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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Not at all (at least for me). That's exactly what I was after. Having no experience with Steam Overlay (I'm a non-Steam type of guy) I'll be of no help resolving that, but I do understand exactly what you're asking now. I do have a question though. Is there any problem starting your GotY Oblivion using the Bethesda provided game launch menu? Edit: The other issue that pops out now that I look is the: This is not a problem if you are running Windows XP. If you are running Windows 7 or Vista the Microsoft security feature UAC will give you grief and may be involved in your problem.
  2. Here ... I'll do the heavy lifting and get the boxes into the house. You'll have to decide what shelves to put the stuff on. Wasn't difficult ... click two links. You're welcome.
  3. Ahh ... bugged quests. I'm bugged by bugged quests myself, so I've taken to having the UESP quest walkthrough up on the laptop beside me. Even then, for some quests you can do something before starting the quest that breaks it. No warnings ... just broken. I had a look at the two quests you mention. I'm not saying that your mods and/or load order aren't also involved in the problems but here's what I've found: A Rat Problem Pinarus' AI schedule is supposed to allow you to complete the quest, so perhaps one of your mods interfered there. Corruption and Conscience - Here's one with multiple ways to fail. Here's an excerpt from the bugs section with just Aldos bugs: Again, perhaps a mod has 'helped' a buggy situation along (i.e. your Open Cities AI door) but Aldos doesn't always know where he's going or what he's doing (AI suffers from booze induced fog??).
  4. Have you looked at NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer? The mods author fore has recently added horseback animations, and I'm sure that there is one like that included (check out the videos on the download page).
  5. Hehe ... I knew I was usin' a bit 'o poetic licence. If you ever played Knee Deep In Dead this will blow you away. Here's the link for it on Doom3 Files (hosted by FileFront I believe). First pinky I ran into ate me alive. Gotta' love it. Edit: You've got to scroll down near the bottom of the page and it will take you to Gamefront for the download ... just got a backup copy myself. Your Doom 3 will need to be patched up to 1.3.1 so don't forget to get the patch too if you're reinstalling from the retail disks. Steam is already patched up I think (I'm a non-Steam type of guy myself).
  6. The High Rez Textures work with whatever body size you pick. Both NoMaaM Animation Replacer and Theatre the same deal. While the Theatre won't work on your companions it will work on all those other NPCs in the game. And you just have to meet 'Bad Marcy'. I leave it at that ... try it. OMOD installation, so it's easy to disable when you don't want it anymore but it doesn't interfere with your game at all other than adding a few lesser power spells to your list. I use Luchaires Neck Seam Concealer myself ... good catch Telyn. Doesn't completely make the seam disappear but it's a vast improvement ... another must have. I don't have SI loaded yet so I don't use the High Elf fix so my high elfs have different heads ... you get used to it (or you can load SI and only use the textures). Have a look at Xtudo's Personality Idles 4 - Modified version - NPCs and companions - v1.4 as an option for your 'gorilla stance'. If you don't mind doing a little tweaking yourself in the Construction Set it's not too hard to personalize. I slipped a little Seductive Idle B from another mod into the mix for mine (the one from the Anvil gang).
  7. I've no experience with Boot Camp (haven't even been on a Mac in 15 years). The more layers you add between your software (Oblivion in this case) and your hardware, the more it will tax the system. Look at it this way ... make a good backup of your Oblivion\Data folder and give it a try. You don't like it, revert back.
  8. Make sure you don't have a tick in the 'Always Use This Program' box. A safer bet is open Wordpad from the Start menu and then use File - Open to open your save. You'll need to select 'All Files' from the drop down for file types at the bottom to see your save. Nice tip Graxster ... I've added it to my bag o tricks (if you don't mind). :thumbsup:
  9. High Rez Skin Textures for HGEC - 4096 x 4096 if your system has the horsepower for it, otherwise 2048 x 2048 is good. NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer - you won't want to fight guys after this one ... get yourself lots of BBBed armor replacers. NoMaaM BBB Animation Theatre - try it, you'll see why it's recommended. 'Nuff said.
  10. Nary a mention of one of my favourites of long long ago ... Harpoon. Privateer got a page one mention (the Elder Scrolls: Oblivion of the space based RPGs) Another fav of mine ... but only a 'hybrid' retro ... Classic Doom 3 (Doom 3 game engine with all the Knee Deep In The Dead content ported ... the pinkys from Doom 3 only LOTS of them).
  11. I'm an NVIDIA guy myself, so I had to look on AMD's site for info on your video card. There wasn't much info beyond specs for that general series (the 4600 series) so I'm unsure of your cards specifics (e.g. GDDR3 or DDR3 or DDR2 for memory interface). Generally speaking because Oblivion is an older game it doesn't use all the capabilities of a modern computer (or Mac). For instance, the Havok physics engine that Oblivion uses can't run on a GPU. There are some tweaks that can be made but it's not going to use all your hardware's capability like Far Cry 2 or something like that. It's also not a FPS so it doesn't need high frames per second to be playable. That said, mods like some of those you mention will bring your fps down. It's a balancing act between image quality, content quality and playability. There are a number of mods that help in that regard to help balance out those that work to get your fps lower. :biggrin: Add mods one or two at a time and test in between. Read the mod description pages carefully, looking for all the info you can find around compatibility with other mods and how it will affect your system. Often the Comments page for the mod is your best friend. Edit: CPU should be good ... you're one speed grade above me, but I don't use BC or FCOM.
  12. As far as I know the reference IDs for vanilla Oblivion start with 00 so I think you're looking at something a mod's added. I believe the first two digits will correspond to the mod that adds them according to your load order. The refIDs are in hexadecimal so a little conversion is required. 1b would be the 12th mod in your load order, 22 should be 19th (I think) and 01 1st. Edit: A little rethinking ... those numbers should be shifted by 1, forgot to start at zero.
  13. I'll give Hickory a leg up on this one ... first thing that he'll need is your load order. As you said that you use OBMM here's bben46's How to Post a Load Order.
  14. Glad your problems are resolved. If you were asking for advice on mods for improving graphics and gameplay you might get more response if you post a new thread in Oblivion Discussion or Oblivion Mod Talk.
  15. The information you've given us is very confusing. You claim to have the retail version of the game. Did you try to run the Steam version update on the retail version?? Makes me think you're running the Steam version but starting it from a shortcut pointing elsewhere ... or you're just confusing me. Clear concise information on the game you have installed (e.g. Oblivion Game of the Year Edition or Oblivion original that was bundled with Bioshock or something equally descriptive) and any updates and patches you have installed (e.g. Official Oblivion patch version 1.2.0416 or Unofficial Oblivion Patch) ... that's what we need before we can start to figure out your problem.
  16. Hickory would be your best source for the WryeBash vs OBMM question. My limited understanding is that for modest sized mod load lists, that do not have mods that conflict with one another OBMM will be fine. I've a dozen or so mods on my list (counting my own 'home-rolled' efforts) and so far haven't needed anything to reorder the list. I'll need to cross that bridge some day I'm sure.
  17. Two questions ... 1) Did you remember to delete the DLCList.txt file that Hickory mentioned in post #5 (thought that may have got lost in the .reg problem shuffle we had going there)? 2) Did you try the safe mode re-install/uninstall method mentioned in the Unofficial Technical FAQ that you posted in post #19? Here's a quote of the part I'm refering to: What they're talking about there is a complete Oblivion uninstall, but you may need to go there if you want the KotN problem resolved (or play all the rest of the game and pretend that the KotN doesn't exist ... an option :biggrin: )
  18. Cross-referencing from another thread ... similar/different problem and I stumbled across this Unofficial Technical FAQ. Here's a quote: Might be worth a try before you get out that big hammer. Safe mode can be a life saver.
  19. These are the resources I've compiled for myself so far: Basic Animation Tutorial from the Construction Set Wiki Working With Nifs Tutorial Series from the Construction Set Wiki Blender/Creating a Character Animation from the Construction Set Wiki Easy Animation Tutorial for Blender English and Spanish by Ashara and Aluku uploaded by kikuz at this site Adult Animation Tutorial for Noobs by Coronerra at this site I can't find a link to the resource, but I thought that fore had a tutorial as well, but I could be mistaken. In any case he's a talented and very helpful fellow (in fact I'm sure he'll respond to this thread when he see it). Edit: I see he saw while I was busy. :tongue:
  20. That is the ten ton hammer approach. It will work, you'll have a nice squeaky clean registry and Oblivion will be where it needs to be, but there are plenty of pitfalls to avoid on that trail too. Make a careful inventory of everything you have installed on your machine and confirm you have a working install source for each that you want to re-install. I recommend Koroush Ghazi's Tweak Guides a lot, and he has one to get your Windows re-install off on the right foot. I have my own annoted version of his WinXP guide that I use for every install (I haven't had to travel down the Vista re-install road yet ... only my laptop has Vista, with no disks of course just a recovery disk and I still have unused copies of XP ... if it needs a re-install it'll go XP or Linux). All Windows installations eventually need a re-install. Get prepared and don't rush the job. Good luck.
  21. Try resetting to defaults in the Options - Gameplay menu (the game menu, where you would load a save game, not the launcher menu).
  22. If I may, I'd like to suggest some 'before and after' shots on your mod description page (so I can determine how close to perfection you've achieved ... e.g. 99/100ths or 999/1000ths). Looks nice in those shots you do have though, good work.
  23. From what I understand reading Hickory's posts on the subject of load order, Oblivion.esm should always be at the top of your load order. I personally have an extremely short load order, so I haven't needed to avail myself of his expertise yet. Did you try running setup.exe from the CD as bben46's guide suggests? Try running it by navigating to your CD using Windows Explorer rather than the Uninstall option at the bottom of the Oblivion launcher menu that you get after putting the CD in (the menu that autoplay brings up). You will see setup.exe listed in the root of the CD's content directory. It may only say setup on your machine if you don't have 'show known extensions' turned on in Windows Explorer.
  24. I would, but I want to start my answer with 'middle'. Quote from the Unnecessary Violence mod description page: Let me interpret that. If you have a steel dagger in your left hand, and you strike with your left hand you will do the damage of a steel dagger 7pts. If, at the same time, you're holding Goldbrand in your right hand, and you strike with your right hand you will do 25 pts base damage plus 22pts fire damage (which you will be able to confirm by the fire damage visual effect). A pretty simple way to confirm whether I'm right or talking through the side of my mouth (hmmm ... would that be left or right ... sorry, couldn't resist).
  25. If this is the Construction Set you're talking about it could be that when you release the item in the render window it's too high up to see. Example ... sometimes when I drop a new NPC into the render window all I see is their feet (and sometimes their hands off to the sides), like I was inside their body about belly button level. When I hit 'F' they drop down and I can see and move them around as normal. If what you're dropping into the render window is small, and the situation is as I described above, the item might be back just behind your point of view. Try hitting 'F' to drop the item down, or zoom back a little after releasing it into the render window.
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