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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Not a problem ... glad I could help. On the upside to missing that at the onset, your Oblivion install is now outside UAC's clutches. Any time you have a problem down the road you've eliminated one of the first troubleshooting steps.
  2. I had a quick look for "Hov's Hotkeys" here on the Nexus but came up blank ... perhaps you downloaded it somewhere else. Have you met all the mod's requirements around things like Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) etc. I should have asked this earlier, but not having the mod's requirements is probably the number two most common reason for mod problems.
  3. I'm 100.1% with you on that in real life (coming from a total non-combatant). That's just my way of dealing with the game's quirks.
  4. Is Oblivion installed in the default location (C:\Program Files\... or C:\Program Files (x86)\...) AND are you running either Windows 7 or Vista? If so then the Microsoft security feature UAC is probably interfering. If that's the case then your best bet is to uninstall Oblivion and re-install in a directory outside of UAC's influence (e.g. C:\Games\Oblivion). One of the moderators here bben46 has posted this uninstall/re-install guide to help get the job done completely and correctly.
  5. I agree about how suicidal those friendlies can be. Now that I have some decent restore health on touch spells I tend to hang back and let them to the fighting while I do the buffin'. The worst ones to be around in a fight are the legion patrols ... one wrong move and "Alright you criminal scum ...". They respawn so I tend to buff the bad guy until they're dead and then loot their armor to sell. Kinda' like a 'two mints in one ' situation. If you're looking for a way around Lucien here's a UESP Wiki excerpt that may offer a solution:
  6. You see advice to disable UAC here from time to time. I'm not a big Micro$oft supporter or anything but UAC, though it's a pain in the butt at times and isn't perfect, is not something I'd advise disabling. After it's already affected your Oblivion install just disabling may still not solve your problem (look at many of Hickory's posts about UAC and it's 'ghosting' abilities). The uninstall/re-install guide I linked will help get the job done completely and correctly if you decide to go that route.
  7. And you probably have Oblivion installed in the default location (C:\Program Files\... or C:\Program Files (x86)\...). The Microsoft security feature UAC protects programs installed in Program Files from changes due to malware etc. It also stops mods from working when Oblivion is installed there (it won't affect unmodded Oblivion). One of the moderators here bben46 has posted this uninstall/re-install guide if you need to get Oblivion out of UAC's clutches.
  8. @chaspearl I'm only starting out down this modding road so I have some advantage over you in terms of number of mods installed and uninstalled. The method I've developed to combat the situation you describe is: 1) Download and extract to a named subdirectory of the OblivionDownloads directory I have created. I include a text file with the mod author, uploader, version, link to the mod, main file, update and optional file details (from the files tab) and a copy and paste of the mod description. 2) After I have installed the mod I move the subdirectory for the mod from the OblivionDownloads directory to my OblivionInstalled directory with all it's contents (a refinement I've developed after my installed mods list started to grow ... I download more mods than I install). Any peculiarities in installing the mod are noted in a text file (e.g. files overwritten, optional files used etc.). I keep backups of overwritten files in a sub of my OblivionBackups directory. 3) When I want to uninstall a mod I can refer to the extracted contents in my OblivionInstalled and see what was added by that particular mod and the text file regarding details of the install and any backups that need to be restored. Complicated, but it simplifies the process of mix and match mish mash somewhat. You are down the road a long ways for this to solve your cleanup woes, but it's never too late to start new habits.
  9. Click the Support link at the top of this Elder Scrolls page. Alternately you can Google "Elder Scrolls Oblivion" and click the Elders Scrolls Official Site | Home link that will be at the top of that search. Select International and then the Support link (again at the bar on the page). In either case click on the Shivering Isles (if you are using Shivering Isle) or Oblivion link and then click the appropriate download link on the resulting page.
  10. Excerpted from the Elder Scrolls Official site support page: South Africa isn't mentioned anywhere on the support page so if you have an English version of the game and are outside of North America I would guess that's the one to use.
  11. Getting your NPCs to use beds and chairs requires that the particular bed or chair is set to 'Persistent'. In the right hand pane of the Cell window scroll down and find the chair you want to use and right click and edit (or find it in the Render window and double left click). Tick Persistent Reference near the bottom of the Reference window and give it a unique Reference Editor ID in the box at the top. Edit your AI package and on the Location tab tick Location and Near Reference. With your bed or chair visible in the Render window click the Select Reference in Render Window button. Your cursor will turn into a red crosshair. Move it over your chair or bed and double left click (the crosshair will turn white when it's over something that is valid for selection ... if it stays red it means you can't select that object, probably because it's not set to persistent in my experience). To get them to sit and read you edit a Use Item At package and on the Target tab select the Any Object radio button and either Object ID: NONE and Object Type: Books or Object ID and select a book you know they have in their inventory. Edit: If it's a bed or chair from the vanilla game you may need to set the ownership on the Ownership tab of the Reference window (the one where you set it to persistent)
  12. Is this a vanilla race character with vanilla hairstyles or custom race and hair?
  13. OK ... just looking to eliminate possibilities for CTD.
  14. I usually do the same thing with AI packages ... start with one of the existing ones and then modify it for my own purpose after giving it a new name. Just take one of the aaa vanilla packages for the same thing you want (i.e. eat for eat, sleep for sleep etc.). I learned how to activate the chapel altars, sit and read etc. by looking through the packages for examples of what I wanted to do and then modified for my use (guard patrols were the toughest to get my head around ... won't work for me until I did it exactly the same as the examples I was using). I always keep this in mind ... I don't learn a thing from being right. My mistakes are the only opportunity I have for learning, and I usually need help getting a leg up. Edit: Until you get comfortable with what you're doing, try doing one thing at a time and then play test to see how it works (i.e. work on AI packages and then when that's working move on to path gridding).
  15. Telyn if I could give you another kudo I would ... you are a searching fiend!! :thumbsup:
  16. Thanks BiskmatarCatalyst. I've a pretty short mod list myself (mostly home-rolled 'the over-population of Cyrodiil' stuff) so I've not had occasion to do any mod reordering yet.
  17. I just created a clone of TestORMale (changed to female but not High Elf) and dropped it into my game with a couple of AI packages. I had no issues. Does the savegame you're loading for testing purposes have CTD issues?
  18. Just had a look in the CS and I'm not finding TESTORMALE under High Elves. Is that added by Shiving Isles (which I don't have installed). Edit: Found a TestORMale Imperial though ... is that the one?
  19. The mods that BOSS doesn't sort can be manually moved in the load order using Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM). I'm afraid I don't have a link to a tutorial on using OBMM to do that.
  20. Is this NPC a vanilla race or custom race? When I create a new NPC I start by editing and giving a new ID and name to an existing NPC (usually I start with the race I want but I suppose you could change that afterwards). Then I modify appearance, AI packages etc.
  21. Here's an excerpt from the Companion Vilja mod description: In addition to the Companion Vilja ver 3 and Companion Vilja 3 0 1 patch (which are found under the Main files and Updates section on the Files tab) you will need to download the Vilja Customization Pack 3 0 1 NEWNEW file located down the page under Optional files. While you're at it you should download Vilja ver 3 Documentation (and read it). The instructions for customizing Vilja are included with the Customization Pack download. I would install the Vilja ver 3 and Vilja patch first and then test ingame to confirm you have everything working correctly first, but read Emma's and CDCooleys instructions and follow them. They are both very good at supporting Companion Vilja but everything you can do to reduce their work load would surely be appreciated. Read the documentation.
  22. Burz gro-Khash (Cheydinhal Fighters Guild master) has some good ones once you are the Guild Master ... "Want me to go kill something, Guild Master". The first time you meet him he says "I'm Burz gro-Khash, and I'm in charge of this St. Jiub's Fair. All I need is clowns, monkeys, and jugglers. No. Wait... just need jugglers....". Most all of the Cheydinhal Orcs crack me up.
  23. The most common problem is because Oblivion is installed in the default location (C:\Program Files\... or C:\Program Files (x86)\...) AND your operating system is either Windows 7 or Vista (this does not apply to Windows XP). The Microsoft security feature UAC blocks changes to programs located in Program Files unless they are specifically designed to work with UAC (Oblivion isn't). The un-modded game will run fine in the default location ... adding mods triggers UAC's 'protection'.
  24. If you delete all her AI packages (so she just stands at the editor location) does she appear. Could be your AI packages have her elsewhere when you get to the editor location.
  25. The reason I asked about economy mods is because I know that at least in Enhanced Economy's case they are very particular about how you uninstall them (i.e. where you are located etc.). Here's a quote from the Enhanced Economy mod description: I'm pretty sure I read about a method to set prices after uninstalling Enhanced Economy, perhaps in the mod comments. My point is, you may also need to follow specific steps to get your prices back to vanilla after uninstalling your economy mod. Check the mod comments and\or contact the mod author if your problem persists.
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