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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. After looking over the UESP Wiki articles on the SI end quests (SE13 & SE14) a couple of details stand out to me, in particular from the SE13 article ... "Once you enter the palace courtyard and start this quest, it is not possible to re-enter the surrounding buildings until the quest has been completed." and also "Upon successfully completing the quest, a trophy of the Sword of Jyggalag will appear on a platform in Sheogorath's Palace. Unlike other trophies, this is a real leveled weapon and can be picked up and used. While it is technically enabled at the end of this quest, you cannot return to the throne room until the next quest has started." Open the console and enter the command ... getstage SE13 and also getstage SE14 and report what each of those commands returns.
  2. No, the last thing you do before you play the game is rebuild the bashed patch. Always sort your mods before you rebuild the bashed patch. When you rebuild the bashed patch and then sort your mods there is a good chance that the load order will not be the same as was used for building the bashed patch ... and good things don't happen after that event.
  3. The correct order to do things is: 1) Add, remove or edit mods. 2) Sort your load order. 3) Rebuild bashed patch.
  4. The bottom one is my favourite ... but then again I'm a sailor so perhaps I have a soft spot for the rowing aspect. The uninstll using the GotY disk isn't started from anything called "uninstall" ... it's started by double clicking on the file named setup.exe, which will then discover that the game is already installed, so instead of trying to set up the game it offers to uninstall the game. That said, I can't say for certain what you may find as you are in some in between state of having an installed game and having an uninstalled game from what I'm understanding. Another word of advice ... if you buy a digital version of the game avoid the Steam version at all costs and buy the Good Old Games (GOG) version. Take a look through the OBSE mod page comments (along with Blockhead and Oblivion Character Overhaul v 2 if you really want a "full picture" of where I'm coming from). Somewhere in the neighborhood of 80 or 90% of my "work" on this site stems from Steam installs of the game. They are masters at finding new ways to screw things up. - Edit - For a real good example of what I call "The Steam Problem" take a look back in the Oblivion Character Overhaul v 2 mod comments to a comment thread started on Sept 17 2020 by user Zariel (currently 3 pages back in the comments).
  5. Thank you striker879 I saw the uninstaller on the disk. Figured it was the same as running the game un installer. Have done this several times. Perhaps .. will try again. The very first post in the thread has a link to Beth ... net. Can't access it. Hope the link has good info! That link just redirects to a Bethesda front page wanting to sell me stuff (which isn't surprising considering the date of that post ... since 2007 Bethesda's web pages have changed many times). My thoughts on why running the uninstallation from the GotY disk is different than running it from the game install itself is that the former is running from files that are not actively "part" of what you are uninstalling, whereas running the uninstaller from the game install is asking it to uninstall something that is currently in use (sort of like not being allowed to delete a file that is currently open) ... but that is all just me speculating. - Edit - Reading through some of the early posts on the first page leads me to think that this may be related to problems people ran into when trying to unistall the game back when the version 1.2.0416 official patch was released. Again, this is me just speculating (based on me reading between the lines on those first posts, so speculation based on speculation), but my guess on what may have been on that now missing Bethesda page is instructions related to properly uninstalling the game if it was first installed using the original release version of the game and then later was updated to version 1.2.0416 using the official 1.2.0416 patch and then problems resulted from trying to uninstall ( a sort of version mismatch situation).
  6. Haven't needed to try this myself, but way back I used to see advice to run the uninstaller from the GotY disk (something that doesn't exist for the digital download versions). Just did a partial test myself and you'll begin the process by running setup.exe on the GotY disk one which will eventually (DVD drives are painfully slow compared to hard drives) bring up an Install Wizard prompt asking if you want to uninstall Oblivion (I of course answered No so I can't give you any further insights). - Edit - Note that UI mods like Darn UI are a minefield of ways to blow yourself up if not 101% successful in installing/uninstalling. Make certain you are not trying to run your fresh installs with entries from an old Oblivion.ini interfering that had remnants of your old Darn UI install. Look in your Users\[username]\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion folder and move any Oblivion.ini found there to a backup folder and then try starting the game. It will then build a new Oblivion.ini using the Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Oblivion_Default.ini as a starting template.
  7. To test if she has died and been disabled by the game once you get her refID displayed in the console it's ... enable <Enter> resurrect 1 <Enter> moveto player <Enter> If it's a script that has either scripted death or disabled her (or both) she'll still not show up, or may show up but as soon as you leave the cell and return she'll be gone. If the game script keeps track of if she's died then it may be of no avail as even though she's standing right in front of her according to the script she has died and that's that.
  8. At the top of any NexusMods Oblivion page (e.g. https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/newtoday/? ) click on the Upload found just to the right of the Search box.
  9. Could this be how we got to where we find ourselves today ... https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2020/11/26
  10. Download Seamless - OCOv2 to a folder and extract it to that same folder using 7-Zip. You'll see then that it includes meshes and textures (including tweaked normal maps), all using the methods devised by Junkacc11 to minimise the seams (not just neckseams) to the extent possible within the limitations imposed by the game. My thoughts on Bethesda are they were trying for as much variation as they could between NPCs of the same race ... they just went too far with some. Any of the sliders in the game do not work as intended when you max them to either high or low end extreme.
  11. Oblivion Character Overhaul v2 is the state of the art for faces (until you create it's superior successor) and the For_Idiots install for Seamless - OCOv2 is as close as you'll find to a "one click" install (again until you create it's successor). My guess as to the root of your problem is Steam install of Oblivion and you didn't reset the BSA timestamps (but that is just me using the "Most Probable Likelyhood" principle for lack of sufficient information to be any more precise). For some NPCs of some races (e.g. Redguards, Orcs and Dunmer) all the modded loving we have at our disposal today will not undo the harsh treatment they received from the wonderful folks at Bethesda, and they will be blessed with mismatched heads until you edit them in the CS and de-Bethesdacise their face sliders.
  12. What is reported in the console before you try speaking to her with the command "getstage TrainingDestruction" (without using the quote marks)?
  13. If you are not sneaking does he start casting from beyond the 1500 distance?
  14. Just curious ... are we talking extreme distance here (as in multiple thousands of game units)?
  15. What you are trying to do would be easier done just creating your own NPCs in the Construction Set. A simple way to have them be followers on occasion would be to use Fluffy Follower Frill when you want them to be followers.
  16. Also note that CM Partners comes with optional ESP for if you want the CMs to be essential (un-killable) or just normal. If you use both versions at the same time you will see duplicated like you describe (e.g. use CM Partners NPC.esp or CM Partners NPC NE.esp but not both).
  17. You need to upload a file before you can make the mod page visible.
  18. The mod description says to load Immersive Weapons.esp after any conflicting mods (mods that do the same thing as Immersive Weapons). Download the latest BOSS masterlist to a folder from here and extract the download to that same folder. Open masterlist.txt in Notepad and using the Edit -> Find menu search for Immersive Weapons.esp and you'll see that it is in the Items group quite high in the load order. Your delinquent master error in WB is because your bashed patch still has Immersive Weapons.esp listed as a master to the Bashed Patch, 0.esp (did you rebuild your bashed patch after making changes to the load order??).
  19. https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2020/11/18 ... while I can certainly understand Calvin's viewpoint I tend to be more of an "and" kinda' guy.
  20. If your AI package attempts using the house mod as a master came before you started using CSE that could explain why your packages weren't executing even though listed higher in the package list. The vanilla CS can't use other ESPs as masters without using Wrye Bash to flip a bit in the file header that makes the vanilla CS treat the ESP as an ESM (and then you need to flip it back afterwards). Any changes you make in your NPC's ESP while trying to use the house ESP as a master without flipping the bit will be silently ignored by the game. For my own vanilla game tweaks I have two ESPs (MyTweaks.esp and MyTweakedNPCs.esp). Generally I keep changes to the game world in one and changes to vanilla NPCs in the other, but sometimes it's just easier for me to make game world changes related to a particular NPC in the MyTweakedNPCs.esp (adding markers for AI packages for example). If later I want more than one NPC to use that marker it does complicate things.
  21. I always use the TES4LODGen after using boss but I did it again incase I forgotten but no luck so far. Too bad about the Cobl though it looks interesting. I also installed the MessengerLogger as you suggested. I saw on the internet people using multiple overhauls without problems so I figured I try it too but I guess I messed up somewhere. I guess I should try to install them one at a time. And test thoroughly in between.
  22. For AI packages the order from top of the list to the bottom is how the game evaluates which package to run. The first one it comes to that evaluates as true (all conditions met) runs. What I do with NPCs I'm tweaking is put all of my own custom packages higher in the list than any vanilla packages I don't want to run. If I'm not concerned about possible conflicts with other mods I'll either reorder the vanilla packages or remove ones I don't want from the NPC's list ... if I'm thinking possible future release of my tweaks then I'll avoid that for compatibility. I've absolutely no experience with trees, and precious little with landscaping, but I do wonder if there is a step (maybe something like rebuilding LOD) that you are missing for the outside the city tree. Emma has a house mod in what I'm assuming is the same spot you are looking at (Bravil Bridge Cottage ver 2 2) ... perhaps you can see something in that ESP that gives you an idea on what you are missing (often using TES4Edit will show you behind the scenes stuff that may not be obvious in the CS when you're looking at other people's work).
  23. In case you weren't aware ... when you give NPCs -1 (minus one) of something that gives them an infinite amount, so they never run out.
  24. A trick I've learned is to just give NPCs -1 carrot and then they never run out (or -1 of whatever you think they'd like ... same with drinks though they will go through the motions with a Use Item Pewter Mug01 even if they don't have a drop in their inventory).
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