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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. I feel your pain. Before I buffed my mercantile over 75 (and could invest in the shops) I hoarded all that valuable stuff that you practically had to give away. Now I have gold out the whaazoo and still have much of my hoarded loot. Some of my houses have chests or barrels I'm afraid to open they've got to be so full. :tongue: The quirky leveling system in the game rewards you for selling one item at a time vs. a stack (one transaction = one increment towards your next skill point no matter how many items in that transaction). Early in the game when fewer transactions were needed for each skill point it wasn't a super big deal. Now that I'm past 75 mercantile I need to sell a lot of items one at a time to get that skill point. I guess that's what they invented Master Trainers for ... now off to see Palonirya once again.
  2. Telyn, as always, you are the Queen (or King, as the case may be) of SEARCH!! I could only dream of bending a search engine to my purpose like you. Of particular interest while perusing your picks was this (from Graverobber BETA1): Now if you're burying 'some of your own work' you should need to be careful around that spot in the future. To incorporate some of MarkinMKUK's idea (and I was ROTFLMAO on reading your post Mark) some time down the road you're picking flowers (or better yet some of those not so common so you can't pass them up grows where someone has died Cairn Bolette) for alchemical purposes and you forget you planted Alval (who so pissed you off with his arrogance you didn't even wait for the DB contract to 'cash his chit') right there. Look out behind you ... he's not happy!! :tongue: Give a man an idea and you'll perk his interest for a day. Teach a man to mod and the whole world will cease to exist for him for days at a time. Sorry Mark ... couldn't help myself. Plagiarism is my sin, but I've loved your sig for some time now.
  3. In my own 'personalizing' Xtudo's Personality Idles - Modified version - NPCs and companions I have also discovered how load order can affect what idles are played (for the NPCs at least). My own mod list is pretty short (outside of my own homerolled and a couple of personalized mods). To date I haven't used any mod load order sorting, but my own mods do get 'sorted' via save time and date in the CS. If my last save was my personalized Aranmathi Ayleid Home I might lose some of my personalized idles in Personality Idles. Just another way of keeping life simple for me I guess.
  4. You're talking about an area WAY ABOVE my pay grade, but is the texture you edited shared by any of your bright areas?
  5. No problem. I wasn't wanting to get smart or anything, just hoped to help you see a little logic flaw. I know that sometimes the hardest thing to do is see your own missteps. Look at how often I edit a post for example, and I proofread before I hit the Post button ... just don't see the errors until I can step back from it for a second. An extra set of eyes on one of my problems has always been one of my most treasured possessions (back when I worked, my job was basically troubleshooting, in process control, 'Auto' doesn't always get it right, and when things weren't going right 'Striker' didn't always see the root of the problem ... that's why I had co-workers).
  6. In general, giving a unique item back to a vendor breaks the possibility of getting it again. Here's an example taken from the UESP Wiki walkthrough for Vile Lair: If you look through the bugs section you'll also see 'gotchas' regarding arriving at the location just right (also a common thing in the bugs section). If Bethesda couldn't get it right you can't blame Oscuro too much.
  7. I didn't even know there was an update until just now. I 'discovered' Aranmathi through a link on another thread, and never looked through Ruins, forts and abandoned structures until now. Version 1.04 (that I'm using) didn't have any problems from a savegame. Looking through the listed changes (from the mod description) most look pretty minor, with the exception of the "Entrance set higher (needs clean save or console command with existing savegame)" and "Added statue base to staircase to get rid of the waterlevel near entrance". Dealing with the water at the entrance is one of those things on my 'to do' list that I haven't delved into yet on my personalized copy. I'm too far down that path to consider changing to version 1.05 (plus where's the fun in not having some 'new owner renovating' for myself). My take on the "needs clean save or console command with existing savegame" is that it would only affect people who had version 1.04 installed previously and had savegames and then updated to 1.05. They would need to disable version 1.04, make a 'clean save' and then update to 1.05. Because version 1.05 requires version 1.04 to be installed first the author of version 1.05 must have done some manner of mod de-isolation to create his update. If you read through that linked de-isolation article you'll see that there are plenty of ways to shot off one's foot while doing that. I can't say whether or not that's the case in this case ... just putting it out there.
  8. Normally the last file you worked on will at the bottom of the esm/esp list.
  9. The uninstall/re-install link is right here ... click this. The CCleaner link is right here ... click this (it's also in bben46's guide but you'll need to copy and paste that one ... may as well click where I said, they're the same). MajorGeeks is reputable, I've personally used them for quite a few years, more than I'd like to admit ... getting old(er).
  10. If you know the refID of the NPC already it's: prid <refID of the NPC> moveto player If they are already dead you'll need to: resurrect 1 (the number one at the end allows them to keep all their inventory) If they're dead and already gone from the game: prid <refID of the NPC> enable resurrect 1 moveto player Sometimes when you resurrect them and beam them to your location it will take a while for their AI package to kick in ... they may just start walking to their next destination right away, or just stand there. If you leave the cell for a while (especially go indoors in a different cell) and then return they'll usually move on to their next package.
  11. Actually ohtash that Wiki link was aimed more at dallen68, apologies for highjacking your thread. I've just had a read through the whole thread again and I see that bben46 didn't link you to his uninstall/re-install guide. The DVD uninstall method is the most sure-fire and don't neglect to download and run CCleaner. Left over registry entries can cause continuing problems with your re-install, it's an essential step to getting a complete and correct job done. I recently installed the GotY edition on my daughter's machine to C:\Games\Oblivion without a hitch on a Windows 7 machine. It can be done. Get off on the right foot with bben46's guide.
  12. There was a suggestion in Oblivion Mod Requests for the burying option ... the two would be a perfect marriage in such a mod. If you don't bury them within a certain time you get sick from being around one. The only fly in the ointment is all the persistent dead bodies that Bethesda leaves laying around for us. I'd need to take off my 'Paramedics of Cyrodiil' hat and put on my 'Gravediggers of Cyrodiil' hat. Pretty soon I'll need a backpack to carry all my hats on my travels (I also have a 'Defender of Tamriel Travelers' one that gets worn quite often).
  13. My take on this quote from the mod comments is that even if you're not constrained by your actual keyboard (i.e. laptop key board) you can be limited by Vista and/or Windows 7 The Microsoft security feature UAC does interfere with gaming when you install them in the default C:\Program Files\... or C:\Program Files (x86)\... directories. I don't recommend disabling UAC (it does do some good protecting you from malware). The best option is install your games outside of Program Files, where UAC won't cause any problems. One of the moderators here, bben46 has posted this uninstall/re-install guide to help get the jpob done completely and correctly if you decide to get your Oblivion install out from under UAC's 'protection'.
  14. @ Daledge ... Ctrl + Alt + Del then Alt then u and a final u. Even if your screen doesn't show it, this brings up Task Manager and uses keyboard shortcuts to shut down your machine. Far safer for the registry etc. I've got a sticky right above my monitor for those 'Oblivion' moments.
  15. Woohooo ... (mops brow and collapses into chair). Get gaming!
  16. Sounds like a mod idea in the making to me ... go to it!! :thumbsup:
  17. I would think just to the main menu, but I don't have any experience with that mod/plugin. Here's something else that I've found in the recent mod comments section: Are you running Windows 7 or Vista AND is Oblivion installed in the default C:\Program Files\... or C:\Program Files (x86)\... directory? Edit: Go with LordFrostcrag's suggestion ... makes sense.
  18. If you do go down the bashed patch pathway here's a cut and paste rip of Hickory's instructions (believe me, he's the BIG DOG aka Indigenous species of Wrye Bash around here):
  19. And still no [ConsolePlus] section in your Oblivion.ini?? Make sure you are looking in Oblivion.ini located in the My Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder, not the Oblivion_default.ini located in your game's Oblivion folder. The former is the one your game is currently using when it starts, the other (Oblivion_default.ini) is the one the game uses when it can't find the My Documents one (used for resetting your Oblivion.ini back to defaults when having trouble).
  20. When you start Oblivion from your edited shortcut you should briefly see two small black windows open and then close before the game starts. It should also now go straight to your game menu, not the loader menu where you could select Data Files. If that's not the case then navigate in Windows Explorer to your Oblivion folder (one level higher than your Data folder) and double click the obse_loader.exe file located there. If your obse_loader isn't located in the Oblivion folder (along with obse_1_2_416.dll and obse_editor_1_2.dll) then your OBSE install went wrong ... find those files and get them in the right spot.
  21. I did a search for the mod but came up blank. Got a link?
  22. Because OBSE and plugins that use OBSE are based on open source code they are required to include their code for the plugin. That's what is in the src folder, it can be safely deleted if you want to save hard drive space and clutter. Right now inside you game's install folder you should see \Oblivion\Data\obse\plugins\ChangeConsoleKey.dll. If you don't try to see where it may have got misplaced to and correct it.
  23. If you deactivated a bunch of mods wouldn't you need to make a new bashed patch (I don't use Wrye Bash, but I read about it a lot on here).?
  24. Nah, I don't miss 'crash 98 times a day' and was lucky enough to avoid ME altogether. When XP was going out of stock at retail I loaded up. I'll probably be left with one or two unused copies when it reaches EOL and Microsoft stops issuing security updates. They'll force my hand then I guess. Maybe Linux game support will be more mainstream by then (ya I know ... dreamer).
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