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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. The chdir command is change directory in old time DOS speak (what we used to use before Windows). In a form it (DOS) is still alive today buried under layers of Windows interface (in the case of Windows 7 and Vista not entirely true, but those same commands us old timers remember fondly still are available in something called a "command prompt"). To get access to that command prompt you need to open a window to display it in modern operating systems (where everything is a window). In Windows XP we use Start --> Run --> cmd and hit OK ... in Vista and Windows 7 it's Start --> and in the Start Search box --> cmd then Enter. Either way opens up your command prompt in a black box (that's what our whole screen looked like back in the day, exciting to look at, no??). You will see Microsoft Windows version blahh blahh blahh and below that the command prompt C:\users\your_login_name> for the Vista and Win 7 crowd, and C:\Documents and Settings\your_login_name> for Win XP. Somehow you need to get that directory to be the path where your Wrye Bash and Python are installed. The change directory command does that. Commands back in the DOS days accepted something called switches, extra bits added to the end of them to tell the command what to do or to do more than one thing at a time. The chdir (or more briefly cd which is the same command only even shorter to key in) can only change directories in a certain way. If at the C:\users\your_login_name prompt you key in cd \ (which means change directory to the root of the current drive, C drive in this case) your C:\users\your_login_name>cd \ will change to C:\> after you hit enter. You are now at the root (actually highest) level of C drive. You can now enter the entire path from the root to your Wrye Bash folder that has the mopy file they're looking for. I don't have Wrye Bash installed myself so I'm going to wing an example that you will need to change so that it matches the actual path to your installation. At that C:\> you'll key in cd Games\Bethesdasoftworks\Oblivion\Mopy and hit enter. Your prompt should now say C:\Games\Bethesdasoftworks\Oblivion\Mopy> and you'll enter your bugdump command from there. If you want, you can see the contents of the Mopy folder with a directory command (dir) and if there is too much to see all on one screen you add the page switch which will look like C:\Games\Bethesdasoftworks\Oblivion\Mopy>dir /p (notice the different directions of the forward slash for the switch vs. the backslash used in the path). If you really want to be the old time DOS pro when you're all finished with your command prompt work don't click the X in the top right to close out your command prompt session (now tell me that didn't sound good). At your command prompt key in exit and enter (C:\Games\Bethesdasoftworks\Oblivion\Mopy>exit then enter). You'll have something to brag about after this ... "Yep, I'm a command prompt programmer" (puffs out chest and gives a taut inhale). Good luck and have fun.
  2. The latest version of the Construction Set is 1.2.404. Download and install it from this link. Edit: Oops ... didn't see your edit.
  3. When you are at the menus the game version is shown at the bottom left of the screen. The latest version is 1.2.0416 and that version number is the same whether or not you have Shivering Isles installed AND are up-to-date. Your HUD Status Bars and DropLitTorchOBSE both require OBSE. As a test, when you disable Oblivion Graphics Extender Support and don't try any fancy Deadly Reflex stuff are your HUD and Drop Lit working correctly (hopefully confirming that OBSE isn't causing any difficulties). If you have no issues with them but still have CTD when trying some fancy stuff in DR troubleshoot that issue (all animations in correct folders etc.). If solving that doesn't perform any magic on your OBGE issue then work that one through (missing or misplaced files etc.). Check your BOSS report for "Missing master" entries.
  4. PM sent with beta test report. Excerpt from the beta report:
  5. Cool, or as you hear ingame "Good to know".
  6. Missed seeing your beta test link. The first links I only looked at in the CS. Where in game will I find the house and I'll give'r a spin. Edit: Got it from the readme ... seek and ye shall find.
  7. A lot of game state info is stored in your saves. That gets loaded when you select the save. I didn't start a new character, but I swear my game has gradually gotten more stable at exit since I've started my regimen. It would probably help you to find your most 'stable' save and start from there. Edit: I have hard drive space out the whazoo ... I don't do my 'spring cleaning' very often.
  8. I could be wrong here, but isn't Knobody looking for an NPC character to do the enchanting, sort of like how you can get Rhossan to repair your armor only in this case you'd get Joe Blow to enchant your sword for you.
  9. I believe you are already privy to this, but clothing can be found in the armor category. A lot of what by appearance is clothing has an armor stat attached to it. As a further note, you may want to reconsider the use of centered text here in the forums. Looks cooler gets trumped by harder to read.
  10. Have a look at the fire outside Dzonot Cave. Flipped me out one time I was there checking up on the two CM Partners I 'parked' outside. I was going to leave them some food so they didn't run out and wander off looking for eats. There's some respawning carrots next to the fire. I dropped a couple of bread and then figured, heck I've got a sh#tload of venison ... maybe the boys would like a little meat. Slapped a chunk down on the fire and poof ... it lights. I was like, how cool, they made it so when you put meat on the fire it lights!! Had a look in the CS and saw it's on a timer ... lights at a certain time in the evening. Pure coincidence, good timing, combination of the two ... whichever is the case there's a good exercise for a scripter ... when meat distance = zero light fire.
  11. On the problem with item stacking in storage after 75 armorer, you can usually find the missing item from the stack by putting another item in then closing the window. Your newest addition will now be the missing item and you can get that sparkly one you 'lost' when you next access that container. Useless looted clothing is one of my favourites for the job. If you don't put anything repaired above 100 percent mixed with non-buffed pieces it helps. I hear you ... frustrating oversight by Bethesda.
  12. We're entertained by some of the same 'CM Partner experiments'. I avoid 'practice magic' now ... unless I feel like reviving someone or buffing my own restoration stat keeping the 'friendly fire' victims alive. They excel at knocking stuff on the floor, gives my 'grab' key skills a workout ... too bad there's no skill bonuses on level-up for that. :tongue:
  13. A few of the tips I've picked up along the way that have helped reduce (not completely eliminate though) my exit errors. 1) Always save using the Esc menu Save. Quicksave and autosave can create problems. I never quicksave anymore and only load from an autosave when I've neglected to save for too long and get a CTD at an 'inopportune' time. 2) Don't overwrite your saves ... apparently can cause some difficulties as well. Get too many, do a clean-out, archiving some that may have value in another folder outside your My Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder (cuts down the chance of confusion on subsequent 'cleanings'). I recall reading that the Oblivion game engine does a lot of stuff of questionable value around saves (might have been in some of Wyre's musings or somewhere like that). 3) When you exit the game from the Esc menu don't go back to the Main menu ... exit the game. That may be related to some of the problems that can be generated with saves when loading a different save from the main menu without exiting the game (left overs in memory not being purged or related). It's taken a while, but I don't get nearly so many crashes on exit, and I don't use any 'crash preventers'. It may or may not be related, but I also seldom bring any of my CM Partners for a 'ride along' anymore ... mostly I just use them to mess up my houses to give me something to do when I visit besides drop off loot. It could be that I crashed a lot back when they traveled with me because of some of my other 'habits' that I've since reformed (not slamming CM Partners here people).
  14. Here's a link to another post about positioning dead bodies ... a good tip that may disappear down the thread list in time, archived here now.
  15. The AgentMalder collection. :thumbsup: I love it!
  16. I'll be good with the Nexus link at product launch, unless you're looking for beta testers. I'm wondering on your chair problem if you're selecting from Statics as opposed to Furniture in the Object window list. In your Cell View window, do they show a little chair icon or a blue house shaped icon (blue is bad for sitting ... i.e. static).
  17. Note to bben46 ... maybe consider adding the safe mode uninstall option in your guide??
  18. I was afraid something like that might come up. I recently bought a laptop for my teenaged granddaughter ... top of the list, no Intel graphics (she does play games). No Intel graphics = no cheap solutions. It was incredibly hard (and expensive) to find a properly balanced laptop. The marketing guys rule the design department. You can have a reasonably priced laptop with good processor and lame ass graphics or the same reasonable price with lame processor and good graphics ... what you want both!!! (hands rubbing in greed).
  19. You must be running OBSE to get those two examples to work. As far as I know to get OBSE working you need to be patched to the latest ... 1.2.0416. If you try to patch a fully patched game with the official patches I'm not sure what will result ... might not be good. Why did you say "as my copy seemed out of date"?
  20. Check your path grid for the area. They're probably just moving to the nearest available grid point. Edit: Here's a related tidbit from the CS Wiki.
  21. Refresh my memory redeyes ... were you using the GotY edition? If so install both disks and you will be patched up to full on the official patches (including Shivering Isles). You wouldn't want to try to install any of the official patches after that. The unofficial patches for the main game, Shivering Isles and each DLC are all that's needed after. I'd try without your sit on boulder mod after you install your mods, then add it and see what happens. Pretty easy troubleshooting when the possible conflict list is one mod long.
  22. Nice job AgentMalder ... I hope you don't mind I did a 'ride along' on Hickory's fixes (always looking to learn more, and Hickory has a high quality pickable brain, even when picked secondhand). I particularly liked the desktop 'fast cash' option (although your mod description should warn of the Cheat Chest contents as unbalancing for early level players). The layout and options like storage are good (and who doesn't like to show off some plunder in display cases ... perhaps a couple of barrel/chests in either of the closets off the study, maybe one a modest food re-spawn). A chair or two by the fire (if they can fit in) might be nice too. The only issues I found that may limit your 'target audience' are around path griding and making the beds and chairs persistent references. Those two changes will make your abode 'companion friendly'. Path grids are accessed in the CS from the World --> Edit Cell Path Grid off the menu or the Path Grid toolbar button (has small orange dots connected by yellow lines). A couple of CS Wiki resources here and here. The beds and chairs are made persistent by double clicking each in the Render window and selecting Persistent Reference in the Reference dialog. My only other suggestion is to find out about possible location conflicts, so you can give a heads up about them in your mod description. I think there's a 'real estate' resource somewhere here ... perhaps someone will have the link for you. Again, nice job! :thumbsup:
  23. My only suggestion is to post the contents of your obse_loader.log and obse.log in hopes that they might provide clues. I myself wouldn't know what to look for in those files, but perhaps someone who can will see. If they are long files please enclose each text paste inside spoiler tags ... put one ["spoiler"] in the front and one ["/spoiler"] after (each time including the square brackets but not the quotation marks). The obse_loader.log and obse.log can be found in your Oblivion directory (one folder level higher than your Data folder). If you don't have 'show file extensions' enabled in Windows Explorer all you will see is obse_loader and obse ... the ones you're after will use the same icon as a Notepad style text file.
  24. Ahh ... the joys of using ALL of the desk for display. I remember those days fondly (and I never ventured past 19").
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