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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Now that's a separate issue from hair style ... and fixable I believe. Here's an excerpt from the Stoker Wolff mod description: Hmm ... just had a look back at your mod list and it seems you already have that ... how'd he wind up doing time?
  2. On my machine I don't get crashes in the CS. Oblivion ... yes, to an extent that's part of the 'Oblivion experience', but not in the CS. The crashes are telling me all is not 100% with your CS. The other thing that comes to mind is where are the 'saved' assets not showing up. An explanation ... After I'd installed Battlehorn Castle and completed the quest I figured it would be an ideal spot for me to 'make my home' (I've got all the vanilla homes but none are as spacious as Battlehorn). I fired up the CS and with Oblivion.esm, DLCBattlehornCastle.esp checked but not active I proceeded to add content to the castle. When I saved and then checked in-game there was nothing. That was when I found out about De-Isolation. I'm not sure if this applies to your situation at all ... just throwing it out as a possibility.
  3. I see Cobl Races.esp listed. Here's a quote from the Colb mod description: Notice at the top of your load order Cobl Main.esm ... this would be a case of the Cobl Races.esp having two master files required (Oblivion.esm and Cobl Main.esm). You are venturing outside my modding experience here, as the next thing that has to be considered is 'Mod De-Isolation'. I believe this applies because what you are trying to change in StokerWolff.esp is depending on information contained in Oblivion.esm, Cobl Main.esm AND Cobl Races.esp. If you tried editing Cobl Races.esp the changes wouldn't be reflected in StokerWolff.esp. StokerWolff.esp is getting it's hair from Cobl Races.esp so that file would need to be 'esmified' before the edits and then 're-espified' afterwards. If you read through the de-isolation article you'll see this isn't territory for the neophyte. I'm not saying you shouldn't ... it's an area I'm not ready to venture down just yet myself. The other thing that pops out at me on your mod list is the 'Delinquent Master: StokerWolff.esp' at the bottom. Does the Stoker Wolff download include an esm? Edit: The other thing to remember is your Bashed patch ... don't forget to make a new one after you make changes.
  4. Oblivion should be installed outside C:\Program Files\... or C:\Program Files (x86)\... or you will have problems with the Microsoft security feature UAC 'ghosting' things into a hidden folder. The Documents or My Documents folder is not recommended. C:\Games\Oblivion is the preferred choice. One of the moderators here bben46 has post this uninstall/re-install guide to help get the job of moving your Oblivion install done correctly and completely.
  5. Sorry, should have seen this last time. Are you using a mod that changes hair/eyes? I see you have an error "Failed to load 'Meshes/Characters/Corean/Head/Corean_Head4.nif' in BSFaceGenModel::LoadModelMesh". I did a search and there are a number of mods that come up when I search for 'Corean'. The hair you're trying to change isn't from StokerWolff.esp, it's from another mod. What I was asking above isn't about what Oblivion patch is installed. Every esp you try to edit in the CS has dependancies ... master files that must be loaded in the CS so that you can edit and make changes, that are then stored in your esp file. If you are trying to edit an existing esp file and don't have all the master files it requires loaded in the CS you'll get errors. Some esp files have more than one master. When you single click on an esp in the left hand pane of the Data dialog of the CS (under TES Files) you will see all the master files it requires listed in the Parent Masters pane on the right.
  6. So when StokerWolff.esp is highlighted in the Data dialog when starting the CS the only master listed in the right pane is Oblivion.esm?
  7. The retail Game of the Year that has two install disks does not require ANY of the Official Oblivion patches. You can install the Unofficial Oblivion patches if you chose, but when you install both disk one and disk two Oblivion is fully patched to version 1.2.0416 which is the latest version. If you try installing patches on top of the fully patched game you'll either get error messages or bork your game (not sure which, or both ... I haven't dared venture down that particular path).
  8. When you first start the CS and are clicking Obilivion.esm and StokerWolff.esp, what does it say in the Parent Masters pane on the far right of the Data dialog when you have the StokerWolff.esp highlighted? The master files listed there must be loaded (X'ed) in the CS and then the StokerWolff.esp set to active file.
  9. 1) Open the CS and put an X in Oblivion.esm and StokerWolff.esp (double left click), then set StokerWolff.esp as the active file (button just below the file list in bottom left corner). 2) In the Object window find the category NPC in the list on the left. If you know the NPC's race you can expand NPC (click the +) and single left click that race or else just click on NPC and see all the loaded NPCs listed in the Object window right hand pane. Scroll down and find Stoker Wolff (look in the name column rather than the EditorID column as the EditorID may not be exactly the same as the name in game). 3) Double left click Stoker Wolff. In the NPC Editting dialog that opens you will see tabs across the top of the right hand side of the dialog. Click the Face tab. 4) In the Face tab find the Hair Length slider (third down from the top slider). Adjust the hair length, while watching the face in the preview window. You can left click, hold and drag the face to rotate it and get a better look. 5) When you are happy with the change click OK to close the NPC Edit dialog and then File and Save in the CS menu. Exit the CS and with your StokerWolff.esp active in the launcher Data Files go into the game and check out your handiwork. Edit: A good point I've taken from Astymma's post in this thread is when you are setting the StokerWolff.esp active in step one check in the window to the right for esm dependancies. If it's just Oblivion.esm you're good to go with what I've outlined. If an additional or different master is listed you need to have that master (.esm) file 'X'ed as well (only 'X' the masters that StokerWolff.esp has listed).
  10. Another thing to consider is where Oblivion is installed. If it is installed in the default location on Windows 7 or Vista machines (either C:\Program Files\... or C:\Prgram Files (x86)\...) the Microsoft security feature UAC may interfere after you start using mods. UAC works to prevent changes to programs installed in Program Files. It won't cause any problems running vanilla Oblivion, but will interfere once mods start trying to alter the game. The recommended place to install Oblivion is C:\Games\Oblivion. One of the moderators here bben46 has posted this uninstall/re-install guide to help get the job done correctly and completely if you need to move your Oblivion out from under UAC's 'protection'.
  11. I wasn't suggesting missing codecs, I was wondering if you'd recently installed codecs. Here's an excerpt from Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide (emphasis added):
  12. When you say "patched it up to full" are you using a downloaded patch or do you mean "When I installed the GotY I installed both disks and the game is now at version 1.2.0416". The GotY edition is fully patched on a proper full install. You mention updating video drivers ... did you also update sound drivers or install codecs. Sound issues will also freeze the game.
  13. Until you drop it in the Render window it doesn't exist in the game world. It should still be listed in the appropriate category of the Object window (weapons in your example) ... you did give it a unique EditorID, right?
  14. There is a mod (whose name escapes me) that allows you to 'join' the legion if you're wearing scavenged legion armor. You even get a 'paycheck'. If I can find it again I'll post (or maybe someone ... err Telyn ... knows the mod I speak of). Edit: Found it!! TRN One of the Gang Additional edit: While reading through TRN's description I came across mention of Clothing Matters
  15. The Windows overwrite warning will come up as a result of folder names being the same as well as files. In the case of folder (directory) names, the copy will only add new unique instances of the folder, if they are exactly the same name and path only the folder contents are append and/or written/overwritten. As an example, if you have a folder and file C:\Games\Oblivion\Data\meshes\Armor\Blackwood\f\cuirass.nif and you are adding a mod with Data\meshes\Armor\Steel\f\cuirass.nif the file cuirass.nif will not be overwritten in C:\Games\Oblivion\Data\meshes\Armor\Blackwood\f because the path to the two files is different. You will still get the overwrite warning if you copy and paste the whole Data\meshes\Armor\Steel\f\cuirass.nif (along with the other contents of the mod's Data folder) because the Data\meshes\Armor part of the two paths are the same (you would be pasting that into your C:\Games\Oblivion folder). Where you need to be careful is when one mods path is exactly the same as another's (especially prevalent in armor/clothing replacer mods, as the path must be exactly the same as the vanilla path found in the .bsa file). For example the second file in the above example is a replacer for the vanilla steel female armor. The directory path Data\meshes\Armor\Steel\f\ is exactly the same as the path to the female steel cuirass found in Oblivion - Meshes.bsa (the compressed archive that the game uses for all the games mesh files). If I decide to try out another mod that replaces all the female steel cuirasses with ones that look like silk bras it's file cuirass.nif must be located in that same Data\meshes\Armor\Steel\f\ directory. When I install the mod and get the overwrite warning in this case the file Data\meshes\Armor\Steel\f\cuirass.nif from Mod A will be overwritten by the Data\meshes\Armor\Steel\f\cuirass.nif from the new Mod B and all the girls who would have had a steel cuirass on will now be wearing nice silk bras. The bottom line is read the mod description carefully, extract the mod download into a temporary folder and examine the directory structure and files. Compare that to what you already have installed and decide which you want to keep when files will be overwritten. I keep my extracted downloads in their own subdirectory of my OblivionDownloads folder as a backup/troubleshooting resource (often it's easier to compare the two extracted archives to see where they potentially overlap).
  16. A tip when you're troubleshooting commonly overwritten files like skeleton.nif is to carefully compare the file Size and Date Modified fields using Windows Explorer. You'll need to switch the View menu option in Windows Explorer to Details. I have all my installed mods extracted into their own folder, in part as backup and also as a troubleshooting resource. Hard drive space is cheap.
  17. There are only two quests that I know of where what you wear matters. In one, Sanguine's Daedric shrine quest, it's more the value of what you are wearing more than what it looks like that matters. For the main quest Dagon Shrine quest what you are wearing at a certain point (or more accurately what you agree to wear) determines whether or not a certain faction is hostile to you or not. When I first started playing I used to take my helmet off before going into a town or when I met a non-hostile on the road (I'm a permanent bound glitch junkie). After I'd forgot a couple of times I realized it didn't make diddly difference. Heck, the ladies can see right through my armor just fine ... "Look at the muscles on you!!".
  18. If you've got the "Your killing has been observed ... " message but no visit when you sleep check your stats and see if you have an outstanding bounty or anything that would make it 'unsafe' for him to visit. If you're not a Thieves Guild member you might have to 'do your time'.
  19. I've sent a PM that should help (look in your status bar at the top of the page). In my intemperate youth I was one of those you describe. Experience and old age have shown me the error in my ways, and now I'm a new man (just wish my aches and pains would listen).
  20. I only started playing Oblivion recently (even though I've owned it for quite a bit longer ... one of my quirks, buying things and taking a long time to get around to trying them). Skyrim will probably be a year or two old before I buy it. I'll save money on the game, it will probably be a GotY edition or something similar and it will give me plenty of time to research the optimum system specs for running it. I tend to build 'one step back from the bleeding edge' machines but about a year or two after they were almost bleeding edge (saves me on component prices). You could say I'm alive and well and living comfortably in the past. ROADSWEEPER!!! I take umbrage!!! Not only am I the Arch Mage, Master of the Fighter's Guild, the Gray Fox AND the Champion of Cyrodiil, I am the Paramedic of Cyrodiil and Patron Saint of all travelers. Takes up half my encumbrance just carrying all my different hats!!! :laugh:
  21. The game certainly makes you feel involved. When I happen across one of 'the poor unfortunates' laying dead beside the road I always role play 'severely wounded' instead and don my paramedic cap. After I give them a little console lovin' I switch hats and become 'defender of the travelers' sweeping ahead cleaning out the baddies. If I run across one that hasn't been killed I drop my plans and provide escort. It's always simpler to sweep ahead and take care of things than wait for them to get involved and then try to play field medic. You should see me when I'm escorting one going one direction and run across another going the other way (wracking my brain trying to recall how far back along the road I've swept clear ... I know most every traveler and their destinations). Sometimes I'm a one armed paper hanger. :tongue:
  22. For Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) to find and load a mod it's OMOD file must be located in the Oblivion\obmm\mods folder. Some mods come already in the OMOD format, others need to be turned into OMODs if that's the way you want to install non-OMOD mods. Creating the OMOD can (or perhaps 'should' would be better way of putting it) done in a separate folder created just for that purpose. If you download to a folder you've created for that mod (I create a separate sub-folder in my OblivionDownloads folder that I created) you can use it to create your OMOD. You would then copy that OMOD file to your Oblivion\obmm\mods folder. If the mod is designed for the same type of body you are using you shouldn't see different colours on the hands.
  23. Here's a couple of links off the UESP Wiki that may offer you some tips: Oblivion:Leveling Oblivion:Creating an Awesome Character
  24. What happens is the clothing you install becomes that part of the body (which is also why you need clothes compatible with your installed body). I use different sizes in my vanilla clothing replacers to get a bit of variety in the female game NPCs.
  25. Here's some tips excerpted from Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide: From the Audio section, emphasis added. Some validation on why your solution has worked. I did a Google search on your ADIHdAud.sys and saw some references to it being used as a malware vector. You might consider using an on-line scanner (or two) to check your ADI files to eliminate that possibility. I didn't see any driver direct download links near the top of the search ... you may want to check out your motherboard manufacturer's site (for on-board sound) or sound card manufacturer's site (for discrete sound card) to download their latest driver (in case the driver is out of date or the one Windows Update has installed is not working 100% ... I've run into that on more than one occasion with sound, network and USB drivers). Google Maps 'Sarnia' and I'll go out in the backyard and wave. :laugh:
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