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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. In Oblivion I've found that it is necessary to reduce the hostile NPC's aggression to get them to stop combat. Not certain if the console commands are the same for FONV but in Oblivion you can see what I'm talking about by issuing these console commands with the NPC's refID selected: getav aggression (will report 100 for most hostile NPCs, though some will be lower) stopcombat This will display excactly the same behavior you are reporting ... they will stop combat long enough to put away their weapon and then will immediately reinitiate combat (which only makes sense as their aggression is high and their disposition towards the player is low). Next issue the following commands: getav aggression (let's assume it reports 100) modav aggression -99 (so the aim is to leave the NPC's aggression at 1) stopcombat You will see that they again stopcombat and put away their weapon ... this time they stay non-hostile. The reason I go through the getav part is because not all hostile NPCs have aggression set to 100 in Oblivion. Using the console commands (vs scripting) I have found that the command setav aggression 1 gives unreliable results ... could be that scripting using setav aggression is more reliable, I can't say for certain one way or the other.
  2. Construction Set and here's a CS Wiki link. The file name you give the ESP should match the file name you gave the BSA.
  3. Well summer is coming, the original version will probably be cooler (though I suppose some sunscreen could be useful in certain areas). So what will it be ... rock, paper, scissors for who goes first?
  4. Sure, we could do without them, Just turn the US into a benevolent dictatorship, with me as the dictator. :smile: No politicians needed. :D Hey Hey ... I thought that was my job. Are you saying I'm only good enough for north of the border?? We can trade off every three or four years. :smile: Deal !! Now the $40,000 question ... who gets these next 3 or 4 years?? - Edit - Emperor of North America ... does have a kind of nice ring to it. What do you think, would that be a role where you could get to wear those special "Emperor" clothes?
  5. Sure, we could do without them, Just turn the US into a benevolent dictatorship, with me as the dictator. :smile: No politicians needed. :D Hey Hey ... I thought that was my job. Are you saying I'm only good enough for north of the border??
  6. Unfortunately their masters would just gather up another bunch of flunkies. Sure it would probably take them a bit of time to find the most maleable flunkies (actually I think the biggest problem for them would be winnowing down the herd who would rush to vie for the job).
  7. For years I would semi jokingly say "Take all the rich people and put them in a boat. Take the boat half way across the Atlantic and dump all the rich people ... any that want to swim home are welcome back". The problem with that, and why it would have absolutely no effect is that it doesn't address the root cause of the problem. You don't need to look to just the rich to find people who firmly believe that them having more than anybody else is not wrong. You can go to slums and find those people. The only difference is how that group of people try to achieve their goal of having more than their peers. So my "solution" of addressing the problem would only create the opportunity for those directly below the rich who are like that to achieve their goal ... having more than anyone else. My own personal belief has shifted to the root cause being genetic, and for us to resolve that is beyond current understanding of genetics. That and the ethics of those of us who do not have the "problem" genetic sequences would never go down the path of what to do once we have a solution. Bottom line ... we're screwed and have always been screwed. Our only option is ignore the rich and live our lives as best we can with whatever we have left.
  8. Paga know this ... in the short time we've begun to get acquainted I have enjoyed your company. You probably don't know how many chuckles you've given me, or how many "why didn't I think of that"s or how many "I'd forgotten about that completely"s. Trust me there have been more than reflected in my posting history. Be well. - Edit - All hail the Bringer of Gooey Balls!! Paga still wins!
  9. My favourite is when you enter the courtyard for Sheogorath's Palace from Crucible (at the top of those two steep stairs). Nothing but air to your left as you face the door, and the wall to your right runs back along the direction you came up that last flight. You go through the door and need to turn to your left to get to the walkway and stairs up to the palace entrance (yup ... right where there was nothin' but air) and to the right doesn't match up with the exterior in the slightest either. One crew worked on exteriors, another crew worked on interiors ... wonder if they had offices in the same building at Bethesda or were each in different satellite offices across town from one another.
  10. The problem you are bound to run into when installing a bunch of mods and then try starting the game is you have this big mess and no idea where to start in figuring out what's wrong (unless everything goes perfect of course). That isn't just you ... that's anyone who has done that and now found themselves in that same spot you're in. Wrye Bash can tell you exactly what your old saves depend on ... Saves tab then highlight the save and the Masters List shows in the lower right pane. Usually a missing plugin will just get you the missing content warning on save load, so I'm guessing, but it may be something more along the lines of a UI mod not setup correctly or similar. Worst comes to worst you could disable a bunch of mods and try loading the old save. If it loads then start re-enabling until it chokes and doesn't give you the missing content warning and just goes back to failing to load. - Edit - Something else to try is rebuild Oblivion.ini (found in the My Documents folder not the game's Oblivion folder). Rename Oblivion.ini to OldOblivion.ini and then start the game. It will rebuild Oblivion.ini (usually with default settings as it won't recognise modern hardware very well). If you can get the game to start and load the old saves then reconfigure the new Oblivion.ini using the old renamed one as a guide (though mind you remember exactly what you are changing so when the old renamed Oblivion.ini settings break the saves loading you'll also know where things went wrong ... if that's the problem).
  11. Have you tried to get paid for up close and personal remodeling work lately ? Sure there is plenty of possible physical jobs you could start to under take. But who's money is going to spray like a garden hose onto your person for showing up ? Which is pretty much what the state of construction WAS coming to , unless the crew contained illegal immigrants. Not that all legal american citizens charging for construction labor are lazy ... just a lot of them. And having witnessed that for so many years ... I can't help but feel glad it is over :ninja: Which it is most definitely over ... Lolz to the people that think they can continue in that. I imagine that construction (similar to cars/trucks) is somewhat affected by the quality of what is on the "secondary market" (used cars/trucks or in the case of houses ones that aren't new home construction but also aren't fixer-upppers). Even if only a portion of the COVID deaths result in a house coming onto the market there still will be a glut of houses for a while. Plus people will still be trying to recover financially. I remember my last time to Daytona for the 500 in 2009. The year before there had been quite a few foreclosure sales down Daytona Beach towards Ponce Inlet light. In '09 there were only a few that weren't carrying signs at the front drive. Keep in mind that neighborhood isn't "suburbia" ... these were high end homes for the most part. As is often the case when sailing ... the ride is less comfortable once the wind starts easing.
  12. On the mod page (the one I linked) click on the Posts tab and then just to the right of that Forum Thread button is one called ... Add Comment. Note that is the Skyrim version of Immersive Wenches, not Skyrim SE, so if you are playing Skyrim SE you'll need to go to that mod page instead of the one I linked. Finding the mod page isn't hard ... start at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus and at the top of the page where it says Search type in Immersive Wenches and you'll see that Quick Search already has it at the top of the list. As I indicated, searching for Wolfskull Cave wasn't going to find anything (I already tried that for you). That's why I suggested you search using the name of the quest ... surely it must be available somewhere in the game (I don't play Skyrim, but in Oblivion it's just a matter of looking in the vanilla game Quest Journal ... did they strip that out of Skyrim too).
  13. "Immersive Wenches" is a mod for Skyrim or Skyrim SE. So that's where you go, to the Skyrim forums. Or to the mod's page. And I've been 'dead wrong' before and probably will be again. Sue me. *EDIT* Tried five minutes to post this reply, didn't want to. Probably because Striker was posting at the same time... :ninja: Sorry Jimmy ... slow day at the office for me.
  14. Immersive Wenches ... click on the Posts tab. Two ways you can go from there. 1) Ask your question and hope that somebody answers. 2) Look to see if your question has already been asked (possibly numerous times). Here's a trick to make that easier (who wants to wade through 111 pages of comments ... not me). At the top of the Posts tab you'll see a button that says Forum Thread. Click that and it will take you to the forum view of those same mod comments. The Forum interface has a search funtion (way up at the top right ... will say Search... and to the right of that This topic). I'd suggest trying something other that wolfskull cave or wolf skull cave (both of those came up empty when I tried) but something that is likely to get a search hit (does the quest have a name for example). Click the magnifying glass once you have put something in the Search... box.
  15. Modding with Lucien - Recording Dialogue will get your toe in the door. Plenty more here too.
  16. You're very categoric. The ideologies used to oppress people act to remove the critical mind, the freedom of opinion and of speech and to make the group consider the one who doesn't entirely follow these ideas as en enemy of the group. This way of acting is as well used by some religious groups as well by the marxist-leninists. Even if the psychopaths are over-represented among the influential religious there are and have been great idealists among them like Martin Luther King or the Mahatma Gandhi. The religions are superfluous and potential tools of oppression but they aren't evil in themselves. More people have died in the name of religion, than ANY other cause in mans history. Granted, if it didn't exist, I am sure humans would come up with some other reason to make war on each other. We have an excellent track record of doing exactly that in any event. Hey ... whatcha got over there. Cool, now I want that too ... here I'll just help myself to yours. Nah ... that'd never happen.
  17. Well when you look at the price of the cartridge vs the original price of the printer (that may have come with partially filled cartridges ... especially in the case of colour lasar printers) I have to ask, are they in the business pf making printers, or is their business model that they are in the business of making printing cartridges and the manufacture and sale of the actual printers is just to create the need for the cartridges.
  18. Why are your eyes red ? LOL ... not for years and years (actually decades and decades). I do remember though (that stuff is all on the good memory chip, can't risk losing "the Sins of My Youth).
  19. Could spend some time there ... would be an afternoon well spent. No Paga it's not yellow, more the colour of Jose's soup I think.
  20. LOL ... poor guy! Good thing he's just electrons or I'd be worried (no fun living life with your head looking over your shoulder).
  21. Nice Paga ... you are an excellent way back machine. As Jodie said ... "How long have I been gone??".
  22. You're very categoric. The ideologies used to oppress people act to remove the critical mind, the freedom of opinion and of speech and to make the group consider the one who doesn't entirely follow these ideas as en enemy of the group. This way of acting is as well used by some religious groups as well by the marxist-leninists. Even if the psychopaths are over-represented among the influential religious there are and have been great idealists among them like Martin Luther King or the Mahatma Gandhi. The religions are superfluous and potential tools of oppression but they aren't evil in themselves. True enough ... people are the only ones who specialize in that.
  23. The old "careful what you asked for" thing? Nice little tossed together afternoon delight Purr!
  24. Paul Harvey. For those that are fumbling with the names of curmudgeons... One of the other famous story overlords was the finisher of 60 minutes. Andy Rooney Ya his name came to me after I posted. Wasn't on the faulty memory chip this time ... just the one with the slow access time. Rooney was good too.
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