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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Are you then clicking the Slow Download button (after you get the speed cap warning)?
  2. OK Paga, I'm giving up my seat in the Time Machine to you.
  3. I wouldn't want you to miss it. So go to your vending machine while you're at the halfway point make some real butter, buttered popcorn, salt it lightly, and get your favorite cold drink. Enjoy! Poor Harry (not sure I've ever watched that Baldwin brother before). I'm trying to remember without looking. :mellow: Now is that the one that near the end there are 3 fifty foot tall women in a Starship taking their 3 tiny 5' 10" tall men somewhere far far away? :sad: You nailed it Paga ... or did you cheat and skip to the end?
  4. From The Lounge (Off Topic Forum): https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8956783-enhance-your-calm/
  5. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/8956758-enhance-your-calm/ Could have something to do with the reaction you are getting. This is no different than loading the kids into the car, pulling out of the driveway and making it half way down the block before you hear the first "Are we there yet" from the back seat. The post I linked was made four minutes before this post, and I have already seen one other thread you started in the Skyrim forums (and not one you made in the Mod Request section). Sorry Danny but your reputation is already preceding you where ever you go on the site.
  6. When checking for how well my BOSS User Rules will do while working with TES4Edit I just load the user rule mod along with any I also have from that group in the BOSS masterlist (the masterlist is a text file so you can use Notepad's Edit -> Find menu to look). By loading the possible conflicting mods in TES4Edit at the same time you can go through the various types of records the mods affect and TES4Edit will show the different types of conflicts using colour coding. I made a copy/paste text file of the colour code explanations to make sorting out what it was telling me simpler while still looking at the TES4Edit report (look at the Information tab down at the bottom).
  7. Move all files and folders you find in the game's Oblivion\Data\Shaders folder to a backup and see if the game will start (e.g Oblivion\Data\Shaders\hdr.nighteye\*.* and/or Oblivion\Data\Shaders\nighteye\*.*). - Edit - I see that the original game shaders aren't safely tucked away in a BSA ... you'll probably need these: Official Oblivion Shaders
  8. I wouldn't want you to miss it. So go to your vending machine while you're at the halfway point make some real butter, buttered popcorn, salt it lightly, and get your favorite cold drink. Enjoy! Poor Harry (not sure I've ever watched that Baldwin brother before).
  9. This forum called IP.Board is a style of PHP and is a new child. All the old forum structures were removed, replaced, one after another for the new, and at those times when they upgraded, from as far back as Morroind times to when TESNexus dot com from the old, to the new PHP system to this NEW Community Forum Software by IP.Board (Licensed to: Nexus Mods). (NO offense ladies, the times have changed and this note is a reminder how things were in the past. This is Only Meaningful as a History Lesson with material about men's life which no longer applies.) The forums lost their manly cussing, with occasions of flaming wars and became dainty and little more compact forward to the present and now; the female. Orientated to get Mother to join in and let her daughter become a ROGUE. Some of the pertinent stuff, just for men from the English UK mens clubs styles were outlawed and get us removed (BANNED), some of the old settings causing many people, with as many as 320 friends listed too, disappeared in their Profile managing List. Mr. R. Scott knows this. During testing the higher echelon of the family of MORROWIND, TESNexus and Oblivion's old forum structures the people like me didn't get the boardroom memo. But you could tell it was a MEN's Club. All of us lurking wanting to know where we could go to get back to the Good ole place were only men were allowed, before Premium membership was an idea. Someone I know suggested some things and some of the things got implemented. There was some accusing finger pointing as to what was meant by the person who suggested the ideas, which was written when he was still trying to figure out how to learn a new writing skill different from Gorilla, and what was written left a big space for the readers to fill in, in their heads. Worded so badly they could see what was actually a miserable attempt at writing like the English speaking people in English UK handwriting and not good enough writing to make sense without someone doing Gorilla Signing or make a Bik so they could see what pictures, that were on the person's mind at the time, he was trying to describe. I too, was willing to support some of the modders; as long as they continued to work on the Full Revision of Morrowind, like Pumaman's superior work, worth granting a DLC license, so they could sell them to BETHESDA. Some modders went beyond the modders call and made a completely new version of OBLIVION and another in German too! There still was no special membership. Or any charge for downloading mods. I gave so many thumbs up back then my thumbs up clicks were making my finger tired. Then one of the new PHP community forums (moving toward weeding out the Men's Club Mentality completely) programs added Kudo's as a replacement for thumbs up. I was one who got a notice after the fact, about a week or two later, when what they now call the IP.Board and rules changed. (NO offense ladies, the times have changed and this note is a reminder how things were in the past. This is Only Meaningful as a History Lesson with material about men's life which no longer applies.) And so! Woman could hang around in the men's forums and got in, got in just like the days when they knocked on the doors of the Old England's Men's Clubs to find out what their men were doing in there. Then, began the changes, that is, the way of life now here on the forums. ATTACK of the Fifty Foot Woman only Attack of the Fifty Foot Woman starring Daryl Hannah as the Fifty Foot Tall woman arrived with changes from the old movie, and men like me struggled from behind the curtain in OZ to get the hot air balloon ready to leave before OZ became the new USA. When the following song came out it was another sign that the times for men was changing : American Woman get away from Me I had to go to the bathroom so bad when I walked into a new grocery store here in Great Falls, Montana I could bare see straight. I walked into the woman's side. I saw bottles, paraphernalia, and stuff I only can describe as seen in A Men's club for the old war veteran's in movies I saw about the Great men of England. In stalls left open, from the previous users, Women. Yup! They've become just like us men! Only the Men's room was clean, because, well maybe because, no men use it. I think I just channeled my inner Paul Harvey ... now I know the rest of the story. Back in my bad old days there was a spot downtown that I'd go to when I knew if I remained at my "favoured" drinking establishments something would probably happen and I'd no longer be welcome. It was just a few blocks away, so I could stumble my way there. It was an old school establishment with the Men's entrance and a Ladies and Escorts entrance. On those evening where I would likely have been best to just go home I'd fit right in on the Men's side. You could just make a copy of my post so you could hang it inside a cupboard door or stall door. Laminate it so it never fades. And it can become a history marker. A sign that changed mens lives. A thorough coverage of the passages of time can be seen, even better, in the tales of Murdoch Mysteries showing us how Canada's author of the books, a woman, saw the changes coming. A lot of changes she didn't agree with that was happening for women, from her viewpoint as a modern day woman. LOL ... come on Paga, gimme a break. I'm already almost to the halfway point in a Daryl Hannah movie I've never seen before (thanks to you). There's only so many hours in a day you know (well there is those 86,400 seconds we spoke about, but let's just let that slide for the moment). Can I put the Mysteries homework on the list and get to it later??
  10. This forum called IP.Board is a style of PHP and is a new child. All the old forum structures were removed, replaced, one after another for the new, and at those times when they upgraded, from as far back as Morroind times to when TESNexus dot com from the old, to the new PHP system to this NEW Community Forum Software by IP.Board (Licensed to: Nexus Mods). (NO offense ladies, the times have changed and this note is a reminder how things were in the past. This is Only Meaningful as a History Lesson with material about men's life which no longer applies.) The forums lost their manly cussing, with occasions of flaming wars and became dainty and little more compact forward to the present and now; the female. Orientated to get Mother to join in and let her daughter become a ROGUE. Some of the pertinent stuff, just for men from the English UK mens clubs styles were outlawed and get us removed (BANNED), some of the old settings causing many people, with as many as 320 friends listed too, disappeared in their Profile managing List. Mr. R. Scott knows this. During testing the higher echelon of the family of MORROWIND, TESNexus and Oblivion's old forum structures the people like me didn't get the boardroom memo. But you could tell it was a MEN's Club. All of us lurking wanting to know where we could go to get back to the Good ole place were only men were allowed, before Premium membership was an idea. Someone I know suggested some things and some of the things got implemented. There was some accusing finger pointing as to what was meant by the person who suggested the ideas, which was written when he was still trying to figure out how to learn a new writing skill different from Gorilla, and what was written left a big space for the readers to fill in, in their heads. Worded so badly they could see what was actually a miserable attempt at writing like the English speaking people in English UK handwriting and not good enough writing to make sense without someone doing Gorilla Signing or make a Bik so they could see what pictures, that were on the person's mind at the time, he was trying to describe. I too, was willing to support some of the modders; as long as they continued to work on the Full Revision of Morrowind, like Pumaman's superior work, worth granting a DLC license, so they could sell them to BETHESDA. Some modders went beyond the modders call and made a completely new version of OBLIVION and another in German too! There still was no special membership. Or any charge for downloading mods. I gave so many thumbs up back then my thumbs up clicks were making my finger tired. Then one of the new PHP community forums (moving toward weeding out the Men's Club Mentality completely) programs added Kudo's as a replacement for thumbs up. I was one who got a notice after the fact, about a week or two later, when what they now call the IP.Board and rules changed. (NO offense ladies, the times have changed and this note is a reminder how things were in the past. This is Only Meaningful as a History Lesson with material about men's life which no longer applies.) And so! Woman could hang around in the men's forums and got in, got in just like the days when they knocked on the doors of the Old England's Men's Clubs to find out what their men were doing in there. Then, began the changes, that is, the way of life now here on the forums. ATTACK of the Fifty Foot Woman only Attack of the Fifty Foot Woman starring Daryl Hannah as the Fifty Foot Tall woman arrived with changes from the old movie, and men like me struggled from behind the curtain in OZ to get the hot air balloon ready to leave before OZ became the new USA. When the following song came out it was another sign that the times for men was changing : American Woman get away from Me I had to go to the bathroom so bad when I walked into a new grocery store here in Great Falls, Montana I could bare see straight. I walked into the woman's side. I saw bottles, paraphernalia, and stuff I only can describe as seen in A Men's club for the old war veteran's in movies I saw about the Great men of England. In stalls left open, from the previous users, Women. Yup! They've become just like us men! Only the Men's room was clean, because, well maybe because, no men use it. I think I just channeled my inner Paul Harvey ... now I know the rest of the story. Back in my bad old days there was a spot downtown that I'd go to when I knew if I remained at my "favoured" drinking establishments something would probably happen and I'd no longer be welcome. It was just a few blocks away, so I could stumble my way there. It was an old school establishment with the Men's entrance and a Ladies and Escorts entrance. On those evening where I would likely have been best to just go home I'd fit right in on the Men's side.
  11. It's called "suspension of disbelief". We have all that fancy GPS and "Star Trek-esq" transporter beam stuff in Oblivion ... it comes standard along with your jail shirt and pants and wrist shackles (but we don't get any fancy 10 pound wrist thingy that you can't take off unfortunately).
  12. Paga when you're looking for the missing avatar pics are you looking on this forum version of your profile or one of the game site versions (i.e. where you are taken when you click the Nexus Profile link while looking at your profile here on the forums). On the forums view of my profile I see 12 people (including you BTW) but on the Nexus Profile page I see the full list. Looks to me a first blush using my newfound info on the sorting used on the Nexus Profile list that the 12 shown on the forums view are only the most recently added. Good that you had backup Niph ... way better than relying on your phone for the next couple of weeks.
  13. I echo Paga's hope for you Niph ... that you have an older card laying about to act as your stopgap. I've had a few nVidia cards give up the ghost on me over the years, and have been fortunate enough to have old cards to save the day. Paga, once again you've illuminated a path that I had perhaps noticed but never took the time to dig into. I got a notification concerning a certain action that you took this evening and when looking for your name on the list presented in the Oblivion Nexus page I often use for checking that list I wondered at first on why I didn't see you added to the list (was looking at the bottom, which I interpreted as the most recently added). Then I spotted you way up near the very beginning of the list. That got me wondering how the list was sorted, and of course I devised a way to check a theory that popped into my noggin (and it proved my theory to be true). You should be pleased as punch to find that you are the fourth most longstanding member on my list (with some pretty heady contemporaries I might add).
  14. And guess what just magically appears ... Slightly Better Highwaymen.
  15. Perspective ... there is nothing more imprtant than finding perspective: https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2020/07/26
  16. LOL ... you are always lookin' out for me Paga!! Good to know you have my back. Actually I have had "an interaction" with "officials in boats" while out on my boat, on more than one occasion. The first one didn't "proceed as normal" shall we say, and the guy who was driving their craft was well aware of my opinion of his boat handling skills (or perhaps lack thereof would be more accurate). I didn't have my 12 gauge flare gun with me in the dingy, so there was no need to scuttle their boat after the "interaction" to hide any evidence. The second time was with the "chase/recon" element from our version of a coast guard cutter. The cutter was anchored off Grand Bend (where I was headed after a three day trip down the lake ... late in the afternoon of a very long third day). I'd seen a rather odd apparition on the western horizon a bit north of passing Goderich, a fast moving dark hull right at the distorted edge of a water horizon on a hot day. As I got close to Grand Bend and saw the cutter at anchor I spotted a big black hulled inflatable making straight towards the cutter and figured that it was what I'd seen northbound on the horizon earlier. Suddenly the inflatable makes a turn towards me, so I stop (was no wind so I was motoring) and wait for them. Of course when they come alongside I can see that they are completely outfitted for going to war, but they aren't adversarial or running me over (this time I was in the bigger craft). The usual, where you from, where you going, how many on board etc ... but then I had a question for them. One of our former seasonal boaters in Gore Bay was an OPP (Ontario Provincial Police) officer, and I knew he was on a secondment to a joint task force of RCMP, Canada Border Services and OPP and was aboard a relatively new vessel in the size range of the cutter (100 to 150 feet), so I asked them whether or not he was onboard (he was, but they wouldn't tell me that). Over the time I was staying in Grand Bend (about a week) I'd get visits from the "black inflatable boys" and everybody in the marina would be giving me sidelong glances afterwards (I am as anonymous in Grand Bend as I am here ... an unknown who at times is hard to miss). "John" (not his actual name) and I enjoyed the chance to catch up on things like his dad (that John was recovering from cancer) and how things were working out for the two of them on his dad's boat in it's new home harbour. And of course I did sort of revel in the notoriety.
  17. And the "observation" that would show which is in fact the case would be your bank balance at the end of the day after your return. I suspect that Paga and I would have more success with our "do over" ideas than you and DragonKing would have in the financial wizard arena, but I'm only certain of one thing ... there are nuances we haven't even considered yet. Something that came to mind for me after that last post where I talked about time travelling forward in time. As a given let's say that all possible futures are possible, some are more likely than others to come to pass, but the laws of probability apply. So instead of a "time machine" Elon comes up with a way to go really really fast (let's say 1/2 light speed). Off I go to say the edge of the Oort Cloud, or better yet to visit one of the Voyager space probes to bring back a piece that will prove that I made it (maybe the little plaque that had a bunch of info about us, and directions on where to find us ... probably not exactly the best info to just randomly distribute). I get back but Elon is so old that his kid has taken over the business (what name did they finally decide on after their weird one was rejected for being too weird ... though somehow or another the star formerly known as Prince got to change his to something that isn't even pronounceable). The kid is the one who invents a machine to travel back in time. I find myself a bit out of my element being so far into the future and kinda' out of date because all my emails were being sent to the wrong time, so Elon's kid agrees to send me back to 2020. Now I have been to one of those many possible futures (fortunately I was in the one where I didn't hit a chunk of asteroid at high speed ... not a pretty sight**). When I get back to 2020 have I locked us into one particular timeline from all those that formerly were possible? ** A little like Griffin in Men in Black 3 where when he gets off the "jetpack" and is glad it wasn't one of the times that they blew up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxOpl8w4vzY
  18. Ya, those are all the ones I was searching through Paga (but thanks for taking the time ... I figured you for a Mountain Time kinda' guy, go figure eh?). I keep text files with links to articles and videos that tickle different areas of that big gray lump that sits on my shoulders. Usually I'm pretty good with including enough description to know what a particular link leads to, but I do have one link in my Brian Greene (and astronomy in general) text file that has the simple "description" Time. Unfortunately for whatever arcane reason the internet tells me I'm not allowed to view the video in my country (well Canada is one of "those" nations I guess). This is the link ... maybe you live in a free world country that is not so overrun by subversives that certain information must be hidden from the occupants: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1WfFkp4puw - Edit - Now that I can at least see the thumbnail I think that may be the one!! - Edit - Still blocked to subversives from Canada though ... maybe if I go over to HeyYou's house we can turn his antenna the right direction and pick it up from the CMBR.
  19. I haven't got around to resuming my search for that Brian Greene video about time, but when I was looking the other day I did run across one that I hadn't seen before that touched on matters pertaining to what you propose OA. According to what Brian explained, if you travel back in time from this present you cannot change anything in the past. All of those events in the past are what lead to that moment in our present that you left. What you suggest does open up an interesting concept though. Mathematics is the primary tool used to establish fields of study. The math predicts that "A" should happen as a result of "B", and then scientists have something to look for after "B" occurs. A good example of mathematical prediction is one of those made by Einstien's General Theory of Relativity. The math predicts that gravity will bend the path taken by light as it passes an object. That comes from the equations, not from Einstein's "thought experiments". That light does bend in a measurable amount when passing a sufficiently massive body was proven during the May 29th 1919 solar eclipse, as predicted by Einstein. So math preceeds observation, and can give observation a "direction" (if you will) in which to look. So on to this interesting concept. One of the mathematical outcomes from the equations used to describe String Theory is called Many Worlds or Multi-verse (String Theory is one of the ways that are being explored to unify the laws of the universe we see on the atomic and larger scale with those that dominate the sub-atomic or quantum domain). The math seems to indicate that our observable universe may not be the only universe, and in fact there may be many (or infinite number) universes out there. One of the Many Worlds predictions says that we may be able to prove the existence of these other universes by something akin to how soap bubbles interact with one another (when one bubble comes into contact with another it deforms the shape of both while they are in contact). If the "bubble" that is our observable universe has come into contact with another then the math predicts how the interaction would have affected the background radiation left over from the Big Bang (our Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation). There are current studies today looking in the CMBR data for that signature (to date not found, or at least not announced). So on to how that fits in with your propsal OA. If we are the only universe and the Many Worlds proposals are only artifacts resulting from equations and not predictions then I think you're out of luck ... but an interesting possibility arises if Many Worlds is correct. It could be that when travelling into the past you either don't arrive in your past but the past in another one of the multi-verses where the dictators are assassinated in their past (do you then return to that universe or back to our own??) or you travel back to our past, but because you have changed the course of history you don't return to our present but another universe's present (maybe one where the dictators are not assassinated). In another part of that same Brian Greene video I was reminded that we do in fact have the technology today to time travel, in fact we currently have people who are time travelling. Albert also has this little thing call "special relativity", which again is math equations that in turn make predictions. One of them is what happens to time as you travel faster and faster. For you the traveller time is the same as it ever was, 24 hours takes exactly the same number of seconds to complete (86,400 seconds). To an observer left behind here on earth your clock will be running slower though, proportional to how fast you are travelling. What that means is when you travel fast enough you will return to "the future" when you arrive back on earth ... you will have travelled for 86,400 seconds on your "day trip" but more than 24 hours would have passed here on earth while you are gone. Proven whenever our astronauts return from a mission of any length (longer travel time is required because we aren't really going very fast on the cosmic scale of things ... an insignificant fraction of the speed of light).
  20. Of course there is one other time that close counts ... Ooops, sorry. Yes I often wonder what will become of us if that nine year old kid in Topeka Kansas shuts off his machine. Do we all just disappear/cease to be if he forgets to save before shutting down?? Scary thought ... maybe we should remind him to save first. Well, if its a beth game, it should automatically save on exit.... Trouble is, what happens when it crashes? :D Oh great ... now I'll have nightmares. - Edit - That's not what "livin' the dream" is supposed to be about you know!! Nightmares?! Like the time in Morrowind when I had several long distance levitation scrolls so I could reach the northernmost coast after taking the Vow of Silence. I needed to get to the Sanctus Shrine on an island. I levitated off the steps from the Temple. I was levitating at 500 feet per second high above the clouds, when, halfway across Vvardenfell the game crashed. When I rebooted the game had me suspended in the air and immediately after the game started I began to fall. I was so shocked that the game opened with me still up there, I fumbled madly, and barely got another super levitation scroll out, before I hit the ground. :ermm: I forgot mention that I met the ground, before I could use the scroll. Game started again at the same place. Up in the air! But you forget to mention that falling did absolutely no damage to you ... in fact if you think in the right "direction" falling could be considered quite liberating ("Gravity ... pahh ... it's got nothin' on me"). The problem always arises from the fact that we can't fall infinite distances, so we always arrive at the "suddden stop" situation that sucks all the fun out of falling. Just a word of warning to any considering diving into our little thought experiment here (sort of a public service announcement) ... I've just spent a few hours on YouTube looking for a particular Brian Greene talk about time I watched some years ago. That may give some of you a notion that perhaps I have some inside track or additional spin on this subject of time and time travel. You wouldn't be wrong, at least in the sense that I have found the subject interesting for quite a long time. That doesn't mean I've studied it, or even spent inordinate amounts of time researching the subject of time. It does mean that when I stumble across information on the subject I'm more likely going to read/watch/listen about what's being proposed (as opposed to what many would find my odd reaction to what happens when I see something regarding news about some celebrity ... negative interest in finding out more). The more astute among you would have noticed that it was quite easy for Paga to "goad" me into this. Yes he needed to drop the gauntlet, but no rattling of sabres was required ... I was quite happy to pick it up for him. You could have seen this coming.
  21. Of course there is one other time that close counts ... Ooops, sorry. Yes I often wonder what will become of us if that nine year old kid in Topeka Kansas shuts off his machine. Do we all just disappear/cease to be if he forgets to save before shutting down?? Scary thought ... maybe we should remind him to save first. Well, if its a beth game, it should automatically save on exit.... Trouble is, what happens when it crashes? :D Oh great ... now I'll have nightmares. - Edit - That's not what "livin' the dream" is supposed to be about you know!!
  22. Of course there is one other time that close counts ... Ooops, sorry. Yes I often wonder what will become of us if that nine year old kid in Topeka Kansas shuts off his machine. Do we all just disappear/cease to be if he forgets to save before shutting down?? Scary thought ... maybe we should remind him to save first.
  23. LOL ... no actual problem Dragon. Heck, if it had been in Italian I would probably have had trouble even finding the commas!! I'm just a smart ass ... and you have my permission to call me one. I did consider the possibility of time travel in both directions when setting the original conditions. When considering time travel at all, when you look in the direction of the past there is but one single line ... events that have already happened. I can conceive of a possible machine that folds back the timeline in such a way that you can jump from the present into the past (sort of like the description of how a wormhole works from the movie Interstellar ... the roll timespace like a sheet of paper and poke a pencil through, linking two distant locations via a short distance). When facing the other direction time presents a different problem though ... an infinite selection of possible futures. If you were sent to one possible future to discover when the next crash will occur it could very well be a possible future that does not coalesce into a present. That would put you in a situation where you've put all your marbles into option A (based on what happens in that possible future), but it turns out that option A was the absolute worst option and option C was the one that came to pass in the future that actually did come to pass. Minefields are probably a safer area to try to navigate.
  24. I'm uncertain what would constitute a world record, but that was one long sentence. Not exactly easy to read, in fact I gave up and just started looking for the first period amid the first 28 commas (I do enjoy a good challenge, so we're all good). So it looks like "makin' mo money fer me" is ahead but I can make a case that Paga and I are both looking for "do overs" (in which case we'd have a dead heat thus far, with break the machine pulling up the rear ... though I would like to point out that it isn't really any different than the kill your parents idea ... impossible to use a machine that you went back into the past and destroyed to go back into the past to destroy it). Will we get a tie breaker next, or a whole new avenue of thought?
  25. Yup ... I've been an APC guy for UPS for years. First line of defense is the UPS and then the power supply is only doing it's one job. Didn't have my Klipsch Pro Media 5.1's powered through the UPS and paid the price. Now a product that is no longer available has picked up a hum. Once we get past this COVID craze I'll see if I can dig up some wizard to figure out if they are saveable.
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