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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Just as an FYI, the setting shown on Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide is iShadowMapResolution=1024.
  2. My guess would be you installed your new version of Windows 7 over top your old beta version and old registry entries are being read by DXDiag.
  3. I use electrro's BBB Designer body spell to give some variety to the ladies.
  4. In your Oblivion.ini what is the setting for iShadowMapResolution? Lower settings result in lesser quality shadows, and the value should be evenly divisible by 8.
  5. The Construction Set Wiki can at times be a bit difficult to find answers on (often they're there but if you don't know the right name of something it can take a bunch of searching). Do a bit of exploring, and don't be shy about bookmarking pages you think may come in handy.
  6. Kick back, relax and recharge the batteries ... we all need it from time to time.
  7. You want to accept the default option for archive invalidation. The other options can cause problems and are best used for very specific circumstances, if at all. If the mod only needs vanilla textures it won't include any in it's download. In the case of mesh or texture replacements Oblivion will use all default textures, meshes etc. unless it detects newer files or is directed to use newer files (in the case of archive invalidation). In the case of new resources that were never included with the vanilla game Oblivion will look in the specified folders for the new resources (but textures must be a subfolder off textures, meshes off meshes etc.). Here's an excerpt from the Construction Set Wiki Mod FAQs on Archive Invalidation:
  8. MarkInMKUK has graciously given me permission to repost his bashed patch detailed instructions: I'm a non-Steam type myself, but from feedback I've seen the moving your Steam out of Program Files is worth the effort and not that difficult, but it's ultimately your decision. Be aware that UAC will cause you problems running mods with Oblivion and your Steam folder located in Prgram Files.
  9. Do you have archive invalidation set in OBMM? If not use the default option for archive invalidation off the utilities menu.
  10. By default Oblivion looks in it's bsa files (compressed archives, similar idea to zip files or 7z files) for resources it needs (meshes, textures, sounds etc.). If a mod is wanting to replace those vanilla resources you need a way to get Oblivion to use the mod resources and not the vanilla ones from the bsa. Archive invalidation does that. The most problem free way to enable archive invalidation is to select the default method offered in Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM), found on the Utilities menu if memory serves.
  11. To use HDR and AA you need to set your AA level in your NVIDIA control panel for Oblivion. The default NVIDIA setting will be 'Application controlled'. Set it to whatever level of AA your system can handle.
  12. Add your mods one at a time, or for mods that come with additional compatibility patches, in related groups. Test between to confirm no problems before adding more. Makes troubleshooting a breeze when you add a mod that breaks the game.
  13. Nor sure about the Steam question, but do you have any trouble when running just the vanilla game and no mods installed?
  14. You could be suffering from the "A-Bomb" bug (animation problems after a certain number of hours of game play). Loading doors won't be affected, but any animated doors or gates will be. It will also be noticeable looking at lit torches and magic effects. If you use Wrye Bash it has an animation fixer utility included or you can download Oblivion Animation Fixer. It's what I use. Run it whenever you start noticing A-Bomb related problems.
  15. There have been a number of people with problems getting OBGEv3 working correctly. Have you tried the mod comments section (either for answers already posted or post your problem)?
  16. If just disabling a mod doesn't solve it and you are fairly sure it is the problem then you may need to completely uninstall it. Move the esp and all the resource files that it added to Oblivion\Data\meshes, Oblivion\Data\textures, Oblivion\Data\sound etc. to a temporary folder you create that's completely outside of your Oblivion install folder. Even though the mod is marked as inactive the game will still load those resource files. If you say it started after you installed the hiyoko-shop mod then that's the one you should uninstall completely first. After you uninstall you may get a warning about certain mods being missing when you load a save that had that mod active. That's normal, but don't try to load a save where your character was in or even near the shop. It's best to use a save where you were in a completely different city or area. If your game was OK without the unofficial patch before this problem started I wouldn't try installing it to fix the problem until I's tried other things first.
  17. Is your Steam folder in C:\Program Files AND are you running either Vista or Windows 7? If so the Microsoft security feature User Account Control (UAC) will cause problems once you try using mods. It prevents changes to executable files installed to protected folders like Program Files. Steam users can move their Steam folder using this FAQ from the Steam site. You should also look through bben46's uninstall/re-install guide so that you get a better understanding of the situation. Once you have the game working and installed outside Program Files make a save outside the sewers. Install Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) as you will require it eventually for mods (most newer mods require it). With OBSE installed check to make sure your game is stable and make another save. Then install your mods one at a time, checking for problems between installs. If you run into problems it will be simple to figure out which mod is causing the problems. Edit: When you install OBSE check the readme and make sure you are installing the files for the Steam version of OBSE.
  18. When you uninstall don't neglect cleaning the registry. One of the moderators here bben46 has posted this uninstall/re-install guide if you're looking for any pointers. Edit: Make sure you install SI after you install the game but BEFORE you install KotN and any KotN patches. KotN is just a mod like any other (resources and an esp). SI actually changes oblivion.exe (the SI.esp is just a dummy placeholder). That's why you need to install the proper patch.
  19. I'm not familiar with many of your mods, but most seem to be armor or clothing mods, which shouldn't be a problem. Have you tried disabling mods one at a time to see if you can narrow down the list of possible problem causing mods. I'd start with one you know aren't just armor or clothing mods (example Sexlivion or Estrus).
  20. It may be mod related, but there's a possibility that it's not. I have run into CTD issues that were related to a certain cell (like you've described). The only fix I've found is to avoid that area for a while. It seems to resolve itself after some game play and saves outside the problem area (in my case at least). Don't use quicksave as it's a known problem causer and I only load from an autosave when I've neglected to manually save often enough and I don't want to lose my progress. I've also seen advice to only load a save after exiting to the desktop, but I myself don't normally do that.
  21. If you have the Game of the Year version you need to install both DVDs to get the game patched to with the Shivering Isles installed. If you are using the orginal version DVD you need to pay strict attention to which patch you are trying to use. The game does not use the same patch if you install SI as it does if you don't have SI installed. If you intend to use SI install it after the base game and then apply the SI version of the official patch that is appropriate for your language/location.
  22. As a first time modder you need to cover some basics before you begin to add mods. Top of the list, if you have Steam (and thus the Steam version of Oblivion) located in C:\Program Files you will need to relocate it (this only applies if you are using Vista or Windows 7 ... ignore this if you are running Windows XP). One of the moderators here bben46 has posted this uninstall/re-install guide to get the job done properly. In your case you only need to follow the instructions on this link to the Steam FAQs on moving a Steam installation that bben46 has at the top of his guide (but read through his guide for a better understanding of the issues). The next thing is lower your sights considerably for the first few mods to install. Don't start with the ones that have several paragraphs of install instructions, and lists of conflicts and conflict resolution patches. Get some simple house mods or clothing/armor mods and start to learn how to install and run mods. Learn the concepts behind the location of various games resources (texture, meshes, sounds etc.) so you'll recognize problems with complicated installs down the road. Install all the official patches (as a bare minimum ... the unofficial patches fix many unpatched problems with the game and are recommended) and install Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) as it will be required for most of those complicated mods you have on your wish list. Get it installed and working properly early in your modding experience and then you'll only need the occasional update. Pay careful attention to the installation instructions in the OBSE readme and be sure to install the correct files for the Steam version of Oblivion. Once you have the game patched and OBSE installed and working make a baseline (no mods installed) save outside the sewers (something you can fall back on when you run into mod installation woes down the road). You may want to consider bben46's advice in his revert to vanilla data article. Edit: As you are using the Steam version you should be automatically patched to the latest version of the official patches (version The unofficial patches advice still applies.
  23. No personal experience with any of your mods, so this falls into the 'throwing darts at a darkened dartboard' category ... have you tried disabling mods? I'd start with those that affect combat (i.e. Deadly Reflex 5 - Timed block and 150% damage and Deadly Reflex 5 - Combat moves). Another question from one with no experience with DR ... are those two DR5 mods reliant on having a base DR5 installed?
  24. Obilivion and saving are necessary bedfellows, but two that have issues. Quicksave and autosave are known to cause problems. I used to crash a lot and often (especially after I started using CM Partners). By using manual saves (from the menu) and by leaving my CM Partners at various homes and hotels for decoration I have eventually got my game to as stable a state as one can expect from this game (I might crash once in two or three playing sessions, usually at a cell transition). I manual save whenever I think of it, normally after I've completed a task I wouldn't want to repeat right away and will only load from an autosave if I have no recent manual save and don't want to lose my progress. I have seen your advice to only load a save after exiting to the desktop. I don't go that far myself usually, but it is sound advice for getting your game stable. Delivering Martin to Cloud Ruler is like many (if not most) Oblivion quests ... bugs included at no extra charge. I got into the habit of reading through at least the Bugs section of the UESP Wiki Quests walkthrough for whatever quest I was on (which along with the Notes section can save a fair amount of grief and frustration).
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