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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Here's the best spot to get that question answered; Oblivion Mod Detectives
  2. First some basics on installing mods. Before you install the first mod make sure that Oblivion is patched up and is NOT installed in the default Program Files or Program Files (x86) directory. It needs to install into a directory outside Program Files or Win7/Vista UAC will stop proper operation with mods (vanilla will be OK, just not modded). Make sure the game runs OK and you have no issues with the vanilla un-modded install. Then carefully read the documentation for each mod, paying extra attention to install instructions and compatibility problems. Install one or two mods at a time and check that they're working OK in game before installing the next. That way, when or if you run into problems you will be able to say "When I installed x mod I started have yz problems" and we can help troubleshoot. One of the moderators here bben46 has an uninstall/reinstall guide here for if you have Oblivion installed in Program Files. Good luck.
  3. I hadn't thought of the companion link myself but you're right. When they're not busy trashing a house with a big axe they love frying the NPCs I've added to the place. They'll only do it (as far as I know) while you're actually there, so I just 'resurrect 1' their kills after I'm done my business. Note to self ... edit all 'homebody' CM Partners and give 'em zero for destruction, 100 for restoration (that'll teach 'em).
  4. I checked the UESP Wiki artcle for Turning a Blind Eye and didn't see your problem listed in the Bugs section, however that exact problem is mentioned in the next quest, Arrow of Extrication I'm inclined to believe you may need to load a previous save and redo the quest. Make sure you haven't done any of the things that are mentioned in the Turning a Blind Eye bugs section (i.e. visiting the Temple of the Ancestor Moths before starting the quest).
  5. Looks like a case of UAC getting in your way. When Oblivion is installed to the default location on Win7/Vista machines the Microsoft User Access Control stops changes from being made to programs installed in the Program Files directory or as in your case the Program Files (x86) directory. You will need to uninstall the game and then re-install it in a directory outside of Program Files or Program Files (x86). One of the moderators here bben46 has a guide for correctly doing this here.
  6. Any time I use OBMM (I only use it for a few mods) I always close it before launching Oblivion. I seem to recall reading somewhere that it's better to launch Oblivion from it's exe rather than using the 'Launch Obilivion' button but I'll probably get stomped now by the OBMM community. :tongue: I've not heard of the Oblivion launcher situation you describe, does it help to set the Oblivion.ini to read only after you've got the settings to your liking?
  7. If you use WastelandAssassin's method I have just one addition ... make the command 'resurrect 1'. Adding the '1' to the end will allow them to keep all their stuff. If they are essential (so they're not dying in the lava, just unconscious) you can click on them with the console open (to get their refID at the top of the screen) and then go into a different cell (inside a building for example or just travel a good distance so that you get far enough away). Open the console again and enter 'moveto player' while their refID is showing at the top of the screen. You should see a bunch of package messages, e.g. wander or sleep packages, and when you close the console they'll be behind or beside you. If they're still unconscious you'll need to give 'em a quick buffin' up and you're good to go!!
  8. OK willowmoth, first thing tell us how you installed your clothing or weapon mods. If you can, open Windows Explorer and navigate to the folder that Oblivion is installed in. The directory structure (folders) will be organized Oblivion\Data\meshes and Oblivion\Data\Textures. There will be other folders but these are the ones we're needing information on. Example ... I have the Elven Princess clothing installed. My folder structure for that mod is Oblivion\Data\meshes\clothes\ElvenPrincess and Oblivion\Data\Textures\clothes\ElvenPrincess. The meshes folder holds all the meshes for the different mods I have installed and the textures are naturally in the textures folder. The ElvenPrincess.esp file is located in the Oblivion\Data folder itself (all esp files need to be there so that the game can find them). When the game starts it loads the ElvenPrincess.esp which requires the mesh and texture files to display properly on screen. The game looks for those files in the directories that the esp tells it to look. If the game can't find the files it displays the exclamation points, indicating that an error has occurred. Bottom line ... everything has to be installed in the correct location to work and that's the information we need to help you get this working. :thumbsup:
  9. Occasionally after I've given an NPC my 'A Deadman's Hood' they'll drop dead right in front of a guard. It's hilarious when the guard bends over and checks the body and says "Hmm the body's still warm, the killer must be close." Don't get it often, but it's good when I do. Whether an NPC will check a body or not is determined by whether or not 'Can Corpse Check' is ticked on their properties page. Not all are ... I agree it makes it more realistic. Edit: I did a search on the UESP Wiki for 'Jira' and came up blank. There is a female Khajiit named S'jirra who is quest related and never leaves the Faregyl Inn. Is your Jira added to the IC by a mod? If so could be a case of 'scripted death'.
  10. No problem. The NoMaaM BBB Animation Theatre is also a good way to test your installation (and entertaining to boot). Glad I could help.
  11. Do you have OBSE v0018 or higher installed. If so are you starting Oblivion using the obse_loader.exe (I personally prefer to change my desktop shortcut to obse_loader.exe).
  12. Having never used anything but the vanilla races myself I have another question then. When you install the Max compatibility skeleton do you install it into your Oblivion/Data/characters/_male directory or one that's specific to your custom race? If it's one that's specific to your custom race, then copy it into your _male directory as well (make a back-up of the currently installed skeleton.nif in the _male directory first ... I have a MyBackups directory I created to keep my back-ups in). If your vanilla races haven't been modified at all before it could be you won't find a skeleton.nif in the _male directory (Oblivion would be using it's resources from the Oblivion.bsa archive) so you can just copy the file from the custom race.
  13. Have you had a look through this thread ... seems to be a similar problem (to this un-expert's eyes anyway).
  14. Have you tried asking for assistance on the Companion Vilja page. Emma and cdcooley are quite active answering questions related to their mod there and will have a better idea of the right questions to ask you regarding installation issues.
  15. The Knights of the Nine (mentioned above) plus the Game of the Year Edition gets you everything that's available (as far as I know). I picked up the GotY at Electronic Boutique (aka EB Games) and the KotN at Staples here in Canada. It is getting harder and harder to find a brick & mortar outlet for PC games, and those that do carry games are getting pretty thin on selection. Good luck.
  16. This from the Action Log tab: Looks like it's a work in progress getting everything set up.
  17. A question ... do non-partner NPCs have BBB. I use CM Partners and any that I give BBBed armor/clothing have the bounce. I also use a selection from Pyramidhead123's BBB H-cup Stock to replace some of the vanilla clothing so any NPC that wears that particular clothing bounces. An excellent mod for BBB while fighting is fore's NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer and it also works well as a tester to make sure your BBB installation is working. Edit: Another question comes to mind ... Are you using a custom race for your player character that isn't shared with your partners (i.e. you play a Choclate Elf while they are all vanilla races)? In that case you would have the BBBed skeleton installed for your custom race but not for the vanilla races.
  18. So a question LFact ... in that case would you go through the face generation part of the tutorial or just accept the defaults and then activate your esp after you exit the sewers?
  19. I haven't got around to using this one yet myself, but one that has caught my eye is Colovian Estate by Blackbelt. Not sure on the sleeping accommodations, and it does sound like a bit of an ongoing quest attached to it. If you have the Fighter's Stronghold DLC, Battlehorn Castle is reasonably companion friendly, except they wind up sharing beds with the castle guards. I keep four of my favourites there. Another option is use the Construction Set to add some beds to one of your current houses. I have four beds added to Benirus Manor basement first level that I use for the extra NPCs I've added using the CS. I noticed that after I installed CM Partners my CTD frequency increased. It still hasn't dropped back to zero, but by leaving them parked most of the time in various houses and Inns it is much less of a problem. I keep all my horses at Battlehorn so I don't fast travel (your last used horse will automatically show up if you do).
  20. I always unzip/rar/7z the download into a location other than my Oblivion directory. Most archives are 7z, which is nice because when you open it the default location is whatever folder you saved the archive to. I also create a folder for each downloaded mod. This makes it easy to examine the new mod's directory structure and check out the files it includes. I can then go over my currently installed Oblivion Data directory (and subdirectories) looking for anything that might be actually overwritten. Most of the time the 'Do you want to overwrite' prompt is only referring to the folders themselves (which by necessity will be named starting at 'Data') and the contents are unique to the mod. In that case no files will be overwritten and you won't have any problem. As you have found, sometimes mods conflict, and the new mod will have files named and located (directory structure wise) identically to a mod you currently have installed. Sometimes the old mod will still work (as in the case of BBBed mesh replacers for example), other times it won't. Bottom line ... by opening the archive and saving to a location other than my Oblivion directory I have control over what files get overwritten. If you read the 'manual installation' instructions for most mods this is also their recommended method. After unzipping and checking things out it's as easy as right click the 'Data' folder in the temporary location, select copy from the menu and then right click my Oblivion folder and select 'paste' from the menu. When I say 'OK' to overwrite I know what's going to happen.
  21. Once you have a BBB skeleton working and a selection of BBB clothing/armor I recommend Xtudo's Personality Idles - Modified version - NPCs and companions - v1.4. It is easy to use the CS and further modify it to your personal preferences.
  22. I use CM Partners myself and agree with Ferryt totally on this. When I get six of my companions in one of my houses it turns into a slide show (well nearly, just barely playable). I have my companions spread out Cyrodiil, two three or four to a location. They help populate various Inns, all my houses have at least a couple. There are a few unoccupied campsites (no respawning bandits) that now have occupants, just drop by with some food and drink every now and then. It's also nice that even if I'm travelling solo I don't have far to go to pick up some backup or company. Emma's houses are all developed as companion ready (path gridded and beds and chairs permanent). I use the console when necessary to make beds available if I'm 'occupying' a house (one where the NPC has died and I'm not resurrecting them). There are plenty of buildings in Cyrodiil, even if you're not willing to use the Construction Set.
  23. I've tried out the Gray Cowl on a few NPCs. Some cower in fear but when you check their disposition it's the same as when you take the cowl off. Others, who also cower, have very low disposition when you're wearing the cowl and their normal higher disposition when it's off. Then of course the Thieves Guild memebers give you the "Oh look it's the Gray Fox" (naturally). It seems like the game engine changes your character when you put on the cowl (which is consistant with what I've read about what happens if you commit crimes while wearing it). I haven't tried it out on any guards yet ... don't tell me if I have jail time in my future, I'll find out. :tongue:
  24. Yes that's the location of the Knights of the Thorn Lodge. An Oblivion gate will also open SW of the lodge if you've progressed in the Main Quest past the Dagon Shrine quest.
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