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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Are you going 'all vanilla' as far as enchantments go (i.e. only pre-enchanted armor, not any that you've enchanted at an enchanting altar or with sigil stones)? The vanilla enchanted items aren't set up to make something like what you're looking for without also looking like you shop at the Goodwill (no offense meant to all you Goodwill shoppers out there). The 100% reflect damage means you are going to need to use the Escutcheon of Chorrol, which means you're going with an ebony set (unless you don't mind how elven and ebony look together). A quick look through Generic Magic Apparel shows that you could get close to what your asking and stay with all ebony/all elven if you don't mind a hodge podge of enchantments. Or you could get up to speed with the Construction Set and fab up your own custom set.
  2. The stats list is just a running total of all the diseases you've contracted in the game with that player. If you heal at an altar after getting infected it won't reset that count back to zero. If you look at the tab on the far right of your Spells menu (Active Effects) it will show you all the birthsign, racial ability, potion, enchantment and disease effects that are currently affecting your player. If you look on your Stats menu the far left tab shows your Character info (take note if any of your health, magicka or fatigue stats are currently down from max and won't come up if you wait a while) and the next tab to the right from that one shows your Attributes (green numbers are being influenced in a positive way by an enhancement and red are being negatively affected ... only thing is if you have an attribute boosted say by an enchanted ring it may not show red if you are being affected by a disease until it is lowered more than the enchantment). Like the NPCs say "Almost any animal can give you a disease".
  3. More information is required. Did you install to the default location (i.e. is the game installed in C:\Program Files)? Have you installed any mods between when it worked and when it doesn't? Have you updated any drivers or DirectX? Have you installed any codec paks (may have been installed with a music or media player)? A working game installation won't self destruct. We need to figure out what changed to cause this.
  4. In case you do need to reinstall here's a link to Bben46's Oblivion reinstall procedure. If you use the Steam version of the game don't miss the link at the end of this line (I've expanded the link text to make it easier to spot): No sense in getting into reinstall woes as well (i.e. don't skip the registry cleaning step). Good luck, and sorry I couldn't be of more help.
  5. I kind of figured your disgust was real + feigned. Maybe I should edit that post with a disclaimer in big letters at the top ... No kitties where harmed in the posting of this post. :tongue:
  6. Have a look at DarkGlassExtraSet by Diranar. They're a bit pricey, but your character will have a nice unique look in the game.
  7. Another thing to keep in mind is that if an NPC starts talking while you don't have them in view (say if they're behind you) when you do get them in view their lips won't be moving. That's a game engine limitation. You'll see the lip movement again as soon as they start a new line of dialogue.
  8. ROTFLMAO ... see I just knew it would come, and I even said that I haven't touched a kitty with 'intent to skin'. Thanks for the paladin definition NocturneNight. It's pretty well in line with what my uninformed impression was. After looking through your swordplay link I'd like to modify one of my recommendations. If you are going to enchant a bladed weapon with Absorb Health use either a shortsword or dagger (a fine steel shortsword would provide good weapon damage and decent weapon speed for the weight). For absorb health to work you need to stay close to your opponent for the duration of the spell effect, as if you move too far back the absorb effect breaks off. A Latent Sigil Stone (available for levels 9 thru 12) has a 15 health points absorb, and the Ascendent stone has 20 points (which will be available on your next level up). A trick to getting the sigil stone you'd prefer when cl;osing a gate is to save right before you grab the stone. When you get the message about the stone being added to your inventory open your inventory to see which stone you received (they are random, determined when you grab the stone). If you don't like the one you got just load your save and try again. Weapon enchantments don't get around the recharge costs you mention in your other thread. Something that will give a similar effect without recharge costs is to enchant armor or clothing. Using that same sigil stone on a pair of gauntlets would give you a 20 point fortify health (25 if you wait one level). I enchanted some zero weight permanent bound armor for Martin that way, and reverse pickpocketed it onto him for the Great Gate quest. Never did get the armor back mind you, but he didn't die before I got into the Great Gate (and he was determined to try dying).
  9. Something to keep in mind when you're altering other people's work is how often do they update their mod and will you want to stay up to date with their changes as well as your's. I've done a bit of what you're describing myself and now have a couple of mods that I've edited that are not in sync with the latest version available. A way around that dilemma is something called mod de-isolation. Here's a Construction Set Wiki link: De-Isolation Tutorial. Then your only problem would arise if the original mod author also made the same or similar changes as you've made. When I was looking for my de-isolation link I came across this link: Mod Cleaning Tutorial ... not sure if you've seen it or whether it has any info on your original question about whether you should run TES4Edit on the original mod before you change it. The only thing I can add to LFact's reply is that you need to have the mod you wish to edit installed in your game's Data folder but you don't need to have it activated in either the game launcher Data Files or OBMM. You only need the esp and all the mesh, texture, voice etc. resources so that the Construction Set can find them.
  10. As far as I know Oldblivion was developed to allow the game to run on hardware that didn't meet the minimum specs at the time the game was released (it had pretty high minimum specs back then when compared to what most normal people had for CPU and graphics). I don't know what sorts of compromises were made to the game code to achieve that. When you say you can't run the normal Oblivion.exe for a mystery reason, is it giving you any indication of what the errors are?
  11. When you say you uninstalled Diverse Voices did you just deactivate the esp or did you actually remove all the resource files and folders it added. The reason I ask is that the game will still load resources left in the Data folder, even if you've deactivated the corresponding esp (in other words, you could still have vanilla resources in the bsa being overridden by mod files due to archive invalidation, just like non-esp replacer clothes and armor mods do).
  12. I've tried similar things myself. I think it's more related to the original parts being defined as 'upper body', 'lower body' etc. but after you've mashed 'em together things aren't doing what they say they're supposed to do. I tried changing what they cover in the Construction Set, but the only time I've had any luck was changing robes from upper and lower body to just upper body. Some of my other experiments resulted in the invisible body parts you describe (if I recall I was trying to change an upper and lower body armor to just upper body). There are properties you can set using NifScope that are likely where your solution lies, but I've not tread down that path myself.
  13. Red means they're negatively affected by a poison (usually only short term) or disease. Go to a chapel in a city and activate the main central altar (not the small ones around the sides of the room).
  14. Under the category of looking in the less likely places, here's some stuff quoted from Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide:
  15. Is there a reason you're running Oldblivion? On a machine that can handle Skyrim wouldn't you run either OblivionLauncher.exe (for non-OBSE games) or obse_loader.exe (for non-Steam users wanting Oblivion Script Extender support)? You can always tell when my troubleshooting is running out of ideas ... I start looking in more unlikely places. - Edit - Are you running at your monitor's native resolution (applicable only if you are not using an old CRT monitor)??
  16. Do you have many processes running in the background while you're playing? Anti-virus software can chew up a lot of CPU cycles, especially if you have it monitoring file accesses and processing for suspicious activity. I'm running a Core 2 Duo 3.0 GHz myself. The game can't take much advantage of multi-cored CPUs, but one advantage those CPUs have over ours is that you can use the extra cores to run background processes. That brings up another avenue to explore ... have you assigned any higher priority to any processes on your machine, or tweaked the affinity? I'm an old Windows XP dinosaur myself, so I don't have any hands on with this type of stuff, but I know you can do a lot in Windows 7. Here I'm not so much suggesting you change any of that as much as asking if you've done any of that in the past on this machine, and maybe now Oblivion isn't getting enough of it's share of CPU cycles to play smoothly.
  17. Are you using any mods that might add/alter the way diseases work in the game? When you say 'list' are you talking about your stats list that you get from the far right on your map menu or your active effects that you get off the far right on your spells menu?
  18. I'm sure there's a percent chance of success modifier in there, probably flavoured by your Luck attribute. I find the backwards power attack the hardest to time right. Sometimes I'll just back myself into a corner or rock so that I don't actually move backwards when doing it. Even then I don't get the knockdown every time.
  19. Not that I've skinned an actual cat, but where you cut the skin and then peel it off the animal is at least in part determined by what the skin is going to be used for. You could for example, cut the skin up the back sides of the rear legs and then peel the skin from the carcass from back to front, leaving you with a 'tube' of skin (and only the single seam to sew along the back legs if you were doing a mount of the animal, and wanted the belly exposed, as in a cat on it's hind legs. Or you could open the skin along the belly and inside the upper back legs if you wanted a crouching to attack mount. If you were skinning to use the skin for clothing you'd do it in a manner that allowed the maximum amount of undamaged high quality fur (i.e. no cuts in the best parts). Perhaps a common expression for a skill that's uncommon these days (as I can hear the "Yuks!!", and "Gross!!" comments already, and I haven't even hit the 'Post' button yet).
  20. Power attacks are skill perks you get as you level-up. You do them by attacking while also holding the appropriate movement key, so the do take a little real world skill as well to time everything. Here's a link to the UESP Wiki page on Skill Perks.
  21. Nothing is 'a must' in the game, as there's usually more than one way to skin a cat. Would a Paladin partake in a little alchemy (I'm not really 'in the know' on what a Paladin is, beyond a Mr. Nice Guy, which would describe my characters so far in the game)? Some nice fire effect poisons applied to your weapon of choice would be good. The Alchemy Calculator is a useful tool. My favourite (that I've named 'A Flaming Dead' so it appears near the top of my potions list) is Spiddal Stick, Steel-Blue Entoloma Cap and St. Jahn's Wort Nectar, but you'll need to be at least alchemy level 75 unless you have Shivering Isles ingredients. If you're only going to hack and slash, make sure you're getting bang for your buck in weapons ... i.e. high damage with low weight. Enchanting a Fine Steel Longsword with a fire damage sigil stone will provide a large sized fire damage, fairly good weapon damage for the 21.6 lbs weight, and good weapon speed and reach. I personally don't like fire damage close in weapons because of the way the fire effect obscures my view, but I'm a 1st person view type of guy (I'm sure it's not so bad for the 3rd person view crowd). An absorb health enchanted via sigil stone is another way to go. Like I said ... many ways to skin a cat (or troll).
  22. For trolls, get as powerful an on target fire spell you can afford (gold and magicka wise). There are also certain 'humps' you need to overcome in the leveling system, especially if you've been neglecting to level the skills that will come in handy fighting the new monsters or bandits/marauders wearing the next level armor. If I recall correctly I think around level 15 is one, but it may be lower. The Brush With Death trolls are tough to kill without the turpentine. If you want to tangle with some really tough ones go to Veyond. The Azhklan Trolls are the toughest trolls you'll find after you've reached level 11 (the Kalperklan Troll found at Tidewater Cave is the same toughness, but there's only one of them, so you won't get swarmed). Wait until you start running into Will-o-the-Wisps. When they started appearing in my game the first time I had one alternative ... run (and hopefully find a Legion rider, so I could go back to the dungeon while he did the dirty work). Now that I know the tricks for fighting them they're a non-issue. Every step change in leveling presents challenges to overcome ... it's part of what makes the game fun.
  23. Are you playing with some mods that alter the leveled lists? Quickwater Cave shouldn't have anything other than regular leveled monsters otherwise. Trolls can be tough, but they all have a weakness to fire.
  24. I'm not familiar with your Weidergaenger race but this jumps out on your list: Does your Weidergaenger race mod come with an esm master file as well as an esp? Missing master files never lead to a good result.
  25. With the Steam compatible version of OBSE you won't use an exe file ... all of the work is done with three .dll files. Here's a quote from the OBSE_Readme.txt (with emphasis added): What they are talking about in the second highlight is you will only use the file obse_loader.exe if you are using the Oblivion Construction Set to create your own mods.
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