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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Here's a party invite ... if you're interested. Have fun if you go (and bring that nice dress).
  2. I'm not sure whether this section of Koroush Ghazi's Tweak Guide (http://www.tweakguides.com/Oblivion_1.html) will help after you have the view distance sliders maxed. Here's a quote of the pertinent part: Take note of his caveat at the end of that quote ... you may need to get an LOD replacemnt mod to achieve what you seek.
  3. From Koroush Ghazi's Tweak Guide (http://www.tweakguides.com/Oblivion_1.html) on the subject of mouse lag; and the 'Max Frames to Render Ahead'
  4. No problem. Unless the mod changes the Temple's layout here's a link to the layout: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Temple_of_the_Ancestor_Moths_(place). Where you're looking for is in zone 3: Catacombs of The Temple of The Moth (rectangular room lower right). The mod must add a door in there. Good luck.
  5. Vanilla Oblivion does not have a Thieves Guild 'Unhealthy Competition' quest. The Thieves Guild quest 'Turning a Blind Eye' takes you to the Temple of the Ancestor Moths. Here's a link to the UESP Wiki quest walk-through: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Turning_a_Blind_Eye. If in fact your actually doing the miscellaneous Imperial City quest 'Unfriendly Competition', that walk-through is here: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Unfriendly_Competition.
  6. A good tweaking game plan (and one that Koroush recommends) is making a few tweaks at a time and then play test their results. Time consuming but ultimately worth it. His guides are also nice in that he warns if a suggestion has risks, his recommended settings tend to the conservative side. Let me guess Ferryt ... would you have been tweaking the settings in the [Memory, Loading & Multithreading Variables] section?? :laugh:
  7. Are you running Oblivion from the SSD? By constant do you mean e.g. once a second or every few seconds? I recommend Koroush Ghazi's Tweak Guide (http://www.tweakguides.com/Oblivion_1.html) and bben46 from this site has some troubleshooting resources as well.
  8. I believe what you'd do is set HDR using the Oblivion video options menu and then set anti-aliasing in your video card control panel. With HDR selected in the Oblivion options menu it disables anti-aliasing (too big of a performance hit back in the day). This method doesn't use Obilivion to set AA, your video card control panel forces it. To see if it's working find a spot in-game without AA enabled that shows the jaggies good. Save, exit and enable AA in your video card control panel. Load your game and see if you can see a difference. You may want to check your FPS before and after so you have an idea of the performance hit. Edit: This is from Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide (http://www.tweakguides.com/Oblivion_1.html)
  9. I agree with you F4c2a, especially the mouse movement in the lock picking 'mini-game'. We just have to somehow get over it and appreciate what's good in the game (and I find plenty of that).
  10. Wouldn't have saved you in that particular case but consider making this change to your spell Paralyze 25 sec on touch Frost damage 25 points on touch Weakness to frost 100% for 5 seconds on touch Weakness to Magic 100% for 25 seconds on touch The weakness to elemental damage effects do not stack, so a long duration just wastes spell costs. Weakness to magic DOES stack and makes your next cast much more effective. The game engine evaluates spell effects from the bottom of the list to the top so weakness to magic always needs to be on the bottom. The weakness to elemental damage similarly needs to be below the damage. If you're spamming the spell I'd also consider a shorter paralyze or alternately create a second spell without paralyze and use that after the first cast. My most frustrating ... probably trying to pick the pitcher plants every time I passed one, wasting hours before I found out they don't drop any ingredients. Nice one Bethesda ... why not make 'em like any other piece of scenery instead of leading me down the garden path!
  11. There's a number of spots in the mountains where I try to make the killing blow send them over a cliff, just so I can watch them bounce their way down. Bears have the best effect I think, but the ones I'd love to see are the boars (too bad there's none in the mountains). Great, you've just given me another great time-waster ... get a boar to chase me all the way into the mountains (avoiding all Imperial patrols ... those buggers just can't understand a guy's gotta' have fun every now & then). I think the big bounce they'll get will be worth it!! Kudos to the Master. :thumbsup:
  12. The Oblivion_Default.ini that's in your Oblivion folder isn't the one the game uses normally. Oblivion will use the Oblivion.ini file found in your My Games\Oblivion folder (same folder you'll find your savegames). You can use your Oblivion_Default.ini to restore settings in your Oblivion.ini using a text editor like Notepad or Wordpad ... just make sure to save as plain text. Compare the [Fonts] section between the two files and you'll see if changes were made by a mod. Make a backup of Oblivion.ini (call it OriginalOblivion.ini or something similar) before your make your changes so you can get back to the original broken state easily. One other caveat, the offending mod may not work after you fix things.
  13. I've been logged in all day and haven't been dumped, even after no activity for awhile. That's looking more like a local issue for you.
  14. Ferryt brings up a very valid point here: My experience using 'resurrect 1' then 'enable' has been on non-quest NPCs (or in the case of Umbra, quests that had been completed). Re-enabling Baurus after the game has flagged him dead may have undesirable side-effects. A save beforehand is essential.
  15. I would tend to agree with Bben. Download and install the ones you think you'll like one or two at a time. Try them out, make sure everything's stable then get some more. Sometimes the journey is the best part ... once you've arrived there's naught to do but look for the next road.
  16. @ Ferryt: If they've died and gone to heaven (disappeared from the game world) you need to enable them after raising them from the dead. If you can still see their rotting corpse (so to speak) you can just click 'em and 'resurrect 1' them.
  17. This is from Koroush Ghazi's tweak gude for Oblivion (http://www.tweakguides.com/Oblivion_1.html). In your Oblivion.ini file find the following entries (they'll be in the Graphics section) Note that for this to work you will need to run Oblivion in windowed NOT full screen mode. Maximize the window and the only thing you'll need to live with is the slight borders.
  18. Another option is to use the console to get him back. Open the console (use the tilde key "~" right above the TAB key usually) then enter prid 00032A17 resurrect 1 enable If you travel to Cloud Ruler first then Baurus won't have a long walk. I always escort non-essential characters to their destinations ... part of my job. :laugh:
  19. Have you tried re-installing just Oblivion (without any of the DLC extras) and see if it will run??
  20. I also use the Animation Fixer linked above. My only caveat is that if you play that character long enough after using the Animation Fixer you will once again start to see the weird flames/spells/doors thing. I run the Fixer again and I'm good to go for another thousand miles. :laugh:
  21. Tun-Zeeus at the Dividing Line in Leyawiin never fails to get a chuckle out of me with his great one-liner.
  22. I'll refer you to the UESP Wiki walkthrough for the quest (http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Umaril_the_Unfeathered_(quest)) Here's the pertinent part excerpted for you: There's some further info below that excerpt in the wiki that may apply as well.
  23. I've only just started the Thieves Guild questline so I can't speak to that but I will say I agree with Ferryt on the Main quest. I wasn't so much bothered by the quests themselves, but closing Oblivion gates got to be a chore. I'm my own worst enemy ... I'm a 100% completion kinda' guy. Sixty gates was just way too many. I too had a good ole' ROTFLMAO time with Lord Rugdumph. Wish I had a save so I could relive the horror of enunciation.
  24. I am by no stretch of imagination a mod troubleshooting specialist, but since you haven't had any replies I'll give you my best guesses. Did you install all those mods one at a time or the whole bunch at once? If one at a time I would recommend uninstalling them one at a time in the reverse order (i.e. starting with the last one you installed). Make sure you uninstall it using the instruction provided with the mod. After each one check to see if the problem is solved in the game. Another option is to check your settings in the game menus. At the startup screen click Options, then Gameplay. Directly under the Difficulty slider control you'll have options for General Subtitles and Dialog Subtitles. These control whether the game displays subtitles. You could try toggling them off then load a game then turn them back on (or the reverse depending on what they're set to before you change them). They're simple toggles, one click changes Off to On, the next click changes it back. Finally have a look at your audio settings. Again from the startup screen click Options then Audio. There are sliders there that you can use to adjust the volume of various things in the game. Make sure that Voice Volume isn't turned all the way down (to the left on the slider is less volume, to the right is louder). Hope it helps ... worship not required (whether for a day or longer). :laugh:
  25. This info is from Koroush Ghazi's tweaking guide for Oblivion (http://www.tweakguides.com/Oblivion_1.html), something heartily recommend. The pictures shown below that quote in his guide show what you're describing exactly.
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