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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Down at the bottom of the Nexus Forums front page you'll find 3-D Modelling and 2-D Imaging. You may already have seen the Construction Set Wiki. There's a start.
  2. Here's a link to instructions on how to move your Steam folder if you decide to get your Steam game out of C:\Program Files and into C:\Games.
  3. The selection box will get a black X when you double left click on kf files in the Animation tab in the Construction Set if they have been placed in the Oblivion\Data\meshes\characters\_male\specialanims folder. If you scroll down you'll see a number of kf files that have red check marks in the selection box. Those are the files located in Oblivion\Data\meshes\characters\_male (if they are replacer files like fore's NoMaaM) or located in the Obilivion - Meshes.bsa file in the Oblivion\Data folder if the vanilla kf resources are used. Check that you have the paths to the files exactly right ... that path is hard coded into Oblivion.
  4. Beauty ... thanks for posting the details of your solution, could help 'the next guy'.
  5. Not a problem, glad to be of some help. What are the details around your sound system (onboard vs sound card etc.)? And thank you for posting details of your solution ... may help 'the next guy'.
  6. Did you see fore's suggestions on this thread?
  7. Mods can also overwrite previously installed mods files. Animations have to be specifically named if they're in the Oblivion\Data\characters\_male for the game to use them without an esp (so that all NPCs use them). If Mod A changes walkforward.kf to it's sexy walk and then you install Mod B that also wants to change walkforward.kf to it's idea of a sexy walk, the last mod you installed will win (regardless of load order). Mods like fore's NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer for example changes many of the default fighting and riding animations with ones that are BBB enabled. If I install any mods after I've installed NoMaaM that also change fighting animations I will need to recopy fore's animations into Oblivion\Data\characters\_male and overwrite, unless I want to keep the new animations (which isn't going to happen ... fore's animations rock). I extract mods into their own folder in my OblivionDownloads folder I created so I can examine their contents and see what may get overwritten before I install. I also keep notes of what what I've replaced in Mod B with Mod A or C, especially with animations (where you can mix and match almost to your hearts content). When you get into the Oblivion\Data\characters\_male\specialanims (where fore was talking about I believe) you can really start to personalize your Oblivion.
  8. As I said before, I'm no Wrye Bash expert (noob would be a more appropriate handle). What I see in your BOSS report is quite a few suggestions for Bash Tags (to be used for building your bashed patch I believe), warnings about buggy mods (e.g. Natural Weather ... I know that Hickory will suggest changing to Weather - All Natural), duplicate esps (e.g. Living Economy and Living Economy - SI ... only use one at a time, i.e. only use the SI version if you have Shivering Isles installed), suggestions for mods that can be cleaned using TES4Edit (many mods have 'dirty edits' ... records that were edited in the CS and then changed back to vanilla settings that can be 'cleaned' by TES4Edit, among other things it can do) and possible conflicts (e.g. DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.4] Possible conflict with Frostcrag Reborn. Do not use both or land tearing will occur ... but I don't see Frostcrag Reborn in your mod list ... it's just giving you a heads up in case you ever think about using Frostcrag Reborn i.e. ignore for now). There's a lot of info, some more useful than others but reading through the suggestions could save days searching the web looking for solutions to problems. Here's a rip of Hickory's bashed patch suggested method:
  9. Have you tried starting a new game without any of your omega-fast? I seem to recall something about a tortoise and a hare a long time ago ...
  10. You have already mentioned that you've deleted your Oblivion.ini to allow the game to redetect your hardware and rebuild your Oblivion.ini. That's the only other suggestion that I can think of. One caveat on doing that ... make sure it's not your Oblivion_default.ini located in your game install Oblivion directory. The one in your My Documents\My Games\Oblivion is the one you're after and exit the game after starting it before changing any settings to get the Oblivion.ini file initialized first.
  11. Good thing hard drive space is cheap (ish). Backups are great, but when you get older you'll learn how valuable notes on what you've done are. I keep 'em right in the folder with the backups so I'll know where to find 'em.
  12. Are your sound card drivers up-to-date? I do recall seeing posts here that similar situations to your's came down to sound card issues.
  13. Thanks for the update with your solution. I have heard that Windows 7's XP compatibility mode is supposed to be a better XP than Windows XP. Was it disabling the secondary monitor that turned the trick or XP compatibility mode?
  14. I'm not really much of a resource for Wyre Bash troubleshooting myself (as a matter of fact I've never installed it ... I'm still learning it's ropes following along in Hickory's posts and some day I'll need to make the plunge, once my mod list demands it). I found one of his posts with his pictorial load order posting guide here. If you're having issues getting WB to run that won't help you. You've said that this a brand new machine ... is Oblivion installed in the default C:\Program Files (x86) directory? If so the Microsoft security feature UAC may be giving you grief. If you can wait for Hickory to see this post he'll be THE GUY to get to the root of your problem.
  15. Before you quit the game open the console using the tilde ( ~ ) key and enter "saveini" (without the quote marks). This won't solve your crash problem but will get your changed setting saved in Oblivion.ini. Edit: Hopefully your bashed patch is loaded last in your load order. Check out some of Hickory's posts for a pictorial guide on how to post your load list using Wrye Bash.
  16. Here's two links to unistall/re-install guides. The first is to bben46's unistall/re-install guide from here at the Nexus and the other to an unofficial technical FAQ at Bethsoft. The DVD uninstall method mentioned in bben46's guide and explained in more detail in the FAQ link combined with registry cleaning (CCleaner is a good choice) gives you your best chance at a clean start.
  17. On your first issue, have you tried replacing the textures with ones you do like? Just rename the ones you like to match the ones you want to replace and copy & paste into the appropriate folder created by the mod (overwriting when prompted). I imagine you could do the same with the meshes if the textures you want don't work with the FCOM meshes you don't like. One caveat ... I always keep backups of what I'm overwriting and notes on what I've done. Makes restoring things later (or recreating my changes after an update of a mod) much easier.
  18. Was there a particular reason for using the HorsePCBlackCheydinhal instead of the HorseBlack? I just did a quick check using a Test esp I have with some bandits and a horse (uses the HorseBay resource) and I can ride it after I've dispatched the bandits. I know it stays where it's left, as I've often left the Test.esp active while doing other things in the game and it just stands there patiently.
  19. The way I understand it a bashed patch is basically an esp (just like your mods) that combines and resolves the conflicts between mods. It is placed at the end of your load order so that the changes in the bashed patch take precedence over both mod A's and mod B's resources (where they conflict) with the merged resources of the patch. There are various tools used when building the patch to determine how the conflicts are resolved. So Hickory ... did I get it right??
  20. Are you starting the CS with obse_loader? Here's an excerpt from the OBSE readme: I edited my CS desktop shortcut to run obse_loader ... just make sure the -editor switch is located after the quote( " ) mark. (i.e. "C:\Games\Oblivion\obse_loader.exe" -editor).
  21. The Oblivion Game of the Year edition is at version 1.2.0416 right after the install (no updating). At least the GotY that I installed on my daughter's machine a few weeks ago was (bought at Staples). Edit: Have you made sure that your previous efforts (uninstalling/re-installing) haven't left registry entries behind. The DVD uninstall method that is mentioned in bben46's uninstall/re-install guide + CCleaner is the most thorough way to get a true fresh install. Here's another link detailing the DVD uninstall method.
  22. Here's an excerpt from the UESP Wiki walkthrough for the quest (from the Bugs section):
  23. You may have left over registry entries giving you problems. One of the moderators here, bben46 has posted this uninstall/re-install guide to help get a thorough job done. Give it a look-over and see if you can see anything you've not done that may help.
  24. When you give them an inventory food item make sure to change the number of units to -1 (negative one). That will give them an unlimited supply. Edit: After you add or edit some food on the tables that they have access to you'll need to give them a Find package with Food as a target to get them to search for it.
  25. I'm glad you got it all sorted out and thank you for posting what your solution was ... it's good to do a little to help the next guy. :thumbsup:
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