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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. No offence taken. I was wondering out loud about the Woman's Move. When you have more than one animation mod loaded, the last one to load does the animating if two or more are trying to change the same characters. As I indicated in my musing, I thought Woman's Move only affected the ladies and wondered whether a load order issue might be at the root of your guy's walk. To assign a particular walk to an NPC you just put the .kf files you want into the Data\meshes\characters\_male\specialanims folder. Then in the CS you edit the NPC in the Object window, and on the Animation tab you'll see all the available animations. The ones with the red check mark are the vanilla animations, the ones you added to the specialanims folder will be a blank check box. Double left click the one you want to try and you'll see a black X. Save and go into the game and see how you like it. Don't select more than one specialanim for the same move (i.e. only choose one walkforward type, one walkfastforward etc.). I haven't gone wild on any of the vanilla characters, just my own, but there's no reason you can't. From the resources of the mods I've downloaded I have three or four walkforward animations I like (three I really like and one that I use less often). Adds variety to the game.
  2. You're not alone ... we are an army of two now. And this is I believe the defining characteristic. Old schoolers who sharpened their teeth on FPS titles will tend to play same sex characters, where newer generational, shall we say 'mixed media' devotees will lean towards 3rd person view, and have more flexibility in character sex choice vs. their own. I'm a console junkie, so I'd don't even come out of first person when I'm stuck, just tcl my troubles away.
  3. Ya, that's why I do the 'selective install' method using the Construction Set. I only use NoMaaM globally and then use selections from the other animation mods to assign specific NPCs different walks (confined to NPCs I've added to my houses and cities). It's a bit of a 'hands on' approach, but I like to tinker. Edit: Have a look at load order. I thought Woman's Move just affected the ladies (but I could be wrong, as I don't use the esp).
  4. Sorry, my bad choice of words. When I say 'full meal deal' I mean the full install package. When you said: my 'full meal deal' meant 'install the core and the shaders' after getting your Oblivion.ini back to a default state.
  5. The Oblivion.ini (that's located in your My Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder) can be remade with the game defaults and re-discovering your hardware by deleting the current one and then restarting the game using OblivionLoader.exe (the normal shortcut if you aren't using one edited for Oblivion Script Extender). Your problem could also be related to a mod you've installed, deactivated but not uninstalled. Mods left in the Data folder after deactivating them still are seen by the game, and their resources are still found in the meshes and textures folders. On the subject of re-installing, without using a registry cleaner such as CCleaner registry leftovers can cause problems with the game (not ones like the one you've described in my experience however). Have a look at this uninstall/re-install guide and see how your method compares to the suggestions.
  6. Was the Oblivion.ini edit to get a water enhancer mod working or non-mod related problem?
  7. Probably going to need to see a mod list.
  8. I'm on XP so I don't need to deal with UAC as well. I edit any shortcuts requiring administrator level authority so that they prompt for a user name and password (Run with different credentials off the Advanced button on the right click properties menu). It's a minor inconvenience that avoids needing to run logged in with my administrator account on a day to day basis.
  9. I remember reading once that the theory behind why the Tomb Raider titles were successful is you could look down and see your chest (you were required to be Laura after all). I like that my guy gets to hang with some pretty spectacular looking girls (heck he has to stand in line to use the bed to level in some of my houses). I'm not convinced it has to do with anything but being able to do it how you please, and I'm all for freedom.
  10. You can use the console (opened with the ~ (tilde) key on most keyboards right below the Tab key). prid 000AED41 moveto player If he's dead add resurrect 1 (that's a number one at the end ... it allows him to stand up and keep his inventory). He does respawn, so if you're patient he'll be back. Edit: Here's some fan tidbits from the UESP Wiki on the Adoring Fan:
  11. Adding a second hard drive isn't that hard ... after you get the case open it's slide it in, maybe a couple of screw depending on the case, hook up two cables and reboot. Partition the new drive and format it (sort of gets your operating system and the new drive acquainted with one another) and then use it. If you go with the external hard drive for backup option it's just as easy (and there will be an instruction sheet to walk you through the process).
  12. The up and coming version will feature an option for a non-Python install (and Hickory's post make me wonder if I missed it's launch??). Edit: Guess not (see below, but it's coming).
  13. You could also try deleting your Oblivion.ini (located in My Documents\My Games\Oblivion NOT in your game's Oblivion folder ... which will be called Oblivion_default.ini). After you've uninstalled OBGE and then deleted the ini close Oblivion completely and restart using OblivionLauncher.exe (even if you use OBSE ... what you're doing here is letting Oblivion reset your ini with default settings and rediscover your hardware). Close the game and retry installing OBGE full meal deal.
  14. Once you get everything so the bouncy parts bounce, have a look at Saaya's BBB Complilation. There are different bust sizes represented, and not all are availble in more than one size, but the way it works with the clothing/armor becoming your body you'll just see different sizes according to what's being worn (I use that aspect in my 'diversification project'). You need to follow the links in the mod description and download and install the original of any you choose, then overwrite using the BBBed version. Not at all hard once you get your head around it. Most are skimpier styles, and the BBB weighting is near perfect. You'll also find some links to BBBed animations in Saaya's mod description. I recommend fore's NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer and use portions of some of the others in my own 'home rolled' mods (all part of the big variety is good project). Once you go BBB your bandwidth usage will skyrocket, believe me.
  15. You can also run into that problem activating and deactivating OMODs (I don't use many OMODs, but switching body types using my HGEC Body with BBB v1dot11 OMOD will require some 'repair work' afterwards). Two votes for 'backing up your stuff' ... hard drive space is cheap.
  16. I wonder is the ludicrous file size is worth it. The full meal deal is a chunky download (but what the heck ... I went for it). There is also the option of only downloading the portions you like, if you can decide from the pictures. I was busy getting and checking out some Amazon armors last night ... will report back via PM once I've made it to Cheydinhal.
  17. If the HGEC body you are currently using doesn't support BBB, you could try Rivelle's HGEC Body with BBB v1dot11 (an OMOD installation that allows you to choose bust and bottom size). For a BBB enabled skeleton you can go with Coronerras' Maximum Compatibility Skeletons and then get better textures for the HGEC body with Ozmo's High Rez Skin Textures for HGEC (and then use Talonvore's excellent guide for installing them). When you wear clothing or armor, the clothing/armor becomes the part of your body (which is why BBB enabled clothing is required if you want to see movement). I don't want all the ladies to be looking the same, so I use a selection from Pyramidhead123's BBB H-cup Stock (somehow, BBBed beggars doesn't appeal). For the same reason I don't use much in the way of armor replacers (just a non-BBBed steel replacer for better appearance and textures) and stick with the myriad of unique armors. Good luck. :thumbsup:
  18. By Jove LFact ... I think you've got it!! Thanks. Now to decide, Ivy in black or perhaps white and black ... hmm, the white and black with orange looks good too. This will keep my girls quiet for a while, thanks muchly.
  19. How about Tun "Because you don't want to be on the dead guy side of the line" -Zeeus ... another one liner that cracks me up every time.
  20. Have a look at Alval Uvani's AI package ... might be just what you're after.
  21. LOL ... the old "Will work for kudos" eh? No problem, I didn't think they were exactly what you were describing. If I run across any others I'll work for kudos already given. :teehee:
  22. No the patches aren't incremental. I'm wondering about the steps you took following bben46's uninstall/re-install guide. The part about running a registry cleaner (CCleaner is the recommended one) is actually a pretty important step. Left over registry entries can cause problems with a re-install. Did you run CCleaner (or a registry cleaner of your choice)?
  23. OK ... if it's the disk version you'll want to find the correct patch from the files listed here (the Official Oblivion 12416 patch). Edit: Striker says "Hey you" to Heyyou, who is one quick one on the links (bookmarked now here in the Striker tower BTW).
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