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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. You probably have a save from near Leyawiin (judging by your wall problem). Go down along the coast well past the Forsaken Mine, past the little unused dock until you get close to the edge of Cyrodiil on the map and you'll see a perfectly straight line of cyprus trees that starts off out in the water and then gradually comes onto the shore as you're looking south (actually SSW). Those are trees generated automatically that have not been moved from their generated position by hand. Now that you know one of the features to look for (a straight line of something like trees) you'll start to notice them elsewhere (and will probably begin cursing my name from time to time when that happens).
  2. OA is getting at the method I used to nail down the culprit in my case. First you need a save (hopefully very close to immediately before an incident ... in my case a save from inside or outside a city gate just before I exited/entered). Then you need to prove that it is in fact a repeatable incident when loading that save (so in my case like yours it didn't happen every time, so yes I had a lot of saves that were not suitable for testing). Once you have a few consistently repeatable saves to use for testing it's just a matter of disabling/uninstalling mods and checking if the problem remains or not. I was lucky that in my case I had only added one mod before this started (Ashes to Ashes) so the hardest part was getting my repeatable saves. Wrap up your test by re-enabling/re-installing the mod your findings show is the culprit and confirm that the problem returns. - Edit - I like the new avatar OA :thumbsup:
  3. I never extract from the vanilla game BSAs directly to my game install's folders ... it's always done to a folder outside of the game (actually on a different drive). Only when/if I decide to use the vanilla asset does it see the inside of my game folders. When I get ready to upload a mod (not that I have done it but a few times) I create the entire mod install outside of my game (again on that separate Data drive) ... so that is all files in their correct folder structure. I'm a real step by step type, so once I am certain that I have all prepared correctly I then zip up the download into it's own folder (actually a subfolder of the one I create for the project ... so in the end there is one subfolder that has the uncompressed mod and one that has the compressed download). The compressed archive is uploaded to the mod page, and then when problems get reported I have the uncompressed folder to refer to for troubleshooting.
  4. For me it was NPCs near city gates spontaneously dying but I narrowed it down to Ashes to Ashes ... which was a real shame as it is a very cool mod. As soon as I uninstalled Ashes to Ashes the unexplained deaths stopped.
  5. Yes to test you need a save made from before that character has ever been anywhere remotely close to that location. I'm a packrat, so I have my old saves for each character going back to their game start. In the case of your location I would use a save from the very first time that character was at somewhere no further than Pell's Gate on the road towards Bravil. The safest bet is use your save from before exiting the sewer (or from immediately outside the tutorial sewer exit). I always have those saves backed up for just such "tricky" situations. What you see in game when you either drop something from inventory or you look at something placed in the world via the Construction Set are the _gnd.nif files (ground files). What you see on your character (so clothes, armor, rings and amulets etc) are the files without any _??? before the NIF part (so cuirass.nif displays on your character and cuirass_gnd.nif displays when you drop it from inventory or load up a mod that doesn't place their new cuirass to the game by placing it in the chest ... plenty of old mods that just scattered stuff around the Market District for example). Natually what you see in your Inventory screen is the icon file cuirass.dds which as Drake points out must be located in a subfolder off either Data\Textures\Menus\Icons (or Menus50\Icons or Menus80\Icons depending on the screen resolution ... many mods don't include an icon texture for lower screen resolutions, which gives me some "work" asking the user what game resolution they are playing at). You can unpack any vanilla game resource you want to use from Oblivion - Meshes.bsa or Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa and either use the same folder path as vanilla (in which case your item will be a replacer for the vanilla game item) or by giving the item a unique folder path for the various assets (meshes, textures, icons etc). You always need to remember that the vanilla game's assets are almost always found in a BSA, which is why I find BSA Unpacker such a useful tool (even just as a browser to see what options can be found when looking for resources such as icons suitable for something I'm adding to the game that doesn't include icon resources ... the file names usually prompt a picture of the vanilla game item's icon to pop into my head).
  6. You are aware that items worn use a different mesh than items on display/just laying around on the ground? The world items are the _gnd.nif files, so check those in NifSkope to verify your textures are correct. I only extract the files I need from the vanilla game (or mod added) BSAs. At one time I used Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM) for that but now I use BSA Unpacker (which is just the same tool from OBMM but you don't need to load all of the rest of OBMM to use it). Keep in mind that load door locations get baked into saves, so for testing you need to start from a save that has never been close enough to the door location that the game registered it (in your case I'd start from a save in Bravil or Leyawiin, which provided you are not using a mod that changes cities to "open" (i.e. part of the Tamriel worldspace) would put your character in either of those city's worldspaces). Yes, I do all I can to make testing tedious.
  7. Did you keep the original paths to the meshes and textures intact, and use all of the texture files included with the resource? The path to textures for a mesh is defined in the mesh itself, so if you have changed the texture path the game won't find them. My understanding is purple is a missing colour map file (the ones ending in .dds as opposed to those that define the normal map ending in _n.dds). NifSkope can help you find the texture path the mesh expects (open the various branches in the left hand panel until you find the one with the little purple flower ... it will display the expected texture path).
  8. That's an easy one HadTo ... the thinnest one that will get the job done. The hard part is getting the nurses to let you make the selection (they always lean towards the largest because it will get the job done quickest).
  9. Be very careful when you're listening to others as you never know where it may lead ... https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2021/01/24
  10. How are you sorting your load order (i.e. BOSS, LOOT or just unsorted)?
  11. For TES4Edit to load the dependancies they don't need to be activated ... just in the Data folder with the ESP will do (from my experience anyway).
  12. Best one I know of giving advice on getting mods working in Vortex is HadToRegister (a while back HadTo put together Vortex and Oblivion, an Experiment ... can't say if OR was included or not). HadToRegister is a regular at checking in on the Vortex Support forum.
  13. If you are talking about the point where the Corbolo River joins the Niben (so pretty well directly across from the previous spot) I don't know of anything that touches that spot ... but that doesn't mean nothing touches that spot. There is a possible Oblivion Gate site just north of that (you'll see it if you scroll down a bit on the UESP Wiki map for Culotte). In all there are 100 possible locations that can spawn an Oblivion Gate. In a normal vanilla game there can be a maximum of 60 of those gates spawned (ten locations are guaranteed after you find Martin and deliver him to Weynon Priory, but in practice you will have 20 as you progress further into the main Quest). The remaining 40 of the 60 will be randomly picked from the 80 locations that are left. When your character gets close to one of the possible spots you'll see it appear in the HUD compass. I'm a "60 gate guy" (aka a bugger for punishment) and on my current playthrough I thought I had already found my 60 gate locations (with one of those being the one just north of Vergayun) I generally only close the ones that are close to roads or other "busy" spots as I find them, the rest I close as I get around to it. I was very surprised when I saw the "undiscovered" Oblivion Gate marker show up on my compass to give me 61. After I got around to closing the gate north of Vergayun I had my "Paul Harvey" moment. Arthmoor used the location and Tamriel part of the gate but as you step into it you are in a ruined representation of the Inn at Vergayun ... gives you a sort of "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore" vibe. It is a hallmark of Arthmoor's work to disturb the vanilla game as little as possible, so the Vergayun gate doesn't count towards your possible 60 (hence giving you 61 possible).
  14. I think I know where you are talking about. The only mod I know at that spot is Aranmathi Ayleid Home. Arthmoor's Vergayun is just north of there at the little dock east of Fort Variela (and Arthmoor's mod takes over the Oblivion Gate just north of that ... which just means that you can then have a maximum of 61 gates). - Edit - I use the map at UESP Wiki a lot ... for example Oblivion Map - Fort Variela shows where the dock I'm talking about is, and if you scroll south just a bit so that the rock south of the point shows that has a Nirnroot you'll see the straight section of coast that is where Aranmathi sits (it's just in the water off that part of shore, not quite up to the two large rocks on the shore south of the dock).
  15. I believe that Oblivion Gates are a rather special case, as each one includes changes to the landscape. If you moved it the landscape edits wouldn't line up in the new location (my guess mind you ... don't think I've ever seen it done or attempted). When arranging your light sources the biggest killer after flickering and casting shadows (leave them off as much as possible) is when you have them intersecting/overlapping. A case of one too few is better than one too many.
  16. To the group that brings in more ad revenue. I've always maintained if you are looking for "the truth" follow the money trail ... it will always lead you to the "why" things are the way they are.
  17. OB Cyrodiil Cell Grid Map is old (last updated in 2008) so it probably isn't complete plus it only covers the Unique Landscape cell use, but it's about all I know of.
  18. Doors (at least load doors) get baked into your save. Only way to test changes is to use a save that has never had any contact with the door you are testing.
  19. It makes absolutely no difference which course of action is chosen out of all the possible things that could be changed ... somebody will be offended at the same time someone else is pleased. So who should we pander to, which of these two people?
  20. Added some highlight in case you missed it Pekka ... I'm guessing it's a dialogue result script.
  21. At times it does seem to be uphill in all directions ... https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2021/01/15
  22. I do understand Calvin. At times it seems uphill no matter which direction I'm looking ... https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2021/01/15
  23. And waste the potential aromatherapy session??
  24. They will be found in the Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion folder (look for MessageLog.txt). Edit - Oops ... was thinking of the wrong topic.
  25. Thanks for the indept responce. Given the fact I mentioned ealier how the khajiitfix.esp did cause some issues. Maybe removing it will fix the issues. I didn't know that OCOv2.03 has it built in not needing the khajiitfix.esp. That might be the issues overall. I'm going to try that now. I wasn't thinking/suggesting along those lines. Depending on which order you install (read over the part about Wrye Bash and the Installers tab) you will either have version 2.03 Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp (which includes all of the fixes up to the last and latest before Nuska left Nexus) or you will have an Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp that includes the Khajiit fix but doesn't include all of the fixes that came along afterwards (look at the upload dates on all of the downloads available on the OCO v2 mod page Files tab to get an idea of what would then be "missing" if you install the Khajiit fix after version 2.03). My point was do not use the Khajiit fix download at all ... it's in the Old Files section for a reason.
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