that was Bethesda's thinking on the subject of encumbrance. So they didn't have to constantly check how long your character had been carrying x amount of stuff and compare that to a maximum that your character could carry without fatigue penalty while running, jumping and fighting they opted to make the 'running, jumping and fighting' max your character's max all the time. Carrying 12.5 pounds constantly isn't something we do on a daily basis. In fact walking home from the grocery store carrying even just 10 pounds of groceries will have me switching hands every few minutes. Granted, in the case of my character he's wearing some of that 12.5 pounds, but still carrying weighty items isn't something that people do all the time every day. One of the first things my new characters do is buy one of Emma's excellent Packdonkeys once they have enough gold. Until that point I know of plenty of non-respawning containers in the wilderness so that I don't need to worry about losing any of my loot (example ... there's one at Dasek Moor not far from Kvatch that gets all the Kvatch gate loot until I haul it off to sell). Whether you want to consider it a 'game balance' thing or realism thing the encumbrance system makes your job of playing the game a thinking thing, giving you a problem and leaving it up to you how to solve it. The beauty of it is there are so many ways to solve the problem.
  16. I seem to recall reading somewhere that Oblivion's weight system uses ounces not pounds (so your '12 pound bow' is actually just a little under a pound ... 16 ounces to the pound). If I find my original source for that info I'll link it. My guy's a packrat, so those transcendent fortify strength and feather sigil stones are gold.
  17. Have you looked through Avoiding Blender animation pitfalls to see if anything described there matches your problem?
  18. Doesn't get at why you're having the issue, but have you tried manually exchanging the BBBed meshes for the original meshes before creating your OMOD? Before I manually install mods that have a BBBed addition I always created an 'Installed' folder and copy the extracted original version there. Then it's just a matter of copying the BBBed meshes and overwriting the originals in my 'Installed' folder.
  19. Are you using the Oblivion.ini that was generated with your old hardware or did you generate a new one?
  20. If you look through the comments on the ragdoll skeleton you'll see some discussion about it (probably nearly two years back now). My own investigation led me to think it was something introduced with Growlf's latest skeleton (which is the basis for killermonkey99's latest skeleton) but I wasn't able to reproduce the error using Growlf's, just killermonkey's. Over time I've just learned to ignore it.
  21. Are you by any chance using killermonkey99's ragdoll skeleton.nif? If so that is one of the side effects of that skeleton (for some people at least ... me being one of those).
  22. No problem. In this case you'll be alright, but often when mixing bodies from one mod (in your case Roberts female) and vanilla clothes/armor you'll see weird texture issues on exposed skin areas. The vanilla DB armor doesn't leave much skin exposed so I doubt you'll notice anything in this instance. Just something to keep in mind if you find occasion to mix a modded body and vanilla outfit that shows more skin.
  23. It could have been added along with some other dark brotherhood related mod. When the game doesn't find any file named 'darkbrotherhood.nif' in that folder it will use the vanilla version found in Oblivion-Meshes.bsa in your Data folder.
  24. I'll admit I haven't been keeping up to date on the latest concerning SSD drives, but there was a problem with early generation drives not utilizing space that had been written to once and then freed up when the file was deleted. Newer drives may take care of this automatically (as well as newer operating systems) but if I recall correctly the drive manufacturers had an external utility that took care of it (I believe the command was called the 'trim command').
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