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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Oblivion now needs to launch from the obse_loader.exe NOT Oblivion_loader.exe. The easiest way to do this is edit your desktop shortcut. Right click your shortcut and select Properties. From the Properties dialog on the Shortcut tab you'll see a field Target. Single left click in there just left of the "O" in Oblivion_loader.exe and delete the "Oblivion" part. Now type in "obse" (without the quotes). The final Target field should be the same as you started except it will end with obse_loader.exe. You need to leave the quote mark that was at the end before you started. Click Apply and then OK. Double click your edited shortcut and obse_loader will load OBSE and start Oblivion. Exit out of the game and check your Oblivion.ini. You should now see the [ConsolePlus] section.
  2. If you read through the Wiki I linked you'll see there are options for dealing with UAC. For the most part for games, the easiest to implement is install outside Program Files. I was lucky in that before I installed on my daughter's machine I'd seen the problems that UAC has caused, documented through these forums. Whenever I can, I like to get off on the right foot. Edit: I only log in as administrator to do tasks that require administrator level (but I'm one of the few fortunate ones running XP). My normal log-in is a Power User account, something that sadly disappeared with XP (it's kind of a middle ground level between normal user account and administrator). I have a couple of tasks that require elevated privilege, modified to Run As status at log-in, a bit of a pain but I like my MSI Afterburner. My laptop has Vista ... if it ever gives me a reason I'll install XP (I have 3 unused OEM copies). Maybe I'll be a Windows 8 customer.
  3. From the mod description: When you extracted the download did you extract it to a temporary folder that you created? If so, you can open that up with Windows Explorer and you'll see the Data folder they mention in the mod description install instructions. Right click on that Data folder and from the right click menu that opens select Copy. Now navigate in Windows Explorer to the directory that you installed Oblivion. Locate the Data folder in your Oblivion install. Now right click on one directory level higher (if your install is in the default install location you will right click on the Oblivion folder). Select Paste from the right click menu. When it prompts you about folders already existing, do you want to overwrite click Yes to All. Don't worry, nothing gets lost, it's because there are already folders with the same names ... only the contents get added and this won't have any files the same as what you have installed.
  4. Excerpted from the mod description: Your Oblivion.ini file will be located in either My Documents\My Games\Oblivion or Documents\My Games\Oblivion (depending if you're running Win 7 or Vista). The mod description page has a list of key codes to use if you want to change which key opens the console.
  5. Are you installed in C:\Program Files\... and have you disabled UAC? My own Oblivion is on a machine with Windows XP, and the only other install I have done is on my daughter's machine and I installed her's in C:\Games\Oblivion (it's a Windows 7 machine). That UAC interferes with some programs installed in C:\Program Files is well documented ... do a Wikipedia search on it. If your mileage differs more power to you.
  6. If you're using the GotY then make sure you install both disks. That will have your game fully patched to 1.2.0416 (the latest version) and Shivering Isles will be installed. You can check your current version by looking at the lower left corner of the Oblivion menu screen (not the launcher screen where you have Data Files etc.).
  7. If your keyboard has an actual tilde key what happens if you Shift + ~ in the browser (i.e. here). If doing that here gives you the proper ~ character, are you using any mods that may remap the keyboard. If not Oblivion mods, are you using any software for remapping the keyboard?
  8. Here's a direct download link to the latest stable version of OBSE. Save it to either your desktop of create a temporary folder (my preference) and save it there from the download dialog. It's a zip file so you'll need to navigate to where you want the files to go either the desktop (makes a mess) or that temporary folder you created. You will find a file obse_readme.txt (it may not have the .txt at the end depending on your machines setting for showing extensions). That file has instructions on how to install and use OBSE. A lot depends on where you got Oblivion ... if it's a physical disk (e.g. Game of the Year) or from Steam you're OK ... if it's from either Dirct2Drive or Impulse you're out of luck, OBSE won't work for you. Follow the instructions for whichever version of Oblivion you have.
  9. Not all keyboard have the tide (~) key available (e.g. some laptops). For those who need it, the Ring of Console mod saves the day. Edit: No you don't Shift + ~ to get to the console ... just the lower case of the key that has the ~ on it. I don't know for sure why everyone wants to call it the tilde key. Probably because the ` (weird backwards apostrophe key) just just seems wrong to say. I guess you could call it "the key that Striker doesn't know the name of" key ... you have my permission. :tongue:
  10. Here's what your looking for ... and then BBB it.
  11. My thinking was more along the lines of uninstall the Realtek drivers and codecs and try an older version (if you happen to have saved any old ones). My ALC268 Realtek backups would only work if your machine also uses the ALC268 sound chipset. Normally newer is better (hence the oft seen "install the latest drivers" advice), on rare cases the opposite might apply. What exactly are you describing when you say 'random pixelation'. Are you talking about the 'A-Bomb' that affects games after a certain number of hours? Here's a link for you to check out to see if it has any bearing on your situation.
  12. After you install the UOP Microsoft's UAC starts causing you sorrow (i.e. problems).
  13. To tell you the truth I've been so busy 'personalizing' it I haven't tried bringing any companions through the portal. The home comes with four guards patrolling the Throne room and two 'guests' in the Private Quarters. If I get a chance tonight I'll try beaming a couple of my CM Partners in using the home portal installed in the mod. Edit: I hadn't checked out Aberwiin Manor before. It comes with all the bells and whistles ... I just don't find it as aesthetically pleasing as Aranmathi (i.e. a ton of display cases just dominating a room, rather than display cases arrayed in a manner which would realistically lead a visitor to peruse as they wandered through your home). Not that Aranmathi hasn't it's faults ... part of what my 'personalizing' has entailed. Aranmathi is free as well.
  14. Is Oblivion installed in the default location C:\Program Files\... or C:\Program Files (x86)\... AND are you running either Windows 7 or Vista? If so you could be running afoul of the Microsoft security feature UAC. It won't cause problems with Oblivion until you start adding mods. UAC 'protects' your programs installed in Program Files by preventing changes to them ... just what mods need to do. If that's the case then one of the moderators here bben46 has posted this uninstall/re-install guide to help get the job of moving Oblivion out from under UAC's influence done completely and correctly.
  15. Have you just started installing mods? The reason I ask is that the Microsoft security feature UAC will not cause any problems when your game is installed in C:\Program Files\... until you start trying to run mods. UAC 'protects' your programs installed in Program Files by blocking changes to them, and that's what mods need to do. If you've been successfully running mods before this (if, for example you have UAC disabled ... not something I recommend) finding most armor/clothing mods that aren't replacers is usually covered pretty well in the mod description. For example, your CB Elegant Dress.esp comes from HGEC Elegant Dress. The mod description says: Checking the screen shots, it should be just inside the Bravil gate along the wall to the right after you enter the city. If you have everything installed correctly and you have activated CB Elegant Dress.esp in the game launcher Data Files, the chest containing the dress should be there. If it's a problem with UAC or how you're installing the mods, once you sort out one the rest will fall into place. For a UAC related issue, here's a link to an uninstall/re-install guide to get your game out from under UAC's infulence completely and correctly. If it's a how to install issue, here's a link to a basic guide to installing mods, ask for more help if needed.
  16. Are you using the Steam version of the game (just wondering if Steam did something behind your back)? My understanding is that disabling mods doesn't stop the game loading their assets, to do that you need to uninstall the mods according to each mods instructions (and with a long list we're talking big job I know). Nothing else come to mind, except you surely must have had some Microsoft updates in the last couple of months. One other thought ... Hickory always says a crash on load is a missing master. Do you have Wrye Bash and can you post a load order using it? Edit ... Ahh ... scooped by the resident indigenous species!! :biggrin:
  17. Except Leyawiin ... I am the bringer of rain at Leyawiin (I suspect it's sunny there when I'm not around, all part of the conspiracy, you see). All my fault, I have some girls living at White Stallion and they go for an afternoon swim if the weather's nice. So naturally ... On topic ... cool but could use some improvement. Chance of clouds this afternoon (my Oblivion weather is history, MQ done thank God).
  18. We'll need some more info first. 1) Name of the mods in question (and if you can, links to them). 2) Details on your Oblivion install (e.g. what directory (folder) is it installed to, what operating system are you using). 3) Have you installed any other mods (and if so can you provide a list ... here's a guide if you need help).
  19. I'm a total script noob (but I'm trying to learn so I follow along with the script type posts). You've probably already caught this (missing a space after refCounter). let refCounter:= GetNumRefs 35 1 1
  20. The file CM Partners Creating Custom Partners.doc has all the instructions for creating your own CM Partner. Then use this CS Wiki tutorial for getting your player face transfered to your new CM Partner (the part about transferring your face is down at the bottom ... Wrye Bash required)
  21. The Microsoft security feature UAC that MarkinMKUK mentioned is a bit deceiving where Oblivion is concerned (or any game that can be modded). When you install to the default C:\Program Files\... or C:\Program Files (x86)\... it won't interfere with your game at all. It's only when you begin to install mods that it 'protects' you from changes to an installed program (Oblivion in this case). The Unofficial Oblivion patch is a mod (note the esp at the end of the file name). When you're running vanilla you have no problem ... install the UOP and sorrow.
  22. What version of Realtek audio does your machine have? Reading your above posts I don't think this is your case, but in the past when I've let Microsoft Update do hardware driver updates on my machines it's caused grief. I always download from the manufacturer's site and install myself now. Looking on the Realtek site I couldn't see a link to older drivers, but I do know somebody who has some older ALC268 drivers (if they may be of some value for troubleshooting purposes). :whistling:
  23. Have you tried resetting your controls to default. If that fixes the problem then it probably has to do with your remapping, if not then you can start disabling mods until it clears up.
  24. My latest favourite home is Aranmathi - Ayleid Home by Anakondrak - version 1.04. A ton of storage, plenty of space for displaying your plunder, bright and pleasant decor and lot's of options if you like customizing in the CS. Right out of the box it has all the usual extras (ingredient garden, alchemy set, enchanting and spell making altars etc.) plus it comes with some not so common ones (your own personal Oblivion portal for when you're running low on those hard to find items, transport portal to any other vanilla homes you own, black soul gem altar).
  25. Sounds a little like my Benirus Manor basement ... I have a rouge's gallery of persistent dead bodies piling up (yes, I'm a console junkie).
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