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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. If Realistic Fatigue is one of those "fair bit of mods" you should be looking into RealisticFatigue.ini (specifically the Skill Advancement Settings section).
  2. Not sure what Wrye Bash is telling us with the two dots before Enhanced Water v2.0 ND.esp but the mod description makes it clear you either use that ESP or the HD version, not both.
  3. This reminds me of a similar situation with Skin-toned Mannequins from back when I used to use that mod. I don't recall having much luck with the jump trick it mentions in the Issues section of the mod description but I seem to recall that talking to an NPC helped. In the end the hoops required to jump through to use the mod out-weighed it's perceived benefits so it never made it into my current guy's load order. This game has some very weird anomalies.
  4. Have a look at FOV Zoom. I use it myself for getting my 90 degree FOV but don't use the toggle feature at all, but it may be just the ticket for you to easily switch between FOV levels (fully adjustable via the INI file). - Edit - Just did a quick test in game at the FOV Zoom.ini defaults (90 normal and 45 for zoomed) ... I think it will be just what you need after you switch zoomed to 65 degrees in the INI.
  5. If that's the case I can't say I've ever run across something like that. Like Kats said, in Oblivion we have that single global FOV. I did turn up one nugget so far ... First Person Arm Clip Fix for Custom FOV. As so often seems to happen, when I was looking for that mod earlier I couldn't find it. Now that I'm looking for something else of course it pops right out at me. I haven't tried it myself as it is a skeleton.nif replacer and I prefer another variation on the Growlf Universal Skeleton Nif myself. I do play at 90 degrees FOV so I get to see the inside of my arms at times. It's another of those occasions where my patented "Selective Vision" comes in handy (I only notice things I choose to notice, everything else gets filtered out).
  6. I recall seeing a mod that lowered the position of the shield when you are not actively blocking (could have been part of an animation replacer). I'm not sure if I have it downloaded myself or not, and nothing is coming to mind regarding a name for the mod. If I get a chance I'll poke around in my downloads and maybe that will trigger something in the old memory bank.
  7. Is your concern how you can "see" inside the ends of your arms in first person with a FOV greater than 60?
  8. Yes my previous two characters (who didn't use Stolen Item Ownership) were far more limited for options regarding stolen stuff until they joined the Thieves Guild (do you steal that heavy cuirass in Anvil and then need to haul it's weight all the way to Inn of Ill Omen to see if Manheim even has enough gold to make it worth while). Even after joining the Thieves Guild you are limited to Ongar in Bruma until you have fenced enough stuff to get Dar Jee (Leyawiin ... again at the extremes of the map). The game was designed to make you traipse from one end of the map to the other over and over again. My guess is that your mod would find an audience providing your fences are more centrally located (say Skingrad and Aleswell for example), if you choose to create a version for release that is (the majority of my "work" was created for personal use and will never see the light of day as a download, so I understand that way quite well).
  9. From what I see in the manual for your B450M motherboard it appears you only have two fan headers to plug into on the motherboard (see CPU_FAN at the top of the first picture and then SYS_FAN1 to the left half way down). That means you will be pluging your additional fans into extra outlets on your power supply (quite possibly where your current front case fan is currently plugged). Before you go shopping for a new fan have a look at your current front fan and also whether or not your power supply has any unused power outlets. If you do have spare power available then all you'll need is a fan with the correct connector (or that has an adapter for the power supply type plug to the smaller fan type like you see on the motherboard). If you do not have a spare power outlet then you'll need a splitter for the outlet your current front fan is using so that both fans can use the same outlet (fans are not a big power draw so there is no problems using multiple fans on one power supply outlet).
  10. Most everything I've learned about modding is by looking at how others have solved a particular problem (and experimentation ... I learn a lot by doing things not right). You see the result script stuff on the Dialogue menus. The character I've been playing the past 6 or so years works the stolen item thing from a different direction using Stolen Item Ownership, but even then it's primarily for resetting the stolen flag on items that get a stolen flag due to either the Enhanced Economy or Put In Place mods I use. My guy has had more gold than he needs to get by since about level 5 or 6, and now at level 44 I spend much thought on finding ways to not get gold (and he's still sitting on nearly 1/2 million gold). Early in the game when he needed to steal on occasion to survive it was mostly food, and good old Manheim at the Inn of Ill Omen is my go to guy for selling stolen items if I don't want to use Stolen Item Ownership to clear the flag on.
  11. I'm far from being an expert on the subject, but I'd look at dialogue Result Scripts for the real fences vs your fences.
  12. I disabled all my mods and changed the settings and they saved. Now I'm gonna try to re-enable them and see if it stays. EDIT: They did, now the mods are causing issues lol thanks for the help though! I'm curious ... are you using a mod manager like MO2 or Vortex?
  13. Ya ... I was doing my step by step looking at an old character's INI (from back in my WinXP days ... I am a dinosaur). Only other thing I can suggest to check is what it says in the Properties - Security tab for Full Control and Modify under the Allow column.
  14. Yes, it allows writing for myself, the system and administrators Does it have the same for Authenticated Users (again ... I'm on Win 7 so that may or may not still exist for Win 10)?
  15. When you have the account you are currently using highlighted?
  16. In the Properties dialogue box look on the Security tab and make sure you see a check mark next to Write in the list in the Allow column. - Edit - That is when you have your currently logged in User account highlighted in the Group or User Names box at the top.
  17. The game uses Oblivion_Default.ini to build/rebuild Oblivion.ini if it can't find it in the Users\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder. It will simply ignore the Oblivion.ini you have in the Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion folder.
  18. Make sure you are looking at Oblivion.ini (found in the Users\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder) and not Oblivion_Default.ini (which is located in your game's Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion folder).
  19. Right click on Oblivion.ini and select Properties. I'm on Win 7 so it may be a bit different in Win 10 but in the Win 7 Properties dialogue box General tab you'll see two tick boxes down at the bottom ... Read Only and Hidden. Remove the tick from Read Only and click Apply. After you make your changes in-game just remember to turn Read only back on (OR doesn't like Oblivion.ini being Read and Write access).
  20. Oblivion Reloaded changes Oblivion.ini to read only. You'll need to change Oblivion.ini to read and write access, make your changes in game settings, and then change Oblivion.ini back to read only.
  21. Where are you getting the Fence faction from ... I don't see it listed as a vanilla game faction. That leads me to think your problem is from having another mod's ESP as a master (can't be done except through Wrye Bash's ESMify/ESPify or Construction Set Extender). - Edit - OK now I see it listed in the CS (it's missing from the UESP Wiki page for factions). To test to see if the player owned cell is a problem put them somewhere that is public and test (stick 'em with good old Shady Sam for as test ... he could use the company). - Edit 2 - What is their Thieves Guild rank? Also is their Class MerchFence?
  22. Skill books only provide a one time boost the first time they are read so even if the player had multiple copies before reading one it still would only provide the single skill perk.
  23. In Oblivion Character Overhaul v2 different races have different age slider related features beyond just looking older.. You can avoid any you don't like by using the age slider in CharGen, but it is also possible to apply AgeTextureOverrides using Blockhead on a PerNPC basis (so applied to just your character). It's simple to do ... just some folder creation and file copying and renaming. Let me know if you'd like a step by step.
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