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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. One of the guys in the know on all things scripting like DrakeTheDragon or QQuix may correct me on this, but is it possible to use Begin MenuMode in a quest script? Not sure how you would get that quest script to run before the CharGen one though ...
  2. I'm not familiar with LOOT myself (a bit of a dinosaur here) but having DLCShiveringIsles.esp right below Oblivion.esm won't cause any issues. The game will always load ESMs before ESPs anyway, so even if an ESM was listed below DLCShiveringIsles.esp it wouldn't cause any problems.
  3. A little detail I left out of the generalised CS instructions above ... if you want your character to use the OCOv2 heads then after the first time you save your ESP and restart the CS select Oblivion.esm, Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp and then your ESP and make your ESP active. Because OCOv2 is loaded your character will use the OCOv2 head, but your ESP will not be using Oblivion_Character_OVerhaul.esp as a master (so it will still only have Oblivion.esm as a master).
  4. At the level you'd need for using my CS method of character creation the Construction Set isn't difficult (install CS then File -> Data Files -> select Oblivion.esm -> create your NPC and place him/her outside the sewer exit -> exit the CS and it will prompt you for a name for your ESP). Finding the right cell for the sewer exit is a bit unintuitive ... you click on the dropdown selection box that says Interiors and scroll down to Tamriel. Then scroll down to ICPrisonSewerExit01 and select it. I find the UESP Wiki a valuable source of information (such as finding that location code). I start off from this UESP Wiki page mostly. For example to get to the right page for the sewer exit I click on the Aleswell link, then clicked for the map (upper right) scrolled the map to the Viverin/sewer exit area and then click on Imperial Prison Sewer.
  5. My own path was similar (such as stumbling on how those small geometry changes can help). I wouldn't create a character any other way than with the CS now (though other than possible refinements I think "my guy" is pretty well always going to be my guy, so no more starting from scratch). But then again, I have an affinity for complicated solutions to simple problems ... hehe.
  6. The file DLCShiveringIsles.esp is just that ... an empty ESP whose sole purpose is to get the game to load the assets found in DLCShiveringIsles.bsa. The rest of what the game needs to run SI is found in the replacement Oblivion.esm that shipped with that DLC (and I assume is the Oblivion.esm that GOG includes with their GotY edition that includes Shivering Isles). BOSS has DLCShiveringIsles.esp near the top of the load order in the section they label //Fixes for vanilla game bugs, everything else must be allowed to override these.// Does LOOT say it's placing it there because it's empty or is it placing it just below Oblivion.esm because you don't have any other ESM/ESPs that should go above it?
  7. Thank you GammaLeak for that thorough and accurate (in my opinion) description of installing Seamless for OCOv2. Well done! It is not only making small moves on the tone/colour sliders ... the geometry sliders can also be used in the same manner to good effect in working out the neckseam. My understanding of how the game translates those changes to tone/colour sliders on the face to the rest of the body is via the game's EGT files. As noted in Junkacc11's description of the problem in the original mod description for Seamless Neckseams - Vanilla Head Edition the vanilla game does not do a good job keeping the head EGTs and body EGTs syncronised when using anything beyond moderate slider positions. An excerpt from the original mod description (emphasis added): "These EGTs minimize the neckseam problem that plagues Oblivion characters and NPCs. This mod combines the most popular EGTs, namely OFF and SMOOTH so you can mix and match them to get the best of both worlds. The EGT files govern the complexion and tone of characters. Incompatible EGTs are the main reason neckseams in Oblivion are so noticeable. The head and body EGTs only work together for a very limited range of showracemenu slider values before going out of sync resulting in neckseams. This happens even with default Bethesda EGTs because... they didn't do a good job did they? The only fix for this was to use Optimized Facegen Files (OFF) by the_philanthropy.Personally, I love using OFF, it solves neckseam problems, but almost everyone standardized on Luchaire's body EGT and CapsAdmin's Smooth Head EGT. These two don't work well together and cause neckseams." From my own personal experience the other thing that really doesn't work in your favour for minimising neckseams during Chargen is the lighting in the tutorial prison cell, which leads me to my own method for creating my character. I create a character using the race I'd prefer and run through the vanilla game tutorial up to the point where you are just about to exit the prison sewers (where you first see the sewer exit in the distance). At that point I make a save. I then use the CS to create an NPC of the same race I selected and place the NPC just outside of the sewer exit on the dock across from Vilverin. I activate that ESP and then exit the sewer and see how he looks. I use the console to test in different lighting conditions/time of day. For all adjustments it's just a matter of exiting the game and editing his appearance in the CS. Once I'm satisfied with his appearance I use Wrye Bash to transfer that NPC's face from my ESP to my character. Then I can exit the sewer and start the game (or install my alternate start). I find the big advantage that the CS offers over the vanilla game Chargen is that all slider positions show their digital values, which you can change directly via the digital display rather than the sliders, making fine adjustments a breeze. The digital values also make it easy to revert any changes that don't work (if you keep track of the values as you go along). My theory on why sometimes a small adjustment can make or break the seam visibility is how (from my own limited understanding) the game uses the EGTs to create your final head/body skin tone. The slider positions are used to adjust how the game blends from one (or perhaps more) EGT file to the next and my theory is that it only makes changes in certain increments (for example lets say 1/10th of a percent). If the change that you make would change by less than that step change the game doesn't make any change until you move the slider enough to move up/down to the next blend step.
  8. First I'd like to thank you for that concise and complete description of installing Seamless in your other thread. Job well done! I'll make a post in that thread with some ideas I have and share my own Chargen method. I don't recall ever seeing a mod for removing the player's shirt during Chargen. Perhaps the console removeitem command could be a stopgap solution (open the console and then "player.removeitem 27319 1" and then Enter ... without the quote marks of course). Oblivion mods are primarily made using the Construction Set (CS). You can also use TES4Edit to create/alter ESPs for the game. What you are looking for shouldn't require OBSE ... I believe a simple game start quest script that uses the above console command should suffice (but if any scripters care to chime in with suggestions I will bow to their expertise, I am by no stretch of the imagination a scripter). The Elder Scrolls Construction Set Wiki is one source for info on using the CS.
  9. The key to having a password that is composed of random characters that is also twelve or more characters long is to use a phrase as the mnemonic. Let's take an example. The phrase "Sugar and spice makes everything nice" would help you remember the password S&smen (not twelve characters long but it does illustrate the idea). The ampersand adds complexity and it has a capital letter (also increasing complexity). It's surprising how long a password created using this method is still easy to remember. The WPA2 pre-shared key I use on my home router is 31 characters long and yet the phrase I have as a mnemonic is no trouble for me to remember. I have a 22 character password for my Administrator account and a different 19 character one for my regular log-in, each using a completely different phrase as a mnemonic. I like mnemonic phrases that are personal and unique to me as opposed to the one I used in the example. When the notice came out about needing us to switch to longer complex passwords it mentioned that we would be prompted by a certain date if we hadn't changed it. The date went by and more than a week passed and I wasn't prompted. When I finally decided to change it anyway I think I discovered why I wasn't forced to change mine ... the old one was 13 characters and included numbers and puctuation.
  10. Have you tried the workaround suggested by Googelmuggel on page two of this thread?
  11. Look at the step by step outlined in How to fix broken voices after installing some kind of mods (you'll be using the Construction Set, not OBMM).
  12. Did you answer Yes when prompted the first time you opened the Installers tab (see section 4a of Wrye Bash General Readme.html found on the Oblivion\Mopy\Docs folder)?
  13. Yes you can install mods on the Game of the Year version (GotY). If you want to install mods that require Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) be sure to follow the OBSE install instructions that are specifec to the Steam version of the game.
  14. That seems to have done the trick, thanks! Is this problem only for Oblivion or for the other TES and Fallout games too? If so, I'll know what to do if I encounter a similar problem next time. Can't say for certain as I don't have/follow those games (I do own Morrowind ... just never got around to installing it). The simplest way to determine if you may be running into a similar situation would be to compare the file dates on the game's BSAs to the approximate date that the game was released (e.g. Oblivion was released in 2006). Newer file dates will likely break archive invalidation methods that rely on file dates to work. Note that not all Bethesda games will necessarily use an archive invalidation method like BSA Redirection. Also not all Bethesda games will have a utility like OBMM with the ability to correct BSA file dates. A non-game related tool like File Date Changer can also be used.
  15. And another valued customer goes out the door. Two and a half million to go and we're back at square one... the HORROR... ... the K'sharra has come true!!! The horror ... the horror!! - Edit - Ya I know, smells cheesy as heck. Damn rats, always skirting about in the shadows.
  16. Think the OP may be referring to the autumn coloured trees in that area of the game as opposed to trees that grow oranges Jimmy. Only solution that I can see is to load up exteriors from that area in the CS and try to figure out which trees are the ones with the coloured leaves and then delete those replacements from Lush and Gaudy. See you were up and at 'em early ... best of the new year to ya.
  17. OK ... one of the problems frequently seen with the Steam version of the game is that they changed the dates of all of the vanilla game BSA files (e.g. Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa) to a modern date. BSA Redirection relies on the vanilla game BSAs being at the original release dates (back in 2006) so that ESPless replacements work via the BSA redirection method. Fortunately OBMM has an very simple way to correct that. Click on Utilities -> Archive Invalidation -> select BSA Redirection -> click on Reset BSA Timestamps -> click on Update Now -> done. - Edit - Installation order is OBSE then Blockhead, then body replacers, then OCO v2 then Seamless for OCO v2. Allow each step to overwrite previous steps.
  18. Each game has a separate forum associated with it. You can see all the supported games on this page. Many popular games have multiple sub-forums, and often you'll find one named <GameName> Mod Requests. That is the best place to request a mod that you can't find for a particular game. If you are having trouble with something related to a mod you are trying to install the mod comments (found on the tab named Posts on the mod's Nexus Mods page) is a good starting point ... you are probably not the first to run into trouble. If you don't find your answer there you can also look in the game's specific forum (from the list linked above) and see whether or not anyone has asked the same question and if their answers work for you. If all that fails start a new topic in the game's forum page outlining your problem and what you've tried yourself ... include as much information as you're able to (game version, whether or not you have script extenders installed, what other mods you are running etc). We all started out from the same place, knowing little or nothing about installing mods and overwhelmed by the jargon and acronyms. Remember the only stupid questions are the ones you don't ask.
  19. Took me long enough to figure out how to edit this ... long enough to forget what I was going to say.
  20. What form of archive invalidation are you using? Do you have MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp activated? Where is Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp in your load order? If you want seamless you need to use only the meshes and textures found in the Seamless for OCO v2 mod ... both body and head. You can substitute body meshes from SetBody Reloaded Blockhead Edition (Junkacc11 and Movomo worked together developing the seamless meshes). - Edit - Do you use the Steam version of the game?
  21. All of the AI flags are best left unchecked until you absolutely need to use one to get the result you want to achieve. One thing that took me the longest to appreciate is what you can do with the order that packages are listed for an NPC. The game processes from the top of the list to the bottom each time it evaluates which comes to great advantage when wanting certain conditions to cause a package to execute and have it ignored when those conditions aren't met. Chronological can't achieve that. - Edit - The full explanation for their following behaviour is explained on the UESP Wiki page Flags on Packages (see Continue if PC near at the top).
  22. Word of advice ... not from a Skyrim player but from an Oblivion old salt. Once you have a load order set don't make changes in mid-playthru. Sounds to me like you have enough experience with the game to have a pretty good idea what you like mod wise. Spend time getting your load order set and working properly and then spend time enjoying playing. By separating the two tasks (modding the game and playing) you have an opportunity to enjoy each aspect of the overall experience. When I started my current Oblivion character I spent over two weeks getting the load order for him exactly to my liking (mainly game-play changing mods that offered a chance to customise via INI edits, but some overlapped in function so a balancing act ensued). A lot of that time was spent play testing, and many of those play testing sessions would appear otherwise to an uninformed observer. Once satisfied I started out with an alternate start mod and I've been playing him ever since. I have a list of things I'll try different for the next guy, but who knows when that journey will begin.
  23. Have a look at Varel Morvayn and Enilroth in Anvil and/or Tun-Zeeus and Eitar in Leyawiin and compare their AI Packages and what you have set up so far. The following behaviour could also be a consequence of being there after the shop hours say it's closed (look at the home owner wander packages for examples of that, as well as the shop owners).
  24. Thx :smile: But how can I change my username xD No srsly.. I don't want that everyone can see my RL name x''D Request for this account to be closed and create a new one after it has been closed. Details found here and here (I believe the second link will be the one you'll use as a new user). - Edit - You will need to be on the Nexus Mods page rather than the forum page to begin this ... while you are logged in here on the forums follow this link and you'll see your avatar in the upper right corner. Click on your avatar picture and select Settings from the dropdown menu, which will bring you to the page shown in the demo clip shown on that second link above.
  25. Move Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp below MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp in your load order (or better yet don't install MaleBodyReplacerV5.esp at all ... Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp replaces it and it is not needed when using OCO v2). - Edit - Also, what form of archive invalidation are you using (BSA Redirection is the recommended method)? - Edit 2 - Just noticed you said Roberts bodies V12 ... which means you're talking about Roberts Female Body v13. Same initial advice applies concerning load order but I can't say for certain whether or not you need to use both ESPs or not as I've never used Roberts Female myself. Try load order first and if it doesn't help then try removing RTFemaleReplacerV12.esp from your Data folder. If you use a bashed patch then be sure to rebuild your bashed patch after both the load order change test and the remove the ESP test.
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