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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Hickory's the expert on this stuff, but isn't your bashed patch supposed to be at the bottom of your list??
  2. Is your Oblivion install directory Program Files\Oblivion?? If so and you're running either Vista or Windows 7 then you are being stymied by the Microsoft security feature called UAC. Your best option is to install Oblivion outside your Program Files directory (e.g. C:\Games\Oblivion). If your problem is indeed UAC, one of the moderators here bben46 has posted this uninstall/re-install guide which will assist in getting a complete and correct job done.
  3. Your little 'bounce' might be from fore's NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer. There is a 'breathe' animation that can be altered or eliminated through alternate animations he includes in the archive.
  4. Here's a link to bben46's How to Post a Load Order. If it's a long list be sure to put a ["spoiler"] tag (without the quotes) before the start of the list and another ["/spoiler"] after (again without the quotation marks and don't forget the slash(/)).
  5. You don't give much info regarding what mods other than Ren's you've had trouble with. Here's a step by step that I use for manual install (I only use OMODs for mods that don't 'respond' well to my manual install methods). You could also call this 'Striker's Rather Lengthy Manual Install Procedure'. :tongue: Good luck.
  6. Have you tried posting your problem on the mod's Comment page. It doesn't look like BlackStorm999 is actively supporting this mod any longer (last post in mod comments Sept 2, 2010) but DrakeTheDragon who supplied the dragon models and textures is still active on the mod comments, offering what advice he can. You could also read through the mod comments yourself ... as mrolympia78 so aptly put, everyone seems to have one or two problems with the mod. There are also a couple of caveats mentioned in the mod description: Have you met the requirements?? Are you using the 'a few times' method?? Getting help for mod problems is somewhat akin to trying to get hit by lightning. You can just go outside and wait. Perhaps someday you'll get 'lucky' and a bolt will come down out of the sky. You could also go somewhere that has lots of thunderstorms and stand under a tree (preferably while holding an umbrella) ... it would increase your chances of getting 'lucky'. I find the mod Comments page generally makes the best 'tree' ... your mileage may differ.
  7. Here's a link to a guide on posting links using OBMM, and another using various methods (kinda' cryptic and sparse on details though).
  8. Depending how many Steam games you have installed this could be a big project. Oblivion and any other Steam games would need to be uninstalled and then Steam as well. Re-install Steam to C:\Games\Steam. Then re-install your Steam games, including Oblivion to C:\Games\Steam\... . Any non-Steam games would go in their own directory in C:\Games. I would advise getting more info from the Steam website regarding your options when uninstalling and re-installing Steam and Steam games. I would think that registering an unistall should free up a re-install, but I'm not a Steam user ... my only experience is with Impulse (and that's the policy there). One of the moderators here, bben46 has posted this uninstall/re-install guide to help get the Oblivion part done completely and correctly.
  9. Not sure if you've seen the UESP resources for the Elven Gardens Sewer uk_john. I've found their map resources pretty helpful at times. This excerpt might help you with your door:
  10. Excerpted from the UESP quest walkthrough for Nothing You Can Possess: I could be wrong on this, but my thinking is that you need to talk to Umbacano after reading the book to get the map marker (see bold text in above quote).
  11. Here's a link to a guide on how to post a load order. If it's a long list put a ["spoiler"] tag (without the quotes) before the list and a ["/spoiler"] after, again without the quotation marks. Don't forget the slash (/) inside the second tag (one of my favourite things to do).
  12. I had a look at the walkthrough for the mod. Here's a quote excerpted from the walkthrough preamble: This doesn't sound like a 'run & gun' type mod ... more of a 'figure out this puzzle' type mod. If you're not a figure out this puzzle type of person here's an excerpt about your tower: Note the part bolded at the end of this quote.
  13. @ paladinultima Your issue sounds more Vista or Windows 7 UAC related. Edit: Did you see Hickory's answer on your original thread?
  14. And I was doing the same while you posted. :biggrin: The key thing to remember when pasting is to make sure you're pasting at one directory level higher. If you copied the Data folder from your download you paste into the Oblivion folder of your game. If you copied your meshes folder from your download, you'd paste into your Data folder in your game. I've had my share of Data inside Data screw-ups. 'One higher' is my mod install mantra.
  15. I'm not much help on mod conflicts myself. Perhaps Hickory can see something ... usually he responds to your type of problem. Perhaps you slipped down the list too far and he missed you. Does it still happen if you load an older save (from before the problem started)?
  16. When it's asking you to overwrite it gives you the impression that you will lose the current contents of your Data folder. Windows does that because they are both the same name at that level of the directory structure. If you look inside Data you may see other directories (folders) that are named the same (e.g. meshes and Textures). If you expand all the folders of the zip, rar or 7z archive you'll see folders and or files that have names that are unique to that particular mod. Oblivion requires certain locations for different types of files (.nif files need to be in meshes for example, while .dds files belong in Textures). To get the files into the correct directories the mod author needs to adhere to that directory structure. So that it's easy to install into the correct locations, most authors package their compressed mod using the complete required directory structure, starting from Data. When you say 'Yes to All' when installing a mod and copying the mod's Data folder to your Oblivion directory Windows doesn't erase the current contents of Oblivion\Data, it appends the mod's Data\meshes and or Data\Textures to what is already there. Nothing lost from your original, just the new content added as long as there are no files named the same. This is where you need to check your new mod beforehand. You can check the contents of the new mod inside the WinZip, WinRAR or 7-Zip window before unzipping to your Oblivion directory, and then look at your Oblivion\Data and subdirectory contents using Windows Explorer. Alternatively you can unpack the archive to a separate folder and then use Windows Explorer to make your comparison. I like to download mods to a separate directory within the OblivionDownloads directory I have created for downloads, and then unpack the mod into that subdirectory. I can look for files that may be overwritten by the new mod, and it gives me a backup of the unzipped mod contents after I've completed the install. Obviously I have no restrictions on hard drive space available. After checking things out, installing is as simple as right click the Data folder of the new mod and selecting 'Copy', and then right clicking my Oblivion directory and selecting 'Paste' from the right click menu. 'Yes to All' at the prompt and then activate the mod using the Oblivion game launcher 'Data Files'. If you have OBSE installed you will need to use the original shortcut or Start Menu link to start Oblivion and bring up the game launcher menu to select 'Data Files', then exit and launch Oblivion using the OBSE shortcut you'd normally use.
  17. The console command 'resurrect 1' doesn't bring her around??
  18. I'm recently retired ... I feel the $pain$. I've gone from building one or two machines a year to wondering when I'll build my next. Fortunately Oblivion (modestly modded) runs OK on my current box. I wish I'd know what a '67 was going to be worth when I was young. Could have picked one up for a lot less than $27K.
  19. @ aagar Are you patching Oblivion up to 1.2.0416? I had a look at Direct2Drive but couldn't determine version info (is your download already patched up?).
  20. Further info regarding pchclx's post ... if in fact your Oblivion install is in the default Program Files (x86) directory the Microsoft security feature UAC causes grief once you start to use mods in Oblivion. It doesn't interfere until you start changing things. One of the moderators here bben46 has posted this guide to help a proper uninstall/re-install. If you have been successfully running OBMM and installing mods with it, you are probably already outside the Program Files (x86) directory and the issue may be around your renaming and moving the directory it expects to find. According to advice I've read by one of the frequent and knowledgeable posters on the site if you re-install OBMM it will pick up your already install OMODs. Edit: Reference post
  21. I'm sure I'll be corrected if I'm wrong, but I think Wrye Bash is the conflict finding tool. I've found that the order I install replacer mods is very important. I look at the directory structure and files of a replacer and what will be replaced in my Oblivion installation long before starting a mod install. That way I know what to backup and then restore after I've installed the newest mod to get things back the way I like them. Because I install most everything manually I need to do all the work. There are tools like BAIN that take care of some of this ... I've not explored that path yet. If you can figure out what files got overwritten (by looking at the files a mod installed and where they were installed vs the order you installed them) you may be able to get things back. That may lead to more problems ... use this advice at your own risk. I'm used to tinkering and back tracking when I mess up ... your mileage may vary.
  22. Bben46 wasn't suggesting you were breaking the rules here, merely summarizing the rules for you so that you didn't get on the wrong side of them. Have you tried asking for help on the Bethesda site, as bben46 suggested or possibly on XBox 360 forums? If we had an answer for you we'd gladly give it. Your problem is outside our experience (mine at least). Also outside my experience is jail or prison time but I would be doubtful if they allowed much XBox time while incarcerated. I know it's frustrating not being able to fix your problem. When I'm making comments like "Also outside my experience is jail or prison time" I'm not trying to make light of your problem, more trying to help put it into perspective. If you keep looking for solutions to your problem, here and elsewhere you'll eventually find the solution, if one exists. If you can't find a solution it will be disappointing and not your preferred outcome I'm sure but comments including violence don't attract the kind of attention that will lead to a solution.
  23. Obviously you've already read this: There are tips for stick handling around this issue in the walkthrough. It will come down to how much progress you'll lose by loading the pre-Miscarcand save vs the stick handling to keep Martin alive. I myself went full nuclear at that stage, so Martin had enchanted permanent bound armor except cuirass (his own is enchanted) and I had done the Miscarcand quest without the glitch. One way gives you the option to go 'full nuclear' ... the other sort of 'requires' it.
  24. I see on the mod Comments page that on Jan 14 Khettienna responded to a question concerning OMODs: She has this guide linked on all her mods, as well as this link for if you're having trouble. I know from reading a number of her mods comments that she insists you follow through the instructions on those two links before asking for help in the mod comments (she has quite a few mods to support and, rightly so, wants to limit her time used in supporting them. She covers off all the usual stuff in those guides). If you've done that and can give a specific account of the OMOD error (packaged weirdly wasn't likely the exact terminology that OBMM used) Khettienna or someone reading this post may be able to offer further assistance.
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